Viscera and Smears

This is a long time coming.

These mine shafts do not go deeper than a few meters into the earth before being blocked off by cave-ins of heavy boulders and splintered support beams. There are four of them in total, equidistant from each other roughly with a ten minute walk separating. The tunnels were each sizable in diameter, and even in their current collapsed state what remains of the entrances would still provide decent cover from snowstorms and the like. The road only services the closest of the tunnels to the city, and is taken over thereafter by the faint indentation of a dirt road. The conveyor belt extends further, servicing all four mine shafts.

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Viscera and Smears


Post by Yonagoda »

It laid face down on the dirty snow, flesh so decimated it could barely be called a body.

It had no face. It's fingers gripped onto something shattered into pieces on the ground.

There was nobody there. There hasn't been anyone there for a while.
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Post by Yonagoda »

The dilapidated remains of a body once called some name or the other was too cold to rot. It tried, anyways. Every single thought, every piece of hatred and interest and curiosity and humanity and love died within its brain. The massive neural network that once held a soul, now leaking onto the earth.

It could cry, if it's eyes were still there. If it had the mind to. But it didn't, now.

The body just laid there. It wouldn't matter how long it had passed. It would lay there, and nobody would see it, and even if someone did, then it still wouldn't matter, because it's just a body, and there's plenty of it to go along.
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Post by Help_U »

((this place was best left shunned))

They arrived tired, bloodied, and desperate for shelter.

For the first time they could remember, they felt loss. Anger nearly as potent as their hunger.

When they saw her at the entrance to the caves, they set upon the girl without caution or hesitation.

The flesh they tore away from the body sated their hunger, but not their fear or their rage.

There wasn't much left when they were finished.

The two Revenants held each other in the empty mine shaft, huddled in front of a small camp stove as they waited for the storm to pass.

Even if they could speak, they wouldn't have said a word.
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Post by Yonagoda »

His flesh churned in their stomach.

It was the closes thing they had to relief, for a while.
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