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Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:22 am
by decoy73
Name: Katarin Fyordovna "Kat" Tolstoff
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Varsity basketball, parties, socializing, drumming

Appearance: Katarin Tolstoff is one of the more attractive people in the class. She is 5' 9" tall and weighs 150 lbs, giving her an athletic, toned physique. She has straight blond hair that goes about an inch past her shoulders when she ties it back into her usual ponytail. She has no piercings of any type. She has an oval face with a small nose and piercing blue eyes that are occasionally framed by a pair of rimless rectangular glasses that make up for her 20/60 vision, although normally she wears contact lenses to correct the problem. Unlike most people, she does not have a navel, the result of surgery she got for an umbilical hernia when she was six weeks old.

When she is working out, she wears a basketball jersey along with athletic shorts and basketball shoes. When she is not, she normally wears a collared or short-sleeved shirt and jeans or shorts, depending on the weather. On the day she was abducted, Kat was wearing a pair of black jeans along with a pair of Nike Sabrina 1's and a pink sleeveless tank top under her Aurora Bay High varsity jacket with her glasses in the right jacket pocket. Two clothing items of note In her personal bag are a purple bikini swimsuit a UConn basketball jersey with her prospective number of 68.

Biography: Katarin Tolstoff was born to first generation Russian-Americans Fyodor and Natalya, two minutes older than her fraternal twin Edmund. Fyodor was a partner at a medium-sized law firm and Natalya was a sous chef at a high class restaurant. As a result, Kat and her twin grew up pretty comfortably.

The elder Tolstoffs tried their best to be a part of their children's lives, however, their jobs and schedules meant that they were either frequently busy, in Fyodor's case, or had a disconnect in schedules, as was with Natalya. Nevertheless, they have tried their best to help out their children and be there for them when they can, although sometimes the only way they can show their love is through money. Kat appreciates when they can actually be there and has learned to deal with the latter. In the twins' earliest years, Edmund and Katarin were supervised by professional nannies when their parents were not around. When school started, after school programs became the method of substitute care until they could be picked up and supervised.

From the beginning, there were stark differences between Edmund and Kat. While Edmund was much more introspective, preferring photography, Katarin was much more athletic and social, frequently hanging out with other kids and staying active. It was during a gym class at the age of nine that she found her true passion: basketball. Kat showed a natural talent as well as a genuine interest due to the quick pace of the game. As she continued playing, her parents installed a basketball hoop at their home and signed her up for a youth team at the earliest opportunity.

When Kat was in middle school, she started to grow into her body, and joined in with the more popular, pretty girls, taking pleasure in pop culture gossip and the occasional rip on other students. Her group of friends, combined with her attractive appearance, caught the interest of boys, an interest that was reciprocated. This interest mainly amounted in some flirting, as well as a couple dates with a few guys. Still, a lot of her time was spent on basketball - during the school year, she was on the middle school team, and over the summer, she went to basketball camps as well.

When Katarin joined Aurora Bay High School as a freshman, she tried out for the basketball team at the first opportunity, easily making the team and improving consistently over four years, eventually becoming the varsity captain. On the court, she is praised for her aggressive, yet calculating play. Her main position is as a point guard, although she does occasionally play as a shooting or combo guard. Much of this crossover is attributed to the two NBA players Katarin desires to emulate: legendary shooting guards Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. As such, she is an excellent ball-handler, passer, and observer, as well as a very good shooter, specializing in hook shots and jump shots. Defensively, her agility and calculated aggressiveness on the court has made her very good at stealing the ball. On the flip side, Kat only possesses an average three-point percentage and is below average in blocking, relying more on taking the ball on the rebound. During the basketball season, she is very active, commonly found on the court in her free time. During the off season, she is more relaxed, shooting some hoops at home or at the gym about once a week, but mainly relaxing and enjoying the time off. The main activity she performs in her alone time outside of basketball and socializing is drumming. She started doing it while listening to music out of boredom, however it has grown to a genuine hobby. At this point she only has a basic kit, which she obtained when she was fifteen, and her main influences are from Meg White, Dave Grohl, and Taylor Hawkins. While she is an adequate drummer, she only pursues it as a hobby, and so does not have the same skill in drumming such as basketball.

Loyalty has always been a big thing for Kat. At first, it was due to the team oriented nature of basketball requiring her to do right by her teammates, as well as her close relationship to her brother. Katarin has drifted a little bit away from Edmund, but she still loves him dearly and is willing to stick up for him. Additionally, in high school, Kat remained with the popular girls. While a lot of them liked to party, Katarin gravitated to being the voice of common sense in order to ensure the safety of the group. Sometimes this meant steering them away from dangerous or illegal activities, but most of the time it meant she accompanied her friends to parties and other social events to make sure they stayed safe and relatively sober. Kat herself stayed out of most of the action, most of the time simply enjoying when she's socializing with the more sober people and sharing a laugh regarding the drunken exploits of others. She occasionally goes out with her friends during basketball season, but goes more often during the off-season.

Katarin is currently in a pretty good position. She does decently in school, getting mostly B grades peppered with the occasional C+ or A. She is best in math and music classes, while tending to struggle in English more. She mainly hangs out with the popular girls, but also with the basketball players, occasionally playing a pick up game. To those she's close to, she's a loyal, supportive friend, however, she does dabble in making mean comments about others with her friends. She also keeps an eye on Edmund who she remains close to as she is one of the few people who knows him personally. When it comes to her parents, she has grown from them a little, mainly the result of her similarly busy schedule causing distance. However, she is closer to Natalya now, due to the factors of them both gravitating towards each other more as women, and the fact that Natalya was the one who brought her. Her abilities in basketball have attracted scouts, and she has accepted a scholarship from the University of Connecticut.

Advantages: Kat is, due to her time on the basketball team, quite athletic, being agile, tough, and both physically and mentally quick. Socially, she could use her looks to her advantage, or call upon her friends for support. She is willing to work with others to achieve a common goal, and looking out for her brother and friends has made her reasonably cautious.
Disadvantages: Kat and her group of friends, while popular, has enemies, mainly among those students that they have insulted. Furthermore, Katarin is very loyal to others, and somebody could use that sense of loyalty against her. Finally, while she does not have horrible vision, losing her contacts and her glasses would make it troublesome for her to see at a distance.

Original Profile: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff
Permission: Original Handler

Re: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 8:23 am
by MurderWeasel
Hey, Decoy! Kat's looking pretty good, just a handful of little things before she's set.

First off, a little formatting stuff: The Grade and School sections should actually be deleted (we're not using them for SC3 since they're the same for everyone). We could also use a line skipped between the Hobbies section and the Appearance section. The Biography header should be bolded, and we also need the Permission section at the very end (where you can just note that Kat's your own character).

Does Kat have any piercings (especially the very common ear piercings) or wear any jewelry?

If Kat's parents were busy so often even in her early years, who cared for her and her brother when they weren't around? Grandparents? Nannies?

Given that they played a long time ago relative to her age, what about Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant appealed to Kat? Was it their legendary status/enduring fame?

What classes is Kat best at? Where does she struggle?

Since Kat's socializing and party attendance seem somewhat wrapped up in each other, can I get one more hobby for her? When she's not playing basketball or socializing, what does she do for fun?

Can I get one distinct trait of Kat's current relationship with each of her parents, so they stand out a bit more as individuals instead of just operating as a unit?

Finally, could we get the link for Kat's original profile swapped over to her page on the Mini wiki? This makes it a lot easier to make the SC pages.

Post when that's taken care of, and we'll give Kat another look. Thanks!

Re: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:18 am
by decoy73
Edits made:
  • Formatting edited to standard, link and permissions noted (original handler)
  • Piercing status added (none, WNBA rules)
  • Added jersey (a recent ruling has allowed for NCAA basketball uniforms to have any number from 0 or 00 to 99)
  • Added usage of nannies and after school programs.
  • Added classes.
  • Added new hobby of drumming.
  • Have added a blurb regarding her family.

Re: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:22 pm
by MurderWeasel
Almost done! Just one thing left: could I hear just a touch more about Kat's relationship with her parents? Why is she closer to her mother? How does she feel about her father? Are she and her brother on the same page about that?

Post once you've got that taken care of, and we'll give Kat another glance. Thanks!

Re: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 8:41 am
by decoy73
I think that this should be sufficient. It's only a sentence, but I think it'll work.

Re: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:55 am
by MurderWeasel