I Am Reptar!

Memory Thread - Kindergarten

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I Am Reptar!


Post by Un-Persona* »

((Ashley Namath -Memories- Continued from Nesip Tusm))

Ashley didn't want to come back to the new school today. When she had got yelled at yesterday for fighting with some of the kids, she didn't think anything would change much. It's not her fault other people were mean. The rule was that if you were nice to people, people would be nice to you, and that was showing itself to be a lie. But her parents had told her she had to go back anyway, didn't matter if she felt like it or not.

At least now she had time to play outside for a little bit, where she could find somewhere to be alone. She walked by herself to the shade of the big tree, her imagination keeping her busy. Ashley picked up a stick that was in the shape of the cane, swinging it and hearing it whistle against the air.


For all intents and purposes, this was now her magic wand. And with it's power, it would keep her safe. Till she had to go back inside that is. But for now, Ashley was okay with just drawing big lines in the sand with her wand-cane, marking where the barrier was, ones the others couldn't possibly cross.

Now protected, Ashley sat down criss-cross applesauce style and let her cane reach across the lines, scribbling drawings into the sand.
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Post by delicateMachine »

((Anzu Sakamoto's memories: Begin))

Recess brought very mixed emotions to Anzu. On one hand, you got to go outside and do stuff for a while, which was always fun. Well, maybe the "going outside" part. Doing stuff wasn't exactly a priority. On the other hand, everyone else seemed to take it as an invitation to be really loud and annoying. Anzu rather liked things to be peaceful and quiet, and she got uncomfortable when around large groups of people.

Thankfully, she'd managed to find a nice spot to hide away from her classmates. The Big Tree gave some really nice shade to sit under, and it was far enough away from the other kids to keep the background noise to a dull roar.

Today, however, there was a girl in her spot. Ashley, who talked sorta funny and got into fights a lot. Anzu didn't really care about that stuff, though. There was something much more important to deal with. "You're in my spot." Anzu pouted, staring at the intruder and inadvertently smudging the lines in the sand beneath her feet.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

As her barrier was diminished, Ashley's brow furrowed even more then it already had been. She looked up and saw Anzu staring down at her. Ashley hadn't fought with her yet. Guess everyone wanted their due.

"That's too bad. I was here first."

Ashley simply looked down back at the sand and used her wand to scurry up sand, both recreating her lines and getting sand on Anzu's clothes.

If people were nice to you, you be nice back. If people were mean to you...

No one had really told Ashley about that part.
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She was here first? That didn't matter, this was her spot! Ashley couldn't just come and take it like that! That wasn't the way that things worked! She scowled at Ashley, who was messing around with some stupid stick thing.

"It's mine! Get-"

She was cut off as Ashley used her stick to draw a line on the ground, sending sand flying at Anzu in a manner that had to be on purpose.

Now, while Anzu's mother had taken great pains to punish Anzu for any temper tantrums or acting out, at this early age she had not yet fully taken these lessons to heart and learned to hide her anger. So, now covered in sand and still angry at Ashley for taking her spot in the first place, she did the only logical thing she could think to do.

Anzu very deliberately kicked as much sand as she could at Ashley's face.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley had dropped her wand, bracing herself by covering her face with her arms from the oncoming sand attack. It hadn't done much to stop the gravel from getting on her face.

She stood up, spitting out some of the rocks and wiping what she could out of her eyes. Maybe she should just run away, find some other spot. Of course, there was a good chance that would belong to somebody else too. Her face grew darker and her teeth began to grind against themselves.

Glancing at Anzu, she already kinda looked like a big kid. She was definitely bigger then Ashley, at least. If Ashley could get her to leave her alone, maybe that would make sure others would to. She had promised her parents to not to get into any more fights, or else she'd be in trouble again.

She didn't want to be in trouble again, but she didn't want to go through this everyday either. It came down to what she knew she could deal with, even if she hated both.


This spot was overtaken by her now. Her palm found itself mushing Anzu's dumb face, bringing the both of them to the ground.
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Yeah, served Ashley right, taking her spot like that! Anzu stood triumphantly for a moment, basking in the glow of victory. She had singlehandedly retaken her rightful place in the world, and there was nothing that Ashley could do about it!

Anzu was so preoccupied with feeling awesome about herself that she failed to notice Ashley's face grow progressively darker as the girl slowly stood up, then charged at Anzu, mushing her face and bringing her to the ground with a squeal of pain.

She hadn't expected Ashley to actually fight back! Though Anzu hadn't felt any particular qualms with kicking sand at Ashley, Anzu certainly wasn't a fighter, and the other girl was probably stronger than her, anyway. Not wanting to risk any further pain, she panickedly rolled away from Ashley before kneeling up, warily looking at the girl.

"Alright, fine, you can have the stupid spot!" Anzu said, brushing as much sand as she could off of her clothes. She then scooched a safe distance over from Ashley, leaning back against the tree. "I'm not leaving, though." She mumbled quietly. The girl had earned the right to stay by the Big Tree, but Anzu definitely wasn't going to give her spot up entirely.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley rolled over as Anzu did, frankly shocked that the other girl had gone down so easily. She whipped her head back and forth, checking to see if anybody was going to tattle or if a teacher had seen her hit Anzu.

Not another person seemed to be looking at them. Ashley had gotten away with it. She blinked a few times, now feeling her hand stinging.

She scurried over to her original spot once Anzu began yelling at her. Ashley had won. Anzu still decided to stay around, but that didn't matter.

Ashley began to dust off her clothes. Trying to anyway. The sand had left her clothes all dirty, especially her white hoodie. That was fine, she could just hide it in her backpack. What she could not hide, was her glasses. She was about to clean them with the piece of cloth that her mom had gave her, before she noticed a small scratch on the left lens.

Her lip began quivering, her eyes were forming crocodile tears, and loud sobs were escaping.

She had been wrong.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Everything was right with the world for a short while. Anzu had her spot back, and though there was an unwelcome guest, she had moved far enough away for Anzu to ignore her. She simply leaned back against the tree, closed her eyes, and exhaled, enjoying the nice weather.

This peace was soon interrupted by the sound of teary sniffling, soon growing into all-out sobbing. Panicked, Anzu turned her head to see that Ashley had apparently taken the incident much less well than it had seemed at first.

"You can't just take it out on other people when you get angry, Anzu!" Her mom always said after Anzu had thrown a particularly violent tantrum. "It's only human to be angry, sometimes, but you have to try and calm yourself down before someone's feelings get hurt." Remembering this, Anzu finally came to the slow realization that she had messed up. Messed up really bad, this time.

"H-hey..." Anzu stammered, slowly approaching the crying girl. "I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean it, okay? I didn't-" The sudden stress of realizing her mistake along with Ashley's sobbing had gotten to her, and in the heat of the moment Anzu found herself bursting into tears as well.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley was now crying into her hands and shaking, trying to not get caught. If one of the workers caught her crying, they knew something would be wrong, and then she'd get into trouble for breaking her promise to her parents.

She didn't want her parents to think she was a liar.

And now Anzu was crying too, worse then Ashley was even. It was all Ashley's fault, because she didn't turn away. She crawled a bit closer to Anzu, looking at her with misty eyes and through foggy glass.

"...I-I'm thorry, I'm really, r-really, really thorry."

Ashley continued to wipe her face as she pleaded her apologies, choking back more whimpers.
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Post by delicateMachine »

"D-don't be sorry! It was all m-my fault!" Anzu said, tearfully sniffling as she futilely attempted to calm herself down before a teacher noticed them. However, the thought of being caught and having her mother scold her again stressed Anzu out enough that she only ended up breaking even further into tears.

Anzu's mind raced for any way to make things better again. "We c-can share this spot, alright? You can s-sit anywhere you want, and I'll stay f-far away from you and leave you alone?" It was too little, too late, but it was all Anzu could think of at the moment. Giving up the sanctity of her spot was a huge deal to Anzu, and she did feel truly guilty for what she had done.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley nodded to Anzu's truce, hoping things would be calm then.

"You-you can th-thit wherever ya want to...I-I don't mind."

Ashley sat down against the tree again, hearing a crack. She had broken her wand.

She threw the stick across and hugged herself into a ball, face buried into her knees, stiffed sobs making her shake.

"I-I r-really am thorry tho-though."
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Post by delicateMachine »

Anzu's face broke out into a tentative smile as peace was made, gradually managing to calm herself down, though an occasional sniffle still escaped.

Ashley, though, still seemed to be very sad, especially after accidentally breaking her stick. It had been a good stick, even if it had been used for evil.

"D-don't worry!" Anzu said as reassuringly as she could, though her voice still quivered slightly. "I-it's okay, really!" At a loss for anything else to say, she scooted a bit closer and hugged Ashley.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Maybe it was just the surprise of being squeezed so suddenly, but Ashley has stopped sobbing, her breath having calmed.

She stared out into the sky before she decided to return the hug, wrapping her arms tightly around Anzu.

It was time to be nice now.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Hugs were a powerful force, indeed. Both girls quickly calmed down completely, though the sand still remained as a reminder of their not-so-distant fight. It didn't really seem to matter anymore, though.

Anzu eventually separated herself from Ashley, and thought for a moment, her face grave. "Alright." She said somberly, in the manner of one performing a sacred ritual. "From now on, this is going to be our spot. Okay?" She wasn't able to hold the serious face for long, soon grinning happily. Having to share her spot didn't seem too bad, anymore.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley nodded to Anzu's statement. Yeah, that seem like it could work. They could be all alone together.

There was water on her face again, but they weren't tears. Rain was pouring from the leaves of the big tree.

A flash of lightning and a crackle of thunder made her jump. The teachers were yelling for them to come inside.

So Ashley grabbed Anzu's hand, and they walked back to class.

((Ashley Namath - Memories - Fin))
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