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The Ballad of Lance and Blaine

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:08 am
by Sh4dE
((Blaine Eno continued from wAtCH thIS giRl gEt SokAiNG Wet))

Blaine Eno was a tragic man:
his shoulder, his calf, his face.
With tears in eyes and pain in brain,
He walked through the sandy place.

He walked to the tunnel, but was afraid of the dark;
Decided that nature would be much more smart!
The bone was white and it terrified...
That he could never run fast again.

Green reached for the blue.
It tasted like salt stew.
He took out the bottle instead and drank from its head.
He worried that he just would have few.

Blaine looked down with his eyes of green,
with eyes of green he looked to the sea,
with eerie voice and tears in eyes,
He sung the song of Nillson.

The green looked into the blue,
and Enialb said "Hello", too!
Blaine smiled and also replied to the face.
"Howdy, how are you?"

"Why is your face so red?", Blaine asked;
"It's a long story", the reflection replied;
"But I don't mind, because right now it's not important."
Blaine wondered if his face was gone like the one of the person he eyed.

Green stared into blue: "So how was your day?"
"You are not my friend!" Green eyes were surprised.
"You're telling lies. Murder is wrong, you're just an evil plotter!"
Terrified he murdered the reflection by pushing the face into water.

Blaine looked down with his eyes of green,
with eyes of green he looked to the sea,
with eerie voice and tears in eyes,
He sung the song of Nillson.

((Lance Adams continued from The Noose of Time))

Lance had tears in eyes no more,
Embarrassed by them cams.
Fuck boy ten, he thought on the shore.
His mind no longer on his sweet girl he'd adore.

As Lance walked by the ocean he heard creepy tunes;
The red shirt was scared, oh no, oh no.
It was not good sign and then he left.
Yes, then he left.

((Lance Adams continued in World 1-2))

Blaine looked down with his eyes of green,
with eyes of green he looked to the sea,
with eerie voice and tears in eyes,
He sung the song of Nillson.

Clean again, it was clean again,
the face was no longer red.
it burnt, it burnt, it fucking burnt,
Blaine really needed rest.

Blaine looked down with his eyes of green,
with eyes of green he looked to the sea,
with eerie voice and tears in eyes,
He sung the song of Nillson.

Blaine touched his wound with his eyes of green,
with increasing pain he looked to the sea,
he couldn't ignore it. With smile in face,
He sung the barrel carol.

Oh what he'd do, to fix these things
Track team, band, to be home again
Oh what he'd do, oh what he'd do
To fucking feel whole again.

((Blaine Eno continued in Surgeon Simulator 2017))