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The Hall of the Dead and the Damned

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:19 am
by Dogs231
Austin White
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
— Oscar Wilde
[+] Relationship Types
[+] Relationships
Meilin Zhou:
Liam Black
“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.”
— Harriet Beecher-Stowe
[+] Relationship Types
[+] Relationships
Clive Maxwell: "Fun? Oh, I plan on it, love."
Dave Russell
“Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.”
— Eddie Rickenbacker
[+] Relationship Types
[+] Relationships

Noah Davis
“I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be there when it happens.”
— Clint Eastwood
[+] Relationship Types
[+] Relationships
Sayuna Lewis: "I always get lost in her eyes."
Austin Greene: "Play it again."
Cyrus Vähi: "How do you sleep at night?"

Re: The Hall of the Dead and the Damned

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 4:08 am
by MurderWeasel

Austin thinks he's super smart. BB thinks she's super smart. Both kinda pretentious. I think this does not go well. I feel like they probably snipe at each other.

Juliette is probably put off by Austin but is reasonably civil with him like with almost everyone else... until/unless she finds out about the cheating. At that point Austin manages the rare task of getting Juliette to actually truly dislike him and—depending on circumstances—maybe even treat him with naked contempt.

Sofia Austin probably thinks he's better than her, but they're different enough and in different enough circles I don't think Sofia would actually have that much reason to get into it with him, maybe casual acquaintances.

Will poke at your other kids as they drop!

Re: The Hall of the Dead and the Damned

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:08 am
by KamiKaze
Comic books, eh? Junko not only likes them too, but also works at Larsons. Maybe there's a time where he's ran into her while she's on shift? Maybe during one of their screenings, or when he needed to get a new copy. Junko also tends to appreciate people's athleticism, so would like the fact that he does a lot of cardio. However, she would be baffled he doesn't do any sort of school athletics. That said, they've probably gotten into it a few times when Junko is off-shift: she's hot-headed, and combined with Austin's history of drama... well, it's a powder keg waiting to happen.

We kinda-sorta discussed Bella and Austin before, since there's been a lot of drama club talk this time around. I think she'd be like this each time something happens, and would be at a point where she quietly avoids him sometimes. She'd be polite, of course, but, well, she'd try not to get on his bad side.

Liam is a goth this time... and, as I mentioned in the profile planning server, there's a chance Bella might be in some way alt too now. In Bella's case, it would be more experimenting with her appearance after trying to create an identity separate from her mother. Feel free to like her for that reason, or think she's a poseur for that reason.

Nothing really I see with Junko for the time being.

Junko tends to appreciate athletic people, so if he's still on the baseball team, well, you know.

There is not much else, but noting that we did discuss me bringing Lana back for SC3. So I decide to go for it, we can plan there.

I'm replacing Bella's interest in SOTF with action movies and non-murdery reality television shows, so there could be overlap with the former and his interest in Westerns!

Need to think a bit more for Junko.