Champions 201


The outlying jetties are much like their central cousins, but sparser, more open, and more rickety. These walkways extend to the far edges of the flotilla, servicing single boats or in many cases truncating abruptly with nothing but a drop into the water. These jetties have guardrails and life preservers available in some places, but their presence (and maintenance) cannot be relied upon. There are still places to take cover, and occasional crates and barrels lying around, but these nooks and crannies are less common.
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Champions 201


Post by Deamon »

Staring out to sea, an attempt to see anything at all. Instead observing nothing but an expansive oily blackness. Say what you wanted about Survival of the Fittest as a show but it certainly had a way of finding or producing memorable locales. Big ups to the people in charge of the arena. Not like that did anything or changed the situation. It was just an observation. Her sunglasses still covered her eyes. She was, after all, a super cool kid. But really she needed to take them off.

It was dark as shit on the open ocean.

The exterior reflected the interior and other such deep bullshit.

As she removed her sunglasses she thought about her situation. She had certainly found herself in one. She was on Survival of the Fittest, armed with a screwdriver, no Laura and no...well she only really had Laura.

She sat, cross-legged at the edge of the wooden jetty. Just her and the delicate lapping of the tide. It felt like she was at the end of the known world and that in a way had its own feeling of liberation. The screwdriver pressed into the boards every so often, an idle movement.

There was blood behind her. Not literally. Metaphorically, the promise of bloodshed ahead, Schroedinger's blood. It was waiting for her once she decided to properly enter the game. She could feel it creeping down the jetty towards her, seeping through the cracks in the wood.

The screwdriver came up and pressed down on her thigh. Her other hand tapped her collar. So close. The screwdriver pressed down harder.

Obviously, she needed a gameplan, like fucking duh, right?

Would finding Laura even help?

The answer seemed obvious.

The screwdriver tapped at her collar. Then returned to her leg.

"So like, I was trying to think of something to say right? For the people that followed my stream since I know you'll be here, and I had this fun idea that'd I give a whole lecture on how to win SOTF and what the math works out as and stuff. Like I'd do on my stream, but I kinda sat down here and was struck by the stillness of it all so my mind went blank and I forgot what I was gonna say. I do however have a joke for you."

A pause, to build the anticipation.

"Why can Stephanie never play cards?"

A beat.

"She's always standing on the deck."

The screwdriver drew blood.

"Have a good night."

((Alaska Ferguson continued in Time Out))
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