
Right Before Announcement

The cabaret is rather simplistic in design, having only one large stage where entertainers perform for the denizens seated at the number of tables. The instruments, sound amplifiers, and turntables left around the stage have frost on them, and the rest of the area has a small margin of snow and slick ice spread about.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Last Time In Sub Rosa))

Sun was up and so was she. Everything was gone now. That feeling of dread and regret...she didn't deserve any of that. She was clearly in the right. She'd love to see the arguments otherwise, but no one else was their but Sarah who's a crazy bitch, and Caroline who was dead because of her own stupidity. She'd argue Anzu was there, but it was hard to see that lifeless thing holding a corpse was Anzu, so she didn't know how to put it.

"Oh well."

All behind her. Ashley stretched and yawned. The morning felt a bit better now. She was shadowboxing. Her pop was a boxer. Said he was a boxer. He had boxing gloves. Boxing glove. But she saw him do this after a bad day, which there were plenty of. Just him, his car, and and a shadow. He was better at hitting the car by accident. Sometimes she would just watch him, because through those wobbly jabs and flabby biceps, she saw strength.

She always said her pop could beat up your pop. Poppin pop, pop-pop. Might have been true. Probably not. He was fat, but not bulky. That just meant he hid it better. He didn't need to show off. That's why he only fought himself, she knew he was the only one who could handle it. When Ma changed it from the game, shadowbox. When his boss said he needed to work more for less, shadowbox. It made him tough, he felt tougher. He never argued with Ma or his boss, not because he was scared, but because he knew everyone else was full of shit.


Everyone else was full of shit. Shadowbox. On the stadium. Whole world would see.
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Post by crabCaptain* »

Limping around in the snow with numb fingers and wet shoes was unpleasant, if not dangerous for one's health. After checking her dressings and attempting to use a 2 foot long shotgun as a tiny crutch, without much success, Isabel made her way over to a performance area of some kind. There was a bar, a stage and musical instruments. Maybe there would be a saxophone to pass the time on? Isabel pushed the thought from her head. That would attract unwelcome attention. Looking closer at the stage, there was a girl, jumping and dodging nothing. She punched the air with cocky swagger in each swing.

Isabel sucked in cold air. She wanted to stay out of sight. Any attention is unwanted attention she decided. Should she leave? No, there may be something here. Maybe the girl left her bag somewhere on the lower level of the establishment. Stealing would be risky, but any more medical supplies would be a welcome addition to her own luggage. No, she already had two bags worth of equipment on her back. Any more would be excessive. Besides, she didn't want to damn some girl she didn't even know to starving, or worse.

Still, she needed shelter and this was the only structure she felt was empty enough. Staying at the condo would have been the wisest choice, but staying in the same building where she had been shot, and her only ally stabbed to death...

Isabel was not a superstitious person, but she felt sick just being near the place now. It felt like bad juju or whatever.

She spied a fairly out of sight crevice in the corner of the place. Getting low, and putting pressure on her healthy leg, she crept along the floor. The girl seemed not to notice. So far so good.

The girl, in her battle with the air, let out an audible grunt of determination. Isabel being in a reasonably nervous state, jumped and turned her body, jarring her wounded leg and falling to the floor, bags clattering, and her own voice letting out a cry of pain.

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Post by Un-Persona* »

A clutter of noise snapped Ashley right out of her small session. She looked to the ground below the stage. Saw a girl, saw a gun. Fat, clumsy. Harmless? Perhaps, but she was obviously  trying to sneak about, so Ashley felt right being suspicious.

Ashley walked closer to the edge of the stage to get a better look at the girl, see if she could even barely recognize her. She squatted and squinted, giving it a moment. One hand held on to the end of the platform tightly, while the other one had itself on the gun she gathered from the shoot-out at the pizza parlor. Two shots.

She smirked and spoke in a sing-song voice.

"Good job."
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Post by crabCaptain* »

Isabel's fall to the ground generated a great deal of noise. The bags on her back clanging around with their contents and weapons, and her own outburst. The girl looked up and made a face.

"Good job." she lilted.

Isabel watched the girl's hand make its way to an object beside her. A weapon?

"I don't want any trouble." she said breathlessly.

Isabel forced herself up, and balanced with her weight on her good leg. Holding her hands up, she nudged the shotgun she had been holding under the two bags on the floor praying the girl hadn't seen it.

"I'm just looking for a place to squat a while."

Isabel hesitated, wondering if an attempt at diplomacy would be favorable.

"What's your name?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley paused for a second. She wondered how this girl would respond when told that she was face to face with someone that had been on the announcements. Then she remembered that those announcements had yet to occur. Soon, though. But this was now.


She didn't ask for the other girl's name. Ashley could play the daft one for now. She relaxed a bit, hand away from the weapon and sitting down criss cross applesauce style. Maybe she could kill some time. This girl had been up to something bad, but she wasn't in any position to actually do anything anymore. So she'd have her peace.

Ashley locked her fingers together and placed her chin on them.

"Squatting huh? You'd think the smart approach would be to, y'know, go hands up and just say that and not try to be on the sly."
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Post by crabCaptain* »

Isabel slowly lowered her hands. The girl was partially right. It may have been a better plan to go straight in hands up. But the risks of meeting one of the psychos whose names she kept hearing over and over in the announcements. It was a big chance to take even talking to another person, let alone surrendering to them.

"I haven't had many good experiences with strangers in this game." Isabel said plainly.

This girl was playing with her. She had a sly grin on her face like she was toying with Isabel, like a hungry cat. Her pose seemed too relaxed to be facing another person in this game, let alone someone she had just met.

"I won't give you any trouble, I just need to sit down for a while."
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley wiped the smile off her face, and her face returned to it's natural setting.

"So instead of finding a nice quiet area alone, you'd go somewhere where one is right on top of a podium? How does that work out for ya?

She sighed and grabbed a clump of her hair, beginning to braid it with strands going over and between themselves. This girl didn't know anything. Didn't know how to lie, didn't know how to keep quiet, didn't know how to to even crawl properly. She gave a resounding sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Your friends...people you know, that's who ya gotta look out for now."
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Post by crabCaptain* »

"Your friends...people you know, that's who ya gotta look out for now."

Isabel cringed. She didn't have anyone to look out for as far as she knew. She had failed the last two people she had tried to protect, and the rest had simply left her behind. At home she looked out for her sisters. At school she looked out for her friends, and the band freshman. On the island, it was hopeless trying to make ties or alliances, because they would all fall apart eventually. You would have to kill your friend, or they would kill you, as long as you were on different teams.

Isabel must have looked incredibly stupid sneaking around on all fours, in her portly frame. She must have looked incredibly stupid talking to someone who wasn't on her team, who also had the upper hand of being uninjured and above her. She must just look incredibly stupid. She probably is incredibly stupid.

"I don't have anyone to look out for. Both of the people I was supposed to protect died, and I can't find my other teammates. I can only assume they're dead as well." Isabel said plainly, looking down at her feet. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly and her knees were turned in, as she drew further into herself to protect whatever was at her center, which she could honestly say felt like a lead weight.

"But you don't have anyone to look out for either I guess, considering you're all alone up there on stage, punching the air."

Isabel bit her lip and admitted her bad decision making skills to herself.

It was a very dumb idea to come here.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

"Jesus Christ, no one asked for your life story. Jeez."

Even if she had made a personal slip herself, Ashley wasn't trying to goad this girl into sharing problems. Someone was on the verge of a mental breakdown here. Still, it made her think a bit. She didn't even mind the jab so much now. She sighed.

"It's called release. You should try it, instead of bottling it all up inside ya."

The girl was right though in a way. She didn't have anybody to look out for anymore, nor anyone to look out for her. Her sisters loved her. She was cool now, to them. Did mom or dad want her back? Anzu went far off the deep end for her other friend, and Ashley had been stuck in the middle her entire time here. So she went her own path, alone. Whatever relationships she had, she knew none of them were unconditional.

Maybe this was the new her or who she had been hiding all along to keep everyone else happy, but it was all a sham either way.
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Post by crabCaptain* »

"I don't bottle things." Isabel grumbled.

That was a lie. She bottled everything up and blew her top when the bottle started to overflow.

Before she could say something else, a crackle and then silence played into her ears. A female voice, mocking spoke. It was the announcements.

She knew exactly whose name she would hear. Waiting patiently, she counted the names on her fingers. James was seventh.

Each name was punctuated with a bitingly sarcastic description of how they were killed.

"Alice Young wanted us to know that she just wasn't a little girl anymore, and proved herself a grownup by stabbing James Houlihan a whole bunch of times. Message received, Ms. Young, loud and clear."

The girl who had murdered her friend and shot her was called Alice. It felt worse knowing that she was an actual person with a life.

"Did you know James? Or Alice?" Isabel asked, once the announcer had faded.

"Did you know any of those kids?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley just stared at the girl, as the announcements played on. She really did not know how to be honest with herself, did she? She mused on it for a bit, past Colin's death and beyond. Her eyes were shut, and her braid was almost done, a soft plait.

She pushed it over her shoulder, giving it a few pumps to to tussle it in just the right way. There we are. The announcements ended, and the other girl spoke again.

"Mmm...didn't really know 'em as I knew of 'em, ya know? Well, besides myself. I'd wager I know myself just about as well as the next gal. But hey, listen, I'm gonna go. I've gotten use to moving from place to place, and with all the dangerzones, might as well keep it up."

She hopped from the stage and began walking away, taking the gun from her backside.

Still had to keep those barriers up.

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Continued Next Time In...Spiders in my Needle))
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Post by crabCaptain* »

The girl sauntered off into the distance, gun in hand, hair whipping around in a cold wind.

She had killed somebody recently. Ashley Namath had killed Colin Pigeon. She knew neither person, on a very personal level at least. It seemed there were very few kids left. Somehow, by doing nothing but making feeble attempts to form alliances and wandering around aimlessly, Isabel had survived a massacre of young people. She had seen firsthand two of those young people, die horribly in front of her eyes. She was no killer. Many of those who survived were surviving on a pile of resources amassed from the deaths of other kids. Isabel had an extra bag of supplies, but nothing else of note. No kills, no devious plans of "winning" the fucked up game she had somehow found herself in the middle of. She had a desperate stubbornness to "make friends" or find people she could attach to, and become an emotional leech. Those people had died or left her alone at this point. She doubted she was a threat to anyone with her chubby frame and asthma, which was worsening by the day with the cold weather seeping into her. She had done nothing productive with her time on the island to attract attention, or lessen her own chances of getting killed.

And yet here she was, Isabel Santana. One of the few left living. Maybe she would win and go home. Or maybe she would end up dead from lack of oxygen, if her asthma worsened even more. An unflattering and unexciting death to say the least. Maybe someone would come along and end it for her.

She didn't care anymore.

Tired, dark circles had deepened under sad eyes. Isabel picked up her bags, and limped away from the cabaret, for once glad that she was by herself.

((Isabel Santana Continued in...))
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