Something New


Twin pylons jut out into the choppy arctic waters, extending above the sea with a vertical clearance equivalent to that of a two story building. The docks are lined by three severely rusted and dilapidated steel cranes; from one of these, a steel shipping container is suspended idly in mid-air. There are several other empty shipping containers strewn about the area. A massive warehouse controls access to the docks, through a set of huge, half-open hangar doors that would take quite an effort to move. The warehouse is subdivided into two obvious levels: a ground floor that is largely clear in the center, with empty steel drums and crates stacked against the walls, and an upper level of single-person narrow metal grating accessible by narrow maintenance stairwells, with an assortment of scaffolding set up to maintain the now-broken rows of industrial pot lights.

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Something New


Post by Spindarene »

((Julia Raymond continued from Simple Creature))

Julia had limped away from the warehouse and hidden behind one of the large shipping containers near the sea. She could see the large, strange, electronic fence poles off to the side. If that thing came for her she would rather jump into the sea and be electrocuted by that fence than be torn to pieces by those teeth.

However, when she was considering what her next move was going to be, she realized that she’d left her bag--and therefore all of her supplies--back at the warehouse. Cursing herself silently, she debated about what to do. She really, really, didn’t want to go back there, but she didn’t have a choice if she wanted to eat or drink anything in the next two weeks. She waited a long time--probably longer than she actually needed to--until she felt reasonably sure that the monster would have moved on from the warehouse, and then quietly snuck back in.

The ground floor was empty, and she found her bag where she’d left it. She quickly grabbed it and slung it over her shoulder, leaving the trash from her meal on the floor. As she bent down to pick up her stupid little rusty knife again, her eye caught sight of some of the creature’s spines that had fallen on the floor when it had thrown them at her and they’d--luckily--bounced off of the metal scaffolding. Moving closer, she bent down and gently picked up one of the long, translucent spines and held it near the base, careful not to touch the tip. She was pretty sure it was poisonous, judging by what had happened to Professor Coleman in the video. There were two more on the floor nearby, so she carefully gathered those up and wrapped them in the wool wizard’s hat along with the rusty knives. Then, armed with one spine in her hand, she left the building.

((Julia Raymond continued in Like a bird perched on a live wire.))
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