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she doesn't know chat

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:50 am
by apocalypseyuri
Yu-Mi was always terrible at waking up. She was just lazy, she supposed. But hey, what’s so wrong with being lazy, really? You only have one life, so enjoy it. Do whatever you want.

For someone who loved sleeping so much, Yu-Mi didn’t dream that often. If she did, she forgot them; she was just forgetful, she supposed. Still, she did dream occasionally–everyone does. She dreamed of flowers, often, mostly poppies, unfurling beautiful vivid red. Sometimes, she dreamed of living. Just once, she dreamed of blooming.

A06: Yu-Mi Lee – Bloom Begin!

Yu-Mi’s eyes opened to nothingness (again). It didn’t matter. She could’ve opened her eyes to the fires of hell and she still wouldn’t have reacted. All of her thoughts had dissolved into a buzz, static pooling out of her ears as if even her very mind had glitched. It was nothing to worry about, though. She was just terrible at waking up.

Some cognizance returned to Yu-Mi, and with it, feeling in her limbs. Slowly, languidly, she sat up, leaning on the backpack that she had been given.

Huh. You’d think she’d be feeling it by now.

The dread, that is. The horror. Maybe even the rage, some nausea. Some reaction towards the horrific situation she’d been put into. Right now, though, she felt…nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Static. She was just in shock, she supposed. It’ll come sooner or later.

Her dull eyes swept the room. “...christ,” Yu-Mi mumbled. “It’s like a thirteen-year-old boy with unrestricted internet access threw up aaaaaall over the place.” The vulgar mess that had been made of a place she had grown so familiar with, like it or not, flabbergasted her more than anything. What was even the point? No, seriously, what was it? They were all already in the palm of their hands–whoever they were, anyways. Initiative Earth. Okay? Whatever. In the corner of her eye, she could see the clock ticking down.


Ninety-six hours. A deadline that felt so close and yet so far away. She’d…try not to worry about it, for now. Was that unwise? She was just a coward, she supposed.

The gears in Yu-Mi’s head finally began to turn in a meaningful way, and she unzipped her daypack, beginning to root through it. As she did, she became aware of what her issue was. Yu-Mi was not all there. Her body was there, yes, but her mind, her self was somewhere else. She was in a glass dome, but she was also outside of it, watching her body move. An animal in a zoo exhibit. Stars in a planetarium. The dream and the dreamer. Disorienting as it was, it was probably better than freaking out. Also, it’s kinda nice having someone to watch over you. Yu-Mi squinted up at the ceiling. I’ll keep doing my best, then.

Inside the daypack, there was food–her appetite couldn’t be smaller, but thanks–a pillow, an assault rifle, a first aid kit, an assault rifle???? Yu-Mi cautiously hefted it in her hands, her eyes wide.


They really, really weren’t kidding, then. Not like she thought this was a prank or anything, but still… Having a gun in her hands really put the situation into perspective. Super not like she hadn’t understood anything that had happened in their lobby classroom, but…well, you know what she means. Speaking of that, Zeph was a psyop this whole time? That would’ve been really funny if it wasn’t so stupid. And sad. And… Had he really hated them all this time? Yu-Mi had thought they were friends. She thought…

…she always hated when people acted nice when they actually didn’t like her. Like, just say it to her face. She was always honest. It saved everyone a lot of trouble, didn’t it? And why such a hater? They were just a bunch of kids. Get a life. (You know, one of those things she really wanted.)

Zeph’s shenanigans weren’t the only thing that happened in that room. Mr. Franklin died. Was shot. Well he wasn’t really shot that was like in the game but he died in real life he definitely died in real life she saw it with her own two eyes he died. Her homeroom teacher, who she saw almost every day, died.

(INSERT QUIP ABOUT like, video games, i dunno anymore man)

Yu-Mi blinked. Well. Okay. That…sucked. She’d definitely feel bad about that later. As she watched her body flip through the handbook in the daypack, thoughts drifted through the static cloud. Where was her body now–her real one, the one outside CR? Was her mom okay? Was school, like, canceled forever now? Because if she survived this and got like an extra month’s break that’d be pretty cool. Survived this. She wanted to survive. She just didn’t want to die here, she was sure about that. But, what did that desire entail? In the grand scheme of things, what did it mean? What did it imply? What would she do?

…what was she gonna do? That was a great question, actually. She could just sit here like a dope and pray this is all a lucid dream, or she could wander around aimlessly in search of her classmates–

With a painful–now that was a feeling!--jolt, Yu-Mi returned to her body. Her classmates. Her friends–the ones of which who weren’t psyops, that is. Her girlfriend. Oh shit, Sunny. Sunny, and Sol, and Ángel, and–fuck. Fuck. Her heart was pounding; she was alive now. She was definitely alive, and she had a goal. At least, the needle of her compass was pointing somewhere instead of just spinning around like an idiot. She needed to find them, Sunny most of all. The thought of something having happened to them, even if it had only been such a short while, sent those long-awaited shivers down her spine.

Maybe somebody really was looking out for her, because the last item in her daypack was a mechanical watch. Even just a skim of the handbook in her pack–they wanted her to read, what is this, school–had given her a pretty good grasp of its purpose. The screen activated, revealing that of a radar. Yu-Mi fiddled with the dials on the side, then watched the screen. Hm. That wasn’t totally clear. Still, Sunny had to be one of these little dots, right? She’d find her, and everyone. Eventually. She wouldn’t rest until she knew they were alive.

Yeah, that felt good to say. She wouldn’t rest until then. She had something definite–and non-murderous!--to live for. Well, she had a lot of things to live for–good food, fun games, screwing around with her friends, laughing with the ones she loved, the vivid colors and bright red feelings–but that was a tangible goal. This, she could reach. This, she could nurture until it bloomed. (Hopefully. She didn’t want it to wither.)

With newfound strength, even if her mind only felt attached to her body by a cord lowered from the heavens, Yu-Mi stood, slinging the dayback over her back. She fitted the radar-watch-thing on her wrist and decided to keep the gun on her. She didn’t, like, want to tilt someone’s towers (QUIP LOCATED) but it would be good to have a weapon on her just in case.

You never know.

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:11 am
by JacobAllTradez
Continued from Ain't That A Brick To The Head?

Soledad's trek continued for what felt like days, when really, it had only been a few hours or so. Lucky for her, she was relatively used to these sorts of long walks, having traversed up and down and just about every which way in the school. Yet this one felt different. Different in the sense that this one could be the last time.

Soledad examined the area around her, taken aback almost by the condemned state of these classrooms. Desks scattered about without care or order, some even lying on their side, windows shattered to pieces with tiny shards of glass everywhere you turned, posters ripped to shreds, and--

As Soledad turned her head towards the wall, she raised an eyebrow at one particular word. A word that was, to put it mildly, offensive.

"Christ, is that what people say about gay people?" Soledad asked out loud, shaking her head at their ignorance. "That's messed up."

Soledad continued her walk, the slur now a distant memory as she hummed to herself. So far, she hadn't come across anyone, at least, not as far as she knew, but the very moment she saw someone, she was going to be ready. Ready to do whatever it took to stay alive in this godforesaken school. Ready to--


To do what, exactly?

That Soledad did not know.

She paused in her tracks, her head lowered to the ground as she scratched her chin, her mind contemplating various options. Was it worth putting up a trap now in a room that more resembled an apocalyptic wasteland? Or would later be best, in a place more fit for such an idea? The thoughts kept spinning in Soledad's mind like a top, unsure of what her path entailed--

Only for her ears to catch a pained groan.

Soledad's eyes widened, her body immediately hunched in a combative position, her hands appearing more like claws as she scanned the area. Was someone else here? If so, who was it? Soledad unzipped her bag, pulling out her sledgehammer, slowly creeping towards the unusual sound.

"H-hello?" She called out. "Y-you good or something?"

The moaning voice only became louder with each step Soledad took, her mind processing multiple ideas as to who this might be. A wounded contestant? A companion in combat? A cry for help? Soledad's hands began to tremble, the sweat slowly dripping from her forehead as her eyes finally caught a glimpse of the figure.

"Oh, thank god." Soledad thought to herself, as she happened upon Yu-Mi, unsteady on her feet and just catching a glimpse of the world they now shared, her eyes appearing as if she had seen a ghost, maybe more. On Yu's back was a bag of her own, not as big as Soledad's, but more portable. That wasn't important to Soledad, however, what really caught her attention was this unusual mechanical watch now placed on her wrist. One that held much power from what little she saw.

Oh, and there was also a gun, but Yu-Mi was a gentle soul, not one to hurt a fly. With everything coming to full view, Soledad's body relaxed as she lowered her sledgehammer, opting to use her signature call to Yu, one that she had made her go-to anytime she wished to start a conversation with her:


Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:51 am
by apocalypseyuri
Yu-Mi was just getting ready to leave when a familiar voice reached her ears. She froze. Could that really be…? Nah, nah, she was probably hearing things. Her luck couldn’t be good enough to stumble upon one of the people she was looking for within seconds. Hell, this whole situation proved her luck was no good. (That explained all those shitty gacha rolls.) But but but, maybe luck worked on a kind of scale situation? Like, if you get a lot of bad luck, good luck will come to balance it out. Wasn’t a set of scales a symbol of luck? Wait, no, that was justice.

Hearing movement nearby, Yu-Mi tensed slightly, before immediately relaxing upon seeing who was causing it. Speak of the devil. “Soooool!” she cried out in return, waving at the other girl–oops, she quickly changed her waving hand to the one not holding a rifle. Taking a few steps closer to Soledad, she continued, “I was just thinking about you! Wooow, I must be psychic. I’m, um, glad to see you’re okay though. Like, really glad.” She flushed at the sudden sincerity.

Yu-Mi rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “So, heh… Some situation, huh?” It was a stupid thing to say, but she figured Soledad had grown a tolerance for that. You kind of had to if you were Yu-Mi’s friend. Words falling out of her mouth carelessly was just a regular occurrence in Yu-Mi’s life; at this point, she just thought of it as part of her charm. “I mean, even if you hate the way Overwatch 2 came out, this is going waaaay too fuckin’ far, y’know?” Her eyes fell upon the sledgehammer Soledad was holding. “They gave us lootboxes and everything. Speaking of which, what’d you get?”

Whatever Soledad had gotten, Yu-Mi wasn’t worried. She knew Sol, she wouldn't go on some random killing spree, unless the thing she was killing was someone's pride. She was Yu-Mi’s friend. Well, so was Zeph, but…it…it was totally different! Soledad was the type to not hold back on her opinions; that was one of the things Yu-Mi appreciated about her. Plus, they were almost always together. If Soledad was secretly evil or, like, thirty-five years old, Yu-Mi would know. Just…let her have a friend, jeez. Can’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch, even if her mood was kinda rotten. It was fine, it was a shallow rot. It’ll pass. Don’t worry. She never worries! “It’s actually super funny you found me, because I was just about to go look for you. Figured the best thing I can do right now is find everyone I care about.” Playfully, Yu-Mi tapped on her temple. “We totally do have a connection! Clown-to-clown communication.” The jokes were coming easier now, and although she still felt light-headed, the Soledad’s presence grounded her more in her own body, roots she could lay down. For a moment, she could pretend she was in some weird yet harmless game, joking around with a friend.

“Look what I got.” She offered the wrist with the watch on it to Soledad, pressing the button so the screen would activate. “It’s, like, super cool spy shit. It doesn’t like, display names or anything, just weird numbers, but at least I know where people are. I wanted to use this to find you, and Sunny, and our other friends. Hey, if they brought us to the hospital, do you think we have adjacent beds? That’d be fucking awesome.” The words tumbled out of her mouth as soon as the thought entered her mind. Ideally, she’d be between–or at least nearby–Sunny and Soledad. Dying with all your loved ones surrounding you something something something let’s be hospital ward besties!

The thought of dying on a hospital bed did put her on edge, though, so she pushed it away.

“You wanna go look around this place and see what we can find? Like how many forms of ‘shit’ those losers can spray paint on the walls before they run out of ideas. Ooh! Do you think they have spray paint coded in somewhere? Maybe we can get our hands on it and spray over their shit. Things they’d hate, like…uh, I dunno…kittens and puppies? I mean, I know how to draw kittens and puppies. It’s like, fuckin…circle for the head, triangles for the ears… We can do the ‘world is a fuck’ image.”

Shuffling slightly in place, Yu-Mi narrowly avoided stepping on some of the glass shards littering the ground. “You are gonna come with me, riiiight? Oh, and, did you run into anyone beforehand? Like Ángel, or Amy, or, um, Sunny?”

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:32 am
by JacobAllTradez
Oh good, she heard her. Soledad walked up to Yu-Mi, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll say!" She exclaimed. "Could've given us a heads up before putting us in Cyber Hunger Games!" Soledad shook her head, letting out a small, bitter chuckle. "I mean, fuck, at least Overwatch 2 was funny in a vaccum or something like that." She said in response to Yu's comment. There was no getting around it, Yu-Mi had said some...interesting things in her life, but that was what made her so fun, you could cobble up whatever word salad came from your mouth and somehow, you'd get an enthralling conversation out of it.

"Anyways, I got this sick-looking sledgehammer!" Soledad pulled out the hammer, its golden and black figure laid bare for Yu-Mi to see. I think you can use this to bludgeon people, sort of like they do in zombie movies!" She paused, her eyes squinted as she stared at the majestic hammer. "Huh. Y'know, I think that sledgehammer would be better used on someone I actually hate." With that, Soledad set the sledgehammer down. What use would it be here? Yu-Mi wouldn't hurt a fly anyway. Well, at least not intentionally, worst that would happen is that she'd accidentally swat one and then panic about it.

"Yeah, I'm pretty glad I found you too," Soledad nodded. "I've been walking forever trying to find someone to talk to and until now, no dice." She smirked, examining the condemned state of the classrooms. "Didn't think I'd find anyone in this dump." For that quick remark, Yu-Mi would playfully tap on Soledad's temple, causing the prankster to lightly pat Yu-Mi on the shoulder in retaliation. "Hey now, I'm not Wi-Fi," She spoke in a teasing matter. "Everyone knows I run on cellular data!" Soledad couldn't help but laugh at that one, a truly punny showcase this conversation was.

Soledad's attention then turned Yu-Mi's wrist, the mechanical watch's screen activating with an almost glitch-like assortment of digits, her eyes widening as the watch did its magic. "Whoa, that's some cyberpunk shit right there." Soledad exclaimed, thank god she was terrible at math, or she'd be trying to add all these numbers up.

And then Yu-Mi got morbid. Again, it happens, word salad comes to you and the next you know, you're talking about what you'd wear for a winter day on Venus. Something about in adjacent beds inside a hospital? Soledad didn't know, there were too many thoughts in this figuratively bloated head to keep up. "If they don't, I'm kicking their ass with whatever doesn't hurt." Soledad stated in a dull, flat tone.

It wouldn't be until Yu-Mi suggested looking around the classrooms that Soledad perked up again, having her own stories to tell. "Oh, I already saw an F slur." Soledad claimed matter-of-factly. "I don't know why, a gay person never hurt anybody, but," Soledad shrugged. "I guess they're stupid, I don't know. They're not relevant anyway." Ah, there was that free-spirited side of Soledad, condemning bigotry and calling them irrelevant. "Anyways, I wanna go tape up some of these pictures, we could make it like a museum of fuck or something!" She proclaimed, pulling out the scotch of tape from her bag. "No worries, Yu-Mi, I got you." Soledad said, flashing a laid-back smile. "We'll take on this classroom and make it baseline tolerable!"


"And maybe we'll see Sunny or something, where the FUCK is your lady, man?"

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:07 am
by apocalypseyuri
“I meaaaan, I guess they kind of did? They stuck us in that lobby place–-or did I make that up?” That would explain why she felt so distant to it. Maybe it wasn’t real. Eh, well, none of this was real, but it was technically real, just in a different state of real. Yu-Mi had spent a large portion of her life in Cyber Reality. To say it wasn’t real at all would be like saying she hadn’t actually lived half her life, and that was…not true. She wouldn’t accept that.

Their homeroom teacher was certainly dead, though. That was real. At least, she thought so. Not like she wanted that to happen, that’s fucked up, but like, to ground herself, she–she didn’t want to be grounded here. She would like to float away. More static poured out of Yu-Mi’s ears.

“Oh, damn. I got a gun.” Yu-Mi hefted it up a little, cautious about not pointing it at Soledad just in case. “Eh. Eheheh. You say that like you were planning to use it on me, Sol!” She giggled nervously. “You’re so silly. But I’d rather not use this on anyone,” she inclined her head towards her gun, “unless I absolutely hafta.” Whenever Yu-Mi started to wonder what would happen if she actually did have to kill someone, she suddenly found herself above the dome again. Right, right, I’ll do my best. “I’d like to not…kill my classmates. Y-you know what I’m sayin’, it’s obvious. I dunno why I’m telling you this.” Perhaps her goal was just an excuse to not have to grapple with the concept. Wouldn’t that be funny? Even her newfound sense of purpose would have roots in her being lazy and avoidant.

“Wait, seriously? Like, Soledad-forever or actually forever? Because I just woke up.” The thought of herself being late to the metaphorical party was perturbing, actually. What if she missed something really important? Fuck, were her sleeping habits so bad that she overslept even in here? She nudged a shard of glass with her shoe. “It’s like a forgotten grunge album cover in here.” Soledad’s playful teasing caused Yu-Mi’s face to brighten. “Aw, that’s a shame. What’s your bill?”

“Cool, right? I got really lucky. I almost forgive gacha games now.” It wasn’t intentional, not really. She couldn’t help it if her mind wandered to dark thoughts in a dark situation. She couldn’t help it if her mind wandered far, far away. (It’s actually really hot on Venus, so you’d be dressing for summer fun instead.)

“Huh. I guess they’re really gunning for that shooter game vibe.” Yu-Mi could argue that a gay person has, very much, hurt someone. For example, that time when an online friend of hers called her at 5:AM in the morning, insisted it was urgent, and then made a stupid, overly long joke and got off of the call. Horrific.

…thinking about such things just made her kind of bummed now, though. She wondered how all her online friends were doing. Were they playing games without her? Even if they never saw her in person, did they care about her absence, did they feel any sort of emptiness? Not that Yu-Mi wanted to be missed, she wasn’t gone, she was just…thinking. She should stop thinking.

“They gave you tape? That’s pretty useless.” The ramifications of her statement only hit her when the words were out of her mouth. “I mean, I doubt they’d give you something totally useless, though. Unless they’re into gag items. Which they probably are.” Yu-Mi winced internally at her own statements, getting secondhand embarrassment from her own self. She smiled at Soledad, albeit a bit limply. “You’re takin’ this really well, Sol. Guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else.”

She threw up her unarmed hand. “That’s what I’d like to know too! She’s…somewhere, I’m sure. In this building, probably, hiding or holding her own…” Yu-Mi suddenly frowned. “Hey, you think they moved her somewhere where she doesn’t have to worry about her connection issues? You think getting disconnected would set off the killswitch?” Her eyes flickered around the room as anxiety began to creep in. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but it was better than nothing. “Hm, speaking of connection, I wonder how stable this whole thing is.” Yu-Mi kicked the wall. “Ow.”

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:11 pm
by JacobAllTradez
"I thought it was homeroom." Soledad stated, staring right at the wall by them. "Speaking of which, prayers up to Mr. Franklin, poor guy didn't do anything wrong and some cyber-terrorist got to him." Soledad shook her head, still amazed that this Zeph kid, someone who had been considered a pleasant guy to be around, turned out to be a sadistic chump.

Soledad wouldn't have time to dwell on this for long, as Yu-Mi would innocently pull up a gun, her eyes staring at the trigger. "Oh fuck, you got the fatality weapon." She exclaimed, pointing at Yu-Mi's weapon. "Yeah no, gun beats out sledgehammer any day of the week, you kidding?" Soledad remarked in a fast, almost-rushed manner as she made a mental note not to drive Yu-Mi off the deep end. "Not like you'd actually use it anyway, unless you wind up coming across a crazy person or something." Soledad nodded, thinking about all the crazy hobos and homeless people who have chased after her over the years.

"Knowing me, probably the former," Soledad cackled. "I'm shit with time management anyway so I'm thinking it's nighttime when it's the afternoon." Soledad shook her head, kicking a shard of glass away, it was fine, she had shoes on, no need to worry about getting anything stuck under his feet. Soledad then heard Yu-Mi respond to her quips, smirking confidently. "$9.99, batteries included, ninety-nine cents without them." With that, Soledad kept her shit-eating grin in place, truly she had nailed it.

"Maybe? You'd think it'd come from the people playing, though." Soledad said, raising an eyebrow. "Most people I know who play these games are pretty shit." Soledad briefly thought about that time she got into Call of Duty. Not her greatest expedition given how overstimulating all the visuals were. That and the constant gamer talk (AKA, sexism, racism, ableism, really any ism under the sun) wore thin real quick...

"Oh, don't worry," Soledad said, relieved over Yu-Mi's change of subject. "I have my ways around it," Soledad claimed, nonchalant in her tone or expression, usually a bad sign if you were hoping to avoid a practical joke or two. "Besides, I think it could come in handy in case someone tries to mess with us." Soledad nodded, remeniscing about the time she had made all the underwear that one jerk wore a Frankenstein-esque monster, all because they made Yu-Mi cry. Disappropriate retribution? Perhaps, but at the times, it was justified.

"She probably got moved to another room because they want to keep people separate. That way, they can get more people killed or something dumb like that." Soledad paused upon saying that, realizing how bad that sounded without an addendum. "N-not that I think Sunny's dead or anything, I'm pretty sure she's alive!"

With one potential crisis adverted, Soledad looked at the walls, watching as Yu-Mi kicked at it, wincing at the inverse response. "Yeah, that's stable alright. More stable than the perfect classrooms. Crapped out twice before I came here."

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:11 am
by apocalypseyuri
“Y-yeah, it’s…freaky.” Yu-Mi rubbed her gun arm. “What did he ever do to them? Liiiike, did Mr. Franklin give Zeph a demerit for being late to homeroom or something?” An insecure laugh floated out of her lips. “Hell, what did we ever do to them?” A twinge of anger crept down her spine. What was the point of all of this? To make some sort of statement? Senseless violence? It was all fun and games until real lives were at stake. (Or maybe it is still fun and games.)

“Mm, yeah, rock beats paper and gun beats hammer. They gave me a handbook and everything. I’m a high tier fighter, apparently. Well, everyone would pick me even if I wasn’t, because I’m sooooo cute.” This would be so much fun if it was just a harmless CR game. Probably is fun for Initiative Smurf. What she would give to be out of her own head at the moment. Hey, to the me above the glass dome, is this fun for you? “Do ya really think anyone’s gonna, uh, play?” Yu-Mi would like to believe none of her classmates would be so quick to murder, but the incident with Zeph had shaken her faith.

“Sometimes 2:PM is good morning, and sometimes 3:AM is goodnight, and sometimes it is nighttime in the afternoon–I fucking hate daylight savings.” Yu-Mi clucked her tongue. “I’ll skip the batteries.” She smiled, now. Fun and games.

“Ugh, fucking tell me about it. That’s what private lobbies are for, though.” Is this the sort of experience that people who play ego-shooters go for? One time, Yu-Mi had even considered trying one herself, just to see what it felt like. She didn’t go through with it, of course, which in hindsight was probably the best thing she could’ve done; the only thing she felt right now was an unpleasantness that swirled around in her head, a field of confused numbness that occasionally sprouted with anxiety and anger and dread. Don’t think, just focus on Soledad. Don’t think.

“True! You’ve always been the resourceful one. I’m sure you can cook up something.” She flashed Soledad a grin. “Hey, remember that one time you kept dumping out that bio teacher’s thermos and replacing the tea with energy drinks, and he didn’t notice until like, a week in? What a dumbass.” Yu-Mi quickly shook her head. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure she’s fine. If somebody had died, they’d probably have signaled it to us somehow, like a pop-up or a noise cue, Hunger Games style. You know what’s the funniest thing they could do right now? Add microtransactions. Five MurderBucks for food, ten MurderBucks for a cool gun, fifteen MurderBucks and we’ll punch old Zephy boy in the face for you. That might even get me to kill! But not actually, obviously,” she clarified quickly.

Soledad’s statement caused Yu-Mi’s ears to perk up. “Really? Ya think we could use that to our advantage? Like, maybe if we overload the server enough, the whole thing will short-circuit so we can disconnect without activating the killswitch.” It was a far-fetched hope, but to Yu-Mi, something was better than nothing. “That would really piss them off, I think. You’d think a bunch of scary ol’ hackers would put their murder game in a more stable server.” She tried to kick the wall again, but when she did so, her foot began to feel odd. For a moment, it stayed stuck in the wall, before dislodging itself, causing Yu-Mi to stumble backwards slightly. “Uh, I think this room has some problems too.”

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:03 am
by JacobAllTradez
Soledad shook her head, unsure of what the true answer is. "For all I know, the guy was a secret agent all along and faked whatever life he had to lure us in a sense of security," She took a breath upon saying this. "But what do I know? I never knew him that well outside of homeroom." It's not like she was wrong, homeroom was the only place Soledad had any contact with Zeph, contact that was minimal at best. "Or maybe he's just a cyberterrorist, yeah, that seems like a logical answer." It wasn't, but Soledad nodded, content with her response.

"You got that right, gun does beat hammer," Soledad said, conceding the point to her. The high-tier fighter though? Well, that was a different story, a shit-eating grin now plastered on Soledad's face. "You wanna go bro?" She quipped, chuckling upon seeing Yu-Mi's reaction, patting her own bat soon after. "Calm down Yu, that's the last thing either of us need right now. Besides, I'd get my ass handed to if I fought someone for real." She nodded again, fully convinced that this was why she got the sledgehammer and tape. "Man," Soledad sighed, "I just realized that if this was Fall Guys, we'd be in the middle of some dumb obstacle course by now. That would make this a lot more tolerable ,don'tcha think?" Soledad paused, realizing that she had not answered Yu-Mi's question, speaking in a rapid and dull tone, "Yeah, people are gonna play, we have no say in that matter and I fucking hate it."

Soledad clapped her hands as soon as Yu-Mi cursed out Daylight Savings Time, "A-men sister! Fuck Daylight Savings Time, all my homies hate Daylight Saving Times." Now this was the kind of word salad Soledad wanted to be a part of.

"Oh trust me, private or public, whatever it is, it's going to be full of toxic people spewing stupid shit. That's just reality." Soledad slapped her arms toward her sides, the eventuality of toxic gamer mentality seeping into Soledad's mind. Still, it was better than thinking about dying against your will, so she managed to cope with the disappointment as best she could.

As the conversion continued, Yu-Mi brought up an old memory from the B.Z days, Before Zeph as she decided on just a few seconds ago, replacing tea with an abhorrent mixture of energy drinks had led to some of the most wild moments in her life. An uber-hyper teacher rambling about anything and everything he could think of before crashing hard, a light chuckle came from her throat as she reminisced. "All it cost me was a week's worth of detention and some extra homework, I say I'd made out like a bandit with that one." Soledad sighed, smiling at that memory. "But seriously, Sunny's fine. Until I hear some sort of boom or boosh sound, I ain't believing it, and I mean BOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSCCCH!"

Soledad's sound effect, combined with her flailing arms created an almost atmospheric landscape for Yu-Mi, perhaps one too realistic for her, especially given the circumstance. Not helping with this was Soledad's saliva, hurtling towards every which way possible. Soledad stopped soon after, coming to terms with it being a little too unnerving. "...Too soon?" She asked.

"Ah hell, give us twenty and you can run the game for us!" Soledad proclaimed, "Besides, there's a couple companies out there who could use a new voice." Atari, Electronic Arts, Konami, all these abysmal gaming companies in desperate need of something, anything, to make them seem less soulless. There was one more matter to discuss, the possbility of server-overload. Upon hearing Yu-Mi's idea, she shook her head, going near lifeless in her voice. "No, we can't do that. If we overload the system, I think that would kill everyone, including us." Her tone picked up soon after, gathering her own idea. "Escaping the game, however, that's a different story entirely. Not sure how we'd pull it off, but I'm sure someone good with technology would pick it up." It was, at the very least, a poignant thought.

And then Yu-Mi's foot got stuck on the wall.

"Yu lagged on!" Soledad cackled, clapping her hands on the glitchy sight, at least until her hands got stuck together and her mouth went wide open, a matter that stopped after a few seconds, the prankster clutching onto her head and staring into at Yu-Mi's eyes.

"Yu-Mi, we better get outta here."

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:43 pm
by apocalypseyuri
“Super secret hacker or not, what a weird fuckin’ thing to do, pretending to be a high school student and making friends with them and whatnot. Like, that’s alwaaaays gonna be weird no matter the context.” Yu-Mi bit her lip. “We used to game a lot. I do that with everyone, I know, but it’s still weird.” It was both a funny and disturbing thought, this random adult(?) man playing with her. And yeah, she had online friends who were older than her, but they weren’t lying about their age or anything like that. It was freaky. “And he has the nerve to complain and call us the losers? Get a life!”

“Awwww, come ooooon! Lemme have this.” She pouted, but her lips quickly curled upwards in a smile again. “Nah, I would too. So let’s not fight, kay?” Yu-Mi rolled her eyes playfully. “It’d be a lot more entertaining than these fuckass classrooms, that’s for sure. Imagine if it was oh my god among us in real life.” Acute agony. Soledad’s statement caused her to fidget. “That’s…a bummer.” It was absolutely more than a bummer, but that was the only way Yu-Mi could put it. She had never been a poet. “I guess we just gotta stay out of the way of those creepos.”

“Cyber reality,” she corrected with a smirk. “Ewww, what if this place becomes like a COD lobby? I mean, we’ve already got the slurs… Twelve MurderBucks per hate crime. You know what’s really fucking bad, though? TF2 lobbies. For all the fanbase likes to crow that it’s super fun and accepting it’s really toxic. And it sucks because I like TF2! Well, I like the comics. Can’t believe they never finished them. I don’t wanna die before they finish the TF2 comics,” she whined. There were a lot of things, actually, she wanted to see before she died. So just a little more time, please, a little more time… “Hey, is there anything you wanna see before you die, Sol?”

“It was soooo funny. I remember when he started talking about his divorce, I was trying so hard not to laugh. Is that mean? I don’t care, it was really funny.” Normally she would make a comment about it being a class worth not sleeping through, but Yu-Mi honestly kind of liked biology. Well, okay, what she liked was being able to spend time in the greenhouses. They were nice and warm, and the flowers were pretty. She liked the ones with the brightest colors most. Was there a greenhouse on this twisted server? If there was, she’d like to find it, maybe. It would be nice to see those flowers one last time. But it wasn’t the last time, obviously, haha, she just…you know. She just…

“Omigosh, ew, Sol, you spat on me!” Yu-Mi rubbed her cheek. “No, it’s fine. I’m, um, glad you're here.” Such displays of sincerity were always so embarrassing for her; what if they weren’t reciprocated? “Even if you spit on me.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Twenty-five and we’ll make you a sandwich. Thirty and we’ll call Markiplier. Thirty-five and…eh, we’ll try MrBeast.” Yu-Mi sighed. “Mmm, it was worth a shot. Someone good with technology… The Omega Squad people are, I think. But most of them are super intense, so I don’t really wanna hit them up, especially in a situation like this.”

“Assholes took my foot, can’t have shit in CR.” She looked over her shoulder at Soledad and winced. “OH MY GOD that’s fucking freaky, you looked like Jeff the Killer. Yeah, yeah… You mean like, outta this room or outta the server? Because honestly, I’m down with either.” She shifted her weight from foot-to-foot testily. “This place sucks–gueehh.” The floor beneath her seemed to glitch out a little, and she stumbled.

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:49 pm
by JacobAllTradez
"Oh no, I think that was a legit high-schooler," Soledad remarked, crossing her arms. "which makes it so much worse, cause then you gotta put into question what the hell his parents were doing raising him." Even someone like Soledad knew that parents were the be-all and end-all. If you were to mess with them, they could make you pay with your life. "Oh, to be fair, some of us are losers!" Soledad started to think of the other potential losers of Sycamore High, all of them having their own tragic backstories. "Not us though, we're kosher." Soledad had heard someone say that before.

"All-right, all-right!" Soledad exclaimed, raising her hands up in defense. "I'll let you take this one," Soledad nodded. "Besides, that's a pretty sick ass gun. Pretty sure it would take anyone out regardless of physical ability." Like Yu-Mi said, gun beats hammer. "Oh absolutely, so we gotta treat this like it's Fall Guys. Beat all the other assholes and stay away from the ones that can screw us." It just made sense. Fall Guys, if you thought about it hard enough was a pretty depressing experience. You had some forty beans lined up, preparing to die for some sort of cause, god knows what by partaking in crazy obstacle courses. Some beans would live on, others would fall into the abyss of time.

Or maybe Fall Guys hell. That probably exists.

"Right, Cyber Reality. I keep forgetting." In Soledad's time in Sycamore High, she had found it, at times, difficult to tell the difference between cyber reality and gamer lobbies. The main exception was that one was at times, tedious, and the other could be fun, more often than not. "Oh dude, if someone tried this in real life, they'd have grounds to expel the person," Soledad stated with full conviction. "I mean, I'm not gonna stop them from trying, it's their education. But I will laugh at them once it blows up in their faces." Soledad kind of drifted off from there, having been one of the few people alive to have not played Team Fortress 2. Oh, she had heard of them from the Youtube videos, but she couldn't once recall playing the game. "Hey, if you die and I live, I'll make sure they dedicate the next issue on your behalf." Soledad said.

"What do I want to see if I die?" Soledad scratched her chin, pondering the question to herself. "Well, I did hear that Pixar's a got a new movie coming out, Elemental? I mean, it looks alright, but I dunno if it's for me." Now it was Soledad's turn to ramble about stuff. "Now, what I really wanna see is Suzume I saw the trailer before all this went down, that shit looks good. Looks like some sort of story about a girl, her chair, a cat, and saving a guy named Souta, now that's the kind out of there stuff I love, I can't wait!" Soledad's thoughts were moving at a million miles an hour, all of them devoted to her love towards anime, until she realized. "...oh, right, we have to do this first, fuck."

Soledad's frown only grew when Yu-Mi mentioned the teacher's divorce. "That wasn't funny, that was sad," Soledad said, dull and lifeless. "you know what was? Watching the guy rant about bees. Who knew such a guy would have it out for those insects?" Soledad chuckled, the idea of a person despising bees because they at times sting you proving hysterical. Maybe she could gather some and get them to sting the person responsible? Or at least chase after them? Maybe if she survived and all this was over and done with.

"Ah shit, I'm sorry," Soledad said, not even missing a beat. "Had to illustrate it somehow. I'm glad you're here too!" Soledad said, sticking out her own tongue. "The Omega Squad peeps are fine," Soledad noted. "I helped them make an example out of a few people before, so we've got experience. I'll put in a good word for ya."

Soledad stared at the floor, the tiles glitching on and off, slowly melting into their own polygon-like shapes. "Out the room, if we're lucky, we'll bump into someone else. The more person power, the merrier." Soledad glanced up at Yu-Mi and nodded, "Yeah, that right there was pure creepypasta. Not this...Noe...dole...ckin? Is that how you say it? Whatever, Noe-dole-ckin crap that's going around YouTube these days." She grimaced, her mind now stuck at the thought that someone tried to make a spooky version of an entire network.

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:22 am
by apocalypseyuri
“You really think so? I thought he was some older guy. But yeah, if he is our age, then where the fuck are his parents? I’ve heard of teen hackers–I’ve been in class with them haha–but this is a whooole other thing.” Yu-Mi’s mother was lenient on what she did–which is why she was her favorite–but her father? Not so much. He was strict, an absolute pain in the ass. But hey, maybe if she got out of here he’d go easier on her. You learn to appreciate what you have more after you lose it. “If we’re losers, we’re the cool losers. The counterculture losers.”

Yu-Mi grinned. “Yay! Cuteness prevails.” She laughed rather nervously when Soledad brought up her gun. “Yeah, it’s pretty crazy… Look at this thing! I kinda feel bad that all you got was a hammer. Eh, but this gun’s big enough for the both of us, so I think it’ll be fiiiine.” Yu-Mi couldn’t offer much sympathy to the titular Fall Guys in her current situation. Falling would probably be a lot more painless than getting shot, or having your head bashed in. They, at least, can appreciate the sky one last time.

If Yu-Mi forgot she was in Cyber Reality, it was out of habit. She was in CR so much that it became more natural to her than actual reality was. Maybe to some people that was depressing, but Yu-Mi didn’t care. Reality is subjective, and to Yu-Mi, whatever makes her the happiest is what’s real. That’s probably why everything felt so unreal right now. “I think they have enough grounds for expulsion right now, Sol! I think they have grounds for prison! And not like Club Penguin temporary suspension jail, actual jail! Actual, real life jail!” She sighed. “Haah, that’s exactly how I want to be remembered: in the acknowledgements page of the last TF2 comic. Actually, that sounds pretty sweet.”

“Yeah, I think I saw that. It doesn’t look very interesting to me, though. Like…like, I feel if you asked a robot to come up with a Pixar movie plot, that’s what it would come up with. Suzume… Oh! That’s the, uh, chair movie, right? Yeah, I saw people talking about that. It looks pretty.” The way Soledad said it made it sound like the situation they were in was a bunch of annoying homework they had to do before they could get to anything fun. Yu-Mi always admired her nonchalance. “It was so sad it looped around to being kinda funny. Oh yeah, his bee rant! Who would think someone would have so much hatred for an insect. If you don’t bother them they’ll leave you alone, so that’s a skill issue on your part.”

“Awesome, I’ve got connections. They’d be pretty good to have on our side, then. Juuust, you’ll probably have to do all of the talking. I know I’m great, but some people just don’t understand my charm.” It would be really, really bad to slip up and say something stupid here of all places.

Yu-Mi scowled at the floor. “Hopefully we find someone who isn’t super hyped for murder. Didn’t Zeph say something about a livestream? They could totally take footage of this and turn it into a creepypasta.” The implications of what she just said quickly sunk in. “Oh, shit, are they streaming this? I hope I look cool.” She pouted.

So there really could be someone watching over her, then. The thought wasn’t as comforting as it was before, and she felt herself beginning to detach again. She was in a glass house–a greenhouse, open for anyone to gawk at, or to throw stones at if they wished.

“Ugh, whatever, let’s get out of this dump.”

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 7:38 pm
by JacobAllTradez
"If anything, his parents are the issue," Soledad said, shaking her head. "they either had their own problems and didn't do enough to help their child live a normal life, or the guy went through a traumatic series of events." By this point, Soledad had come to be relieved that her parents were both sane and able to take care of her. "Yeah, we're the coolest losers to ever lose!" Soledad pumped her fist.

"Yeah, yeah," Soledad rolled her eyes. If it wasn't for the fact Yu-Mi had a literal girlfriend, she'd be pulling the flirt card right about now. Although, now that Soledad had time to reflect, it might not have mattered either way. "Hey, don't feel bad for me, hammers can mess you up big time. Prime example, my dad swears whenever he hits his thumb with a hammer." She wasn't wrong either, hammers could mess the body up. "A little fuck here, a little bitch there, a few sons of bitches everywhere, it's kinda fun."

Given Soledad didn't bother with changing her avatar to be anything different than her actual look, she often had issues with telling what was cyber-reality and what was actual reality. "Oh yeah, can you say 35 to life without a chance of parole in prison?" Soledad asked. "Well then, I'll get it done if we get out of here."

"Yeah, the chair movie!" Soledad smirked, trying to hold back a chuckle. "It's the wildest thing I've ever seen, pretty amazed that they got a chair like that." Soledad personally didn't care much about whether or not a movie looked "good". Besides, ugly-looking films also had their charm, especially if they turned out to be awful beyond their visual style. "Oh yeah, the guy needed to take the L on bees. I'm pretty sure the dude has nightmares of the Seinfeld bee from that one movie."

"Yeah, I can talk to them!" Soledad nodded. "Just let me do the talking and I'm sure they'll let you in." Soledad then glanced at the floor. "I dunno, that floor looks like it could eat us at any moment." This, admittedly, was bad timing on her part, but hey, better to say something dumb now than for it to happen later. "If they're streaming this, and I learn that someone's simping over me, I'm going to knock them over the head. The only based simps are the ones simping for the people they date."

Soledad thought further about the fact that some sort of creep out there would be watching everyone in Sycamore High suffer, either for their enjoyment or for scientific purposes. She cringed, twitching her right eye all the while.

"Yeah, we're getting out of here."

Re: she doesn't know chat

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:18 am
by apocalypseyuri
“Eh, in the end, I don’t really care what made him this way. What matters is he’s the asshole that put us in his situation. He could have the saddest backstory on earth and I still wouldn’t feel bad for him.”

Yu-Mi pumped her fist in time with Soledad’s, then laughed nervously. “I think if this gun hit your dad in the thumb he’d be doing a lot more than cursing.” She bit her lip. “I dunno much about prison, but I think it’s a pretty straight life sentence right now. ‘Specially if he’s an adult.”

Yu-Mi didn’t watch movies unless she was streaming them with friends. She’d always found theaters uncomfortable, and watching movies was more fun when you could chat about them with a friend. Well, most of the time it was more “heckling” than “chatting.” “Awesome! Awesome. Nothing to worry about, then.” Calm down. But she WAS calm! Look at her, so calm. Absolutely winning awards in the calmness category right now.

She grimaced. “That’d be so weird. I don’t even wanna think about that.” Ending the statement with a sigh, Yu-Mi adjusted the gun in her hands, and after shooting a glance over her shoulder at Soledad, left the vandalized classroom.

[Yu-Mi Lee continued elsewhere…]