Jamie Li

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Jamie Li


Post by Ohm »

Name: Jamie Li
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen
Hobbies and Interests: Gymnastics, Photography, Guitar, Wrestling

Appearance: Perhaps the most obvious feature about Jamie Li is her height. Standing at a fairly short 5'2, she is by no means an imposing figure. Her body structure is lean and athletic, with a pair of trim legs and a good muscle base from her background in gymnastics. While athletic, Jamie is by no means the kind of girl who would starve herself to lose weight, and as such manages to weigh in at about 110 lbs. She is of Chinese descent and has tan skin due to spending time outdoors.

As far as features go, Jamie has commonly Asian features. Her almond eyes are brown, her straight hair is black and reaches down to her neck (though dyed to be a darkish red color), her nose is straight, small ears and her face flushes bright red when she drinks. All in all, she's pretty much the standard. Her face is more of an oval shape than rounded. If Jamie tried at all, she could probably pass by as being a pretty attractive girl. Problem is, she doesn't really try.

In terms of dress, Jamie usually walks around wearing t-shirts and varying colors of capris and jeans. Most of her clothing comes from stores like American Eagle, and a few t-shirts that she has, she's ordered off the Internet, but her dress is more or less for comfort over style. She isn't a tomboy, but just prefers not to get caught up in all of the mad rush to get the newest clothes.

On Abduction day, Jamie was dressed in a blue t-shirt, american eagle olive bomber jacket, blue jeans and gray canvas lace up sneakers.

Biography: Born in Hong Kong to Steven and Gloria, Jamie moved to the United States at age four after her parents decided that it was time for them to move to North America. Steven got a job opportunity due to his government office work, and having relatives that lived in the country in the state of Minnesota. Two years after settling in Minnesota, Steven and Gloria would have one more child; a boy named Trevor, before deciding that two children was enough. When she was little, Jamie was always fairly bright, usually getting into things that she wasn't supposed to. If there was a button that said 'do not push', the odds were that she would be the kid who just HAD to go ahead and push it to her mother’s consternation as the stay at home wife who had to deal with this behavior frequently.

Time passed, and Jamie's family life continued to be good. She and her brother always got along, and the whole group of them remained close, taking occasional trips back to Hong Kong to visit relatives, going on vacations to New York and Florida, and doing family things, with little strife. As a matter of fact, notwithstanding the six year difference between Jamie and Trevor, the two got along better than most siblings, rarely fighting and only doing so playfully. In these early years of Jamie’s life, Gloria stayed at home to take care of her and Trevor, and only when Trevor was old enough for school did she take up a job at a nearby convenience store.

Jamie’s interest for photography came from classes at school, she was often spellbound by the photographs she got to see in the books, particularly ones that were taken in different countries. A part of her interest also came from the family photo albums that her parents had in their attic that she would peruse in her spare time. She begged her parents for a camera and got one as a birthday gift when she was 12 years old. Jamie was a frequent photo hound, regularly seen with her camera, taking photos. When she reached 15, she started adding to her own album, another gift from her parents.

When puberty hit, Jamie realized that she was a bit of a free-spirit when it came to routine and began to develop interests in things that were outside of typical academic pursuits. Interests like photography, which her parents were fine with. Getting her first camera at twelve, she maintained the interest as such that her parents supported her, buying her new equipment until she was old enough to get a job. On the other hand, her other interests - primarily the guitar, weren't as okay with her parents, and managed to cause strife within her family for the first time ever.

Jamie’s interest in the guitar started when she watched tv and noticed a documentary on The Blues that had been produced by Martin Scorcese. Showcasing history and art of many different musicians inspired her to try the instrument out herself while out on a walk in town and found it to her liking. Jamie saved up money to buy her own guitar despite her parents' misgivings about her picking up an instrument that wasn’t the piano.

She picked up an interest in gymnastics from watching wrestling. Seeing people in prime condition perform in front of crowds while displaying a hefty amount of athleticism and strength inspired her to try out for a team. Her parents did not approve of her watching wrestling, which she kept to herself after an argument with them, but they did approve of her performing on a team as they saw it as a way for her to keep fit, and as long as it did not interfere with other school activities.

Most of the internal strife disappeared by the time that Jamie turned 18, but some of it has reappeared due to the fact that Jamie, who has continued her gymnastics all throughout high school, has revealed to her parents that she is thinking about trying to become involved in professional wrestling. Her parents, naturally enough, were not pleased. Lately, it's been the subject of much debate around her household, as her school marks are good enough that she could feasibly get into law or medical school, but that just isn't the path that she's interested in taking. She has not applied to a college yet.

Socially, Jamie's pretty good in a crowd. She's somewhat spunky, and says what she thinks a good deal of the time. While she can occasionally be blunt, and definitely sarcastic, she does have enough tact to realize that some situations don't call for a wild and wacky outlook. Being somewhat of an off-kilter member of the student body, she has a group of friends, but isn't the most popular person around for the sole fact that she doesn't socialize very much outside of her circle. She is in a band, and plays the lead guitar in that band, which is slowly becoming more popular at the high school itself. Approximately six months ago, Jamie went through a fairly nasty breakup when her boyfriend cheated on her, and she hasn't dated anyone since. The experience hurt her, and left her lacking in the trust department, even though she doesn't want to admit it.

Advantages: Jamie is agile and has a great sense of balance. When it comes to thinking on the spot and improvising, Jamie has somewhat of a knack for it, coming from a few nifty tricks she's been trying on her guitar. She doesn't really have any mortal enemies to speak of.
Disadvantages: She's a small girl, so there's the propensity not to take her seriously, and some of that has merit. Any kind of heavy lifting and/or strength-based activities will be sharply limited for Jamie, and that includes shooting weapons that are larger or have a sharp recoil. Her sharp tongue and occasionally caustic wit has annoyed some of her peers, and some wouldn't mind getting a shot in at her. Jamie has a hard time trusting, thanks to her recent break-up, and has a very difficult time coming face to face with both her ex, and the girl with whom he was cheating. Jamie is stubborn, and sometimes won't budge from her own point of view, even if it is wrong.

Original Profile: https://sotfmini.com/wiki/index.php/Jamie_Li
Permission: https://sotfmini.com/imagestash/Mini/SC ... ion_1.jpeg
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey, Ohm! Jamie's looking like a good start, just a few of the ol' flesh-out-a-V4-era-profile questions to knock out.

First off, the Grade profile field isn't in use for SC3, so that can be cut!

Why is Jamie 19? Did she get held back somewhere or start school late? Is her birthday just really late in the year (so she just turned 19)? You can also just make her 18 with no fuss.

How long is Jamie's hair? Is it curly, wavy, or straight? What style does she wear it in?

Can I get Jamie's ethnicity made explicit? It sounds like she's at least partially Chinese, but I'm not 100% there.

Can I get a couple more distinct facial features for Jamie? What does her nose look like? Her ears? Does she have any piercings (especially the super common earrings)?

As far as I can tell, Bluenotes is a Canadian outlet and doesn't operate any branches anywhere near Minnesota. It's owned by American Eagle, though, which does.

Last for the appearance, can we get a specific outfit for Jamie on the day of the abduction?

Why did Jamie's parents think it was time for them to move to North America? Did they have any history with the continent? Why did they pick Minnesota?

What were Jamie's parents' jobs?

Can we get this: "When puberty hit, Jamie realized that she was a bit of a free-spirit when it came to routine and began to develop interests in things that were outside of the usual "play piano, learn mathematics" kind of things." reworked to avoid the quotation marks? Maybe "outside of typical academic pursuits" or something like that?

What about the guitar and photography appealed to Jamie? How seriously did she pursue these goals? Is she good at them? If her parents don't like her playing guitar, where did she pick it up? And why didn't they like it? (Is it maybe just one parent who's not fond of the instrument?)

What about gymnastics did Jamie like? Is she on a team, or did she just participate in her free time? What about pro wrestling drew her attention? When did she pick up this interest, and where?

Has Jamie always been good at school? Does she have to put in a lot of work, or does it come naturally to her? What classes is she best at? Which does she struggle with?

This late in the year, Jamie should have applied for college (and maybe been accepted). Has she done that? Or is she planning on taking a gap year? What are her general plans for the future?

Can I also get one distinguishing detail for Jamie's relationship for each of her parents and her brother, so they're a bit less of a single unit?

Can I hear a bit more about Jamie's adaptability in her bio?

Is Jamie notably weaker in upper body strength than her peers? It seems a little odd if so, since she's involved in sports that require some notable arm/core strength.

Can I hear a bit about Jamie not being taken seriously in her bio, maybe around where her friend group is discussed? Same with her stubbornness—maybe dig into that a bit more explicitly with regard to the wrestling and guitar stuff.

Finally, can I hear just a tiny bit more about Jamie's trust issues? How have they manifested outside of specifically with her ex?

Post here when you've got that taken care of, and we'll give Jamie another look. Thanks!
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Post by Ohm »

[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Heya, Ohm! Sorry avout the delay here. Jamie's looking way better, just a couple tiny things left.

Does Jamie have any piercings (especially the super common earrings) or wear any jewelry?

Could we get this paragraph:

"Jamie’s interest for photography came from classes at school, she was often spellbound by the photographs she got to see in the books, particularly ones that were taken in different countries. A part of her interest also came from the family photo albums that her parents had in their attic that she would peruse in her spare time. She begged her parents for a camera and got one as a birthday gift when she was 12 years old. Jamie was a frequent photo hound, regularly seen with her camera, taking photos. When she reached 15, she started adding to her own album, another gift from her parents."

moved below the paragraph starting with "When puberty hit..." Basically, right now the flow's sort of confusing because Jamie's history with photography is explained before the interest is actually introduced. You don't need to add anything—it's all good stuff!—just bump it down one paragraph.

Where exactly did Jamie try the guitar? Did she just top in a music store? Borrow one from a friend? Also, does she play electric or acoustic (or both)?

Has Jamie always been good at school? Does she have to put in a lot of work, or does it come naturally to her? What classes is she best at? Which does she struggle with?

Can I hear just a touch more about Jamie's strength-based limitations? How does he lack in this respect square with her athletic endeavors and wrestling aspirations? Alternately, you can just drop that one—you've got plenty of Disadvantages without it.

Post when you've got that handled, and we'll give Jamie another look. Thanks!
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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