Kamille Rémy Martel

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Kamille Rémy Martel


Post by Deamon »

Name: Kamille Rémy Martel
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Student council, swimming, mystery and suspense literature, political science

Appearance: Kamille is an even 6 feet tall and 177 pounds. He is Caucasian and has a lightly tanned skin tone along with some freckles across his cheeks and nose and dotting his shoulders. He has long arms and legs, and a decently athletic figure thanks to years of participating in swim meets. He has chestnut brown hair that reaches the base of his neck at its longest point in the back with his bangs parted over his left eye and left to frame his face; it is carefully straightened and groomed to look carelessly windswept. His eyes are oval in shape and dark blue. Kamille’s face shape is best described as an inverted triangle, with a wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a tapering chin. His nose looks somewhat small for his face, and his lips are thin and rest naturally in an upturned position.

Kamille dresses fashionably and professionally most of the time, with button-down shirts, blazers, and tailored slacks making up a usual outfit. His favorite colors are light blues and greens. He is somewhat nearsighted and wears rectangular wire-framed glasses to correct his vision; he doesn’t bother with corrective lenses when working out, as most of his exercise is gained through swimming. He has no piercings, does not wear jewelry and always takes care to ensure that his clothes are clean and neatly pressed so that he is at his most presentable. On casting day Kamille was wearing a light blue oxford dress shirt, beige slacks, and tan suede shoes. He had chosen to forgo a blazer due to the heat.

Biography: Kamille is the only child of Simone and Ruben Brooks, a young couple that was living in Fayetteville, North Carolina. While the pair were a happy couple and Kamille was well-loved by them tragedy struck when Ruben died in a car crash. As a result of his death and the difficulty, Simone faced trying to make ends meet she decided to return to her hometown of Miami with Kamille in order to live with her parents, Mary and Randy. While working at Hopkins Carter Marine and relying on her parents’ assistance in caring for her toddler son, Simone met Edward Martel, a training instructor for the coast guard who was temporarily staying in Miami. They forged a quick friendship as Edward was a regular at the shop, and soon the pair had become romantically involved. Their relationship was often long-distance once Edward’s stay in Miami was over, and he has in fact never quite settled down thanks to his work in the army as he is often called upon to travel throughout the country in order to carry out training courses.

When Kamille was six, Simone became pregnant. She and Edward married soon after this discovery, and a few months later, Kamille’s younger half-brother Prosper was born. While Kamille was excited to be a big brother, as he was often lonely having to spend time playing by himself when left in his grandparents’ care, Prosper’s birth marked the beginning of an uneasiness in Kamille’s relationship with Edward which maintains to this day. While Edward was never outright cold to Kamille, there was always a distance between them that didn’t exist with Edward and Prosper. As he grew older, Kamille would attribute this to the fact that Prosper was Edward’s biological son, while Kamille was not. He has also noted that Simone tends to give Prosper more attention and is more lenient with him than with Kamille; while privately hurt by this, Kamille has always chalked it up to Prosper’s younger age and his mother’s belief that Kamille is more independent, given that he had to be fairly self-reliant during much of his childhood.

At school, Kamille is a hard-worker who takes his studies seriously. He wants to pursue a career in the military—specifically military intelligence—and knows that having the best grades possible will help him achieve this goal. To this end, he puts a particular emphasis on math, science, and languages, while also studying political science in his spare time. This interest also led to him joining the school student council more for the experience of it being a small-scale simulation of government. But he also found that he came to enjoy taking part in a small aspect of the decision making around the school and organizing events that benefit his peers and that they enjoy.

Kamille is also an active member of the school swim team, having been swimming since his families return to Miami. He enjoys swimming as both a form of exercise as well as a sport to take part in because it both builds discipline and fitness. He also feels like when he in the pool and swimming he is able to forget about the rest of the world and only focus on the goal in front of him.

Around school, Kamille is a very friendly and understanding person. Always taking the time out of his day to speak to his fellow classmates or assist people with their problems if he is able. He has a reputation as a hard-worker within both the swim team and the student council and always puts in any extra time that is needed. While this has gained Kamille lots of friends these traits and his focuses elsewhere have also led to him earning a reputation as a love them and leave them type. This is thanks to him managing to gain many different girlfriends over the years that he either dumps without much thought or who end up dumping him because of his lack of attentiveness.

The reason for many of these behaviors is that Kamille suffers from depression and a lack of self-esteem that was brought about both by the death of Ruben when he was young and the fact his care was consistently passed off to his grandparents. As a result, he has tried to make up for this by pushing himself to be the best he can be and putting other people’s needs ahead of his own. He can also find himself reacting poorly and falling into dark moods should he feel he has not met his own standards.

One hobby of Kamille’s that is separate from his time at school is his love of mystery and suspense fiction. This is an interest he picked up from all the time spent being looked after by his grandparents, as Mary owned a large collection of novels from the genre. Kamille was always struck by the titles of the books and interested in finding out more but was always told that he was too young, despite he repeated requests. Eventually, he was deemed old enough by Mary and he started to devour her collection. He found the stories written by authors such as Elizabeth George, Tony Hillerman and Elizabeth Peters, to be both interesting and a fun escape from the everyday world around him. He also enjoyed trying to solve the mysteries as he read through the novels. This interest in mystery and suspense has continued as he has grown up although he has begun to move into more modern writers such as Stieg Larsson.

When Kamille graduates he plans on trying to get into the US Military Intelligence Corps. If he is unsuccessful at this he will try to attend college to gain a degree in a field suitable for a job application to the CIA.

Advantages: Kamille is fit and has particularly good endurance thanks to years of swimming. He is very personable and generally well-liked by his classmates; his social prowess also gives him the ability to deceive or manipulate others to a degree.
Disadvantages: Kamille secretly struggles with depression and a lack of self-esteem, which may lead him to compromise his own survival in favor of others. While he is generally well-regarded, the enemies that he does have tend to be particularly bitter for the thoughtless way he treated them previously, which could make him a desirable target for anyone looking to exact revenge.
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Post by backslash »

I live. Let's get this boy ready to get dead. Kamille is temporarily DENIED pending a couple points that need expanding upon.

The profile looks generally pretty good, but we jump straight from Kamille's early life events to his high school life. Did anything notable happen during the interim years, or did he pick up any of his hobbies at this time?

When did Kamille's depressive episodes really start? Have the symptoms and effects ever been noticeable to his family, or did Kamille himself ever consider seeking help for his depression and poor self-esteem?

The bio doesn't really go into Kamille's interest in political science outside of his desire to go into military intelligence; does he do anything pertaining to it outside of things like student government?
Kamille is also an active member of the school swim team, having been swimming since his family's return to Miami.
That's all I've got, so post here when you've made those edits and I'll look at Kamille again!
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Post by backslash »

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