James Bagstad

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James Bagstad


Post by Bowser »

Name: James Bagstad
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6’
Weight 200 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Kills: 3
Weapon: Paper Fan

Appearance: James sports a large and imposing build, easily towering over most of his classmates in both size and bulk. He is Caucasian, though somewhat tanned from spending a great deal of time outside. His nose is fairly broad and large, but not so big that it stands out too much. He tends to keep his black hair at a short and more reasonable length, typically no longer than half an inch. His smile tends to exude an air of confidence and pride, though around close friends it tends to be far warmer and softer. On announcement day James was wearing a thick brown jacket, a blue shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers while keeping his brown beanie stored away in his jacket pocket.

Interests: James is a big gun nut and knows a good deal about most modern models of weaponry, though he has never actually had a chance to fire or even hold one himself. He’s also a very active person, and works out actively while also being an active part of his school’s football team. He’s very patriotic as well, coming from a fairly high ranking military family, and as such does his best to keep up with both the nation’s politics and his own school related studies so he can take an active part in his nation’s future once he graduates high school.

History: James is the second child of 4 to Michal and Victoria Bagstad, whom both met during their first compulsory term in the military. While his mother did not pursue a further military career after her first two terms, his father would remain in active duty for years before finally being stationed States side when James was 11. However, with that job being near Denver the family had to pack up and move from their home in upstate New York and down to Colorado. Thankfully though James was able to adjust to the change fairly easily, and became fast friends with many of the kids within his area.

James was raised by both of his parents to be a perfect patriot through and through, and that anything less would go against everything that America stood for. So once he realized he was rather attracted to men he couldn't help but to be fearful and think that there was something wrong with him. It didn't help that no matter how hard he tried that attraction would not go away. Even as he began to go out with girl after girl, building up a sort of "Player" reputation within his school, this would not change. By the time he reached his senior year James had realized that this wasn't an issue that was ever really going to be solved. However, not wanting to disappoint his family or his country he still tried his best to shove his own homosexuality as deep as it could go, figuring he could just say relationships were not for him once he served his ten years in the military and go from there.

Personality: James is generally a friendly and charismatic guy, though he does have a bit of a habit of teasing people who tend not to fight back or stand up for themselves. He isn't exactly the most self aware person, and he can tend to go overboard when it comes to how he treats some people, but more often than not he's generally a well intentioned kid. That said he also has a fairly black and white view on the world around him, and sees those whom support America as the good guys and those who say anything even remotely bad about it as traitors to the great nation they call home. Even then though he isn't directly hostile towards his Anti-America classmates unless they start something with him first, seeing no real reason to even deal with them when he knows nothing will come out of it but a headache.

Reputation: James is a fairly popular kid among the Pro-America crowd. His natural charisma does cause people to latch onto him, and ignore his less than wholesome treatment of his other classmates. Outside of this circle however he's typically seen as a bit of a player and a bully, seemingly having a different girl around his arm every other week and picking on some of the weaker willed students. His classmates will either love him or hate him, there is no inbetween.
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