It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Day 2, Following Second Announcement

Despite its unremarkable stature, the parlor is compacted with all you could ever need to make yourself feel and look prettier. With 10 magenta ball chairs on each side facing their oval mirror and hairdresser station, each with their own dryer, one can relax as they get their hair done their face beautified, get their nails done, or all at the same time. An assortment of wigs, make up, and nail polish are placed on a counter in the back for aesthetic reasons, right next to the fire extinguisher. Their is also a fish tank near the entrance that has gold fish, where an automatic food dispenser was installed to last 21 days.
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It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit


Post by delicateMachine »

"I am going to fucking kill you." Anzu snarled, smashing the fire extinguisher into the mirror and watching as it shattered into pieces.

((Anzu Sakamoto: Continued from Crescendolls))

Anzu had exploded into a rage as soon as her mind had processed the content of the announcement. Val was dead, she was fucking dead, and Anzu didn't even have a face to direct her hatred towards. Val had been done in by some nobody who had pushed her down some fucking stairs. What the fuck sort of ending was that? Who the fuck had killed Val before any of them had gotten a chance to save her, or even talk to her one last time?

Gene's name meant nothing to her, and in the absence of a target, she had picked up the first blunt object she could find and had started smashing every fragile thing in sight. The shattered mirror had been her fifth victim, but Anzu's anger had still not abated. An object near the entrance of the salon caught her attention, and Anzu slowly walked towards it.

"I'll cut you to pieces." Anzu growled, stopped in front of the fish tank. "I'll rip your heart out." She raised the fire extinguisher. "I'LL SMASH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND-" She screamed,  bringing down her makeshift weapon and smashing through the glass of the fish tank. Water came rushing out of it, along with the unfortunate fish.

Anzu let the fire extinguisher fall out of her hands. "I'll, I'll..." she weakly murmured, staring blankly ahead at what remained of the tank. She slowly fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "Oh god, oh god, Val..." she sobbed, cradling her head in her hands.
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Post by Iceblock »

((Caroline Leveson continued from Crescendolls))

Caroline didn't cry.

She had cried when she had first woken up on Survival of the Fittest, because there had been self-pity, hatred, her dreams being snatched away from her.

This wasn't very different, except that this time, it was her fault.

She'd failed. She'd gone through all this to fail here. She had seen Val first; she should have kept Val close, kept Val safe. She'd searched, and she'd thought about some way to get them all out. She'd told herself rationalizations, told herself excuses, told herself she could fix it. But there hadn't been a second chance.

She'd worked so hard, that first day, and for what?

Caroline curled up in a corner, wrapping her arms around her knees, and let whatever plans she had fade away as Anzu smashed things, as the water lapped up around her shoes and the seat of her jeans. The plan didn't matter anymore. Not when the reason for it was already gone.

"They're lying," she said, over and over, but she knew that the announcements didn't lie.
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Post by Deamon »

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued from Crescendolls))

"Gene Steward." Sarah murmured the name from where she was sitting in the middle of the room. Tears streaked her face and she watched them fall from her bowed head onto the floor. She didn't know if they were from grief or rage, Anzu was breaking things in a rage but she didn't react. "Gene Steward killed her."

Valerie had been pushed down a set of stairs by someone from the other school. But that wasn't important. She had broken her neck on impact so it was probably painless but that wasn't important either. The important thing was his name. Gene Steward. The name of the person that had murdered her best friend.

She could Valerie's smiling face from any time they'd been at band practice, any time they'd gone out somewhere together or as a group. Any time she'd made a joke and made Val laugh. Any time she'd prank called somebody, or just pranked someone else. That had all been taken away though and she would never get to see her best friends smiling face again. All thanks to one boy.

Anzu had finally caught up with her and was crying. Sarah ignored her, her thoughts focused on one thing, even as the water reached her and the goldfish bumped into her foot. It was flopping around, weak and powerless to stop its imminent death by suffocation. Sarah could emphasize with it, she wasn't going to die shortly but she felt like her reason for living was gone. Smashed and broken into pieces by someone who didn't even know who she was.

She stood up, head still bowed, the visor on her hat obscuring her face.

"Who has a gun?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Last Time In Crescendolls))

Ashley stayed far back in the corner, not willing to get caught up in Anzu's destruction or in the sadness of the others. She was tired, they were all tired, but they just didn't realize it yet. It was a matter of time, really. Ashley already knew why they were like this, but the names on the announcements just weren't enough to make her feel like the others felt.

She creased the bridge of her nose as soon Anzu whacked the fish tank into hundreds of pieces. Ashley felt like she should say something, to get her friend back in reality and under control. Anzu had always done so well at maintaining a level head when they were back home...perhaps the social pressure was gone now, for her. If that was the case...what could be done?

"Can't nothin' be done for anybody anymore...just gotta wait out till it gets to them or gets to you and yours first."

Then, Sarah, of all people, asked if anyone had a gun.

Ashley opened her bag, pulling out and putting on her glasses. Further down, she reached for her gun and revealed it, waving it around a bit.

"I do."
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Post by delicateMachine »

Anzu"s tears lasted only a minute before being replaced once more by fury. Anzu no longer gave even one shit about composure, or the fact that she was still being watched by millions of people. She needed blood. Anzu got to her feet and turned to face the others.

Val had been one of Anzu's most cherished friends, as the one who had recruited her into the band in the first place. Now, she was dead and gone, and Gene had to pay. It was clear that Sarah knew this, too. As the one closest to Val, she had the right to be the one to finish things, to take Ashley's gun and blow Gene's brains out. Not before Anzu could get her hands on him, though, for as long and agonizing as she could draw it out.

"Hey. Mentor." Anzu snarled, tapping her collar. "You want us to kill, right? You want gore? Then tell me where the fuck Gene Steward is. Tell me what he looks like, and I swear, I will give you sick bastards something to watch."
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Post by Iceblock »

Caroline didn't stop them, either.

It wasn't because she was too depressed or demotivated to do so. With the escape plan, everyone lived - but she had known all along that it would have been a very selective everyone. Gather too many, disrupt the team play and the season, and they would have all gotten blown up.

So in truth, she had always been willing to let almost everyone die.

She'd wrestled with it a bit, sure. She'd protested to Matt about his plan, but that was really only over the part about her closest friends. The tough part, in her head, was dealing with people like Pia, Paisley - people she didn't dislike, who she'd seen alive, who were trying to figure out a way to live through this. Her other friends and acquaintances, like her fellow choir members. Even Vincent, to some degree. There was sentimentality there, and she'd hesitated to write them off as necessary casualties.

Matt was dead. Leah was dead. Caroline didn't give a damn.

She would have traded any of their lives for Val's.

So she stood, and hefted the fire iron in her hand, and waited. If her friends wanted revenge, she wouldn't stop them. Following her best friends had always been the short term plan, because they were together, united, and that wasn't going to change. But she no longer held any hope for the long term.
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Post by Deamon »

She heard movement, a rummaging and then Ashley's voice. She had a gun. Sarah thought she would feel her heart leap but it didn't. The chance was being given to her that was all. She turned her head to look at Ashley, her eyes drawn to the gun she was holding. It was a big handgun. That would work.

Sarah moved across the room to where Ashley was. Her footsteps softly splashing the water that had drained out of the fish tank, causing small ripples to spread out across the room. When she reached Ashley she knelt down in front of her. They both knew what was going on. Sarah could hear Anzu growling something, talking to her mentor. She ignored it.

She looked down and the gun and then back up at Ashley's eyes. She knew, they both knew, there was no point hiding it. "Can I have the gun?" Her voice was quiet, soft and it felt like it was lacking something. There was no point even explaining why she wanted it. Ashley knew how close she was to Val, she knew what Sarah wanted to do, it was obvious.

Sarah slowly extended her hand, open and palm up towards Ashley. She could still feel tears rolling down her cheeks. Not bothering to wipe them away Sarah stayed where she was. Kneeling in front of Ashley in the cold wet water waiting for a response, waiting to be given the opportunity to avenge her best friend.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Cards on her table. Ashley knew well why this was happening and how it could turn out. Guess it all came to what they did next, but it irked her how much one choice would direct them to extremes, no gray lines or anything. It was all about do or don't, and the only thing those two shared was the dream to not die.

Ashley's finger curled around the trigger of her gun. Her gun. She hadn't had it long, but she grew attached soon and surely. She had grown attached to it for different reasons then Sarah had requested for it, however. To not just think about herself anymore, giving the gun would mean more then just appeasing Sarah for the time being.

She looked between Sarah's weeping face and her trembling hand, the center just about ready to haul over and break down. Ashley released her finger around the trigger of the gun, putting it on the table with the wigs. Instead of handing over the gun, Ashley curled her finger's around Sarah's.

"When the chance arises...I'll give it to ya."

And if that time came, maybe she really would.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

A voice echoes from Anzu's collar.

"Thought you'd never ask, sweetheart. And I'm sorry, but I can't just go around dishing the fishfood on the locations of other team members. The rules about helping you guys out are really watertight, but I'm sure your plan will come along swimmingly."
ES12: Ivan Rodriguez - Co-Winner - "Just fucking fight me, man."
[+] Past Characters
BB3: Matthew Weiss - #Weiss is Schiesse - "I can say whatever I want in this signature, and you'll believe it's in my story." - DECEASED
CS3: Dougie Sharpe - Personal Responsibility - "You're going to wake up tomorrow, and still be you." - DECEASED

B06: Brandon Baxter - Brandone (ft. DJ KILLJI) - "Thanks. I lost mine in a gunfight." - DECEASED
G33: Kasumi White - 'Cause We Are Young And We Are Sick- He is not here. - DECEASED

MM12: Maxine "Max" Schwimmer - Sink or Swim "Akeno, please." - DECEASED

O25: Tarren Joseph - A Boring Dystopia- "You killed me." - DECEASED

Kincaid Rawlins - The Apocalyptic Rockfight- "Hello kitty sucks."
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Post by Fenrir »

((Alice Young intruding on a pivotal scene from If You Hit A Wall, Hit It Hard))

Alice had never been inside a beauty parlour before; she had never worn make-up and her Grandmother had always insisted on cutting her hair for her when she was a little girl; something which Alice had never grown out of. She didn’t really know what to expect as she opened the door; lots of mirrors probably, and bright lights, and some chairs for people to sit in. She had a feeling make-up was involved so there was probably a lot of that lying around as well.

One thing she was both expecting and dreading was the presence of people. They seemed to be everywhere, everywhere Alice went spread all across the resort and Alice couldn’t seem to avoid them. Still, after her somewhat refreshing nap Alice felt a little more up to possibly dealing with them; assuming they were friendly.

The four girls waiting for her as she stepped into the room didn’t look friendly. They looked angry and sad and Alice couldn’t help but have her attention immediately drawn to the handgun resting on a table top, dangerously close to someone’s hands.

She felt overwhelmed by the sudden presence of so many people and Alice’s instinctive reaction was to try and raise the crossbow; she quashed it mercilessly. She couldn’t be the one to make this violent. She needed jump to conclusions about these girls, these girls who all looked slightly familiar. They hadn’t seen her yet, she still had a chance to decide what their first impression of her would be and it absolutely would not be one of her pointing a weapon at them.

And there was always the option of leaving; so far she had not run from any situation, she had either hidden or fought and it had not ended well in either case. Running was an especially attractive option now that she was faced with a situation she felt sure she was not capable of handling.

The door finally closing behind her sounded to her suspiciously like a nail being hammered into a coffin. The suddenness of it startled a little yelp out of her and she was certain that at least one of those noises was enough to alert one of the girls to her presence.

She needed to act quickly to try and make herself look less unfriendly. There was nothing she could do about the blood that still stained her trainers and jeans but she quickly swept the hood of her cloak off her head so her face wasn’t in shadows and she lifted the crossbow and hugged it to her chest. It made the weapon more visible but by holding it in such a way it would at least be clear she had no intention of firing it.

Now she just had to wait and see what happened.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by delicateMachine »

"Thanks for nothing, you useless bitch." Anzu muttered under her breath. She had the nerve to try and act friendly, like she wasn't secretly laughing on the inside at Anzu's rage? The patronizing fuck had called her sweetheart, and that alone was enough for Anzu to wish torment upon her.

Worse than her mentor's steaming pile of shit was the fact that Anzu had no leads at all, except for the killer's name. No face or even team for them to go on. Unless they were able to interrogate a member of the other school, the remnants of the band would be flying blind. Anzu almost found herself missing Colon, at least now she'd have an excuse to punch him in his stupid fucking face.

Before Anzu could return to her work and remedy the fact that there were still unbroken surfaces in the parlor, she heard the sound of a door closing. A quick glance around proved that none of them had left. There was an intruder. Anzu snatched up the gun from the table before going to confront her.

She found herself face to face with Alice Young. Anzu would have been tempted to just scream at the wallflower to get the hell out, if it hadn't been for the crossbow she was tightly clutching to her chest. How dare she intrude upon their grief? Images of Sarah, Ashley, Caroline being pierced by crossbow bolts flashed through Anzu's head, and in a rage, she lifted the gun and roughly pressed the barrel of the gun against Alice's forehead, her finger lightly brushing against the trigger.

"GET. OUT." Anzu yelled. "Let go of your crossbow and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE."
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

A voice echoes from Anzu's collar.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Think about what I've said. Hope you don't go belly up in still waters, because that would tank my mood."
ES12: Ivan Rodriguez - Co-Winner - "Just fucking fight me, man."
[+] Past Characters
BB3: Matthew Weiss - #Weiss is Schiesse - "I can say whatever I want in this signature, and you'll believe it's in my story." - DECEASED
CS3: Dougie Sharpe - Personal Responsibility - "You're going to wake up tomorrow, and still be you." - DECEASED

B06: Brandon Baxter - Brandone (ft. DJ KILLJI) - "Thanks. I lost mine in a gunfight." - DECEASED
G33: Kasumi White - 'Cause We Are Young And We Are Sick- He is not here. - DECEASED

MM12: Maxine "Max" Schwimmer - Sink or Swim "Akeno, please." - DECEASED

O25: Tarren Joseph - A Boring Dystopia- "You killed me." - DECEASED

Kincaid Rawlins - The Apocalyptic Rockfight- "Hello kitty sucks."
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Post by Deamon »

She bowed her head and held Ashley's hand tight. As if she was holding on for dear life, to stop herself falling. Val was gone and Sarah felt lost and empty. Everything she'd dreamed of was gone. The touring across America with Val, Anzu and Caroline, playing shows in sold out arenas and in the middle of muddy fields for festivals, writing and recording music in the studio and just relaxing and jamming. All of it was gone.

It felt like she had lost a sister, she and Val had been that close and had known each other for so long. She didn't remember ever arguing with Val either. They were the perfect friends, their personalities matching and working off each other beautifully. The creativity and passion of one influencing and expanding the creativity and passion of the other. Val had gotten her into music after all and she'd picked the drums because they were the most active of the instruments, and the hardest to learn because of the co-ordination you needed. She could still remember telling Val she wanted to play the drums and her friend telling her she suited drums.

The name Scarlet Devil Mansion had been her idea. It was a stupid name when Sarah really thought about it, she'd just picked it because it sounded cool and was from a game she liked. The other three had never objected to it and it had stuck. It was funny because despite how stupid the name was it had come to define them over the years. If anyone didn't know who they were or thought they knew them all people had to do was tell them that they were in Scarlet Devil Mansion and people instantly knew.

That was why she held Ashley's hand so tight. She was scared that if she let go she would lose those memories forever. If Sarah could have knelt there and remembered every moment she had spent with Val from the beginning of their friendship to the last time she saw her before they were chosen for Survival of the Fittest she would have. Sadly she couldn't.

Someone else had entered the beauty parlour. Sarah's head whipped around and she dropped Ashley's hand. Anzu was faster though and had grabbed the gun before Sarah had stood up. So Sarah stayed there, on one knee, looking at the girl who had just walked in and was hugging a crossbow to her chest like it was a comfort blanket. Anzu yelled at her to get out, nearly screaming. Her voice shaking from emotion. Sarah merely watched; waiting to see what the girl with the crossbow would do.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Sarah was squeezing Ashley's hands tight, while Anzu's mentor gave less then subtle hints of where this Gene guy was. Not that Aznu was able to tell that, but Ashley already knew that the clues weren't going to be caught so easily, Anzu in the state she is. Accepting that, she'd just keep that little tidbit of info to herself for now.

Ashley patted Sarah's hand, attempting to console her. The sense of touch can be a very useful buffer for the current problems faced. A hug, or holding hands in this case, could calm down someone in such a obvious emotional struggle. That's all Ashley knew she could do right now, try to stop a swelling mass before it exploded.

Sarah's hand dropped as someone came in through the door, and Anzu grabbed the gun even before Ashley could blink. Anzu shouted at a little girl she barely recognized to leave and drop her weapon. Ashley's expression turned grim, taking a deep inward breath before standing up.

One hand placed on Anzu's shoulder, the other on the gun arm. Soothe and comfort, sharing the sight of the back of a barrel as it was pressed towards someone's head. Softening Anzu's straight and narrow aim, building up hesitance. A weak glare was shot towards the other girl.

"You should go."
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Post by Fenrir »

The gun was being pressed against her forehead before she even knew what was going on; not just being pointed at her but actually being pressed against her head hard enough that Alice was pushed back slightly.

Alice was going cross-eyed trying to focus on the gun before her. She could see the finger on the trigger and any resolve she might have felt, any confidence she might have built up before coming in here was immediately vanquished.

What had happened? W-why was this happening?

It-it couldn’t be be-because she was recognised from the announcements. She wouldn’t be gi-given the option of leaving if this was about retr-tribution. Maybe it was j-just the wrong people at the wrong ti-time.

She looked from the g-gun to the face beyond it, the f-focus of her eyes changing. The face was not that of someone who was messing around, she would sh-shoot if Alice didn’t do what she said. Even so, Alice couldn’t bring herself to move.

She wanted nothing more than t-take the chance being given to her run away right now and… even the thought of giving up her crossbow to d-do so wasn’t such a terrible thought right n-now. But she couldn’t; her body wasn’t listening to her. Her legs were sh-shaking and her arms instinctively tightened around her weapon and she clutched it even hard-der to her chest. She couldn’t make herself let g-go or r-run away.

Even her thoughts had st-stutters. Her head clouded and spun and she began to feel dizzy. All she knew for certain was that she was about to die all because once again she had walked into the wrong situation.

Then, out of nowhere she saw a hand come down gently on the gun arm and apply a subtle pressure which pulled it away from Alice’s skin. Alice let out a breathe she didn’t know she was holding and felt her head clear up a little bit; she glanced quickly to the side and saw the other girl there. She was glaring as well, but there wasn’t as much fire there as with the other girl; she was glaring but she looked more sad than anything.

"You should go."

As if released by these words Alice stepped backwards immediately until her back collided softly with the door. She removed one hand from around her chest to reach for the door handle and nearly lost her grip on her weapon; the crossbow slipped out of her grip and she only caught it at the last moment with her other hand. She heard a clattering as the arrow which was loaded slipped out of its track and fell to the floor, along with all of the arrows in the attached quiver as well.

She didn’t even think about trying to retrieve them and just left them on the floor as she continued to fumble for the handle. She finally managed to get the door open and slipped through the gap as soon as it was wide enough to do so.

The door closed behind her and she wasted no time in putting as much distance between her and this place as possible. Fresh tears were streaming down her cheeks but she paid them no heed and continued to run. Alice didn’t know what the range of a pistol was but she was hoping it was less than the distance she could cover before the girl changed her mind and made it to the door.

((Sorry. So sorry. I’ll just be leaving now. Alice continued in Reflection))
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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