S022 - Penders, David

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Catche Jagger
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S022 - Penders, David


Post by Catche Jagger »

Name: Penders, David
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Hobbies and Interests: Football, movies, electronic music

Gift: Blood Glow
Power Details: When David's blood comes into contact with oxygen, a biochemical reaction causes it to radiate with a soft amber color at about 10 lumens. This effect lasts for several hours depending on environmental factors, but is otherwise harmless to either David or anyone who comes into contact. This reaction also causes his skin to faintly glow from the blood underneath, but this is only visible at night or in dark conditions.
Limitations and Drawbacks: The biggest drawback to David's power is how conspicuous it is; stealth is not an option for him should he be bleeding or encountered during the night.

Appearance: David is 5'10" tall and weighs about 210 lbs. He is rather stocky with a lot of fat and muscle distributed throughout his body, noticeably in the torso and the legs. He is Caucasian and is fairly light-skinned with tanned areas around the face, neck, arms, and legs due to continued sun exposure; as a consequence of his Gift, his skin also glows with a soft amber color. He has small, hazel eyes and brown hair kept in a low fade crew cut. He has thick eyebrows, a straight nose, a rounded jawline, and a thick neck. His ears also stick out subtly but noticeably. On most days he looks rather grumpy and off-putting, and he rarely smiles.

David doesn't have much of a fashion sense and dresses somewhat slovenly and rather boringly. On the day of the abduction David had on a gray tank top underneath Duniway High School's letterman jacket. He also had on blue jeans with a brown belt and was wearing black running shoes with black socks. He also wore a nondescript gold chain around his neck and had on a black baseball cap.

  • David was born in Bend, Oregon on August 4th, 2004 to Michael and Catherine Penders. He has no siblings and currently lives with only his father who works as an electrical lineman; his mother died from an illness that was exacerbated by her own Gift while David was in middle school.
  • David's favorite hobby is playing football, seeing sports as a good outlet for him both mentally and physically. He plays as a kicker on the school's sports team.
  • David also enjoys watching movies, particularly those that are slower-paced dramas with a heavy emphasis on character storytelling. He also enjoys listening to music, particularly in the Italo disco and house genres.
  • David's performance is fairly mediocre when it comes to academics, as he views school as a big waste of time and just coasts on purpose. That said, his favorite subject is science and he will put in somewhat of an effort for it as it interests him.
  • David has a poor reception at school. His peers generally avoid interacting with him due to his poor social skills and low energy, rather dour personality.
  • David has no clue what he wants to do after school. He plans to just get a job he doesn't hate and figure it out from there.
Personality: David frankly isn't very pleasant. His lack of charisma and general negativity means he has a small number of friends. As such, he tends to keep to himself and also shies away from any real sort of attention. He feels very lonely, but doesn't think it's worth the effort to work on his social skills and make that change himself.

Other Skills: None

Designated Number: Student No. 022


Conclusion: "I... I'm not really sure how he'll be able to handle things. His Gift is alright but doesn't do much and he doesn't have many friends. Um, maybe he'll be, like, an underdog? Sort of?" - Bear

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