I'm sad because I just killed a kid neigh neigh neigh I'm sad

Phase 4 (37+ Hours) One Shot

The salvage yard is located in the industrial park next to the boat shed and is filled with the detritus of maritime life. While a handful of small ruined rowboats are kept here, it is also home to partially-submerged shipping containers, old refrigerators and bed frames, and even a number of totaled cars and trucks, forming a treacherous mountain of junk. Kept around partially for lack of a better place to dispose of such objects and partially as an opportunity to scavenge materials for slapdash repairs, the salvage yard is more accessible than its phenomenally dangerous architecture might lead one to expect. Thanks in part to its varied topography and in part its distance from the rest of town, the salvage yard was a popular spot for children and teens alike. The children using it to play games such as hide and seek while the teens used it as a party spot. This has led to some accidents over the years and at least one death when a drunk teen fell into the ocean, but the only result of this incident was the addition of a chain link fence; the gate to this was quickly sabotaged and has remained unlocked since.
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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:30 pm

I'm sad because I just killed a kid neigh neigh neigh I'm sad


Post by Bowser »

[Bishop Smith continued from Knock Knock, It's the United States.]

They weren't here.

Granted, it was a long shot. Bishop could have only guessed where they would run off to after they got separated, but still. A large part of him had hoped that the girls had thought to go to the first place they ran into Bishop.

It made sense why they didn't though. They had gotten chased out of there by some unknown assailant. Why in god's name would they return? It was stupid of Bishop to check this place anyway, he was just wasting his time here. But still, it was really the only place he had thought to look. At this point, he really doesn't know where else to go. This was his Hail Mary guess, and it just didn't work.

Sure, both of the girls weren't dead, but if his search for Rodney and Marion's search for Brittany had taught him anything, it was that he was unlikely to ever see either of them again. This place was freaking huge, with everyone running around constantly with no real sense of direction. There was no way he'd ever find Kass or Marion alive again. Meaning escape likely wasn't a possibility anymore. Sure, he could try finding more allies, but the odds of him not getting shot on sight at this point were pretty slim.

Bishop had run across, what, only 3 friendly people by this point who didn't die moments after he met them? Everyone else had either ran off on their own or was some kind of threat, and that was when he didn't have a kill to his name. Now that he was a marked killer though? Good luck finding even one. Or at least, that's what Bishop assumed anyway. Maybe it was possible to talk people into working with him. Into helping him find Kass and Marion and escaping with their lives. But every part of him told him it wasn't going to happen.

As much as he hated to hope for it, maybe Bishop would be lucky and that Mack guy he killed was just as bad as Scott, the one Marion killed. But considering how Bishop knew nothing about Mack, he doubted he was as safe a kill as Scott was. Maybe Mack had friends who were stuck here too, friends who were pissed at Bishop for killing their best bud. Or maybe Mack was some no name loner who nobody really knew, it was impossible to tell at this point. Mack was gone, and Bishop would never be able to pick his brain and figure out just who he was. All because Bishop had to kill him.

And he did have to kill him, Bishop would have died otherwise. Though that constant reminder didn't exactly make him feel any better. It wasn't like James, where he accidentally put him into a position where he'd be killed. No, Bishop took Mack's life with his own two hands, and that was something he'd have to live with for the rest of his life. Which admittedly wasn't very long, from the looks of things. Unless he could find some way to escape or by some random chance won this game, Bishop would die within the upcoming days. Something that scared him more and more with every passing moment.

But still, what else could he do at this point? His only allies were missing, he had lost their trail long ago, and he didn't see much of a chance in finding new allies to help him out. By all respects, he was screwed. Though he supposed that was only natural, in the end. Looking back on it, he felt he had been a bit too reliant on Kass and Marion since he had ran into them, and he had left Rodney to die back on the road before hand. If anyone deserved to be in the situation he was in, it was him. Maybe if he was a better ally, or if he had at least helped the people around him, maybe he wouldn't be in this situation? But he wasn't, and he hadn't, so here he was.

So, not seeing any other options available to him, Bishop simply crawled back into the van he, Kass, and Marion hid in the day they formed their little alliance and closed the door behind him. Hoping that maybe he could hide out the rest of the game in here, with the guys running the show maybe even forgetting about him and letting him just walk free. Or that somebody would just come along and end his sorry existence for good. Maybe if he was lucky, they'd even make it quick for him. Who knew, but either way Bishop was done.

[Bishop Smith concluded in And An Ending]
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