Area Description: The Rooftop

There are enough access points to the roof, strewn across both hallways used by the students and the maintenance tunnels used by the staff, that the rooftop is impossible to barricade or hold—even with the combined effort of multiple coordinated students. There used to be safety fencing twice as tall as the average student, but it's gone now; there's not even a little ledge to demarcate between safety and falling off the edge. The upside of the roof was used, in better times, for student projects, a popular hangout spot for friend groups and smaller clubs without rooms of their own; however, there are no pieces of dedicated furniture native to this area of the school, and it is very sparse now save for the number of steel pylons and contraptions that serviced the illusion of HVAC and water supply. One sight here is the imposing dome of the planetarium, which rises a good ten meters above the rest of the roof. The roof also features the exhaust of the central Air Conditioning (AC) system, which still runs hot, with fan blades the size of a grown man still spinning. The metal mesh used to protect people from falling in is nowhere to be seen.

Moderator: SOTF: Cyber Staff

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Area Description: The Rooftop


Post by Cyber_HELPline »

There are enough access points to the roof, strewn across both hallways used by the students and the maintenance tunnels used by the staff, that the rooftop is impossible to barricade or hold—even with the combined effort of multiple coordinated students. There used to be safety fencing twice as tall as the average student, but it's gone now; there's not even a little ledge to demarcate between safety and falling off the edge. The upside of the roof was used, in better times, for student projects, a popular hangout spot for friend groups and smaller clubs without rooms of their own; however, there are no pieces of dedicated furniture native to this area of the school, and it is very sparse now save for the number of steel pylons and contraptions that serviced the illusion of HVAC and water supply. One sight here is the imposing dome of the planetarium, which rises a good ten meters above the rest of the roof. The roof also features the exhaust of the central Air Conditioning (AC) system, which still runs hot, with fan blades the size of a grown man still spinning. The metal mesh used to protect people from falling in is nowhere to be seen.

As of the SOTF: Cyber Prologue, the Rooftop runs at a stable framerate of 60 FPS.
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Post by Lilith »

The fan continually exudes a smell of Cheez-It®. If you an item touches it, it will disappear and then double it at half the size and mass.

thread: Yesterday, Telegram said that you had died.
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