Cole Peters

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Cole Peters


Post by Blastinus* »

Name: Cole Albert Peters
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight 185
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Kills: One or None
Weapon: Heater Shield

Appearance: Caucasian, with a short buzzcut, almost to the scalp. Cole has a muscular, wiry figure, with a clean-shaven, cleft-chinned, triangular face and prominent cheekbones. He has a deep, husky voice and tends to talk slowly, as if deep in thought. During the winter, he wears a brown leather jacket with a fuzzy inner lining, underneath which is a black sweater and blue jeans. For added protection, he also wears heavy black snow boots and a dark blue stocking cap with an accompanying red scarf. This is the outfit he wore during the day he was abducted.

Interests: Cole's interests are mainly outdoorsy. An Eagle Scout, he loves camping and nature hikes, having gone camping with his Boy Scout troop far too many times to count. He's also fond of whitewater rafting, and he and his father went down the Colorado River (partway) when he was 16. Anything that gets him out into the fresh air will always pique his interests, and he's a natural explorer at heart.

History: Cole's family has shown distinguished military service since the time of his great grandfather. His father Jason Peters served his two tours of duty during the early 2000's while his wife Hannah worked as an accountant for a manufacturing firm. Born into this environment in August of 2007, the first six years of Cole's childhood were spent with a father serving overseas and a mother constantly busy with work, though at least she had the option to work from home. As a result, when his father came home from service in 2013, Cole found it difficult to connect with him, especially when Jason began grooming his son for active service against his will. Physical fitness and Boy Scouts activities were less recommendations as they were outright orders, and frequently Jason and Hannah would clash over how Cole would live his life. Not helping matters is that while he enjoyed Scouting, Cole has dug in his heels about other aspects, with varying success. In particular, he absolutely refused to learn how to hunt since he loved animals and didn't want to kill them.

Nonetheless, just last year, Cole's father informed him that he'd been signed up to join the army after his graduation, whether he wanted to or not. Angered over this, but unable to make a living for himself, Cole has recently fallen into despondency, still living his life how he normally would but displaying little enthusiasm, and his grades have suffered for it. What was once a solid A average has slipped down into the lower B levels, and though he puts in the token effort to do his homework, he shows little signs of improving.

Personality: Despite what his muscular appearance would suggest, Cole is actually a gentle and friendly individual. He enjoys being around animals and finds squirrels, rabbits, and other small fluffy animals to be especially adorable. He's always willing to lend a hand when someone needs help with something, and he's quick to apologize if he feels like he hurt someone's feelings. He is, however, bottling up an immense amount of frustration over how he has almost no control in his life, and that manifests itself in gloominess and a tendency towards introspection and heavy sighing. If he sees someone being bullied or picked on, he'll move to defend them, but he's otherwise not confrontational and will try to find a diplomatic solution to grievances.

Reputation: Cole is known to his peers at school as a nice fellow who will always do you a favor, no matter what. He's not very charismatic or popular, but he's nonthreatening and well-regarded. He hasn't told anyone about his home situation, so all his classmates know is that he's been depressed and moody as of late.
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