Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Deamon »

Claudia's Krakens


A dark red field with a black embossed image of a giant squid monster rising from the bottom of the image.


CK01: Kurt Thorne [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Zip Ties

CK02: Xander Miles [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Bah Gawd, It's A Steel Chair!

CK03: Leslie Lowell [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Sedgley Glove Gun

CK04: Cassini Evans [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Jar of Live Leeches

CK05: Seo-yun Lee [RELEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Bag of Powdered Ghost Peppers

CK06: Dale Hawthorne [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Complete Set Of Team Bandannas From Season 66

CK07: Lucia Cuevas Valdez [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Meat Cleaver

CK08: James Highchurch [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Marine Corps Officers' Mameluke Sword

CK09: Ra Jin "RJ" Blackburn [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: De Lisle Carbine

CK10: Rhonda Rollins [DECEASED]
Grade: 12
Weapon: Zabala 10 Gauge Shotgun

CK11: Gustavo Thicke [DECEASED]
Grade: 11
Weapon: Cutlass


'The Sellout'
“Hope y'all are ready for the sequel."

Name: Claudia Ghoul
Age: 28
Gender: Female

Appearance: Claudia has a carefully cultivated look made to catch the eye. Her features purposefully enhanced with make-up to give a deathly shade of white, with dark shadow under her cheekbones and dark rings around her eyes to enhance the image. Hair that is dyed black and white-eyed contact lenses complete the look and make Claudia one of the most unique sights in music.

This image is further accented by the clothes Claudia chooses to wear. Tight clothing that has been purposefully made to give a ripped look along with high-heeled leather boots help make her seem taller and lankier than she already. Which is an impressive feat considering she already stands at 6'2". Her skinny frame is also carefully maintained so as to add to her overall look with being kept at around 148lbs.

After Season 66, Claudia updated her face makeup to something that resembled a Calavera to coincide with the release of her Sugarskull EP and since being invited back to take part in Season 67 has again mostly kept this look intact, although she has added a bandana and some pirate-themed charms to her hair to match the theme of the season.

Biography: Claudia Ghoul (originally Stewart) is almost the definition of what music fans would call a sell-out. Starting out small in local venues around her hometown of Philadelphia, her band was just another rock band among the many others on the local circuit. Called Born Fools there was nothing unique about them and their songs were average at best. Knowing that something needed to be done to make them stand out Claudia came up with a plan to rebrand herself and the band as something more eye-catching. After a name change to Born Ghouls and a change in lyrical style and themes later the band was a stand-out among smaller indie bands. Claudia herself changed her stage name 'Claudia Ghoul' to match the new direction she had come up with. This decision proved to be a hit as the bands' new style and presentation attracted a big enough cult following that their first EP—which was released independently—sold out almost instantly.

That was when the major record companies took notice and an offer was made to the band. Claudia was quick to accept and started to become much more active in her appearances in order to promote herself and the band, but mainly herself. This included legally changing her surname to Ghoul when it became clear they were taking off. After the first album was a smash hit—on the back of a payola to play the lead single every half hour on certain stations. Claudia became one of the hottest things in music. This success led to her developing an ego. This change in attitude that came with her success cause her to drive all the other members of the band away. Undeterred and with her studios backing she auditioned and hired all new members of the band and took the opportunity to position herself as the figurehead, thus making what was a once band a solo act. The Born Ghoul name lives on as both her twitter handle and a frequently used phrase in her merchandise and marketing.

Setting out once again to market herself, Claudia appeared on many mainstream shows and magazines. It was during this media tour that Claudia was approached by the producers of SOTF-TV to take a position as one of the mentors on Season 66. Claudia a lifelong and outspoken fan of the show—she sometimes appeared on stage in a Kenny jersey and mentioned some of the big-name killers in her songs—immediately accepted. She got to appear on her favorite TV of all time and advertise herself. There was no way she was going to say no.

Sadly for Claudia, her team—the Scarlet Panthers—did not perform very well in the game, finishing ninth overall and only achieving one kill. Luckily, she also used her time on the game to write a concept album based on Season 66 itself and already had the Sugarskull EP ready to release. As Season 66 headed towards its conclusion Claudia took the time to make a pitch to the executives about her album and bringing her back for the next season. While making this pitch Claudia doubled-down and threw out the idea of producing a second concept album about Season 67 which was eagerly embraced by the executives and her label.

After putting the Sugarskull EP out a week after Season 66 concluded, Claudia got to work producing her first of two concept albums based on Survival of the Fittest. She managed to hammer out the first single in time for the beginning of Season 67 and it was put in place to be the opening theme. Claudia's main goal with Season 67—besides the typical marketing of herself—is to make sure her team does better than they did in Season 66.
[+] Questionnaire
Name: Claudia Ghoul

Team Colours: Red and Black

First Season of SotF: Season One, I've been down since day one.

Favourite Food: Anything freshly dead...or alive, I'm not picky.

Favourite Colour: Dark red.

Favourite SOTF contestant: I'm a Kenny lifer, is there anyone else it could be? He has it all.

What you bring to the season: Shock, awe, guts and gore. I bring the addiction to blood, I bring the love of this shit, I bring showmanship. I've been a lifelong fan of this and I have prior experience from Season 66. I bring the understanding of how this all works.

Why your team is going to win: I think differently to all these other mentors, I'm probably more creative y'know? Plus I've got that experience of mentoring before, I'll be able to pass all of this on when it comes down to it.

What was it like being asked to be a mentor for Season 67? Well, after the disaster that was the Scarlet Panthers it was nice to be asked back for a redo, to be totally honest I'd be cool being brought back as much as the producers want. I love this shit.

What’s it like being a mentor? It's great, unparalleled access to the feeds, getting to see everything that's going on, plus you have your own group of kids you get to follow and assist through the game. It's like Fantasy SOTF but better.

Who is your favourite co-worker? Jewel, duh.

What’s the best weapon this season, in your opinion? Uhhh they have a Narwhal Horn dude, that's badass.

What’s the best location this season, in your opinion? Y'know I've been on a cruise, gives me ideas for some ghost ship stuff.

Which team is your stiffest competition? Like, who cares really? We're all here for a good time right?

Any parting words for the fans at home? Don't forget to buy the Sugarskull EP and pre-order the Season 66 LP! If you like Survival of the Fittest you'll love 'em!
[+] Briefing
The screens open on a tropical and sunlit beach but as the camera steadily moves it makes its way down the beach and into a fog-filled cave. It quickly travels through the darkness of the cave until it reaches a hastily constructed wooden cross, lit on either side by wooden torches, casting dancing shadows across the damp rock walls. As the camera rests on the cross the ground beneath it suddenly shifts as a figure digs its way out of the dirt. As they shake the excess sand off their body the figure is revealed to be Claudia Ghoul.

She gives the camera a devilish grin and a wink.

"Miss me?"

Her skin is a deathly shade of white and her face painted to resemble a Calavera. Long black hair falls out from under a dark red bandana to settle around her shoulders and is accessorized with skull charms, and beads, while white contacts make her eyes shine in the dark. The dark clothing she has on is tight and ripped and high-heeled leather boots make her seem even taller and lankier than she already is.

"If you don't already know me, the names Claudia Ghoul, or perhaps Captain Ghoul in this instance. I'm a best-selling musician and if you're seeing this then I am your mentor for this season of Survival of the Fittest!"

Claudia throws her arms out in an encompassing gesture.

"Now you're probably wondering what exactly I can do for you, sitting there thinking to yourself, 'But what are her credentials?' and if you have those questions I say that you shouldn't fear. I won't let you be dragged to the depths by the others in your class."

She is clearly enjoying herself as every statement she makes is punctuated by sweeping hand gestures.

"You see I've been watching Survival of the Fittest ever since Season One, I've seen every competitor come and go, I've seen all the scenarios and all the tactics that could be used against you or you could use. I also have first-hand experience of being involved in a season as I was a mentor during Season 66. So if you ever find yourself stuck and wondering what to do just remember that I've probably seen it happen to someone before now and give your friend Claudia a call. I'll be able to point you in the right direction and give you all the help you need.

"I'm sure you guys will all go out there and kill it. I have total faith in all of you to make this another awesome season!

"Go Krakens!"
Team Conclusion: A team loaded with athletic potential, the Krakens look set to be a force if they can find each other and team up, as long as their personalities and weaker weapon draws don't get them in trouble first that is.

Mentor Comment: "Gotta say there's a lot to like about this team. Nearly everyone is an athlete or physically capable in some way and sure the weapon assignments could be better but let's be real, you can always grab a new weapon from someone else so that's not that big an issue.

"I feel good about this, there's a lot of potential and a lot to work with here. As long as they find each other early they should be tough to stop, and I'll be there to make sure we can get a plan together. A team win is totally possible with the crew I've got here. I have faith. The Krakens are going to drag everyone into deep water and drown them."
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