Lindsey Frieda Laverne*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in TV2 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Lindsey Frieda Laverne*


Post by MurderWeasel »

Name: Lindsey Frieda Laverne
Gender: Female
Age: 17
School: Davison Secondary School
Hobbies and interests: Animation (voice-acting), volleyball, video-games, arts and crafts, life after death

Appearance: Lindsey is shorter-than-average in height and a bit stocky, much heavier than she looks. Her reddish-brown hair is cut just below her jawline, but she let a good amount of it grow longer at the back so she could tie a small ponytail. Her eyes —irises an unsaturated green— are somewhat sunken, something that runs in the family. She's Caucasian, and doesn't really have any ties to specific ethnicity. She has two helix piercings on her right ear and one hole in each earlobe. She doesn't have any particular likes and dislikes in clothing, but she often wears jeans and graphic tees.
On casting day, she is poorly rested. One of those mornings. She's wearing grey jeans, black sneakers, a teal t-shirt and a black sweater tied around her waist. In her pocket she had her inhaler, change and her student card.

Biography: The Laverne family resided in the small town of Moriarty, New Mexico, until several years after Lindsey was born. She spent her childhood familiar with open space and traveling long distances on foot. She lived with her mother Olivia, her father Jacob and her grandmother Terra in a boarding house, where they rented out the two rooms upstairs for travelers. Since the town was small, Lindsey had seen many faces more than once or twice, so she was always looking forward to seeing new ones.

It was sometime during middle school when her grandmother passed away, with whom she had a very close relationship with. For personal and financial reasons, Lindsey's parents decided to sell their home and move to the big city; in this case, Albuquerque. Jacob was an accountant and managed to land a position soon after settling into an apartment with his family.

Lindsey started in her new middle school, but found the atmosphere to be disorienting and had a hard time adjusting. She used to be excited to see new faces, but the surplus intimidated her. She spent most of her time playing handheld video games and making hemp bracelets at recess, unable to approach others as readily as they could. She was adaptable though, so after a few months she was able to open up to people. She managed to befriend a select few, and she adopted a stronger liking to sports and activity, especially volleyball.

Then there was an accident. Some classmates locked her up in a small custodial room after-hours at the school for a cruel prank. Lindsey, not wanting to wail and make a fuss for their satisfaction, did nothing at first. They told her they'd only let her out if she begged, but before she got tired of waiting, she started feeling weak. Some containers weren't closed properly, and the fumes collected in the narrow, tight space. She tried making noise before she fell unconscious but she wasn't heard. The door opened, and she wasn't breathing.

Lindsey awoke in the school's infirmary. Her parents hugged her tighter than they ever had, telling her of some miracle. When medics entered the building, her heart had stopped beating, and it had taken some time for them to revive her. She was fortunate that she was taken out to fresh air as soon as she was; if her brain was deprived of oxygen any longer, she would have been lost. Intrigued, Lindsey thought about the amount of time she was lost under, and if she truly encountered death. All she remembered was darkness... was that all that truly awaited those at the end of their lives, or had she forgotten it? Left with the absence of memory?

After a few weeks she was brought back to school, and life resumed. The custodial room was installed with a proper fume hood, protocol on caretakers were strictly enforced, and the schoolmates who caused the accident were suspended, but no further punishment was executed despite parents' protests. Lindsey forced herself to be unconcerned though, intent on falling back into her routine. Though, as much as she tried to be forgiving, she found she treated people with more skepticism, questioning their motives and more observant of them. She trusted people, but it conflicted heavily with her doubts and left her frustrated. She still enjoyed playing volleyball with friends but she often bailed on other out-of-school plans. She started preferring her own company overtime, but that didn't make her completely introverted. She thought back to the topic of life after death from time to time, whenever her mind wandered back to the hospital. As a result of the accident, she developed asthma, which she had to counter with the use of an inhaler. The asthma improved as Lindsay grew older, but in times of high stress and overexertion she still needs medical management for it.

She has a very healthy relationship with her parents. When Terra was still alive at the boardinghouse, Lindsey spent most of her time with her grandmother while her parents looked after things. In middle school, there had been some neglect while she was growing up, mostly due to her father away at work and her mother trying to look for part-time. After Lindsey started having breathing problems however they were more attentive to her. They babied her for a few months but realized it was a bit over-excessive when Lindsey proved she could manage responsibility. They started treating her like an adult early and and remain very supportive of her.

Lindsey took an interest in animation around the time she enrolled in Davison and decided she wanted to try her hand at it. She was hardly an artist however, and decided for the next best thing; voice-acting. She really enjoyed making various impressions and practicing her vocal range. She had done enough to the point where she only needed to hear something new once to create a decent impersonation.

She's offered her voice to her friends' projects and online animations, and she is known by the pen-name "EchoMaiden". Her classmates also know her for her impersonations, which gives her some popularity in class. She joined the volleyball team at Davison to keep her active but she doesn't have undying commitment to it. She's missed some games in favor of other past-times but not enough times to be kicked off the team. She has an overall calm and cheerful personality, taking things one at a time. She is outwardly friendly but often doubtful of others' intentions. In sports and other activities she prefers to be quick in a short radius, as she tires easily and can't work herself hard. In terms of education, she does very well in art, drama, and religion, but struggles with classes such as mathematics and chemistry, which are her worst two. She continues to enjoy arts and crafts, using either raw material or old junk to make something aesthetic or practical. She's sort of Mrs.-Fix-it when she sees something that can be used or reinforced.

Advantages: Lindsey is somewhat toned and stronger than average, which would work to her advantage when assaulted. Her ability to impersonate voices and accents, male or female, may also help in tricking other players. Lastly, she's very crafty with her hands, so she can make something decent from things lying around.
Disadvantages: When it comes to running long distance, her cardio is terrible. Her asthma has improved over the years but can render her ultimately breathless in times of stress or overexertion. She also has a tendency to overthink things, especially when it comes to other people. As a result, her decision-making takes much longer than the average person.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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