VoltTurtle's character

Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Deamon »


Name: Seo-yun Lee
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Singing, Music, Songwriting, Composing, Dancing, Korean Culture, Fashion, Makeup artistry

Appearance: Seo-yun is slightly below average in height (5'5") and is slightly thin, but not underweight (122 pounds). Seo-yun has a thin hourglass figure due to her diet and exercise regimen, with a very thin waist and balanced hips and bust. Her appearance is typical of someone of Korean descent, with dark brown eyes, straight black hair, thin eyebrows, and a round face. Her hair is medium length with side swept bangs, and when not covered by a wig is usually styled and teased to increase its volume. Her ears are pierced, with simple but stylish silver studs. Her posture is usually upright and formal, only relaxing when not in public. Her nails are usually painted, varying in color from black to white to red, depending on her mood and current clothing style.

Seo-yun maintains a great deal of care when it comes to her appearance. She is almost never seen outside of her house without some sort of makeup, usually having basic eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, foundation, and lipstick on at the bare minimum, using more cosmetics with more care for special occasions. Seo-yun's outfit varies wildly depending on her mood and what emotions or feelings she wants to express with her clothing, but they are usually reminiscent of the outfits worn by Korean pop idols. Her most common, casual outfit is a white, fitted blouse worn with light blue skinny jeans and knee-high, black, 2.5" heeled boots. On more formal occasions, she will dress more extravagantly, usually wearing elaborate hoop dresses, stilettos, colored wigs, and heavy makeup.

On Casting Day, Seo-yun was wearing a white, fitted blouse, light blue skinny jeans, and her black heeled boots. Additionally, she had her usual suite of makeup on, with black eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, skin-tone appropriate foundation, and dark matte red lipstick.

Biography: Seo-yun is a second generation Korean immigrant, born to Song-hun Lee and Chi-hye Lee. Song-hun and Chi-hye were both accomplished medical doctors, being a trauma surgeon and a pediatric surgeon, respectively. They immigrated to Miami, Florida from South Korea after being married for several years and building up a significant financial safety net, finding new occupations at a local hospital not long afterwards. Seo-yun was born a few years after they had established themselves in Miami, with her parents being older than average for new parents, with both of them slightly over the age of 40.

Seo-yun speaks both Korean and English fluently, as a result of her parents speaking to her in both languages when she was young. As she was growing up, Seo-yun would often be spoiled by her wealthy parents and she wanted for virtually nothing, almost anything she would ask for, she would get. While Seo-yun did not spend that much personal time with her parents due to their workloads and thus felt distant to them, she was cared for by and felt close to her babysitter, a retired nurse named Alice Ballard who was a personal friend of her parents.

Seo-yun was highly energetic and extroverted as a child, being friendly to everyone she met, though she focused most of her energy on her babysitter. Alice was a kindly woman, and supportive of Seo-yun to a fault, always trying to keep up with the young girl's energy. Seo-yun in turn respected Alice greatly, and always wanted to impress her babysitter and gain her approval. To that end, Seo-yun would always try to engage in whatever Alice was doing, and one of Alice's favorite activities was to play on the Lee family's piano and sing to Seo-yun.

Seo-yun would often sing along to the songs Alice would play in order to gain her babysitter's approval, originally being very off-key and having a very limited range like any beginner, but she steadily improved over time with Alice's guidance, to the point where her singing consistently remained on-key by the time she entered elementary school. With Alice's consistent encouragement, Seo-yun began to genuinely enjoy both singing and music for more than just gaining her babysitter's approval, appreciating the skill required in stringing together melodies and being immensely satisfied whenever she managed to perform a song perfectly, along with enjoying the pleasant feelings that the sounds of music would evoke in her.

Seo-yun's desire for approval would only continue to grow with time and exposure to more people. Upon entering elementary school, Seo-yun would begin to blossom into a full social butterfly, always doing her best to make as many friends as possible and confidently talking to any of her peers who would listen, even going out of her way to interact with everyone in her classes, especially those who displayed initial shyness. While her early attempts at gaining more friends were often forced and unsuccessful, Seo-yun's social skills developed very quickly through the years, and thanks to her unrelenting confidence and her sheer persistence, by the time that she left elementary school she had earned the friendship and adoration of most of her peers.

As Seo-yun grew up, she was very in tune with Korean culture thanks to her parents, eating traditional Korean cuisine, celebrating Seollal (the traditional Korean New Year), and going with her parents on their yearly summer vacations back to South Korea. In particular, Seo-yun took great interest in Korean music, in part thanks to Alice's early influence, with a specific focus on Korean Pop.

Seo-yun not only loved the music of K-pop, but she also often found herself watching music videos and filmings of live performances on the internet for hours at a time, entranced by the visuals, the often elaborate dance choreography involved, and the stylish outfits that the performers would wear. Over time, Seo-yun would begin to idolize the performers involved and the admiration they would get from their fans, seeing them as people to emulate and finding herself yearning for that same fame and recognition they received.

As Seo-yun grew and her friend group continued to expand, her ego would eventually expand to match it. Not long after entering middle school and beginning puberty, Seo-yun's desires began to shift not from a mere want for her peer's approval and acceptance, but a desire for their active praise and admiration, not unlike the admiration that K-pop performers would get from their fans. From that point on, Seo-yun made the decision to fully try to emulate the performers she loved, and began doing everything she could to be like them.

To start on her new goal, Seo-yun took up dancing as a hobby. At first, Seo-yun merely tried to imitate the dance choreography of K-pop artists she admired, but later on Seo-yun realized that she wanted to be able to come up with her own dance routines, but didn't understand enough fundamentals to do so. To that end, Seo-yun asked her parents if she could attend dance classes. While it took some convincing, her parents mutually agreed to financially support Seo-yun in her endeavors to make up for their relative distance to her, and Seo-yun began attending private dance classes shortly thereafter.

When Seo-yun originally began dancing, she initially lacked passion for it, getting into it simply for its own sake, but as time passed and Seo-yun got better and better at it, she grew to appreciate the artform on its own merits. The physical exercise involved in complex dance routines was satisfying, and successfully executing a routine, especially while singing at the same time always helped her feel accomplished and proud of herself.

During Seo-yun's last year of middle school, she also began to get into fashion, once again seeking to emulate the K-pop artists she admired. With her parent's wealth and desire to spoil her, Seo-yun was freely able to experiment with a wide variety of outfits and accessories, ranging all the way from casual to highly elaborate, including outfits that were custom tailored for her if she happened to find a look she liked. Seo-yun grew to like fashion much more quickly than she did with dance, though this was mainly because she deeply enjoyed how her outfits could make her both look nicer and at the same time be very eye catching to those around her.

When it came time for Seo-yun to enter high school, her parents enrolled her into Mangrove Garden High School, paying for her tuition in the process, in the hopes of giving her the best education possible. Entering Mangrove Garden High School signaled a big shift for Seo-yun. Confident in both her singing and dancing, she began to show off her talents to her peers whenever she found a reasonable time and place to do so, such as during talent shows or at private venues. She loved the art of performance, not only for the satisfaction involved in executing something she has practiced, but mainly for the admiration and praise she would receive.

To continue her emulation of K-pop artists, Seo-yun began to get more into makeup and general beauty maintenance, understanding that artists not only had to be talented, but they also had to be physically beautiful to succeed. To that end, Seo-yun began to watch makeup tutorials, practicing her application not only on herself but also on any friends who would allow it, and also began to regularly exercise and watch her diet to facilitate her maintaining the nicest hourglass figure her body could have. Seo-yun didn't particularly like this aspect of emulating her idols, seeing it as more of a chore than anything, but nonetheless she persisted, once again appreciating the admiration she would get for her good looks.

Later on in high school, Seo-yun finally took interest in the actual process of making the music she so dearly appreciated. While she had up to that point simply been superficially imitating artists, she decided she genuinely wanted to understand the art of composition as well, and potentially make her own songs. To that end, with the permission of her parents, she began weekly private tutoring in both musical theory and composition, and not long thereafter began to use sound editing software to remix songs that she liked. She has yet to create her own songs, in part due to inexperience and in part due to struggling with the creativity involved, but nonetheless, Seo-yun finds the topic deeply fascinating, and desires to get even better in the future.

Between her normal schoolwork, beauty maintenance, and all of her hobbies, Seo-yun was often stretched for time. Despite that, she dealt with the stress involved well, in part due to enjoying these activities, but also in part due to having learned good time management as she gradually increased her workload over time.

Academically, Seo-yun often performed well in her classes throughout all of elementary, middle, and high school, but only did so with both intense work and help from her parents in the form of the rare hired tutor. While Seo-yun had a great memory and could absorb new information quickly, a skill she relied on immensely to succeed, she would always struggle with abstract and analytical thinking, rendering many assignments that required those skills extremely difficult for her. As a result of her work ethic and excellent memory, Seo-yun was generally placed above average in Mangrove Garden High School's ranking system, but her weaknesses kept her from ever reaching into the upper echelons despite her best efforts. Her favorite classes and subjects were usually whichever ones she found the easiest year-to-year, usually those based around rote memorization, and had no major preference for any one subject over another.

Seo-yun is kind, charismatic, friendly, and extremely confident, having a way with people and not being afraid to approach anyone for the chance to make a new friend. While she rarely uses this ability maliciously, she is also good at utilizing her charisma and playing on people's perceptions and feelings in order to get them to do what she wants, due to years of experience. She personally takes a very devil-may-care attitude when it comes to life in general, mostly going with the flow of it and not planning ahead very extensively, planning ahead being a skill that she is deeply lacking in as a result. Additionally, she has been pampered and given almost everything she wants for most of her life, and while she's capable of handling not always getting her way, she has no real ability to cope with deeply stressful situations, due to a lack of prior exposure to them.

Seo-yun has been mostly indifferent to SOTF-TV throughout her life. While she enjoys keeping up with the rising stars that it creates, being especially jealous of those who manage to launch successful celebrity careers after winning, she cares little for the moment to moment drama and bloodshed, preferring instead to just watch the occasional highlight reel posted on the internet.

After high school, Seo-yun has no real plans on what she wants to do. While she vaguely aspires to be a famous idol, she understands to some extent that is an unrealistic goal, and thus she thinks she might simply become a famous composer and coast off of the inevitable inheritance from her parents.

Advantages: Seo-yun is physically fit due to her dancing and exercising, with good endurance and slightly above average strength. Additionally, Seo-yun is charismatic, confident, and good at manipulating those around her to do what she wants in the moment, giving her a potential advantage when it comes to both gathering and keeping loyal allies.
Disadvantages: Seo-yun has faced very little real hardship in her life, to the point that any trouble greater than a minor inconvenience is often difficult for her to properly cope with, leaving her totally unprepared for the severe emotional/mental stresses of the game. Additionally, while Seo-yun is by no means unintelligent, she has trouble with both abstract and analytical thinking, and has almost no ability to form complex plans, potentially leaving her vulnerable to being outsmarted by her more clever peers.

Designated Number: Claudia's Krakens 05 (CK05)


Designated Weapon: Bag of Powdered Ghost Peppers

Mentor Comment: "You need to throw that shit directly in someones face then kick them in the dick, it'd be sweet. On top of that is a good suite of advantages as long as she doesn't buckle under the pressure of the game and fall to pieces, which wouldn't be an ideal scenario, but I have faith, I believe in the ghost pepper girl. GPG all day baby."


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