Arthur "Art" Miles

Wrote this almost in one sitting

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Arthur "Art" Miles


Post by DerArknight »

Name: Arthur “Art” Miles
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Field of Study: Visual Arts
Physical Description: Art is 5'10" (180 cm) high and weighs 167 lbs (76 kilograms). His black hair is trimmed to about one inch, while he spots a beard around his rounded jawline. He has small brown eyes that are rather close to each other. Overall his face is flat and slim.

Art works out daily and is therefore reasonably muscular. He has a lion tattooed on his back.

For the trip, he wore a grey parka over a white shirt and thick jeans. He also wore a black fedora and combat boots.

  • Arthur Miles was born on January 3rd, 2000 in a hospital in Seattle. He is the first child of Zoe and Howell Miles. The pair would go on to have two more children, Sophia and Veronica, with about two years apart from each one.
  • Howell is a member of the House of Representatives as well as a republican. He is known for being an outspoken advocate for the gun lobby. Zoe is a rather timid stay-at-home-mum. Due to being dependent on her husband both emotionally and financially, she goes along with anything he does. The family is very well off.
  • Art was the clear favorite of his parents, getting the most attention and gifts. Any mistakes or bad things he made would be ignored or excused while his two sisters were often berated for being anything below perfect. Taking note of this, Art grew up thinking himself superior to most people around him, especially women.
  • From early on, Art was a very observant child, quickly picking up on what actions and words would make the people around him react the way he wanted to. Art managed to make several friends throughout elementary and middle school thanks to this ability, often by lying and putting on a facade of politeness. All of his actions were calculated. He tended to surround himself with classmates who were more followers, allowing him to feel like a leader. Entering high school, he would drop contact with all of his friends from other schools since he saw no more use in them. However, this resulted in a few arguments over social media, which he could quell with a cover story of having depression. When graduating from high school, Art had learned from his mistakes and chose to keep up contact with his closest peers at least for a few months, allowing the friendships to slowly fade in a more natural way.
  • Art quickly showed a talent for painting in elementary school. His father ensured that Art got special lessons and equipment for digital drawing when entering middle school. Art's drawing were always a cut above the works from his peers and Art even won a few prizes during middle and high school. He mostly paints landscapes and scenery, often inspired by real places he has visited. Howell, who is a fan of art and also owner of a not completely legally aquired art collection, approves of his son's interest.
  • Once Howell deemed him old enough, he would occasionally take his son to his hunting trips during the weekends. Art learned how to hunt wild animals and how to use hunting rifles and smaller guns at a young age. The very first time Art got to shoot at a deer caught in a trap, he slightly missed, heavily wounding it instead of dealing a killing blow. Seeing the deer wince in pain made him hesitant. His father used this as an opportunity to teach his son a lesson of the importance of finishing what one started and forced Art to shoot the deer from point-blank range. After getting over this rather disturbing day, Art started to enjoy this trips a lot. For his fifteenth birthday, his family went on vacation to Africa, where Art got to shoot a heavily sedated lion during an illegal hunt. Even nowadays, where he no longer accompanies his father on hunting trips due to living elsewhere, Art is a frequent visitor of a shooting range in Tacoma, owning his own guns. He mostly uses AR-15 derivatives because they were the first weapons Howell taught him to wield.
  • Art takes good care of his fitness and works out daily. He started doing so when he realized that his BMI got dangerously high in the second year of high school, which stressed him considerably since it didn't line up with his high self-esteem. While first doing it out of necessity, Art slowly began to enjoy his daily routine and has kept it up ever since.
  • Despite his father's profession, Art has little interest in politics, believing both sides to be led by stupid people. He also is uninterested in any political topic that doesn't directly affect him. During elections, he votes for republicans, but more out of solidarity for his father.
  • In high school, Art would once again surround himself with classmates that were easy to manipulate and would follow his lead. In addition to that, he started dating. Similar to his father, he targeted girls that were shy, introvert or for some other reason unlikely to fight back against him. Every single one of his relationships has been highly abusive, with Art at first playing the perfect gentleman before slowly moving the boundaries. He would also gaslight his girlfriends into thinking that any trouble was their fault. Once he got bored, he would dump them, reasoning that they didn't live up to his standards.
  • After finishing high school, Art planned to make a living doing art commissions, believing that he was too good for an ordinary job. However, due to always believing his art to be almost perfect, Art had never pout much effort into improving his work. As a result, his skills had stagnated and were not good enough for him to actually make a living out of them. While he stayed afloat for a few years thanks to him still living with his parents and receiving allowance from them, eventually Howell decided that Art needed to stand on his own feet. He told his son to either take his artistic works more seriously or look for a job. Art decided to attend the University of Cascadia to take an Art Major to show that he intended to improve, even if he didn't believe that such a thing was necessary.
  • At the university, Art has kept up his habits of pretending to be a nice person, favoring shallow followers over genuine friends and having abusive relationships, although his spiels have been less successful than during his school days due to the people around him being older and wiser. This caused some trouble for him, but with a bit of crisis management and a change in tactics he avoided the general public catching onto him. He makes sure to avoid those who seem harder to fool and often hangs around younger students, sporadically switching from one social circle to the next to avoid people getting to know him too well while still leaving an impression.
  • Not too long ago, he used his connections and a few sockpuppet accounts to start a campaign of cyber-bullying against his newest ex because she broke up with him before he could. As a result, she had to leave the university. A few of his former victims had their suspicions about Art being responsible, but the successful bullying intimidated them into silence.
  • He takes his studies seriously, since his father cutting off his allowance is one of the few things he is scared of. In general, the fact that Art is financially dependent on his father is something that bugs him to no end and talking about finances is a topic he tends to avoid. Otherwise, he is unconcerned about his art career, believing his rise to fame to be only a matter of time.
  • Most of the students at U of C see Art as a nice but reserved guy who has no luck in love. In truth, Art fulfills almost all criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Art applied for the trip to gain some easy credit and also to look for some interesting places to draw.

Skills and Interests: Hunting, digital art, working out

Assets: Art is decently experienced in using hunting rifles and smaller firearms. He is egocentric and self-driven, meaning he would easily put his own survival over others and is unlikely to need help to handle most situations.
Limitations: His narcissism has already made him some enemies during his time at the university. He is used to getting his way and unused to situations that are out of his control. Art sees himself as naturally superior, making it harder to ask or accept help from those he looks down on. He also tends to overestimate his own abilities and to blame others for his own shortcomings.
[+] Those who struggle
Zeph Newman

Elizabeth Rodney (adopted from Salic) Currently on a new low in tomorrow will only get worse

Chris Tyrell
Ethan Kemp
Fabiano Vecoli
[+] Those who rest
Sofia Kowalski (adopted from SansaSaver) [30/81] - Just where... did it all went so wrong?
Chris Tyrell (adopted from Irina Ivanov) [6/81] - That was the magic of SOTF-TV.

Fabiano Vecoli [17/29] - Weird. Why hadn't he noticed this sooner?

Gary Greer-Wheatly [26/43] - I am doing bad. You?

Keita Iijima [37/42] - Do you think... they are really gone?
Noriko Nakagawa [13/42] - It was nothing she looked forward to.

Arthur "Art" Miles [13/29] - Hold on. You actually believe this whole bullshit about Survival of the Fittest?
[+] Those whose time shall come
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Stuart "Stu" Tyler
Lucina "Lucy" Pierpoint

Claudia Harper
Shanoa Priest

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Post by Shiola »

Heya MostlyHarmfull! I like this character and hate this type of guy. A few notes:
[+] notes
Name: Arthur “Art” Miles
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Field of Study: Art
Typically this would be referred to as “Fine Arts” or would be more precisely defined. Visual Arts would also be acceptable; I’d just like to see it narrowed down a bit.
Physical Description: Art is 5'10" (180 cm) high and weighs 167 lbs (76 kilograms). His black hair is trimmed to about one inch, while he spots a beard around his rounded jawline. He has small brown eyes that are rather close to each other. Overall his face is flat and slim.

Art works out daily and is therefore reasonably muscular. He has a lion tattooed on his back.

For the trip, he wore a grey parka over a white shirt and thick jeans. He also wore a black fedora.
Great description here, the fedora is a nice touch. Does Art have any preferences for footwear?
Howell is a small politician for the republicans and also an outspoken advocate of the gun lobby.
We could be more specific here, as “small politician” might indicate he’s physically just a little guy who works for the republicans. Indicate whether he just works for the state’s republican party, or if he’s an elected official (anything below a state senator would do).
Zoe is a rather timid stay-at-home-mum, too shy to ever speak out against anything her husband does.
There’s a chance to give a bit more here. This tone seems to either imply that the researcher is taking a stance on Howell’s work, which they wouldn’t do, or that Zoe does have particular reservations and keeps them to herself. I’d love to see a bit more clarity on this one.
Despite that, Art managed to make several friends throughout elementary and middle school thanks to his natural abilities in lying and putting on a facade of politeness.
Did he have to develop these skills over time at all? Even if he had a natural capacity for deception, it’d be interesting to know more about how he honed this quality over time. Also, is he a compulsive liar or is his behavior calculated?
He tended to surround himself with classmates who were more followers, allowing him to feel like a leader. Entering high school, he would drop contact with all of his friends from other schools since he saw no more use in them.
Did anyone try to reach out to Art? Did he behave differently if they did? One throughline in this profile is that while I get a good assessment of Art re: him being a dirtbag, I’d like to see a few instances of him being challenged on these qualities, and how he might've reacted to it.
Art quickly showed a talent for painting in elementary school. His father ensured that Art got special lessons and equipment for digital drawing when entering middle school.
Point I’m interested in here: did his father have any particular avenue he was hoping that Art would take with his work? I’d suspect a hardcore republican might view visual arts as a dead-end career for a young man, especially as this comes up again later on in the profile.
Once Howell deemed him old enough, he would occasionally take his son to his hunting trips during the weekends. Art learned how to hunt wild animals and how to use hunting rifles and smaller guns at a young age. He enjoyed these trips a lot. For his fifteenth birthday, his family went on vacation to Africa, where Art got to shoot a heavily sedated lion during an illegal hunt.
How did Art react to killing an animal?
Even nowadays, where he no longer accompanies his father on hunting trips due to living elsewhere, Art is a frequent visitor of a shooting range in Tacoma, owning his own guns.
Does he have any particular preference for a given type of firearm? This is something that would be made explicit in this kind of dossier. For example, AR-15 derivatives are the most popular select fire rifles in civilian ownership in the US, but someone might prefer an AK-platform rifle instead. One person might take a Glock as a strictly practical choice, or a 1911-style pistol because of its pedigree and the perceived increase in stopping power of a .45 caliber pistol. A choice in firearm for someone like this could speak to his personality a fair bit.
Art takes good care of his fitness and works out daily. He started doing so when he realized that his BMI got dangerously high in the second year of high school. While first doing it out of necessity, Art slowly began to enjoy his daily routine and has kept it up ever since.
Does Art have self-image issues? Did he view his poor health as an aesthetic problem, or was he more worried about his practical physical capabilities? How does he view his appearance in regards to his successes or failures in his dating life?
In high school, Art would once again surround himself with classmates that were easy to manipulate and would follow his lead. In addition to that, he started dating. Similar to his father, he targeted girls that were shy, introverted or for some other reason unlikely to fight back against him. Every single one of his relationships has been highly abusive, with Art at first playing the perfect gentleman before slowly moving the boundaries. He would also gaslight his girlfriends into thinking that any trouble was their fault. Once he got bored, he would dump them.
So I like this very frank assessment of Art’s personality and relationships. I’m interested in whether or not he’s ever gotten pushback from friends or people in social circles about his behavior. Especially nowadays, people can and do often develop bad reputations from previous relationships. Also, I’d wonder how he reflects on these relationships - does he believe he’s acting in a reasonable and justifiable way? Does he think that he’s a good person? How?
After finishing high school, Art planned to make a living doing art commissions, believing that he was too good for an ordinary job. However, due to always believing his art to be almost perfect, Art had never put much effort into improving his work. As a result, his skills had stagnated and were not good enough for him to actually make a living out of them.
I like this a lot, it says a lot about him in a really economical way.
At the university, Art has kept up his habits of pretending to be a nice person, favoring shallow followers over genuine friendships and having abusive relationships, although his spiels have been less successful than during his school days due to the people around him being older and wiser. He takes his studies seriously, since his father cutting off his allowance is one of the few things he is scared of.
Speaking of things he is scared of - has the fact that his social misadventures have become less successful in University made him insecure at all? I’ve known people like Art who habitually hang out with younger people as they get older, leveraging their age to manipulate and control those social interactions.
While some people can see behind his facade or have a bad feeling about him, most of the students at U of C see Art as a nice but reserved guy who has no luck in love.
Similar to my point above, I’d love to see one or two examples of this.
In truth, Art fulfills almost all criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder.
Does he ever!
Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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Post by DerArknight »

Finally, I did the edits.

To be honest, I also made a good number of changes and additions unrelated to the things you asked for.
[+] Those who struggle
Zeph Newman

Elizabeth Rodney (adopted from Salic) Currently on a new low in tomorrow will only get worse

Chris Tyrell
Ethan Kemp
Fabiano Vecoli
[+] Those who rest
Sofia Kowalski (adopted from SansaSaver) [30/81] - Just where... did it all went so wrong?
Chris Tyrell (adopted from Irina Ivanov) [6/81] - That was the magic of SOTF-TV.

Fabiano Vecoli [17/29] - Weird. Why hadn't he noticed this sooner?

Gary Greer-Wheatly [26/43] - I am doing bad. You?

Keita Iijima [37/42] - Do you think... they are really gone?
Noriko Nakagawa [13/42] - It was nothing she looked forward to.

Arthur "Art" Miles [13/29] - Hold on. You actually believe this whole bullshit about Survival of the Fittest?
[+] Those whose time shall come
TV Intermissions
Leland Pierpoint
Stuart "Stu" Tyler
Lucina "Lucy" Pierpoint

Claudia Harper
Shanoa Priest

Kathleen Martin

Leonie Fuchs
Leon Fuchs
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Post by Shiola »

Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."

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