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The shipping yard, found in the southwestern part of the island, is a maze of docks and colorful containers that has remained largely unchanged since the island was abandoned, aside from accumulating more rust. Once a major hub of activity on the island, the shipping yard will soon see action once more, though likely of a far more lethal sort than in its active life.
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Location: In Her Dark Abyss

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Post by Primrosette »

((Scarlett McAfee continued from The Whole E(will insert link at some stage) ))

It felt strange for Scarlett to be back at the shipping yard. She wished that Everett was still alive and that Michael had never been hurt by Blaine. If only things had not gotten worse. But now she had a bit of hope that what she and the others were doing was going to help them.

She couldn't give up on living, surviving. If their plan failed, then all they had to do was come up with something different. The five of them could make things work out. She was sure of it.

She had managed to put as much toliet she could around the shipping yard and she took a few minutes to relax and look over everything. Everything that she had done would have to be in check.

Scarlett let out an exhausted sigh.

She knew that this plan was very naive. She couldn't deny that. She had to look at how this would play out realistically. But why couldn't she have a glimmer of hope for a while?

She had to keep going.

She had to move foward.

For Everett.

For Michael.

For Chuck.

For Kyran.

For Natali.

For Tania.

For herself.

((Scarlett McAfee continued elsewhere))
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