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Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:56 pm
by Namira
Name: Heath "field field" Redfield
Age: 22
Gender: Male ( He/Him )
Field of Study: Psychology and Education

Physical Description: Heath stands at exactly 6 feet tall and 200 pounds. His body is lean with only slight muscle on the arms, but a toned and fit body. He has black hair and dirty brown eyes, with black framed glasses. His hair is in a semi-permeant frizzy, afro stemming form, his insistence on never combing it. He has a pair of thin eyebrows and a straight nose. He is African American, with brown skin. Heath also has a small scar above his right eye from an incident in his childhood and a black mole on the right side of his chin.

Heath has a habit of always wearing jeans even when the weather calls for something cooler. He almost always wears casual wear with an onyx necklace that he received from his late grandfather.

On the day of the abduction, he was wearing a pair of black jeans, black combat boots, a white T-shirt for the anime Re-Zero, a pair of black leather gloves, a black and red hoodie, and his onyx necklace.

  • Born in Cleveland, Ohio to Jessica and Justin Redfield. Heath is the youngest of three siblings, a brother who a four years older and a sister who is ten years older. They were kind and loving while pushing Heath to be the best he could be.
  • Heath grew up in a poor household, and while he was never hungry or left wanting, the various problems that came with not having much money still weighed on his mind. Because of this Heath grew up to be a very frugal and money-conscious person.
  • When Heath was seven while playing in the dining room he hit his head on a shelf necessitating a trip to the hospital and stitches to the wound.
  • During elementary through middle school, Heath was active and well-liked by his peers. Heath participated in several athletic activities, such as track and soccer.
  • It was also around this time when Heath was diagnosed with ADHD and he began to take medication.
  • Heath was also the shortest in his class, for which he received much ridicule. Heath would remain short up to his junior year of high school.
  • When Heath was in the 7th grade, he was bullied by some of his classmates for his height and passive nature. From this Heath developed an anxiety disorder, while it is mostly social anxiety it affects all parts of his life and lasts even now.
  • The bullying caused Heath to build walls around himself, he started to become sarcastic and callous which only made the bullying worse. Add the fact of his habit of bottling up his emotions, and his insistence on handling them by himself left him feeling even more alone than before.
  • When Heath reached the 8th grade the bullying reached its peak and while Heath was at his lowest point he met a boy named Devin. They shared a lot, including a love for video games and anime. It was Devin who got Heath into macabre, Heath took a liking to horror movies such as Saw, and Hostel took an interest in the torture methods. Heath loves gore and loves to watch gory movies.
  • Devin gave Heath the companionship he needed in his darkest hour. The two are still close friends to this day. So close that they often refer to each as brothers.
  • The second core pillar of Heath's mental health was his grandfather. Heath's grandfather, James, was a strong and seasoned old man who had a penchant for superhero comics. heath looked to his grandfather as inspiration for who he wanted to be, and the story's told by his grandfather brought him so much delight that every time Heath saw James he would practically be glued to his leg.
  • James enjoyed meditation and would always encourage Heath to join him. From middle school to mid-high school Heath would practice tai chi with his grandfather. Unfortunately, after being neglected for years Heath no longer remembers much of the techniques he learned.
  • Heath's high school life left him making few but close friends and more of an inclination to stay home and be alone, much to the worry of his parents.
  • Heath's parents signed him up for many programs and activities to try to get him out of the house more. Instead, it only made him go deeper into solitude. Around this time Heath grew an interest in psychology and weaponry. with a particular liking for knives and guns. Heath loved the different designs and patterns of the weapons and the history that went into them. Even to this day Heath collects different knives and plans to collect guns in the future. When asked Heath makes it clear that he has no plan to use any of them, save for the knives for cooking, and are strictly for collection purposes.
  • It is also at this time that Heath got his first dog Paxton, named after a character in Hostel. Since then Heath has had two more dogs, another German shepherd named Ripley, and a Siberian husky named Jewel. While walking Paxton, Ripley, and Jewel Heath started to work out jogging in the morning every day, even after moving to Washington.
  • During junior year of high school Heath's grandfather died. Heath was so distraught by his passing that he enter a month-long depression, where he refused to leave his room save for eating and using the bathroom. Heath only started making real progress when he received an onyx necklace that his grandfather would have given him before his passing. Ever since Heath has cherished it and seldom takes it off.
  • Heath passed high school with high marks due to his desire to continue his education with his dream to be a phycology teacher. One of the reasons why is his desire to make sure no children were bullied like him. This motivated him to push himself to achieve his goal. He decided on the University of Cascadia. A big reason was because of the scholarships, and its focus on the sciences. The other was a need for a change of pace.
  • After moving to Washington and staying at the dorms Heath quickly adapted to college life. Spending a large amount of time focusing on studying, mostly reading.
  • Rarely goes to parties and spends most of his time alone. Heath decided after his 21st birthday to be more outgoing and to lower some of the walls that had been there since 7th grade in hopes that it may ease his anxiety.
  • A year after this plan has proven to be fruitful leaving him happier and with a brighter outlook on life. While Heath still does not have many friends he is still happier that the number has increased. He has gone from a student no one knew to someone that is at least known and somewhat well-liked. When Heath heard about the retreat he jumped on the opportunity. Not only was it easy credits but it was also a new experience and a form of excitement.
Skills and Interests: macabre and gory movies, playing video games, socializing, weapons and collecting, and taking care of animals.

Assets: His interest in the macabre and gore has made him sufficiently desensitized to gore and could give him the edge needed to kill. His body is on the fit side since he makes it a habit of doing a jog every morning.
Limitations: His anxiety could bite him at the worse moments, with paranoia and stress. Because of his isolationist tendencies, there are few people he could count on as potential allies. Heath also holds an extreme attachment to his necklace which could easily be used against him.

Assigned Weapon: Machete
Conclusion: Good thing he's a fan of blood and guts, because he's about to get a front row seat. Too bad nobody gave him the heads up that there would be audience participation; I doubt he'll be able to hold his nerve. - Hatfield