Eye of the Tigers

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This quiet restaurant located in a secluded part of the downtown area has become quite a popular afterschool hangout for the local teens. The restaurant's friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere provide the perfect place to study, catch up on homework, or just hang out with friends after school. Be sure to try the Mamma's Mexican Surprise, it's the best in the tri-county area!
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Eye of the Tigers


Post by Espi »

((Clio Gabriella continued from Fashion Flare))

Clio often liked to have lunch at the grill with her friends after class. Mostly her girl friends, of course, since nowadays she was reluctant to be seen with a guy in circumstances that might resemble a date. Whatever. It was good food, and not so pricey that she couldn't afford to frequent the place. Today was a good day for her since her only homework was some from her science course, which she had completed swiftly.

Today, she was seated at a booth near the front entrance, having arrived earlier than Jeanette and wanting to make sure the other girl spotted her on entry. Admittedly, Clio was...not the most patient person. Waiting around made her antsy, so right now she was listening to music on her phone and idly doodling on a napkin.

Of course, she was trying to keep an eye out for Jeanette, especially given her predilection for pranks. Sneaking up on Clio was exactly something Jeanette did often, and Clio would rather not be caught off-guard again Especially since if she was startled, she might cry out. Clio had gotten a few weird looks in the past for screaming when surprised.
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Post by Lilith »

((Metal Gear Jeanette ))

Jeanette was about to enter the restaurant when she noticed Clio camping in the corner of the room, looking straight on the table. She obviously chose her place according to Jeanette's habits of pranking people. If she was face toward the wall, she could sneak up on her.

But she was facing the entrance. The only entrance for someone that didn't work here that is. She couldn't just stole an uniform and sneaked inside and surprised her. That would be way too much effort for just scaring one girl.

Jeanette pulled out her cellphone quickly. She swiped to the left and entered her password. She tapped the message icon and then tapped GREEN NINJA (who happened to be the nickname she gave to Clio).

She looked up for a second then started to smash her keyboard. They were mainly a repetition of e's and r's along with some w's and one lone f. She took a deep breath then pressed send.

Her diversion was created. She hoped her friend would look at it and be confused letting her enough time to attack. She slithered inside the restaurant and headed as quickly as possible toward her target.
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Post by Espi »

A beep sound from her phone instinctively made Clio check the text that popped up on the screen, music still playing in her earbuds. Wait, what was this supposed to be? Did Jeanette send this?

Of course she had. "Ack, Jesus!" Luckily, Clio restrained herself from yelping too loudly when Jeanette appeared next to her out of nowhere. She took a deep breath, and smiled.

Fuck's sake, I'm gonna chew this bitch out something-

Calm down. Don't make a scene. Laugh it off. You'll get her back sometime.

"Jeanie, I swear. One of these days I'm gonna kick your ass when you pull that shit." Clio gave a little laugh and glanced towards the seat across from her.

"So how've you been?"
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Post by Lilith »

Jeanette sat down beside her friend. Her bum touched the seat and she cracked her fingers and her neck. She didn't really know why she did that. The bubbles inside of her body just wanted a way out, she assumed.

She voluntarily ignored Clio's threat. She was like that and Jeanette found it funny.

Her eyes swayed around the restaurant for a waitress. Her eyes moved left to right, searching the coast for anyone who may serve them.

Jeanette didn't want anything fancy. A drink like a soda or even some water and something to eat, anything really.

She looked around then checked on her friend and smiled. She pulled her things out then swayed her head back toward the restaurant.

"Their customer services isn't the greatest, is it?"

She looked back to her friend and softly shrugged. She slumped in her seat, holding her head up with her hand and pulled her tongue out again.

"I'm doing fine, you?"
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Post by Espi »

Hmm, now that Jeanette was here food would be nice. "Ooh, my bad. I told them to wait for you, I dunno if anyone noticed you got here." Clio smiled cheekily. "Y'know, since you did such a good job sneaking around."

Jeanette was sort of like a gremlin; tiny, mischievous, and potentially adorable. Clio didn't swing that way, of course, but she'd heard enough gross discussion to know that there were people for whom she was their type. Either way, it was good to have the tricky sorts on your good side.

And, y'know, they got along and were friends. That was the primary reason they hung out, obviously.

"I'm doing good. I had some homework but it was easy, so I'm basically free today. Thank god." Catching the eye of a waiter, Clio requested menus and a glass of water for herself. After Jeanette ordered and he left, she turned back to her.

"Anyway, I don't have too much going on. Still waiting on some college apps, I guess." She'd been accepted to a few already, but Clio was hoping she could make it into a really prestigious school. She had the grades, for sure, and it helped that she had experienced some struggles. That always looked good.
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College applications? Oh, that's gross. She didn't need to think about that kind of things. She didn't like school and doing math and social science and all of that dumb shit.

What she wanted was to have money so she could spend it on having fun and she decided to go along with that goal. She didn't want to spend her nights studying, but partying or making out with a cute guy, or a girl if she was drunk enough.

She decided to follow the footsteps of her mother. She was going to be a florist, or something. She was going to go to trade school in a program related to that. Heck, she may even learn a few things about flower arranging or other artsy stuff.

She could maybe make a bouquet for a wedding, for Valentine's Day, or just planting seeds in front of a house and waiting for them to grow. If she had to be honest, she wasn't really sure what was the job description of being a florist and all of that. She knew it involved being in a shop and flowers but other than that, it was a mystery she couldn't understand.

She should probably ask her mom.

"Oh, I hope you get somewhere cool or something."

She squinted, looking at her friend's glass of water. She stared back at her reflection then raised her eyes.

"I applied in a florist program or something in a trade school. I'm waiting to know if I am accepted."
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Post by Espi »

Or something?

As much as Clio's expression reflected a polite enthusiasm for Jeanette's future, she couldn't help but marvel at her friend's distinct lack of higher ambition. The world needed tradesmen and local entrepreneurs and all that jazz, but nowadays those positions were going out of style.

Clio had greater aspirations than Denton, for sure. Thank God for that, really. Imagine being stuck here forever, yeesh.

"A florist, huh? Like your mom, right?" Clio looked up and thanked the waiter as he brought over a drink tray. Sipping the water through a straw, she scrutinized Jeanette's expression. She seemed slightly less bubbly than usual, almost like she was lost in thought.

So she's not being shallow as a thimble for once.

Hush. She just has different priorities than you, that's all. Doesn't make her a bimbo to live in the moment.

She might be worrying that she doesn't have anything planned, but she still needs to act on that worry to be successful. We'll see what happens.

Clio rested her elbow on the table, hand on her chin. "It's good you have something in mind, at least. Lots of people our age probably don't have a clue they're even graduating."

She smiled again and flipped open the menu with the hand not supporting her head. "I haven't been here in a while, anything new that's good?"
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Post by Lilith »

Clio's words kinda hurt Jeanette. Even though she enrolled herself in the trade school by choice and paid the fees and all of that, she wasn't even sure what the hell she was doing. It was just a placeholder until she found something she would enjoy doing for a living.

The future wasn't bleak or anything, she didn't have a terminal illness and she didn't live in extreme povertry. It wasn't set into stone either but she felt due to her lack of skills and good grade, her future would either be working in a fast food until she died or get a lucky job somewhere and keep it for life.

She didn't enjoy thinking about that. If her future was boring, she didn't want to live in it. She kept in mind it wasn't cemented and it could always change but the sword of damocles hanging over her head reminded her that she needed to make a serious decision soon.

Realizing she was making a sad and stern face, she mentally slapped herself. She was on a playdate with her friend and her stupid worrying wouldn't ruin it. Nope, she refused it. Denied that thing and taped its mouth. There, it wouldn't annoy her anymore.

Realizing that Clio had asked her a question, she bit her lips and tapped her index against her lips. It's not like she wasn't listening but the question didn't really go through her mind. Jeanette squinted her eyes, seeing that Clio was looking at her menu.

It was probably food-related or something. She didn't know the question so she decided to go for a safe answer.

"I don't know."

Yeah, that's a good answer to earn herself time she didn't have.

Food. Think about food Jeanette. Her eyes caught something weird.

Yeah, she could try that.

"I think I'll take some of... the Mamma's Mexican Surprise? Sounds funny."
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Post by Espi »

Oops, Clio had missed the mark. Or, hit the mark she had intended to miss. Whatever. She hadn't meant to hurt Jeanie's feelings, really. All things considered Clio thought she'd actually been pretty encouraging to the girl. Considering all the nasty things she could have said, she did good.

Oh well. Some people are just sensitive. Best to do some damage control now that Jeanette's face had dropped like a bowling ball. "Hey, don't sweat it. You've got time. If you change your mind and want to go to, I dunno, culinary school, there's no age requirement or anything." She nodded in accordance with her statement.

Okay, onto food now. That was good. "It's pretty good. It's not as spicy as they say, but I like spicy food so take that with a grain of salt. Or pepper." She added with a smirk. "But it's good. It's kind of like a combo platter, all sorts of stuff."

Clio glanced down at the menu in front of her. "I might get something, like, indulgent, myself. It's been a while since I did that, and it's not like one spot of cheating is going to make me balloon or anything, right?"
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Post by Lilith »

Clio must have noticed Jeanette's face when she answered because she stepped down from her position. She went from "hey! it's nice you got something planned" to "eh, don't worry about it" in the span of few seconds. Jeanette didn't need to comforted, she was doing just fine. She wasn't depressed about it or anything but rather rattled at the fact that her future was lurking in every corners of her life. She added to her statement a clear and clean answer,

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

Listening to what Clio was saying, Jeanette understood she was on a diet of some kind. Was it related to her martial art training or something? She wondered if it was the case for a bit then decided that it was out of her field of expertise. Clio probably wanted to lose weight or something. When Clio said she could end up bloated after eating a meal, Jeanette started giggling.

"You, bloated? Go to hell Clio, I'd kill to have your body."

She continued laughing softly.

Her laugh attracted a decent looking man and her attention shifted. She started to twirl a lock of her hair with her index, eyeing the guy while he walked past their table. He was cute, and probably single the way he looked at them, she could get his number after the dinner. Like a predator, she eyed her prey from a distance, squinting slightly while analyzing him. Yeah, single, probably a decent paying job, young adult probably graduated from high school or soon to be. Good dating material, she could make something great out of him.

Her eyes went back to Clio.

"I think we should order before they forget us."
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Post by Espi »

Okay, mood restored. No harm done, they could continue onto less stressful topics. Yay.

Clio smirked and idly flipped through her menu without looking at it. "It's not that, honestly! I just try to cut back so when I go to lessons I don't fall over."

Ordering would be nice, though. She shot a slightly barbed look at the nearest waitress, and continued to stare while still speaking in a normal tone. "Trust me, getting into a grapple with a full stomach is not fun times."

She noticed, as the waitress caught her eye and moved towards them, Jeanette had her eyes on a cute guy. Hell, she didn't even need to see where she was looking; Jeanette's expression was a familiar one.

"On the prowl again?" She asked mischievously. She couldn't judge, to be fair; she was just as fond of eye candy, though of course actually approaching was something she had restrained herself from lately.
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