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Post by MurderWeasel »


Name: Sebastien Francis Bellamy
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: P.J. Hobbs Senior High School
Hobbies and Interests: Medicine and first aid, strategy games, history, military documentaries

Appearance: Sebastien is of average height and quite thin, standing at 5’7” and weighing 125 pounds. His ribs and hip bones are slightly visible when his torso is uncovered, and he slouches, making himself appear shorter than he actually is. He has a pointed face, with prominent cheekbones and sharp features; his nose is long and thin, and his thin lips settle naturally into a frown. Sebastien is very pale, with white-blond hair and gray-blue eyes. His hair is cut a few inches above the shoulder and tends to be stringy and in his face even when groomed.

Sebastien dresses in long sleeves and pants most of the time, even in warmer weather, due to the fact that he sunburns very easily. He prefers darker colors, especially dark blues. He doesn’t pay much attention to name brands or a particular style, and typically just wears whatever his parents buy for him or what was handed down from his older brother. He wears an insulin pump at all times and usually carries a granola bar or some other small snack foods on his person, as well as batteries and spare insulin for his pump and an insulin pen for emergencies.

On the day of the abduction, Sebastien was wearing a long-sleeved navy blue t-shirt with dark gray sleeves, baggy blue jeans, a gray zip-up hoodie, and a pair of navy blue Converse high-tops.

Biography: Sebastien was born to Jean and Melissa Bellamy on September 19. He was the result of an unplanned pregnancy; his brother Erik is five years his senior, and his parents had given up on having another child after unsuccessfully trying to conceive again when Erik was younger. Nonetheless, Sebastien was eagerly welcomed into the family, and Erik was especially delighted to finally have another playmate in the house.

Jean and Melissa, a gym teacher and nurse respectively, promoted an active lifestyle for their children from a young age. Erik eagerly joined every sport that he was allowed to and spent many hours in the family's backyard teaching Sebastien his own versions of the rules. Sebastien did his best to keep up with his older brother, but after a while, his parents noticed that he was easily fatigued and losing weight. Melissa, knowing these symptoms in a young child could mean something serious, took Sebastien to the family doctor, and after several blood tests, Melissa's suspicions were confirmed. At the age of four, Sebastien was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.

The diagnosis prompted a change in the family's attitude: his parents monitored him constantly to make sure that he was eating properly and didn't show any worsening symptoms, and his physical activity was kept on a strict schedule to ensure that his blood sugar didn't fluctuate too much. Erik, feeling left out because of his parents' attention constantly being on Sebastien, began excluding Sebastien from his games and acting out in order to get his parents to pay more attention to him. Sebastien idolized his brother, and was hurt and confused by Erik's behavior; he gradually became more withdrawn, preferring to stay inside and read or play games instead of going out to try and play with Erik and his friends. He got to be very proficient at reading, and developed a fondness for strategy games, such as chess and Risk.

As he fell into the habit of spending more time reading or playing on his own, Sebastien got interested in the science and reasons behind his condition and other illnesses and injuries that his mother dealt with at work. He decided at a young age that he wanted to enter the medical field like his mother, an ambition which he holds to this day though he has changed his mind several times on exactly what sort of medicine he would like to specialize in and doubts that he will settle on one until well into his higher education.

Erik and Sebastien eventually fell into the dichotomy of physically-gifted and academically-gifted child, and each was very proud of his own accomplishments. They didn’t have to compete for their parents’ affection, though Jean and Melissa still devoted a bit more attention to Sebastien due to his diabetes and status as the baby of the family. As a result, Sebastien was very secure in his own abilities and a little bit spoiled, and he could come off as a know-it-all and an elitist when talking with other kids his age, especially those who struggled academically. He ended up somewhat ostracized from his classmates as a result, and he developed a tendency to be more condescending and sarcastic to cover his wounded pride, likely driving away several potential friends in the process.

While Sebastien more or less isolated himself from his peers in middle school, he and Erik grew closer again as both boys matured. When Sebastien was in seventh grade and Erik a senior in high school, Erik expressed his wish to join the Armed Forces. Desiring to support his brother, Sebastien began learning all that he could about the United States military and its history, and he and Erik spent a good deal of time bonding over facts that they found cool. After graduating high school, Erik enlisted in the Army as a mechanic, and he currently holds the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Around the same time, Sebastien decided that he wanted to start being more independent when it came to taking care of himself, and after doing the research and meeting with the family physician, his parents agreed to let him switch from insulin injections to wearing a pump. He still carries an insulin pen with him at all times in case there should be some kind of problem with the pump, but for the most part Sebastien feels that it has made monitoring his blood sugar much less of a hassle.

When Sebastien entered high school, Jean and Melissa became concerned with how infrequently he interacted with his classmates, and they encouraged him to branch out more and start spending time away from the house. At first, Sebastien restricted himself to socializing with other quiet, bookish kids, but more often than not things devolved into arguments over some academic subject or another, often due to Sebastien's own ego. He found that he is actually more comfortable spending time with his more energetic and outspoken classmates, with whom he can discuss things unrelated to the topics that usually lead to debate. Though his tendency towards sarcasm and general assumption that other kids are not as smart as him has sometimes lead to hurt feelings, he has been working on being more accepting of others. His manner still tends to be somewhat abrasive, but he does genuinely care for his friends and have their best interests at heart.

Outside of his interest in strategy games and military facts, Sebastien doesn't have many hobbies. While his parents still maintain that he should lead an active lifestyle, they never pushed him to participate in sports, and he never expressed much interest. He has recently gotten into playing strategy games competitively, usually online, and he has proven to be quite good at it, usually getting a winning streak of several games before more experienced players beat him. The games that he prefers lean towards fantasy and science fiction, and are typically not very graphic in nature; while he doesn’t consider himself to have a weak-stomach, Sebastien doesn’t like gore used for entertainment, and he disapproves of overly-violent games and media. As someone whose life’s ambition is to heal, the idea of witnessing real or even fake-but-realistic violence sickens him.

Sebastien’s interest in military history and history in general, sparked by Erik’s enlistment, also continued to grow. He has gotten quite interested in watching documentaries, especially military documentaries, in his free time. These stay strictly in the realm of true historical fact; Sebastien doesn’t care for historical fiction that strays too far from true accounts, and he dislikes conspiracy theories, feeling that they are disrespectful.

Sebastien has maintained high grades throughout high school, consistently getting A's and the rare B. His best subjects are science and English, and his grades in the more artistic subjects tend to be on the lower end of his marks. He hasn't yet decided on what college he wants to attend, but he plans to stay close to home. The summer before his junior year, Sebastien began taking first-aid training, and he is currently CPR-certified.

Advantages: Sebastien's biggest advantage is his knowledge of human anatomy and first aid; he is CPR-certified and would be able to treat minor wounds, though injuries such as broken bones and anything life-threatening is beyond him. He is very intelligent and is an excellent strategist from a theoretical standpoint, and is unlikely to make reckless moves.
Disadvantages: Sebastien's diabetes is his biggest obstacle; if he runs out of either food or insulin, his blood sugar levels will either spike or drop severely. He is not very athletic and would be easily overcome by a bigger or stronger opponent, and his sarcasm and impatience for those he considers less intelligent might drive potential allies away. He is also very squeamish at real-life violence, since his ambition is to become a doctor and save lives.

Original Profile: Sebastien Bellamy (TV2)

Designated Number: Male Student No. 01


Designated Weapon: Corkscrew
Conclusion: I'm afraid Mr. Bellamy's medical knowledge will prove just enough to let him realize he's screwed.

Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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