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Post by Namira »

Name: Chevy Gallagher
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Field of Study: Peace and Conflict Studies
Physical Description: Chevy Gallagher is of Caucasian skin tone, standing at 5'9 in height and weighing 170 lbs. He has brown eyes, a straight nose, and dark brown hair that he keeps short and flaring in the back of his head. For facial hair, Chevy likes to keep a bushy goatee on his chin, though currently there is designer stubble visible on his face. His body type is kept in a lean and modest build, due to his experience in paintball. On his right arm, Chevy has a black tattoo in the form of black wavy lines.

In terms of clothing, Chevy wears t-shirts and blue denim jeans with one of his few pairs of Converse All Star sneakers as casual attire whenever he is at the University of Cascadia. Usually they are themed to his favorite type of movies that are either made by George Lucas or simply straight up action movies. On the Arctic trip, he was wearing his jeans and red All Star sneakers with a t-shirt showing the Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks as a Sith Lord on a black background. Due to the nature of the Acrtic trip, Chevy came prepared with a heavy grey winter coat, wool gloves, and a grey wool knit cap.

  • Chevy Gallagher was born to Craig and Annabel Gallagher in Eugene, Oregon. Chevy was the youngest of the Gallagher children, being overtaken by his two older brothers Benny and Troy Gallagher.
  • Chevy grew up with the Star Wars franchise in his childhood. He would come across a geek for the Star Wars trilogy and later the prequels. Years later, when Star Wars 7 through 9 came out, Chevy would negatively view the recent films, favoring the first 6 films and later the artistic vision of George Lucas, causing him to watch anything related to his idol. Chevy would expand his cinematic interests to action films, such as Rambo, The Terminator, and The Matrix. Some of the action movies that Chevy watched created an interest in listening to new wave music, caused by liking vintage earlier action movies made in the late 70's to early 80s.
  • Chevy's hardcore hobby of paintball began in middle school, when he was given the chance for a field trip for a paintball challenge. With the shared interest of his father, he would continue this recreational sport, attending local tournaments or playing public matches with strangers. He would usually play paintball in either enclosed warehouses or outdoor woods. Chevy would have years of experience with the sport, being ranked high in matches and tournaments as accomplishments for his commitment. He experimented with his style of play, suffering from the lack of quick thinking when at the heat of the moment of each game, but he would learn several predictable tactics in the sport, making him find ways to counter them with success. At first, he was boastful at his early accomplishments, but he had eventually respected the value of sportsmanship and made sure to remain respectful to his teammates and his opponents in paintball.
  • During Chevy's high school years, his mother's health would begin to slightly deteriorate with common back pains. She would begin to become addicted to painkillers, causing a small rift in the family. His father would have to support his sons, after he was forced to send his own wife to a rehab to treat her addiction for months. After her time in rehab, she would be under watch by her own husband and kids, due to a chance of relapsing. After another month, she was welcomed back in the family in a proper manner, but Chevy felt that he could have spent more time with his own mother during high school, even if his family attended his graduation.
  • Chevy's academic performance for both middle and high school would consist of A's and B's, which made him feel suited for several local universities around his area. Despite this, expectations from his family would lead to him being sent to the University of Cascadia, where his brothers had also attended.
  • Chevy would end up in the University of Cascadia, originally attempting a major at Film and Television. The reason for the major in Film and Television was due to the childhood movies that he watched, influencing his studies. However, his mediocre academic performance and struggle to develop a proper future would cause Chevy to drop the major. Seeking alternatives, he would find an interest in History, and later Peace & Conflict Studies instead. The passion for the latter had appeared to him from his experiences in paintball, seeing himself worthy to be a cerebral leader to help others. Chevy would study up on topics related to military history, warfare, and military strategy. He would cite the book The Art of War in explaining the theses of his essays. Being committed to making the most out of his new major, he kept up a high academic performance to impress his parents and peers. With this major, he hopes and plans to get a job as a museum director or at best, a job as a military analysist that can nab him a high pay.
  • Chevy would attempt to separate himself from the career path of his older brothers, both have took advantage of their interests in film and television to net themselves jobs in California. Benny Gallagher would be able to secure a job in working in the television industry for a police procedural show, while Troy Callagher launched a YouTube channel dedicated to cosplaying and cosplaying tips. This shift in interests from the rest of his brothers would end up causing Chevy to feel like he was sticking out in the family.
  • The relationship with his family is mixed, due to his mother's past addiction and his brothers. Chevy knows that he still loves his mother, but has not been able to properly show it to her. His relationship with his father has been positive, due to him supporting and helping him with the change in his academic majors. His brothers, however, are dismissive with his wishes to be involved with his study of Peace & Conflict Studies. Chevy does still go on trips outsides of the U of C to attend family gatherings, but he sees his brothers being on a higher level that they are too good for him. What Chevy wanted was to prove his brothers wrong. He wanted to be of the same level as them, higher up if he can. However, all of this would start to creep up on him in the form of arrogance. He would hide this type of arrogance from his family and others, but it would be a negative influence on him in putting himself in a higher role. Chevy wanted to prove himself by acting like the "leader" of his own brothers, just to show that he wasn't a pushover.
  • Chevy would begin to live on campus at the University of Cascadia in a dormitory. To support himself financially, he would get a part-time job working at Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, not far from the U of C.
  • Chevy is familiar with Professor Peter Harrison, due to attending his classes on Violence and Genocide, including a class of Ethics.
  • Chevy does have several friends, since he would socialize with people that follow in the same studies in him or have the same interests. To others, his behavior can range to a simple laid-back academic student to an obnoxious fanboy if his interests are challenged. He rarely got into heated arguments with others and his friends, not wanting to alienate others. For a Peace & Conflict Studies major, he does expresses pacifistic views and would talk about using tactics to simply get the enemy to surrender, than fighting to the death. Chevy would use this viewpoint heavily to challenge the "necessary evil" concept in an essay in an Ethics class.
  • Chevy Gallagher signed up for the Janus-Hayes trip as a means for networking and getting more opportunities for a chance at a job path related to his field of study in peace and conflict. Despite his parents being skeptical and the nature of the two week trip showing extremes, Chevy was given approval and consent in attending, even if Chevy's age had passed the need of parental consent.
Skills and Interests: Peace & Conflict Studies, Military Strategy, Warfare, Paintball, Media made by George Lucas, Action Movies, New Wave Music, Part-Time Job working at frozen yogurt place.

Assets: Chevy Gallagher is agile and has developed marksmanship from his paintball hobby. He is careful to analyze combat situations to reduce risk of failure, along with being resourceful with what he is given that can serve as an advantage. Chevy would present himself as a non-threat to others, playing up in leadership by controlling his behavior towards other students, when he feels like he is put on the line.
Limitations: While Chevy is interested in military strategy, there are times where due to being forced to think quick on his feet, he will make several bad calls, due to misreading the situation or issue at hand. Being laid-back with other peers will also make him visibly dismissive of the death game, refusing to participate in any harm in others and challenging the possibility of others causing harm, making him an easy target early on to be taken advantage of.

Assigned Weapon: Body Armor
Conclusion: Well, welcome to the frontlines, armchair general. Hope you're ready for a snap quiz in your own favourite subject. - Hatfield

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