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Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by backslash
((Sebastien Bellamy continued from Say It With Firecrackers!))

Sebastien and Kitty's rambling walk from the warehouse had led nowhere for the rest of the day. He supposed that the entire island they were stuck on could be safely classified as "nowhere" but the point was that they didn't go into any other buildings and didn't see any other people. They talked a little, ate a little. Sat down and passed out in a random field, because why not?

The tall grass and flowers were surprisingly good cover, and easier to sink into than expected. Exhaustion probably played a part in the second thing. Sebastien had fallen asleep faster than he had thought he would, once he was able to stop thinking about Aaron and how it must have felt to die laying on a cold concrete floor.

Morning came faster than expected too, when that voice, slightly distorted over the loudspeaker but still far more recognizable than Sebastien would have liked, floated over them. There was nobody he had really liked or been close to among the dead or the worse than dead, but it left a sick, sinking feeling in him all the same, just like when he had first seen Aaron on the floor. He had thought of waking Kitty then, but didn’t have to bother; there was the yelling and screaming nearby, and then a voice and a figure that he could have sworn were Scarlett’s, and they had booked it out of there.

They hadn’t bothered to consult their maps since the day before; they stopped on the edge of the quarry more because they were both out of breath than because they wanted to be there. Sebastien located a convenient rock to have a seat upon and rested, bent double with his elbows braced on his knees until his breathing slowed.

“How are you doing?” He asked Kitty once he caught his breath. He watched her carefully, unsure what he wanted or feared to see but looking for it all the same.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
[Kitty Gittschall continued from Say It With Firecrackers]

She was trying to push it out of her mind. The buzzing, the body, the bungled words, all of it. Sleep didn't help, but it felt like talking with Seb made things a little bit better. Maybe she wouldn't have preferred to have developed some level of care for someone she barely knew, but it was helping her own mental state, so on that level she could pass it off for herself as self-serving. Useful, in a sense. Even more useful when she heard that Yasmin died. It stung, a little. A bit more than Aaron, strangely, even if she hadn't seen her body. It all left her feeling a little out of it, more so than she already had.

Kitty did not dream while asleep, but she found herself daydreaming after she woke up. Nothing really concrete, but staring off into space and seeing vivid colors dance around in her vision was nice.

"Speak when you're spoken to."

Kitty flinched, blinking as she did so, just enough to catch the last few words of Seb's sentence. Okay? She was okay. She was fine, yeah. Nothing wrong with her head. Strong and resilient as ever.

"Not too good."


"I mean to say, um, I didn't sleep that well, but I'm doing okay otherwise." Kitty amended, looking nervously over to the side. Sometimes, being tired meant saying things you didn't mean. Maybe it also meant correcting what you really meant with things that you didn't really believe.

Still, something about her first reply felt wrong.

Those words were alien to her tongue.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by backslash
Kitty seemed... twitchy. Sebastien couldn't blame her, considering the circumstances, but he also couldn't help recalling the knock to the head she'd taken yesterday. Something didn't feel quite right about her quick attempt at reassurance, but

"You sure you're fine otherwise? No headaches?"

Not that there was much he could do. No emergency room to rush her to if she started showing symptoms of concussion, no more capable hands to pass her into. Sebastien was the first and last line of defense between Kitty and her own clumsiness.

He dragged the toe of his shoe around in the dirt, frowning as Kitty averted her eyes away from him. Even with his suspicions, he wasn't sure how to get at the heart of the matter.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
"It," Kitty started, and then stopped short. She felt compelled to look up at Sebastien while he was talking to her. It was some kind of respect thing, or something. She may as well be up front and be honest with him. Wouldn't it only hurt her in the long run, if she kept this hidden the entire time? And what was "this," anyways? This thing that was bottled up inside of her head. It wasn't her, was it? Yet it was strangely familiar, as if she had known it for years.

"It's fine."

Whatever. The less she said, the better.

"You seem okay."

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by backslash
"I guess," he said on reflex, not expecting to have the question - was it a question? - turned back on him. He wasn't okay, of course. There was a gun in his pocket that had belonged to a dead man. They had just run to this hole in the earth from the sound of screaming without stopping to look for the cause.

Sebastien rubbed the back of his neck, averting his eyes in turn when Kitty looked back at him. "I slept okay. Been eating enough, I think." He had checked his pump as well as he could before sleeping, though he hadn't stopped to look yet this morning.

They were both dancing around the real question of why they might or might not be okay, of course. Sebastien sighed and went for it.

"Is- is there anyone you... you know, wanted to talk about?"

They hadn't brought the subject up before now, not venturing to speculate about other people since their ill-fated encounter at the warehouse.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by MethodicalSlacker

Kitty twiddled her thumbs. A million answers popped up at once in her head, but the one she was gunning for was something close to "nobody." She would rather talk about anything else than people who had died, because that's what she was hearing from Seb, that the Ghost Boy wanted to talk about people who died.

"Aaron. Is dead."

She wasn't entirely sure who was giving the awkward talk to who, here. All she knew is that she did not want to be doing this, right now. Kitty's ability to physically resist subjects she did not want to talk about was quickly deteriorating, as was her ability to keep lying right to his face, rudely.

"We could talk about something else, but, uh, that's out there."

Kitty stared him dead in the eye, and smiled, as if to ask him if he was happy with what he had done.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by backslash
I don't think I can take this.

Sebastien exhaled slowly. "Yeah," he agreed, "that happened."

And that was all he could say for someone who had given his life thinking he was protecting Sebastien and Kitty. He hadn't known Aaron well enough to say anything else. He had kind of disliked Aaron on reputation alone, actually, and then Aaron had died for him.

Sebastien couldn't say with confidence that he could have done the same.

"...What do you want to talk about?"

He wished he had a book or his phone to play games on or something.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Kitty nodded, and sighed. Her conscience was satiated. That was enough for Seb, and enough for her, too. Aaron could rest now. His death was real, and he was now up in the sky. He was a star.

Or something.

She thought of something to talk about, a can worth kicking back and forth. They were looking over a bunch of rocks, but talking about what kind of rocks Seb liked would have likely sucked a bunch of rocks itself. She'd rather break her teeth - she had ample material with which to do so all around her.

"This view would make a good painting, right?" she asked.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by backslash
Sebastien turned to check out the view in response. Dirt and rocks, plus the aforementioned hole in the earth. There were holes within the pit too, smaller and darker, leading deeper into the ground. Those would be the tunnels that the map had indicated, he supposed. He idly wondered what kind of minerals had been excavated here back whenever the island had been active.

"Yeah, it could make a nice landscape." He agreed more to keep the conversation moving than because he knew much about landscape painting or even cared all that much. Their current location wouldn't have been his first choice to hang on the wall if it had been a painting, to be frank.

"Do you paint?"

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
"I do," Kitty said, nodding, "or at least, I did."

She turned away from Sebastien, finally managing to peel her eyes away from him. Helped that he decided that her face was boring, too. Boring to look at? Boring a hole into his mind? Now, his eyes were on the quarry. He was staring new tunnels into existence.

"I wouldn't use much color," she explained, "and the depth of field would probably come out weird. The weird ways that things twist around each other would make for some interesting, eh, shapes? Shapes."

She rubbed her chin with her hand.

"Places like these don't show up the best in photographs, too. Paint is ideal, yeah."

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by backslash
"I've never thought about it much," Sebastien admitted. "Art and all. I'm not very good at it." Never going to have a chance to be good at it now.

And there it was, the hole in his chest that burned just like the physical hole that had drilled through Aaron and hurt so much more. There was so much he and Kitty and everyone else here would probably never get to have or experience now. He didn't even want to dwell on it because he was sure that nearly everyone was dwelling on it, the ones who killed and the ones who died. He didn't need to add to that miasma of despairing thought.

"I don't suppose anyone who was here before us was much of a painter. Doubt they left any art supplies laying around." Sebastien kicked a pebble towards the quarry's rim. "You might be able to go back to that burned building and pick up some charcoal," he added with a dry hint of humor.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
"Not that bad of an idea," Kitty said, grinning from her heart. "If I get too desperate, I could try mimicking Rothko or Pollock, but with blooooood."

She stifled a laugh, and realized that Seb probably didn't know who Rothko was. Pollock was a bit more mainstream, if only out of notoriety, but she couldn't have guessed that he'd be very well known to high school students, either - especially one who had just proclaimed his disinterest in the whole subject. Kitty stood up a little straighter, and gazed out into the quarry.

"What was it you liked to do, then?" Kitty asked.

What is it that you miss doing?

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by backslash
Ah, there was that carelessly morbid streak of hers. Coming from anyone else, the casual suggestion of using blood to... splatter paint? That was what Pollock did, right? Coming from anyone but Kitty, anyway, it would have been cause for concern but it did more to reassure him than her own insistence.

The conversation turned towards him again, and he paused to consider whether there was a way to frame his interests without sounding hopelessly nerdy to an artsy, counterculture girl. Probably not.

"I liked to read about history and watch documentaries. And I was getting pretty good at playing Symmetra in Overwatch. Sometimes I'd tutor people at school, but that was more of a job than a hobby."

And the last person you tutored took a cleaver to a cheerleader like he had something to prove to Jason Voorhees.

...Yeah. There was that.

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
"Documentaries are...interesting," Kitty mumbled in agreement, realizing just how little the two had in common. She was going to get to the subject of music, but seeing how different their interests turned out to be, Kitty felt as if the last thing she needed was someone else's music taste not rubbing up against her own. She figured that, for some people, music was sacred enough that they were willing to kill over it. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if someone had died on one of these islands in the past over what Grimes song they thought was best, or because they couldn't get over how lisp-y she had sounded on Visions or something useless and stupid like that.

Kitty sucked on a bump in her mouth that felt like it was bleeding but probably wasn't.

"I wonder what kind of precedent there is for this, this fucked, thing" she said, putting her hands on her hips. "Gladiators, or something?"

Re: Void of Course

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by backslash
And back to morbidity so quickly it might have given him whiplash if he hadn't been halfway expecting it. At least Kitty asked a question that Sebastien could give some insight into, if not an actual answer.

"I dunno if they're the first example of fighting - killing - for entertainment, but gladiators are probably the most well-known. There were also like, knights and jousting and stuff in Europe during the middle ages but I don't know if anyone was supposed to die doing that." Sebastien rested his chin on his hand as he considered. This - the actual this, as in them being here against their will, expected to die for some sicko's amusement or whatever point was supposed to be made, had only one precedent of course but he hardly needed to bring that up.

"I mean, we still have fighting for entertainment in some forms. Boxing and MMA, and all that. I think some places had sports competitions where the losers would be killed or sacrificed but that's not really the same thing. It was like... hundreds of years ago, at least."

Barbarism for the new age.