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Post by MurderWeasel »


Name: Simon Leroy
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: P.J. Hobbs Senior High School
Hobbies and Interests: Swim team, graphic design, Harry Potter, reading, music, baking

Appearance: Simon is 5'6 feet tall and he weights around 136 pounds. Simon has a head of curly dark brown hair that reaches below his ears and it often hangs over his face if he can't keep it tamed. He has brown eyes and he has pale freckled skin. He has a childlike face with thin lips and a small nose and he has a rounded face with a slightly prominent chin and plumb cheeks. Due to his swimming, he has quite a bit of muscle.

Simon is normally seen wearing buttoned-up shirts that have tank tops underneath them and dark-colored jeans. He wears brown shoes and white socks. On occasions if it is necessary, he will dress up formally for those events. On the day of the abduction he was wearing a dark red buttoned-up shirt with a dark blue tank top that is hidden underneath his shirt and dark brown jeans. He was also wearing a fedora as he had wanted to bring it along with him.

Biography: Simon Leroy was born as an only child in Denton. His father was a computer software repairman and his mother worked as a nurse in a local hospital. Simon has lived a very original, normal life with his parents. His parents would try to educate him and they would make sure that he would read to learn more in his life. They wanted him to grow up as a very intelligent person and they both taught him everything that they knew. Despite his attitude, he will go to his parents for help when he needs it.

At Simon's home, the radio was always on and this lead Simon into an interest in rock music. They were songs that were mostly from the 60s, 70s and 80s such as The Beatles, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith Metallica and Guns N' Roses. Simon has tried to keep track of which artists have made what songs and he would enjoy often quoting them in his conversations with other people. Rolling Stones and Queen were favorites of his to listen to and he still does to this day.

Simon was into reading at a very young age. He got into the Harry Potter craze when it was at its peak and he was the kind of kid who would play around as a wizard when he was younger. This activity did end as he got older. Although, he is still a fan of the Harry Potter series and he will defend the series if anyone criticizes it in any way or matter. If anyone asks him; he would say that the Hogwarts house that he most identifies with is Ravenclaw and that his favorite character is Lupin.

Due to his parents' influence he is into different books as well. He often reads non-fiction books with facts and information and he likes to practice and memorize what he had learned from those types of books. He tends to be a bit knowledgeable about miscellaneous things that he has stored in his memory from them.

Personality-wise; Simon does tend to be somewhat arrogant and pedantic with his classmates and this was a negative trait that has been present from a young age. He would correct other students on how to do tasks, even if the advice was not necessary or even welcomed by those classmates. This makes Simon think that he's always in the right about whatever the topic is; even if he doesn't know much about it and even if he is wrong about it. He then propped himself to look as smart as possible; such as listing random facts unprovoked and using unnecessary big words. This makes him come off as obnoxious to most of his classmates who he has gotten into arguments with over schoolwork and similar matters. However, he does tries to be pleasant to most of his classmates. While he does have friends; he quickly gets angry if they don't agree with him on things he's sure he's right about. In school, he tends to get fairly decent grades, due to rigorously studying once again due to his parents' influence.

Around 8th grade, Simon got into graphics and website design. It started with him just innocently fooling around with Photoshop and website coding with the help of his father. As he got older it developed into a serious interest. He is fascinated by making websites and designing them as a hobby. Naturally, he's made a few webpages in his spare time and he has made small, simple graphics using the computer. He is a bit of a “show-off” due to this and he likes showing off his skills.

When he got into high school, he joined the swim team on a whim. He still does swimming due to having a genuine interest in it and often wants his teammates to win. He gets frustrated whenever there is a loss and he consistantly blames it on his team mates. He often trains himself to the point of exhaustion as he is very competitive about winning. Simon does show respect for his teammates who do in fact try to keep themselves trained in a more serious matter.

Simon has been getting into baking. It started when he found a cookbook at a garage sale and he bought it as he wanted to learn from it. It soon resulted in him trying out the recipes out of curiosity. He is not particularly good at it and  he will mess up the recipe for a variety of reasons. This means that very often he will ask for help with the food he is making.

Simon is making plans to get a job in graphics design and web engineering when he's older. He is planning to move out to finish his education once he gets out of high school and to be away from his parents to be more independent.

Advantages: He can be knowledgeable about many sujects due to his educational reading, he is fit and agile due to being on the swim team, he will try to offer others his assistance if they will accept it and he will try to encourage his friends to try to take on a difficult situation.
Disadvantages: Simon  tends to think he's smarter than he actually is and he has an arrogant attitude that could rub off of others the wrong way. He can get very argumentative with others that could make him disliked among his peers. He might not be able to get allies as he could try to get them to do things that they might not want to do if it is unneccassary.  

Original Profile: Simon Leroy (Virtua)

Designated Number: Male Student No. 03


Designated Weapon: Sack of Thumbtacks
Conclusion: Mr. Leroy is like a good can of makes-its-own-gravy dog food: a smug prick complete with tacks to shove under his fingernails.

Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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