Every frame of this show is someone's last known photograph


The upper deck of the ferry is open to the air, and offerings direct access to the nearby house boat via a particularly precarious metal gangplank that shifts with the rocking waves. The upper deck has markedly less cover than the lower; aside from the stairwells offering the opportunity to duck down, it's all benches and railings.
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Every frame of this show is someone's last known photograph


Post by Ohm »

Seth had awakened a scant few hours ago, enough to get his bearings, have his internal freakout that lasted an embarrassing amount of time, some might say it still be going on, and think to himself. Far too much time for the last activity seeing as he couldn't find people. But he could hear them in the distance. Distinct clear sounds that made it clear what would happen to him if he went there.

So, maybe, it was for the best that he didn’t.

His wanderings were brief and careful, very careful. He had his bag and all the food and medical crap with him, but he lacked one important thing.

No weapon, or at least one worth a damn.

This gave him a number of problems, he'd looked around during the briefing and saw enough sporty types that it gave him a pause. He might have brains and size, but the brawn wasn't quite there. He could not get into a fight, it was not worth the risk.

He needed to find his teammates, hunker down with them and then formulate a plan for the rest of the game. Shields were necessary if he was going to get further.

That’s when his wandering took him up here, at the upper deck according to the map he held in his hands. And it was there he saw him.

Or, it, in this case.

It was hard not to see it, what with its body having been strung up, upside down and the general condition of it. Blood seeped down from ears and various parts of the face, the eyes being their own mess and rolled back. The body itself was covered in bruises, cuts and different assortment of injuries, covered in the paint of blood that had soaked his clothing. All in all, it was not a pleasant sight to behold.

So, this is what happened to you, Ivan?

It told him a number of things. First, was that things were off from the start and people had already begun working the show. Second, This was not the work of a single person, just from the body position alone he could tell this took coordination. And third, no amount of preparation got one ready for this.

It was then he found himself talking at it.

“All that training? Watching the show and memorising shit? Heh, guess this is where it got you.” He said, tone full of contempt. Anyone who thought they could train for this shit were obviously idiots.

They turn the show down into the base components and work towards that. Oh, I need muscles to win fights. Oh, I need knowledge of who the last few winners were and all the TMZ secrets to win.

They never realise the show is more than that, more than they could work towards. So many elements at play that make it random enough that it would be a struggle to even have a foothold. Let alone a grip of it.

He shrugged to himself and smirked at it.


It was always sure it’d be the hero of the show if it got on, and look at it now. What a story.

He turned away from the body, the sight was making him sick to his stomach and the last thing he needed now was the feeling of bile in his throat making an exit. It would always stay for the rest of the day afterwards, and he needed a clear mind for this.

Speaking of clear minds, he fished out the plastic bag that he had placed in his pocket earlier after having plucked out his bandanna and tied it around his wrist rather haphazardly.

Someone in production was laughing at him, they must have. One look at his face and they knew exactly what to give him, “Oh, wouldn’t it be funny to give cocaine to the nerdy kid with a bulbous nose?”

He hoped whoever made this decision choked on their spaghetti.

Just a shame for them he was a straight edge. He had no use for it himself, maybe someone else? He personally had no knowledge as to what cocaine does or it’s effects, if it was advantageous to have this around or just leave it away.

He looked towards the nearest camera, and remembered he had his mentor. Jewel Evans.

Who didn’t know her at this point? Media appearances and the outrage she managed to spark online was enough to spark his curiosity, to the point he even got her book though he had put it down part way due to distractions and forgot to read it again.

Something to do when he gets home.

She won this game once by killing 10 other people, and she was clear in the briefing that she would go out of her way to help those in this game the way her mentor last season never did. If someone around here had an idea what to do with that, then it would be her.

He coughed and cleared his throat, and said out loud.

"You're watching, aren't you? What do you think so far?”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A voice whispers quietly yet clearly from Seth's collar.

"I am watching, yes, and not just you. Not just our team.

"I think that your class is... enthusiastic. But also prone to carelessness. You seem to be holding up well, but don't take anything for granted. Keep hold of every resource you have. Remember, you may find yourself in danger at a moment's notice, and a few seconds can be all it takes to ruin your day.

"And do make sure to watch your back."
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Post by Ohm »

A response! And she seemed to be on the page, just as he thought she would, so even if he didn’t find his teammates, someone still had his back. Reassuring.

Now to figure out what to do with the coke? She said to keep hold of every resource, but he couldn’t see the immediate use of it outside of using it himself, and no way in hell that would happen.

Maybe...his classmates were enthusiastic, she said? Then one of them will want this. Someone will be curious enough.

That carelessness will be the difference between him and them. Between him and the it behind him.

Speaking of that, she told him to watch his back and he could feel that as his head swiveled back and forth to see if there was anyone there. Nope, just him and it for now.

He turned his head back to see it one last time before he left this place.

That's weird.

Those eyes were rolled a second ago

now they were staring




Seth stumbled backwards onto the floor.
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“Seth,” Ivan said, swaying lightly in the salty breeze. His ear had stopped bleeding, his eyes red-rimmed and swollen.

“Help me out, man,”
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Seth stared incredulously where he sat towards the hanging barely alive being in front of him. Too petrified at that moment to move, speak, breathe or look away. Eyes wide as dinner plates as he stared away.

No, no way. He was still alive?! He was barely moving a while ago! And upside down, just that alone should have fucked him up and killed him!

There was a shadow of a doubt forming in his mind now, there was no way he wasn't dead. Just a trick, he hadn't seen anyone in a while and the stress of suddenly being whisked away to this game had just gotten to him momentarily, and that's fine! He'd just get up and walk away an-

Then it spoke.

And he crawled backwards till his back hit a wall. Like a jolt to his spine that made him look away for a brief moment and let his cheek hug the wall before returning to the horror hanging in front of him.

His heart hammered and beat against his chest. His right hand reached up to where it was and could feel it thump over and over again.

Shit like this is why he hated jump scares.

It was asking for help.

Ivan. Was asking for help.

"Yo-you want m-my help?" He asked, barely managing to get the words as his throat seemed content to twist itself and he had to force the words out.

His left hand was still clutching the cocaine bag. Fingers digging into the plastic as he silently wondered if he'd somehow gotten it into his system.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

Ivan groaned, his tongue feeling thick and dry in his mouth, pressing against all of his teeth all at once. He squinted his eyes to narrow slits, looking at Seth, looking around the top of the ferry, back at the catwalk where he’d- where he’d woken up.

He squeezed his eyes shut.

“Yeah, man, please. You can’t leave me like this.”
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Post by Aura »

(Rhonda Rollins continued from I'm Pissed Now)

Rhonda and Xander had been on the move since they got off the patrol boat, navigating the paths between the boats as efficiently as they could. With Xander providing directions for where they should go, Rhonda dictated how they would get there. They moved as quickly as they could on the walkways, and ducked out into ships to hide out or move under cover when they could. The ferry had started as another one of those diversions, a patch with more cover and options to run on the way to the cruise ship.

However, as they made their way through, Rhonda had an idea. They could head up to the upper deck and get a better view at everything from up there. Even if someone was up there, they could duck back down through the stairway and book it. She took the lead, her shotgun held so tightly that it might as well be glued to her hands, and tiptoed up the steps, trying to remain unheard until she wanted her presence known.

She put her head up and peeked at the deck, looking to see if anyone was up there before the committed to coming up. And she did see someone, two people, actually. But she didn't duck down. She took slow steps up as she looked in horror at what she had found. One tough-looking guy strung up and bloody. A tall pale guy looking like he was going to puke. And Rhonda felt like she was about to join the second guy.

This guy wasn't just dropped here like this. For all Rhonda hated the producers, she knew that they wouldn't just bloody some guy up, drop him off, and leave him for dead. They wanted the killing to happen on camera. That meant that one of her classmates had to have done it. This was way too elaborate to be the work of an animal. Anyone she passed in the halls could have been a sadist in waiting, and this guy was living proof.

Rhonda stepped onto the deck, still shell-shocked, and ended what was left of her attempt at stealth. "What the hell is this?" Horror and anger tinged her voice, but mostly horror.
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Post by Lilith »

Unknown Number: Hey?

Unknown Number: Hello?

Unknown Number: Xander please pick up
You: Error 30004 "Message Delivery - Message blocked" when Sending SMS Unknown Number: Don’t be childish. I know it’s you.

Unknown Number: I know it’s you.

Unknown Number: Please

((CK’s Xander Miles arrived here.))

Moving in the shadow as one, Xander was glad that he had abandoned that chair. It was clunky, and the cars ramped up on each other like fallen dominos really made it hard to move around quietly. But they managed. Him and Rhonda were able to make through from the patrol boat to the ferry without any real encounters.

They did hear some gunshots, and shared a grim look, but other than that, nothing of great importance had happened.

Until, well, they met the still-warm still-live body of Ivan. Xander knew him from track. They weren't on the same sports team, but they had met each other more than once as they ran around the field. Xander was on the soccer team and it already felt so faraway as if it had stopped meaning anything. His mind came back to Emmy.

Emmy, Emmy, Emmy.

He had to speak to her. He was still guilty. He still had to do something about it.

Instead, he moved forward. Emmy could wait for now. He moved again, but Rhonda spoke.

He snapped his head at her.

"It's what I told you Rhonda," he snarks. He wasn't angry at her. He wasn't angry at anyone really, but he was still full of anger. His eyes didn't see clearly. "Someone like Junji or Laura or Vasily got him, that's why we need to stick together."

He moved closer toward Ivan.

"Hey dude?" Xander's eyes flickered toward the pale guy. "Did you- did you do this?"
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Post by Ohm »

Help. That's what it wanted, and it was something Seth wasn't sure if he could give, or if he should.

Was Ivan on his team? He didn't think so, then Je-his mentor would have said something, and he would have gotten him down immediately.

A part of him wanted to leave, and walk so far away that he’d be on the side of this shitty place, but his legs wouldn't budge at the moment.

Something compelled him to stay, he wasn’t sure what exactly. It could have been the horrifying sight of Ivan hanging upside down, or the fact he was clearly suffering badly from his beating. There was a twinge inside him that told him to help this notorious shithead down.

If, specially fuckin’ if he tried to get it- Ivan down. With what? Nerdrage? He needed something sharp if he were to-

Bad. Bad. Very bad.

Footsteps. People.

A girl and a boy came around the corner. Rhonda and Xander. Wrestler and the soccer player. He knew Rhonda hated Mangrove, and wasn’t at all secretive about it, sullen and outspoken. Even if Seth didn’t talk to her he’d hear her.

And Xander, it's hard not to see this jock. Was the head of the cheese club back home. Now Seth liked cheese as much as the next fella, but this dude was something else.

Maybe all that cheese had gone to his head since he proceeded to ask the dumbest fucking question Seth had heard so far.

“What?” He asked back, unable to keep the tremble out of his voice mixed with a general sense of irritation that filled as he roughly got back on his feet and shot him a look of indignation. All notion of fear leaving as anger took over.

“The fuck you think? Does it look like I can do that? Alone? With nothing?!” He waved his hands in front of him, open palmed to show the idiot that he had nothing.

What fucking question was that? Why would he be here if he did this? Revelling in his own work or some bullshit, fucking cheese eaters.

“So, no, I didn’t. How about instead of asking stupid shit, you help me cut the guy down first!” He yelled now as he stepped closer to it-Ivan, and immediately regretted it when he saw him up close once more, his stomach turning the twists on him. He grimaced and looked back at them.
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Fisk, Vasily, Keegan, Giselle. Two others he didn't know.

Ivan kept his mouth clamped shut as the other three's conversation buzzed around him like flies, tickling his one working eardrum before lighting off again in search of fresher corpses. His head felt staticky and full and his neck crinkled as he turned it, dried blood coagulating with the slaw from his ear and fluttering away with the salt.

"Think if," he croaked out, raising one hand to point upwards, at his feet, "you just lift me off,"

The static returned, and Ivan blinked slowly, focused on exhaling. Little black spots were forming on the outside of his vision.
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda scowled at the pale guy as he yelled at them. He clearly didn't do it, since his reaction looked pretty damn genuine, and there was no way in hell that he was strong enough to do any of this shit. But she didn't appreciate his tone when all she and Xander did was walk up. Okay, Xander did kind of accuse him of this whole scene, but that wasn't his fault.

"Could you shut it?" She snapped back, before Ivan groaned out some instructions for them. She turned to acknowledge him and... goddamn. He definitely looked worse up close. Poor guy looked like he had been through a meat grinder. Silently, she had some doubts about whether he would even survive to the end of the day even if they did everything right, but she didn't need to kill the mood even worse before they even got the guy down.

She looked up at the top of the doorframe, where his feet were tied. "Aw shit, man." She muttered, not looking forward to dealing with that. Looking from side to side, she figured that she was the strongest out of the three on the ground, so she decided to take the lead. "All right, let's get him down. Xander, you're tall as fuck, so stand in the middle and try to lift from as close to his feet as you can. We'll lift from his legs on either side." Rhonda doled out the instructions without the lingering grumpiness leaving her voice for a second.

She stepped to the side and got in position, hoping that her plan would work. She still wasn't sure he would actually live if they got him free, but at least it would do her conscience some good to know that she tried.
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Post by Lilith »

Ivan had seen better days.

Xander instinctually moved forward to help. He had to help, but his movement was stopped. His legs suddenly turned weak, and his knees almost failed him on the spot. He stared at the upside boy.

What if he wasn’t on his team? What was he supposed to do then? He couldn’t just abandon him, but if he didn’t, he might have to kill him one day. He might have to kill him sooner than one day.

Maybe minutes.

Maybe seconds.

His eyes turned back toward Seth.

It was the same thing for him. Maybe hours, maybe minutes, maybe seconds. He couldn’t trust them even if he wanted to. He needed it to work out, and he needed not to die because he wouldn’t die here as a fucking virgin, god damn it.

His eyes turned back toward Ivan. He was upside so his eyes moved toward his feet. He saw a rope, thick and girthy, wrapped around his ankles. One shoe was missing. Who the fuck did this?

His eyes followed the rope. It was knotted at the top of the balcony, on its bright white rail, probably freshly painted by the producers. He pointed to it.

“We could just shoot it? You think you can do it, Rhonda?”

Because Xander wasn’t going up there alone.

Because Xander wasn’t leaving Rhonda alone.

Because, because, because, because he might have been a coward, but cowards lived.

He’d live.

He’d live.
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Post by Ohm »

Of course, she snapped at him. Not much he can do there when bitch got a shotgun pointed at him. Hey, it’s your buddy who’s asking stupid shit cause he can’t use his fucking eyes.

In comparison, Seth could, and he could see the bandanna’s they wore were the same color and different from the one he had. Though as far as he could see, Ivan didn't have his.

He did not like this, not one bit.

And now he wants to shoot him down? The fuck? Seriously, were these people for real?

“Are you crazy? You want everyone around here to know what’s going on?” He said, eyes snapped back and forth between the two. He knew Xander was off when he created that club just to eat and rate cheese, but this is fucking insane.

Seth looked up at Ivan’s lower half, or in this case upper half, where the rope was tied. It was pretty securely tied to the balcony above them, and it was about as big as you'd expect a rope holding a human being would be.

They wanted to shoot that? Liable to blow his goddamn limbs off with how they were acting with that gun. Fuckin’ figures. They give him cocaine, and that nutjob a shotgun. God bless the producers on this show.

But, knowing these two from this short conversation, their gonna fucking do it.

So Seth did the smartest thing he could do. He took grip of Ivan’s back and took to holding him up a bit, that way he'd get his head in order and dude wasn’t landing on his damn head when they started shooting.
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

"Fuck, please just do something," Ivan said, urgency filling the words. He felt the rope creak slightly as Seth got under his shoulders and lifted him out, and a sound like rushing flew past his ears as some blood drained away from his face. His shirt shook loose of his pants, falling down over his torso and covering his face - the F carved deep into the skin of his forehead - revealing a deep red rib sticking out against his dark skin in the shape of a shoe.

"Seth," Ivan said to the boy who was supporting his back, "Seth, man, just - don't let them leave me like this. End it or cut me lose or - please. They fucked with me and kicked my head and fucked my face up and I can't fucking - please, guys, Seth, you can't."

Good thing the shirt was covering him, now. His nose was full, and dripping.
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda had a plan. She had told them that plan, and she was confident that as long as they could actually lift Ivan off of the doorway, then it would work.

But the problem was that no one followed the plan. Xander stood there like a pole, new kid kept freaking out, and Ivan couldn't do much of anything aside from hang there like a gory pinata. Great. This was the kind of cohesion that she had to work with. Just great. If she had to run through a match with this kind of teamwork, someone would flop out of the ring after an Irish Whip into the ropes while someone else fucked up the finish.

Internal griping was all well and good, but Rhonda had to pause that in favor of nearly vomiting when Ivan's shirt fell over his face and revealed how much damage his torso had endured. God damn, it was like a pack of rabid gorillas had gotten to him. She averted her eyes as fast as she could, looking at the wall while she thought over the new option that Xander had just laid on the table.

Her first instinct was to yell at the stringbean and ask him what the hell he was thinking to have them fire a beacon that would alert everyone to their presence. Really, she wanted to avoid firing her shotgun as much as possible. It was loud, it would definitely be messy, and they were pretty much already screwed if she was relying on it in the first place. If anything, she just wanted it to be scary and ward people off. That's pretty much it.

But then she had to take their situation into account. Ivan was probably going to die if they got him down, but he was definitely going to die if he stayed up, and not pleasantly either. And Rhonda was close enough to hear his pleas to Seth. She ran her finger along the barrel of the gun, piecing together her decision. After thinking it over, she opened the chamber and retrieved a shell from her pocket. She loaded it into the gun and snapped it back shut before aiming it at the part of the rope keeping Ivan anchored to the doorframe, shoving the end of the barrel into it to get a point-blank shot. She was pretty sure that she was strong enough to keep the gun steady, but she didn't have time to check before finding out.

"Everybody stay clear." She said simply, focusing her eyes on the rope and pulling the trigger. The gun kicked back hard and made both of her arms ache as the shot ripped through the rope.
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