
Noun -pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune./ Oneshot

The cracked tarmac where aircraft used to land to ferry passengers from the Soviet Far East; it is bisected by the Fence, which surrounds the Hangar and Monitoring Station.

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Post by NoLife42069 »

((Heath Redfield-P029-Start))

His face was cold but his body was warm. Heath lay in his sleeping bag with his eyes still closed.
What the hell is wrong with him if I woke up in that situation I would-
He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to the side. Pavement, followed by a tall metal wall. He was on the island.

Heath Redfield was calm as he found the zipper for his sleeping bag and began to slowly unzip it.

Heath Redfield was calm as he got out of the sleeping bag and found his bag and suitcase.

Heath Redfield was even calm as he open the bag and found a machete sitting snugly in its sheath and on top of it a small whetstone.

Heath had no idea why he was calm. It's not like this unfazed him, when the ship captain had said something about the reactor sure he made an off comment to himself about how this was the start of some horror movie. But he still went to his room and took the tablet with the same water bottle he took his meds with and when he woke up in the room and was greeted by the person who sat next to him practically getting his face beaten in he would admit that he was scared out of his wits. And even though when he watch his professors be "Hunted" by a creature that he could only define as a furry polar bear-like xenomorph with morbid curiosity it still unnerved him, deep in his core, that such a thing not only existed but also killed people he knew. And when he found out that he would have to not only survive in a winter wasteland, But ALSO survive that THING! AND KILL EVERYONE ELSE!! his blood ran cold and he shivered in fright.

Yet even with all of that when Heath woke up he was calm. He grabbed his lifeline, his weapon he stuck the sheath in-between his belt and himself and he held the blade. Heath had no idea why he was so calm but he had a theory or two.

One- That he was in a state of shock and once he got a moment to calm down he would become a crying mess on the ground.
Two- That after so much time watching basically Dark web videos that he had become so desensitized, that The Belko Experiment situation but in real life couldn't get a reaction out of him. Though while he would L O V E to inflate his ego with that one, he knew that with how he felt with everything else that this was unlikely.

Heath checked his supplies, and the first thing he noticed was that they only gave him enough food and water for a week even though they had told all of them that they would have to make it for at least two. "So we all need at least one kill to even be able to make it the whole time..." Heath said to no one, in particular, save himself. Next, he noticed that they let him keep his cigs even his "gold-plated" lighter which he saw as odd. " least they let me smoke." He laughed to himself. Next, he checked his PDA "So there are three of them...Shit" he muttered to himself when he saw the prototypes. Heath rolled up his sleeping bag and placed it in his pack, then took out the map and checked it. "Well if it's the first then I might as well get myself in the best position before I suffer a complete meltdown... Let's head to the town I guess." He said as he tied the bag straps around his suitcase's handle.

'wait... If after today those things will be released and I have to survive here for two weeks then... that might just be the best sleep I will get for the next two weeks....' His thoughts then shifted to words. "Fuuuucckkkkkk" He grabbed one of his cigs slid it in his mouth and lit it with a flick of his lighter. 'Sure being a bit high might not be the smartest thing to do...But fuck it.'
Wow he is a dumbass why would he smoke it's like he's asking to be killed!
Heath walked out of the hangar took a look at the monitoring station made a small mental note to try and kill one of those bastards and then made his way out of the area and into the town.

((Heath Redfield fucking off to Beasts All Over the Shop.))
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