RC's character

Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Deamon »


Name: Gustavo "Gus" Thicke
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 11
Hobbies and Interests: longboarding, Pokemon, volunteering, Weezer

Appearance: Gus stands at 6 feet and weighs 160 pounds with a long and thin, but not scrawny figure. He is Cuban in heritage, has messy, wavy but not curly shoulder-long black hair, no facial hair, has a cleft chin, wears a silver earring hoop in his right ear and wears a constant smile on his lips. He has brown eyes, a round face, an aquiline nose, thick lips and a good complexion.

On the day of the abduction he was in an oversized, short-sleeved black Punisher shirt, wore olive khakis, white sneakers and had a shark tooth necklace around his neck.

Biography: Born to lower middle class Cuban-Americans in Florida, Gustavo lived in Miami his whole life. Gus' dad Rafael works as a truck driver, his mum Aleja works primarily as a housewife, but also takes occasional cleaning jobs she could find online. They're not well-off but they're not doing bad either. Due to Rafael being occupied with work Gus doesn't see his father as much and therefore has a closer connection to his mother.

He's still got a good connection to both of them and is very open with them. He also has a close connection to the extended family who lives nearby. He is proud to be Cuban and has learnt many traditions, such as learing how to cook the Cuban way, since childhood due to growing up in his family.

Gustavo's earliest hobby was playing soccer. He learned it from his dad and they'd play it when he was home and use their garage as a goal. Gus would also play it on the streets with his neighbour's children but also during recess or breaks in elementary school he'd play it with his classmates. He loves playing in the front and trying to score goals, which is always pretty satisfying.

He also has a three-year-younger brother, Fernando, who he also loves as a brother even as he sometimes gets in conflicts with him like brothers do. Fernando grew up to become a fan of SOTF. Gus isn't. Gus doesn't really care about SOTF, it's a hobby he saw many of his peers persue, but it isn't his hobby. He grew up on Pokemon instead. Pokemon is a highly addictive game and it appeals to Gus due to the replayability. He doesn't like the open world aspect of it as he'd prefer to play a more linear playing experience and he's not good at deciding what to do first, but he enjoys completing everything and feels satisfied after doing so. He spent a lot of his childhood playing the Pokemon games and continues to follow the series to this day.

In school he did not do well because of that, because he spent too much time playing pokemon instead of studying. His parents noticed that when he received bad grades in school. They limited the time of pokemon he can play to one hour and Gus accepted it without making a fuss. This lead to two things: He improved his school grades and he learned to have a strict schedule and organise his life better. This lead to him even getting greater in school, becoming a straight A student.

Gus also slowly lost his interest in soccer as a hobby. He had tried joining a soccer club for a couple of months but he was not enjoying it as much because the people there took things way too serious for his taste and he quickly decided to not pursue it as a hobby anymore. During recess he also doesn't play soccer regularly anymore either, instead either studying or playing Pokemon on his handheld if finished.

His high GPA lead him to become enrolled into Mangrove High through the scholarship program. He is close to the top twenty in the school rankings due to his consistancy in achieving grades. Gus gets along with his classmates and generally is in good terms with most of them, though he never really got a close connection to anyone, because he was not interested in any topics the other kids were interested in, like for example SOTF, sports, politics, media etc. His primary hobbies consisted of learning and playing pokemon, so he wasn't a conversation partner for most of the kids, leading him to become a loner of sorts.

This leads to Gus preferring to be in the background and disliking being in the spotlight. He's still sociable though, very friendly and is generally liked by his peers for his friendliness and helpfulness.

Gustavo's free time does not only consist of learning and playing video games, of course. Around the age of thirteen he began volunteering at a local retirement home and has been ever since. The reason why he began in the first place is his Christian upbringing: he was sent to a local Catholic retirement home by his parents to help out. He really enjoys helping other people and it makes him happy. He sees how much the people there need him, or human connections in general and he pities them. He fears no one taking care of him once he gets old and it comforts him that he's at least helping the people there now.

Gus has slowly lost faith over time as the beliefs of the Catholic Church contradicted with his knowledge he gained from studying for school (evolution). He is not open about his atheism about anyone though, in fact he still goes to Church every sunday with his family and celebrates Christmas and is torn between being an atheist or an agnostic.

The Pokemon soundtrack happens to be very good for learning which is why he uses it to study. Outside of his Pokemon study music playlist, he enjoys listening to Weezer. He picked the band up when fourteen and really got quickly into their albums quickly for their personal lyrics, but also catchy melodies and hooks. Gustavo can relate to Rivers Cuomo being an awkward, normal guy.

The plus side of living in Miami is the great weather there. Another hobby he picked up, he must've been around fifteen, was longboarding. Gus really enjoys outside activities and enjoying the weather there. He tried getting into skateboard at first but then switched to the longboard which he prefers for the reasons of it feeling less hasty and being much more comfortable to ride. In the summer he also tries to surf, though he isn't that good at surfing.

Gus aspires to become a doctor despite having no medical knowledge. He doesn't know what kind of doctor he wants to become, but he sure likes helping people.

Advantages: He's athletic due to his boarding experience. He also is very organised and book-smart through being an A student. He also likes to avoid conflicts.
Disadvantages: Gus has the disadvantage of not really having good friends before the game and potentially avoiding picking up alliances during the game due to him not being a team player and spending more time on his own. His drive to help, avoid conflict and serve others could make him more likely to get manipulated.

Designated Number: Claudia's Krakens 11 (CK11)


Designated Weapon: Cutlass

Mentor Comment: "Gustavo is not thick and also likes Weezer, so we're already behind the 8-ball here and wait a minute he has a cutlass! Fuck that, we're gold baby, a winner is us, let's do some pirate shit! Fuck yeah!"


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