Salic's character

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Post by Namira »

Name: Elizabeth Mariel Rodney
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Field of Study: Economics
Physical Description: Elizabeth is of average height and weight, standing at 5' 6" and weighing 134 pounds. Her head is of an oval shape with soft lines and creases on her face. She has a rounded chin and thin cheekbones. She has a tan, which has been fading in recent months due to the lack of her usual outdoor mediation and yoga. She is considered conventionally attractive, with round, chocolate brown eyes and a small button nose, slightly upturned. Her lips are thin and perpetually chapped, owing to her habit of biting her lips. She has small, rounded ears which are covered up by her thick auburn hair, which reaches down to the small of her back. Her eyebrows are thin and arched, and her eyelashes are rather short. She always keeps her bangs parted to the right. Her skin is smooth and blemish-free, with the notable exception of her hands, which are rough due to her intense boxing regimen.

Elizabeth usually wears blazers and pencil skirts, but has forgone them during her trip to the Arctic. On the day of the abduction, she was wearing a dark blue, fuzzy parka, a gray thermal shirt, fleece-lined black jeans, fuzzy brown winter boots, and black woolen gloves. In addition, she has a faux silver lip ring and a metallic gray tongue barbell.

  • Elizabeth was born on December 28, 1998 to Albert and Sydney Rodney in Spokane, Washington. She has one brother, Eugene, who is in his senior year of high school. Albert is a lumberjack while Sydney is a secretary for a Baptist church. Elizabeth is not on good terms with any of them.
  • Her parents were exceptionally strict and straight-laced, causing Elizabeth to clash with them often due to being a rebellious child. Some of her earliest memories are of being scolded and punished for poor behavior, which does little to reconcile her with her parents.
  • She was never academically adept, so she had to put in a lot of effort in order to pass her classes in a way that met her parents' standards. This granted her a strong work ethic, but it also greatly increased the amount of stress she put on herself in order to meet expectations.
  • During her teenage years, she was introduced to metal bands such as Metallica, Rammstein, and Slayer. She found that listening to metal was a great way to burn off a lot of negative emotions, though this earned further consternation from her parents, who disapproved of such musical choices.
  • In 11th grade, Elizabeth went into her first serious relationship with a girl named Lily Bowen. This relationship enlightened her to her own pansexuality, and her overall mood improved significantly. However, this relationship ended up failing, which sent her into a long emotional slump that lasted until her graduation.
  • After breaking up with Lily, Elizabeth became a serial dater, going through multiple people a month in an effort to both spite her parents and make Lily envious. However, all it achieved was the souring of her reputation among her classmates, earning her unwelcome monikers and insults from them. This culminated in a large, but private, breakdown. Even years later, she remains sensitive to stress and insults, and is poor and handling pressure.
  • Believing that she didn't have the skills necessary to make it in the real world, along with desperately wanting to get away from her overbearing parents, she applied for the University of Cascadia. Although she was accepted, she didn't receive very much scholarship money, forcing her to take out several large student loans that remain unpaid and are accruing interest.
  • Elizabeth went into college with an undecided major, not really knowing what direction she wanted to take her life in. Due to her unremarkable standardized test scores, she spent much of her freshman and sophomore years going through her university core, still taking time to decide what her major should be. She eventually decided on economics before her junior year, though she is thoroughly uninterested in it. The only reason she has yet to change it is because she does not know what would take its place.
  • In an effort to combat the accumulating stress of unpaid loans and no clear life direction, Elizabeth took up yoga and meditation as a way to relax. She has found that she enjoys both activities considerably, and practices them regularly. In addition to this, in order to not use valuable money on stress-relieving medication, Elizabeth has turned to more alternative methods of stress relief and self-medication. The method she found herself using the most was grounding. Considering it to be a natural extension of yoga, she grounds almost daily, provided the weather outside is not too cold.
  • She has made a particularly good friend in one Maud Sparrow, a younger girl. Elizabeth was drawn to Maud's cheeriness and began to converse with her. The two became fast friends, with Maud introducing her to urban exploration and Elizabeth introducing Maud to meditation and yoga.
  • Recently, she has also joined an existing relationship between PJ Summers and Daniella Bonifacio, turning it into a polyamorous one. Elizabeth's entry into the relationship was meant to revitalize it, and while it did briefly, the relationship is back on the decline. Elizabeth is the one holding it together, as she feels a deep sense of obligation to keep her second true relationship afloat, though this has taken an exceptional toll on her mental health.
  • In an attempt to let out more negative emotions, Elizabeth has taken up boxing lessons. These have proven to be highly successful, and she takes to boxing easily. She uses it as a physical way to let out pent-up anger and stress, and does it thrice weekly.
  • As a consequence of her poor mental state and the highly restrictive measures of her parents, Elizabeth has turned to alcohol as another coping mechanism. She'd been fascinated by alcohol since her parents made it forbidden, and has turned to it to attempt to help reduce stress. The method has not worked, and while she's sworn to quit, she lacks the motivation to actually do so. She gets fairly irritable if she doesn't have at least one shot of alcohol daily.
  • Elizabeth has no clear plans for the future, and the accumulated stress of growing debt and propping up a failing relationship has left her bitter and emotionally withdrawn. She relies on Maud as an emotional crutch, and always enjoys spending time with her. Due to the combination of stress and overworking herself on different matters, Elizabeth's academics have slipped, causing some of the scholarships she's earned to be jeopardized, further increasing her general stress. Elizabeth agreed to go on the trip because she hopes to spark an interest in something academic, so that she can change her major away from economics.
Skills and Interests: Boxing, yoga, meditation, urban exploration, metal music

Assets: Elizabeth displays good physical prowess, and is fairly good in hand-to-hand combat due to her boxing training. She's also a hard worker with a strong work ethic, willing to set aside as much time as needed to get something done.
Limitations: Elizabeth handles pressure and stress exceptionally poorly, and her poor mental state will hamper her effectiveness in overcoming difficult tasks and stressful situations. In addition, she is heavily reliant on Maud Sparrow for emotional support, and the possible harming or death of Maud will have predictably negative consequences on her psyche. Along with this, the lack of alcohol on the island will make Elizabeth very irritable and prone to rash decisions.

Assigned Weapon: Obedience to Authority + Altor Survival Pistol
Conclusion: If you can't find a hidden booze stash or a good use for your naff little gun, Liz, you could always make like Milgram and defer to someone else's instructions. You seem pretty good at that. - Hatfield

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