Announcing SOTF: Cyber

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Announcing SOTF: Cyber


Post by Cyber_HELPline »

SOTF: Cyber logo created by Dogs231.
SOTF Handlers,

The future is now.

Some of you, we are sure, have seen the Discord thread for the upcoming version, but for those who have not already, here is the information:

SOTF: Cyber takes place in an alternate timeline which saw the invention of a new technology in the year 2010, one that allows for the creation of realistic virtual worlds called Cyber Realities, or CRs. When entering a CR, the user's mind and body fall into a sleep-like state; this allows the technology to replicate all of their senses within the virtual world.

As of 2023, when the version takes place, CR technology has become an intrinsic part of life worldwide. In the U.S.A, about 70% of state-funded schools are virtual CR schools. One of them is the Sycamore High School in San Jose, California. On April 17th, the Monday after Spring Break, the students of Senior Class 12-B log into the school's Cyber Reality Server.

What lies in wait for them is unexpected and terrifying. A malicious group with sinister aims has taken total control of the network. They ensure that all ways to quit the program are locked down, and the CR devices have transformed from a way to enter another world into a way for them to exit it, deadly weapons that can threaten their lives in the real world.

As this is Survival of the Fittest, what comes next goes without saying.

Here are a few points of what to expect from this AU/version:
  • All handler-created characters will be students of Sycamore High School, a CR school located in San Jose, California. Furthermore, not only will they all be within the same year—their senior year, twelfth grade—they will also be within the same class, Class 12-B. Keep this information in mind while writing your applications.
  • As this version—or, to be more specific, the game proper—is set within a virtual world, it will operate under a broad facsimile of the physical world rather than real-world rules themselves; as such, there will be weapons and situations present here that would otherwise be impossible, both in other versions and in real life.
  • Each announcement cycle is accompanied in-universe by a video feed showing montages of the deaths as the announcer explains them. The video will be a part of the HUD each student sees, played in the top-left corner of their vision, though one can close their eyes and refuse to view them if they would prefer.
  • As with any other computer program, the arena will be far from bug-free; furthermore, it will degrade with time and gradually grow more unstable. Each set of rolls will introduce new glitches, turning the arena from a place that almost feels real to an average AAA game on launch day by the time Endgame occurs.
  • To ensure that every handler can interact with the feature early in the game if they so choose—regardless of when their character gets rolled or is subject to the use of a card—there will be a location riddled with glitches from the start of the game onward. We hope that everyone can experience the concept for themselves if desired.
  • Handlers will also have the option to create and submit glitches of their own, albeit with some limitations; these will be subjected to significant vetting and approval by the SOTF: Cyber team. There will be a dedicated thread in a discussion forum for this feature; the staff team will announce when it opens up to the public.
  • The game will have a time limit of four days in-universe; this is backed by the words of the terrorists, under penalty of death, as they will threaten to kill everyone if there is no clear winner by that point in time. Be warned, the organization running the game takes their promises—and threats—with deadly seriousness.
  • In-universe, the terrorist organization running the version will live-stream the game to the world as it happens. All of the footage streamed has a delay present at a rate of about one hour.
  • The version has no collars. All characters are instead held captive via their CR Device, a headset similar to a Virtual Reality headset. The terrorists have taken control of the devices and weaponized them; if a student dies within the game or violates established rules, the headset will kill them by inducing a lethal tonic-clonic seizure.
  • Lastly, we will reveal more surprises as the version draws close to its launch—and afterward. Stay tuned for more updates!

Applications and Sandbox will start on Thursday, June 15th, 2023.

To prepare for that, here is the profile template:

Name: This is the name of your character. All nicknames—aside from those that are simple diminutives (shortened forms) of their name—will necessitate explanation and elaboration in the Background section of the profile. Furthermore, if your character has an unusual or attention-drawing name, it must be detailed and explained in the Background.
Gender: This is the gender of your character. If your character has a gender identity different than the one assigned at birth, we request that you detail it in the Background. We want to ensure the topic gets portrayed with consideration and accuracy. Please use respect, research, and common sense if you decide to do so.
Age: This is the age of your character. Most characters should be approximately 17-18 years old at the start of the version, as all characters are in their senior year of high school (twelfth grade). Your character may be younger or older than that—within reason, of course—but this requires additional detail within their Background to justify it.
Hobbies and Interests: These are the interests of your characters. We request at least three hobbies or interests per character, presented in a list format rather than complete sentences. Ordinary hobbies—such as video games or socializing—do not require elaboration in the Background, but ones outside of the ordinary—such as chainsaw carving—will.

Appearance: This is the look of your character. In particular, the avatar the character uses in the virtual world. We request that, at the least, you mention height, weight, facial features, and clothes worn on the day of the attack. All notable differences between the appearance of the avatar and the character should receive detail and explanation.

Background: This is the life story of your character. We request that you write a summary of their history; it does not need to be as detailed as an ordinary Main or Mini profile, but it should mention things such as their family, where they were born and raised, any remarkable details about them, their experiences with CR, and their plans after graduation.

Personality: This is the character of your character. Here, we request that you detail what your character is like; in other words, how do they feel about themselves and the people around them, such as their family, friends, and classmates? This summary should be detailed enough for us—and other handlers—to form a picture of how they interact with others.

Reputation: This is how others view your character. We want a summary of how your character's classmates and teachers view them. We request that you keep in mind that, in this version, all characters share their classes; if your character has little or no interaction with the rest of their classmates, it will require some additional justification in the Background.

Code: Select all

[b]Hobbies and Interests:[/b]





Finally, we're looking for help!

Currently, our staff roster is as follows:

DerArknight (Host)
Dogs231 (Second)

While, at the moment, all four of us are willing to take on the dreaded process of handling character applications staff-side, only one of us has prior experience with it. As a result, we're looking for some assistance. If you have previous experience with profile critiques and are interested in helping out, don't be shy—fling a private message to the Cyber_HELPline.

That's all for now. If you still have any questions, you can direct them to the Discord's Discussion Thread; alternatively, any handlers in red are members of the SOTF: Cyber team and are more than happy to help (don't worry—we won't bite)! In the future, if a need arises, we may open up a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to use as a reference.

We hope to see you all on the virtual island!

(Hint: It won't be an island.)
The official account for matters related to SOTF: Cyber.


DerArknight (Host)
Dogs231 (Second)
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Posts: 241
Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:56 am
Location: Sycamore High School


Post by Cyber_HELPline »

We are happy to announce that Brackie has volunteered to help us out with the profile critique process!
The official account for matters related to SOTF: Cyber.


DerArknight (Host)
Dogs231 (Second)
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