Grove St. Home, at least it was before I fucked everything up

Series of oneshots involving Crispin’s trip home from the hospital.

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Grove St. Home, at least it was before I fucked everything up


Post by ItzToxie »


“Mom put dad on the line, let me talk to-“

“Fuck you mean? Do you even know what the fuck happened?! Everyone up there was tryin’ to kill my ass, fuck you expect me to do-“

“I don’t give a fuck what CNN said I- man fuck this.”

“Put dad on the line. Put dad on the line. Put dad on the line, I ain’t talking to your stupid ass, put dad on the line-“

“Dis bitch really just hung up on her own son…”

“Ayo, thanks, here’s your phone back.”
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Crispin Cuyler?"

Crispy glanced up at the nurse that walked in the recovery room. His heart jumped. Could he finally leave? Did his parents show up?

"You've got visitors."

"Shit man, say no more-" He'd realized his folly once he saw how many there were waiting outside behind the nurse; and that he didn't recognize them. "Wait-"

And they had cameras.

"Crispin what was going through your mind when you murd-What made you choose to- Do you know anything about the Deerstalkers-"

Crispin had thought the popo were supposed to hold these turds back from harassing them, what with it being an official police investigation and all that. You know, trying to figure out anything about the Deerstalkers and shit.

"Do you believe you deserved to be pardoned by the pres- Do you have anything to say to the families of the pe-"

Oh yeah, he remembered why the cops weren't here. President pardoned them. They had nobody to incriminate anymore, because the furries were too hard for them, so let's go after the survivors instead. Now they couldn't do that, then they weren't the pigs' problems anymore. Yeah.

Despite the pain it caused his hand, Crispin wordlessly flipped the cameras the bird.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Changing channels on the TV, Crispin stopped when he saw himself on the news.

“What do you have to say to the families of the people you’ve killed.”

TV Crispy raised his hand, as it turned into a pixelated blur.

Underneath the headline of ‘Killer of four during kidnapping unrepentant’ there was a scrolling message involving the police’s failed raid on the Deerstalkers.

Crispy fell back into his bed, and started laughing. His existence was nothing more than a South Park episode at this point.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy got to take his bandages off his face today; He hadn't seen himself since before the game. He was NOT excited to see how badly the combined efforts of Mercy and Ray fucked him up. But he also couldn't run around looking like Darkman for the rest of his life either.

Nobody really said anything as he went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. He blinked. Yeah, maybe he could go about his day looking like Darkman and just wear bandages for the rest of his life, fuck. He reached his hand up and touched the burn side of his head. He hated the weird wavy veiny texture of it. That and the weird callusey feel of it. It was numb to the touch. He didn't feel shit from his forehead down to just a bit left of his nose. It was all very, pinkish. No eyebrow. Or eye. Hell he couldn't even call what's left eyelids, just a weirdly stretched slit that curved down-

He shook. Forced himself to laugh. He wasn't gonna let 'em beat him.

"Daaaamn. Bitches turned me into a damn Junji Ito drawing..." He tried to make it into a joke. Wasn't funny, not even to him, but he still pretended to laugh. At least if he had to remind himself if he regret what he did, all he'd have to do is look in a mirror now.
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Post by ItzToxie »

This time his mom wanted to call him.

“Embarrass you?! The fuck you mean?!”

“Iont give a fuck put dad on the line.”

“BITCH?! What fucking reputation?! You’re a dentist that lives in a goddamn trailer park! What the fuck’s your fucking problem?!”

“Let me talk to-“

“She hung up again...”

Crispy was reminded of the time Noah shot him. It was his mom’s idea to sue in the first place; and to make a big deal about it on Facebook, including where Noah shot him. The entire time she was making those videos she was talking in her car with waterworks and shit, talking bout what a good boy he was and he didn’t deserve it and that Noah ruined his life. When they didn’t win, she got mad and blamed him, telling him he shouldn’t have got his dumb ass shot.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Another phone call at the front desk for him.

He almost didn’t want to answer it. He did anyways.

“Mom what the fuck you want this ti-“

“Oh shit.”

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Post by ItzToxie »

Tomorrow morning he’d be going home.

It was probably the closest thing he’s felt to happiness sense before all this shit went down.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy sat in the passenger seat of his dad’s pickup as they made their road trip back. After the initial reunion with all the hugging and crying and shit nobody else cared about, it was quiet for the first half hour of driving.

Mom didn’t show up. Probably because he ‘embarrassed’ her enough as is.

It was hard to talk, honestly. You could only say I missed you and I love you so many times. You definitely weren’t going to be asking about how your day was.

Crispin has never seen his dad cry before. At least not until today. Sometimes, you didn’t need all that many words anyways.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“I saw what you did…”

Crispin peeled his head off the windshield expecting the worst.

His dad sighed.

“I saw what happened to Moose too. That woman that did it. Went out and killed some other people too. Got herself killed doing it.”

Early glanced between the road and his son. He’d watched him grow up, he’d seen him and Moose find shit for Crispy to break. Breaking cinderblocks, car windows, denting in car doors. Didn’t even need a bat for it. Never so much as broke a knuckle. Every time he’d find out he did it, Early’d whoop his ass, try and stop him from doing it again, if he got caught, he’d be in serious shit. He never found out if Crispy did break other people’s shit again. He figured he still did, he was just better at hiding it. Crispy knew his own strength, which is why it always scared Early when he came home after getting kicked out of school for fighting. The day he’d hear that his son caved someone’s head in was the day he’d take some extra whiskey with his sleeping tablets.

“Why’d you join in? Ain’t none of them looked like that girl to me.”

Crispy bit his lip. “You want the long story or the short one?”

“How much you feel like talking about? I’m not gonna ask about the fucking alien that attacked you, I’m pretty sure I got a good idea on what’s his malfunction, but I don’t know about the others.”

“Well… It started with Alan’s ex trying to kill me. I don’t think he- I’m pretty sure Mercy had nothing to with him, or uhh the Alien, but his gift is he can talk to people when he’s asleep, like a radio channel in your head. Apparently I left him slumped for a bit. He’s got a lot of friends so he talked. I don’t blame him for what happened, but also I couldn’t talk my way out of shit because of him, either. If it mattered.”

“What you mean by ‘if it mattered’?”

“A lot of people wanted me dead, just coz. I just wanted Mercy, coz of what happened to me and Moose, so I went after Kaine. The ghost bitch.”

“The one you…”

“The one I really fucked up. Yeah. He attacked me a little while after Austin did. He had a habit of popping up and starting shit. He was hanging around Mercy’s brother. So when we got burnt up, I went looking for her, or her bro who’d be nearby. Figured he’d be able to tell me where she’s at.”

“Was he the floating egg?”


“-Yeah, he got himself killed with his dumbass sister. They teamed up and barbecued two more kids though.”

“I know.”

“So Kaine…”

“He hung with Lincoln, and Link was Mercy’s bro, so it’s like a trail. I asked him questions-“

“And Sparta kicked him into his buddies…”

“Yeah, okay, I know it doesn’t look good, but I wasn’t going to kill him, or his friends. I only wanted Mercy, but they joined in and they wanted to- We had these bomb collars, right. They blow up if you go in the wrong place.”

“Yeah, the tiger guy got himself blown up in one.”

“The place they was trying to kill me with and shit. I wanted to break the other guys nose, but he moved, and-“

Crispy pointed at his face.

“Ain’t got no depth perception, so I missed and broke his neck.”

“I’m guessing that’s why Kaine came back for you?”

“Ye. I warned him. He ain’t fuck off when I told him to. I don’t feel bad about him. He had it coming. Him and Mercy. And her bitch ass bro. And Ray that mutant fuck…”

“God damn… Crispy, do you need help?”

Crispy stared at the road.

“You got money for it now?”

Early pursed his lips. “Not really. Ain’t even got enough for the doctor we just left, to be honest. Least I don’t. Maude might.”

Early sighed. “We’ll figure something out.”

Crispy looked back at his father.

“Dad, you mad at me for what I did?”

Early rolled the windshield up.

“Well, lemme tell you something. I’m mad about a lot of things. You did some dumb ass shit. But it wasn’t like you could just walk away from that either. Truth be told, I’d have done the same. That Mercy girl looks like she had it coming. I didn’t know about the others, but if you’re telling the truth, so’d they. At least, Kaine and Ray. It’s disgusting they did all that shit to you. You’re stupid as shit sometimes, but I ain’t gonna blame you, you’re my son. I’m just happy you’re home.”

“Crispy don’t go doing that crying shit again. I can’t- I can’t drive when I’m crying neither.”
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispin walked into his room. It was the same as he'd left it, bed wasn't made, all sorts of cords and controller wires wrapped around each other attached to his Ps4 and old ass Wii. One of his controllers still had the corner knocked off from where he smashed it into a wall. His clothes were on the floor. Under his bed were his collection of paintball and airsoft gear. Hollywood Undead poster hiding the holes in his wall. It was like he wasn't gone longer than a night, if that.

He sat down on his bed, holding his blue paintball gun. Old bastard got him into so much bullshit. That rock war for one. He laid down, head resting against his pillow. He laughed. Shit would never be that fun again. He figured if none of the last week happened to them, it'd be the same, but context matters or some shit. Rather have the rock war be the highlight of a mediocre boring ass life to it being the highlight of... this shit.

He sighed.

He couldn't even feel bad about the people he lit up there back then, knowing what'd they turned into. He felt bad for shooting Gary, but he was about it. Everyone else had it coming and then some. Crispin did too, but-

He was bad, but he wasn't the worst. Everyone around could hate him and forgive the other shitbirds because they're dead, but he knew he wasn't the worst. He didn't have to prove shit. Austin told him not to forget them, but let's be honest, he couldn't even if he wanted to. News won't talk about them because they're dead, so that just left who's around to think. Truth be told, that's all that some of them deserve, if that. Pieces of shit like that, willing to kill everyone they knew to just go home, and they didn't need no convincing to do it. He hoped they rotted in the bottom of some burial pit inside a body bag turning into soup in the desert, if the vultures ain't ate 'em first.

Crispy sighed.

His life was basically over because of them. Everyone's always gonna be watching, always gonna be looking, be judging. He couldn't change his looks, couldn't change his face, nothing. He just had to embrace that he'd be the fall guy for this whole thing. The easiest target, the one to take all the blame for shit he had no control in. He had to embrace being the bad guy. Fine. He will.

But first, he's going to embrace some sleep in his own bed for once.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy watched TV with his dad. Fox News had questioned (ambushed) the survivors, and he waited to see himself on there on top of many other highlights like what Astrid and Ximena did.

As they talked about the disappearance and supposed bus crash, they showed footage of one of the parents bemoaning the loss of her son. “-and my little boy didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this. He worked hard at school and got straight A’s and he was going to college and make something for himself and-“

“Jesus fuck mom, you’re not even trying. There ain’t no fuckin’ tears goddamn!” Crispy had shouted at the tv, as his mom wasn’t there for him to make fun of. His mom had went to a motel to stay away for a while because his continued existence on top of why he’s allowed to stay here instead of jail caused multiple arguments with his dad.

The voice of bitch-ass Tucker popped in with some stupid gotcha line. “But unfortunately, her straight A student was anything but; and while his mother grieved, Crispin Cuyler was busy murdering his classmates.” There was a freeze frame of him standing over Gary. That’s the one they picked. Of course they would-

“When questioned; he had this to say.” Cue footage of him flipping the bird back at the hospital; courtesy of CNN- WOW this is the first time they ever agreed on anything!- and the new footage of Crispin at a gas station, walking out with a Baja Blast and some hot Cheetos. They asked him what he thought about walking as a free man after killing.

“Yeah, I think you should suck my **** like a kielbasa, you ******* ********, and while your at it toungepunch my ******-“ They had cut off mid speech as his hand turned into a blur of pixels once again. Crispy didn’t care they had the whole speech or not. Just him showing up was funny.

His dad called him a fucking idiot, but he was laughing too. For a little while, life was good.
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Post by ItzToxie »

He hated pretty much everyone who made it back at this point. Too busy crying, bitching and moaning about their shitty lives, while blaming him for his issues. Even Alan ghosted him, and shaved his head to boot, either to distance himself, or maybe he saw his hairline running away. Crispy didn’t know. Couldn’t say he didn’t care, coz he did, he’s mad as shit about that, he figured there was a reason for him to come back, but maybe not. Maybe it was just ego.

Out of everyone, only one other person there actually gave him the time of day. Yeah, he didn’t expect Melodie either, but she was actually pretty cool to talk to. Truth be told, he really didn’t deserve it, but someone to talk to was someone to talk to.

It made him feel kind of shitty because before all of this he wouldn’t go anywhere near her. She was the ‘weird meat girl’ back then for a reason. Now, she’s literally the only person outside of Austin that Crispy’s had some form of intelligent conversation with. He felt bad for her, because apparently she was in the same bus as him with the other survivors, but she’d done absolutely nothing to warrant it to his knowledge. She definitely wasn’t a killer. Worst thing about her was being mentally unwell, but hey, guess what?

All of them were!!! They were all fucked up, but she was different in her way of being fucked up so everyone avoided her. Hypocrites. Those same hypocrites would talk mad shit for roasting her and come to her defense if he made a joke before the kidnapping, now they were semi-famous they were better than that. Fucking pretenders, lmao. You ask Crispy, he’d tell you a lot of the wrong people made it out, including him. Melodie wasn’t one though. It was good she lived.

“So you’re telling me you and your friends write these five paragraph essay on how your characters die ‘n shit in battle royale?”… “Shieet, I can’t write that much. I’ll just stick to playing Warzone. Sounds sick, though. What’s your character do?” Sometimes they didn’t even talk about what happened. They just talked. It was almost like they were friends or something. He hoped they were friends.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Brian didn’t want to fight anymore.

Crispy didn’t blame him.

As much as they hated each other, they both missed Moose.
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He had to delete his Twitter account. People kept sending him Moose’s death.

He didn’t mind the memes about himself though.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Crispy had an epiphany.

He was so low at rock bottom that he’d have an easier time if he kept digging until he popped out in China than if he tried to climb back out.

It was kind of liberating to stop giving any fucks anymore.
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