(After the announcement on Day 1. OPEN!!)

Beneath the surface lies the submarine, submerged except for a span of upper deck including a ladder. The hatch has been jammed open, and students will find it totally resistant to attempts to force it shut. Inside, the submarine is rather claustrophobic, as narrow corridors echo with the sounds of lapping water and any movement can quickly become cacophonous. With but a single point of entry, the submarine may seem easy to fortify, but with nowhere to run can quickly become a death trap. Some reconnaissance capability, at least, is offered by a functional periscope.
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((Beau Lively continued from And They Called It A Disaster))

Beau was hiding in a submarine. And it was pretty coolly-cool.

What wasn't cool was that his arm was still stinging like a bitch out of hell and he knew that he had to take care of it before he would get a possible infection or something. He had been lucky that Gabby's wild shot had missed him and he now knew that he couldn't trust her. He wasn't that naive. But now it was a question of whom he could trust. He did make him wonder if it was okay or not to trust his own teammates and if there was a possibility of a betrayal. Ughhh, if Al was here, he would know what to do. Scratch that, Beau knew that Al would take the chance to kill anybody that he despised or didn't like. Like Anthony.

Beau shivered at the thought.

He knew that killing people was seen as the norm.

He wondered what his own fans would think of him not wanting to resort to hurting or killing anyone.

Support him for not giving in to a dark desire? Call him an anti-fan? Think that he was a coward for not getting his hands dirty? Or hoping that he could make an escape without any violence or a crime added to his career?


He sunk down to the floor with his back against the wall and he was annoyed at himself for throwing his spoon away at Gabby. Maybe he could have used it for something, but it was too late to find out now.

He glanced down at his bag and he hissed softly.

Xander's name had been on the announcement but he hadn't heard what had happened over the shooting and running away from Gabby.

Was Xander still alive? Or was he a killer?

He had to ask someone what they had heard from the announcement.

But first.... It was time to take care of himself.
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Post by Tapey »

((Hannah Choi continued from Hesitation is Defeat))

Aaaaand, bingo!

Hannah stood still in front of an old, floating submarine, a torchlight on one hand pointing towards the hatch and her staff on another. She had been searching for a place to lay low for the night ever since the beginning of dusk, and frankly, it did took her quite a while to find a suitable place to hide. She did consider going for the much closer cruise ship and the creepy pirate ship. However, there was a large chance of her being exposed to a large group of people in the cruise ship since well, it's at the center of the arena. And as for the pirate ship... Well the appearance spoke for itself. No way in hell she's gonna stay there for one whole night.

Just as she was about to set in on a ramshackle fishing boat, she noticed the hatch of the submarine submerging above the surface. And here she was, being eager about her latest discovery of a potential new shelter.

Slowly and cautiously, she went onboard into the hatch, climbing down the ladder into the submarine. At first glance of the inside, the corridors seemed narrow and cramped. She wasn't a fan of confined spaces, but she's running out of options. On the plus side, there was only one entrance and the long echoes in the corridor could serve as a warning for any signs of intrusion.

Hannah gave out a small, relieving smirk as she was about to drop her backpack onto a side of the corridor. After a long day, she could finally took a break for the rest of the...


Just as she was about to take a seat, she noticed a faint voice echoing across the corridor. It sounded like a person panting in agony.

She was definitely not alone.

Just as she was about to make an exit, she figured that it was already night time, which might increase the risk of her getting ambushed. If someone was camping near the hatch, she's done for. Plus, whoever was panting seemed to be genuinely in pain. If anything, she could definitely win the fight, as long as the person wasn't with a group or with a ranged weapon.

She had no choice, but to investigate the sound before calling it a day.

As she sighed in annoyance, she recarried her bag and cautiously approaching where the voice was coming from, her staff now tightly gripped. Hopefully she would not be caught in a situation where she had to run. Again.
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Beau felt himself tensing up as he could heard footsteps coming closer and closer and he wondered if he was going to be safe or get attacked again. Man, this was really gonna suck or not for him. He should keep silent, right? But wouldn't that make him seem suspicious as well. He wished that he had the spoon again for a brief moment of protection and distraction. He wasn't so sure of what to do with himself. He just wanted to make sure that things were peaceful.

The footsteps sounded louder.

Should he say something?

He felt himself gulping nervously.

Just call out or something, Beau.

"Hello?? Who is that? I don't... urk... want any trouble!" He called out honestly and his arm was stinging with a bit of pain when he shifted his body a bit. "I just want some peace and quiet, thanks!!"
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Step by step, she slowly approached the source of the voice. She was trying her best to make her movements much stealthier, but the clanging of her footsteps on the metal floor did not help much.

Alright, she's close. Now all she needed was to make one turn to the right and...

And suddenly, he spoke.

Hannah hid behind the wall, just near the turn as she listened to his words. She took a small peek on the corridor, which revealed to be a familiar face much to her surprise. He was sitting on the metal floor, his arm clearly wounded and without a weapon with him.

Beau Lively. The drummer from her school's rock band. She heard about him a couple of times and frankly, she enjoyed listening to his covers on Youtube and even had a few of his band's videos saved in her playlist. They never talked much though, despite being in the same grade.

She looked around the surrounding. No signs of presence around other from her and Beau. He must have been alone the whole time.

What on Earth is he doing here, anyways?

But just to make sure that she's clear from any more threats, she questioned him, trying to maintain her composure.

"It's fine. I don't want any trouble either." She first answered his requests to be left alone, "Are you on your own?"
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Oh, oh! Someone was peeking at him and Beau was about to bounce off once more. He knew that it wouldn't do him any good as he wanted to stop his arm from becoming numb and the stinging was starting to bother him a little. Getting hurt by others was not fun at all. He had never really liked guns but now he had more of a reason to despise them.

It also seemed like the one that was talking to him was a girl. He didn't know her personally but he did at least know that her name was Hannah something and he really, really hoped that she was being honest with him. He really didn't want a murderous person on his hands and he wished that he was at home. But without hurting or killing anyone! He couldn't even imagine himself being an evil fiend.

"That's a relief! Nice to hopefully see a friendly face!" He chuckled softly and he smiled at her warmly.

Was he alone? He didn't even need to think about it. There was no point in lying and it wasn't in his nature. He didn't want to be devious with a possible ally or a friend.

"Yeah, I'm alone. Hope this doesn't mean that you're about to make an artistic mess out of me with a knife or something tho, Hannah. Haha!"

What an awkward joke he just made.
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Post by Tapey »

'Oh, he knows my name. Well that makes the whole introduction part much easier then.'

Hannah thought to herself as she carefully revealed herself and her staff. Usually, if a school celebrity greeted her with her name, she would have freaked out inside. But the situation was different, and with everyone had a high chance of dying in the show, popularity would not matter much.

"Ahh yea about that..." She responded to Beau, her staff in her hand. "I don't think I can give you an artistic death with well, uhm... this. Best I could do is to knock you out though..."

She lied. Based on his current situation, she could think of at least ten different ways of ending his life, and it's not just as simple as just a bonk in the head.

The only problem was that she did not want to do it. She had been through a lot for today, and the last thing she needed before resting was one last murder.

"Also, I'm not feeling like fighting anyone today. I just came here to rest, that's all." She continued her answer as she slowly approached Beau to check on his injury, her grip on her staff tightened in case an ambush happened. Beau's hand was resting on a pool of blood, which was flowing from the gaping wound on his arm. She could tell that it was from a gunshot wound...damn...

She gave the wound a closer look, placing her staff beside her. She was not sure of the accurate method to treat a gunshot wound, however, she knew a bit of basic medical treatment from previous SOTF seasons. She went through the bag beside him, and took out the bandage from his medical kit.

"Alright, I'm gonna try and treat your arm right now. Just don't move for now. Sounds good?"
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Beau was relieved that Hannah seemed like she was in the same mindset as him over not wanting to fight anyone and he glanced at his bicep from where he was bleeding. He had rolled up his sleeve with a bit of difficulty as it had hurt like a stinging son of a bitchy bitch and he was just glad that the bullet had been off to the side of his arm. He didn't like the idea of a possible bullet stuck in his arm or having a massive hole in his arm. That would suck a lot of balls!

"Ah, I'm just glad to have someone around that doesn't want to start a fight for no reason. Oh, oh, if we're both gonna sleep here, then we should take turns with keeping watch." He said with a slight nod of his head as he wanted to distract himself from his wound and he preferred to ramble to do so. "Just in case, you know. Protect each other's backs and all that magical friendship spiel!"

He was trying to keep a jokey tone as it was his way of coping with things that got too serious or dangerous-like.

"Sure, sure! No moving from this patient right here!" He made sure that his arm was in a better position for her to work on it and he was trying to keep his mind on other pointless things. "Ah, you might need to clean it first...? I'm not the most knowledgeable about medical stuff, but well, yeah, yeah. I just don't wanna get a possible infection or something like that."

He glanced at Hannah with gentle, kind eyes and then he decided to go for the question that he wanted to ask her.

"I hope this isn't a problem to ask. But who's team are you on, Hannah?"

He hoped that it wasn't Gabby's team. That would be awkward as heck.
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Post by Tapey »

"Hmm, fair point." Hannah responded to Beau as she carefully prepared the required tools needed for the wound treatment. She was panicking deep down, as she had never clean such a serious wound before. But deep down, she knew she could not bear resting in the same room with a critically wounded person, with blood flowing everywhere and all that.

It's okay, Hannah. Just...breathe... You can do this, right...?

Hannah took another deep breath, this time to calm herself down as she tried to recall what the previous contestants did to treat a gunshot wound. She could barely remember any further details, but she still figured out the important parts.

Step 1: Apply pressure to wound

She first took a few pieces of gauze dressings and placed them firmly onto the wounds, attempting to stop them from any further bleeding. Seeing as the first layers of dressings were soaked in blood, she quickly added more layers of gauze pads until she could not feel any blood soaking past the layers at all.

Alright, with that being done with, what's next...?

Step 2: Clean wound

Slowly, she took a wet gauze which she had dampened with water and started to wipe away the bloodstains around the wound. Throughout the cleaning process, she could feel the anxious atmosphere around her, as she was in a real surgery. She could felt her heart racing as she slowly watched the once white gauze turning red.

She wondered if Beau felt any pain from this... Actually no shit, he was shot for god sake, of course he's going through tons of pain right now!


Ahh yea... She nearly missed out Beau's question towards her. Something about the team that she's in.

"Uhm... Malcolm's Mar... Mar..." She stuttered nervously while trying to recall her team name, almost being done cleaning his wounds. She swore she still had that in mind a few minutes ago, it probably slipped through while focusing on the cleaning "Wait, Mariners! Yea! What about it?"
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Beau could feel it still hurting but he only hissed and ahhed a few times and he really didn't want to stress out the girl that was taking care of him. Normally he would have asked Cassini to take care of his cuts and bruises whenever he got hurt from his own stupid pranks or if he just recklessly gets injured without realizing until later on. Man, if Cassini was here as well.... He definitely needed to make sure that she was okey-dokey and then they could make come up with a plan to, well, not hurt or kill others. An escape plan...? Escapes were hard to do as is and he wondered if other people were doing that and failing at it anyway.

"Awww, man. Your team name sounds pretty cool and awesome. Being on Jewel's Leviathans makes me sound like I'm on a goth team or something." He was rambling on with talking as it helped with distracting him from his wounded arm. "Goths are pretty fun tho! They're cute in their own ways. Oh gosh, goshy, gosh. I'm talking nonsense right now because I'm nervous about well.... all this."

He glanced over at Hannah's face and his giddy side was calming down a little.

"So, so! I heard Xander's name on the announcement. But I dunno if he is a killer or if he was killed as all I could hear was the gunshots that Gabby fired at me."

He paused, feeling more nervous butterflies in his stomach. He was suddenly getting a gut feeling and it was scaring him a little. Is Xander alive?

Just ask her.

"Is... Is Xander...?"

Just do it...!

"Is Xander alive or dead?"

He gulped as he was waiting for Hannah's answer that he was fearing.
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Post by Tapey »

The Leviathans? Honestly that was a pretty cool name for a SOTF team, probably even better than the Mariners. She wondered if there was any different being on the other teams though. What does it felt like to be in contact with another SOTF veteran? With a completely different personality?

And then, more questions came in. She took a small glance towards Beau when he mentioned something about an announcement...

Ahhh yea, that one! Hannah remembered clearly about that one announcement broadcast which scared the living daylights out of her, when she was still looking for a place to stay. She did hear a few familiar names out of the broadcast, even that Xander kid Beau just mentioned...

...Oh no.

"...I ..." Hannah stuttered as she was figuring on what to say, hoping that there was a change of topics. Should she lie to him? She really did not want to confirm his friend's death. She really wasn't in a mood to handle a breakdown.

Y'know what? Fuck it

"Yea he's gone. Killed by this Rhonda girl, apparently." She replied with a monotonous tone. That was it. The cold hard truth. Simple and blunt.

There was an awkward pause of silence, and then she spoke again.

"...I'm sorry for your friend by the way. He must had been a good friend of yours." She added more words of compassion in her reply and went back to work. See, Hannah, telling the truth wasn't that bad after all, was it?

She did not give any more responses after that while wrapping up the bandages around his wounds, she was almost done...


The bandage was wrapped around firmly around Beau's arm. Though there were still a few traces of blood, it was tidy enough to not make Beau's arm look like a bloody mess.

"Alright! We're done here." Hannah announced with a relieving tone. Even she herself could not believe that she just treated such a serious wound. "Though I'm not sure if the bandage is gonna fall off, so as long as you don't move your arm, you should be good to go!"
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Beau felt bad for putting Hannah on the spot like that but he needed to know if Xander was alive and killing for the ten kills or to just become the winner of Season 67. And if he was dead.... Man, shit, well. He could have lost a good friend who loved cheese just like him. It would be be a bummer.

Hannah told him that Xander that been killed by a girl named Rhonda and the name wasn't that familiar to him. If only he had time to hear everything. Damn gunshots! His heart felt like it was deflating like a winded red balloon and he knew that he could sulk or cry about it. He needed to have a clear mind and he hoped that Xander would understand that he would mourn for him at a later time.

There was a bit of an awkward silence before Hannah spoke up again to offer brief condolences and Beau was grateful that she did so.

"Yeah, he was just a pretty cool, nice guy. I mean, we didn't hang out a lot since I was pretty busy with uh.... stuff." Beau had been more focused on his online career over hanging out with his friends so he mostly just saw Xander at the cheese club for good times together and he felt bad about not being a better friend. "I hope I should be uh, crying and all that. But uh.... I have to keep my spirits up to survive this! Yeah? Yeah...!"

He was crying on the inside. But Hannah didn't need to know that.

He glanced at his arm with awe before looking at Hannah with a warm smile and he gave her a thumbsup with his other hand. Just to be safe and to let his hurt arm rest up a bit. "Ah, thank you, Hannah. I would have made a huuuge mess if I tried to do this on my own." He nodded in satisfaction. "So uh, hmmm. Would you like to stay here to rest? If you do, maybe we could take turns watching over each other? If that's coolly-cool with you, haha."

He wanted to make sure that Hannah knew that he was trusting her not to turn on him and he would never do the same to her. Being a betrayer was so fricked up!
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Post by Tapey »

"Ehh, sure, I guess..." Hannah slumped her back against the wall, already prepared for her long-desired rest. She could feel her eyelids being heavier than usual, already eager to stay shut for the rest of the night. Maybe it's a time for a good rest?

Yea...Guess so...

...What if Beau betrayed me though...? Am I trusting him too much...?

...It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to sleep.

...Wait, did he said something else?





((Hannah Choi had fell asleep. Will be awake in next post))
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Beau was glad that Hannah felt safe around him. Although, he might not be that good in a fight if they had to get into one and maybe he needed to find something to defend himself with. Well, he was just going to watch over Hannah for now and he would make sure to watch her up in an hour or so.

He glanced at his bandaged up arm and he let out a tired yawn.

"Ack! Stay awake, Beau. You can't mess this simple job up." He murmured softly to himself.

He then thought about Xander and he felt himself pouting a little. God, if only he had gotten to see him before.... Maybe he could see if he could find his body to say goodbye. Who fricking knows?

Agh. It really sucked to lose a friend so quickly like that.

Focus, Beau. Just keep a watch on things for Hannah.

He would wake Hannah up in an hour. Maybe! No biggie!

((Beau Lively continued in We're Back In The Swamp))
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