TV3 Collar Description And Daypack Contents

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TV3 Collar Description And Daypack Contents


Post by MurderWeasel »

The collars for this season of SOTF-TV have been adjusted slightly. They are smooth and sleek, but not shiny or chromed, and are predominantly a dull steel color. The middle third of the collar, however, is a dark black band, which is actually made up of very hard plastic; several cameras are housed within, recording a "point of view" of the wearer's surroundings, and may be visible if a strong light is shined directly on the collar. The collars sit loosely enough on the neck not to restrict breathing, even the deep sort that comes with exertion. They are quite sturdy; they will not be damaged or detonate if pulled by hand, requiring slightly more force to set off. The collars have no lights on them, to avoid giving away the contestants' positions.

The daypacks used in SOTF-TV Season Three are navy blue backpacks, of average size, made out of a tough, water-repellent canvas. They are unmarked, and bear no signs by which their owners could be recognized.

Each bag contains the following:

Rations: Each student has been issued rations. These include:
-One package of Saki Ika dried prepared squid
-Three single-serve packages of Annie Chun's roasted seaweed snacks (original flavor)
-One Footlong Tuna Fish Subway sandwich (vacuum-sealed)
-Two loaves of Udi's whole grain gluten-free bread
-Two boxes of oyster crackers
-Four one-liter bottles of Aquafina mineral water
-Two rolls of Life Savers, one in mint flavor and one in assorted fruit flavors
-Two bottles of Gatorade (one classic flavor, one selected to match team colors)
-One 50 ml single-serve bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum (about one shot of rum)

Map and Sextant: This is the map similar to that seen here, though due to the chaotic and sometimes shifting nature of this arena the map is only reliable in broad brushstrokes. Each student also receives a sextant, a navigational tool once used widely by sailors, in place of the usual compass.

Designated Weapon and Instruction Manual: There is only an instruction manual if the weapon is something that would likely require one; if in doubt, there is no manual. The manuals are fairly conversational and accessible, with copious illustrations. They cover all notable aspects of the weapon. Further weapon details may be found here.

Team Bandanna: A bandanna, appropriate to the team as described in the student roster.

Flashlight: The flashlight includes a change of batteries. Altogether, it can run for probably sixteen hours before going dead.

One Condom: Durex brand.

First Aid Kit: This is a standard, fully-stocked first aid kit. Details on components may be found here. The kit is a white box with a red cross, made of of hard plastic. It contains:
-Pocket mask
-Face shield
-Adhesive bandages, including knuckle bandages
-Sterile dressings
-Non-Adhesive bandages (varying lengths and widths, not guaranteed sterile)
-Butterfly closure strips
-Sterile needle and thread
-Saline solution
-Antiseptic wipes
-Burn dressing
-Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
-Surgical mask
-One-inch blade bandage scissors
-Alcohol pads
-Hand sanitizer
-Emergency blanket
-Oral rehydration salts
-Aloe gel
-Burn relief gel
-Tincture of benzoin
-Anti-fungal cream

-One t-shirt/tank top in the team color (Black for Leviathans, Red for Krakens, otherwise it should be evident)
-One brand name t-shirt (brands vary)
-One pair of track pants in the team color
-One additional outfit (selected by the producers for humor/fanservice potential; consult this topic for more information)
-One swimsuit in team colors (a fairly typical set of swim trunks for male characters, and a fairly typical bikini for female characters).
-One large towel in team colors, with team logo.

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