Maybe Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back


Located on the west side of town, Tilles Court has been around almost as long as the city itself. Most of the homes are older and need a lot of fixing up. This makes them cheap, and so Tilles has become a haven for the lower class. It's also home to Tilles Park, a place not to be caught in at night. Sadly, the police don't bother patrolling this neighborhood much anymore.
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Maybe Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back


Post by MurderWeasel »

((Enter Richard Ormsby))

If you were from Carrington Pointe, you didn't usually hang around Tilles Court when evening was falling, but Richard Ormsby wasn't really the usual Carrington sort and Tilles Court felt almost more like home than home did. He'd just finished hanging with his buddy Carlos, whose grandmother (his legal guardian for some reason Richard had never bothered to find out) had brought them this fancy-ass ginger beer that had a stronger kick than some actual beer Richard had tried. He and Carlos had spent a few hours chatting about how much school sucked while playing some old Halo game on the Xbox Carlos' grandmother had scored from Goodwill for thirty bucks, which Richard knew because nobody had bothered to peel the price tag off. Richard was shit at Halo, but Carlos was cool about it; they'd play co-op instead of against each other and when Richard started getting too frustrated Carlos would mess up and die on purpose, just so it wouldn't seem like Richard was the only terrible one. Carlos didn't have to do that, but that he chose to was one of the reasons Richard liked the guy. Carlos was a skinny Junior who never got less than a 90% in math class, but he also smoked a pack a week and had gotten suspended a year before for clawing this football asshole who bumped into him with his perpetually-too-long fingernails, so he was cool in Richard's book.

Now Richard was on his way home. Some of the streetlights around here were burned out, and there were certain nearby places you just didn't go—Tilles Park was officially open all night but in practice was off-limits the second the sun dipped behind the horizon—but there wasn't real danger for the aware. The people here were just like people anywhere else, only maybe a little bit better because they didn't pretend like they were superior to the rest of the world. They had it tough, and they knew it, and they knew other folks were also having their own tough times for whatever reason and respected that.

Richard's boots slapped against the asphalt and he shoved his hands into his pockets to guard them against a light breeze. The streetlights clicked on even though it was still a little while until dusk. Whoever was supposed to change the timing must not have. Richard passed an apartment with a boarded-over window, the thick soles of his footwear crunching on the last remnants of broken glass, grinding it down further to powder. The bus stop was right up ahead. He'd normally just walk home, but he and Carlos had spent a long time on Halo and his folks would be wondering where he was, and tomorrow was a school day so he might as well make a slight concession to the demands of the classroom.

His eyes scoured the bus stop bench for anything that'd be unfortunate to sit on, then, finding nothing, he plopped down and made himself comfortable, taking up a solid two thirds of the bench with a wide stance, legs splayed and arms draped across the bench's back. He closed his eyes a little, but not all the way in case some sort of funny business got going, and leaned back to wait for the bus.
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Post by Namira »

((Keiji Tanaka start))

Late evening run? Late evening run.

Cooler, less traffic, less people on the street. Best time, other than early morning. Good opportunity to work up a sweat and round off the day on an endo- endorf... rush, on a rush.

Also good chance to listen to music and not care about how loud it was, or how loud you were.

Cause this was a tune. Keiji's favourite workout tune—up there, anyway.

In the zone, feet pounding the tarmac, blood pumping, and trumpets blaring in his ears, Keiji didn't even notice Richard sitting at the bus stop.


Music, runner, and offkey-if-enthusiastic singing receded into the distance.

((Keiji continued elsewhere))
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Post by Aura »

((Adonis Alba pregame start))

Damn, why did I park so far away?

Tilles Court wasn't the kind of place where Adonis usually hung out. Most of the parties he went to tended to be in either Kensington or Carrington. However, he had heard some gossip about a burger joint around Tilles that was supposed to be really good, and since he didn't have anything else planned that night, he decided to check it out. Besides, he just got his car out of the shop, and he needed a good excuse to drive somewhere.

As it turned out, people weren't lying. The place was damn good. Burger evenly cooked, melted cheese threatening to escape over the side of the bun. Crispy fries with just the right amount of salt. Yeah, that was a good dinner. Hell, he might bring it up to a few people himself if the situation presented itself. Probably wouldn't, but at least the option was there.

Only problem was, he fucked up his parking. He got his directions wrong and wound up parking up the street from the place. Rather than correct it, he decided to just walk down the street to the restaurant. Now with the sun going down and a stomach full of greasy foodstuffs, he was heading back to his noble four-wheeled steed.

... Then he was distracted by Keiji running down the street, singing loudly and annoyingly. He turned his head to follow the guy, who seemed completely oblivious to his presence. Then again, Adonis was pretty sure that he was oblivious to most things. He raised an eyebrow at the unusual sight.

Weird guy.

While he was busy taking notice of Keiji, he did not realize the presence of a thick glass bottle on the sidewalk that just so happened to be in his path. His mistake of not paying attention to where he was walking led to him stepping on the bottle, which started rolling the instant he put pressure on it. He didn't react until it was too late, flailing as he became off balance and shouting a phrase that perfectly described his feelings about the situation.

"Aw, BITCH!"

Adonis fell to the ground right next to a bench that was currently occupied by someone that he may have recognized had he not been in the midst of a free fall at the moment. He managed to land almost completely flat on his back, evenly dispersing a shockwave through his body. He reacted with a sort of growling hiss of pain and discomfort as most of the good mood he had from that really nice meal slowly evaporated.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The first bit of funny business was this guy running past, singing. He dopplered in and out and Richard tried to ignore it but finally opened his eyes to a squint in irritation, just in time to catch a glimpse of the disruption. Would you look at that? Someone from school. Wasn't quite I-know-where-you-sleep, but close enough. So if this ended up being the tiny little event that cascaded Richard's generally good evening into a terrible one, he'd know who to go talk with about it later. It'd be for his own good, really; Tilles Court was a place where being oblivious could end badly. Not always. Not even often. But often enough.

But then Richard's attention was diverted by a figure crashing to the ground in front of him. He knew Adonis Alba—everyone did, he figured—and the disgraced footballer made him a little edgy. It wasn't that he didn't get where Alba was coming from; if anything, the opposite was true. There was a reason Richard didn't go out for the teams, and that reason was he didn't want to be forced into a hugbox by some fascist coach certain that politely caressing the egos of all involved was the way to foster team improvement. So he could sympathize with Alba getting the boot, could relate to his evident frustrations. He was pretty sure they ended up in the same party circuit often enough. The guy made sense in a way that many of Richard's classmates didn't.

On the other hand, he had to admit Alba was kind of an asshole.

So Richard's first reaction to the boy eating asphalt was to let out a laugh, singing guy receding into the hazy background of his mind, replaced by mirth at the drama unfolding in front of him. But his second reaction was to hoist himself up off the bench, lean over, and extend his arm to the fallen footballer.

"Hey, man, you okay?"
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Post by Aura »

Once he was able to recover from the combined shock of the impact and his disbelief that he could pratfall like an old cartoon with little outside interference, Adonis forced himself to sit up, bringing a hand to his head as he nursed a newly birthed headache. God damn it, that was gonna be with him for the rest of the night, or at least until he managed to get an Asprin.

he looked up from his prone position to see Richard Ormsby offering him a hand. He knew Richard, and he didn't really have any specific problems with Richard. However, the fact that he knew Richard was an issue, because that meant that someone who knew who he was just saw him totally eat shit in the middle of the sidewalk. Adonis was a tough guy. We wasn't supposed to be falling all over himself like a total goof. No, this wasn't good at all.

He pretended to ignore Richard's attempt to help and picked himself up off the ground. He dusted off his shirt and pants once he was to his feet. He then looked at his arms, holding in a wince when he saw a bruise already forming on a patch of broken skin on his elbow.

Shit, that's gonna need a Band-Aid.

He folded his arms, hiding his fresh injury, as he turned to face Richard. "What's up?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Not much," Richard said. Alba hadn't accepted his help but also hadn't taken a swing at him for that little moment of weakness with the laughter, so right now the equilibrium was okay. It looked like the guy had jacked up his elbow some, though; had that been a flash of blood before he hid it from view? Richard glanced around, checking if anything else was happening, anyone else nearby, but they were alone. No more musical interludes.

"You?" he asked. He sat back down on the bench and gave Alba a nod to say he could sit down too but also scooted over a bit so they wouldn't have to risk sitting close to each other if the offer was accepted. He wasn't too hot on a touchy-feely heart-to-heart here but he could keep polite conversation until he figured out what the angle was.

Because there was an angle of some sort. Had to be. Alba was a guy who was tricky to predict sometimes, and Richard wanted to be sure he wasn't setting himself up for some sort of surprise lesson in politeness down the line. He'd had too much of that years ago, far too much, and part of how he'd become the teacher instead of the student was paying attention to everyone else who was on a hair trigger, a category into which the guy in front of him definitely fit.
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Post by Aura »

Shit, had Richard seen what he'd done to his arm? Adonis couldn't get a read on him just from looking. He had moved over on the bench, so either he was offering Adonis a seat or there was something unpleasant about where he had just been sitting. Probably an equal chance for either. He had seen some pretty nasty stuff on benches before. He didn't feel much like sitting, though. He had to get to his car before someone tried to break into it or a bird crapped on it or something. But since he was here, he might as well say a couple words. Richard didn't suck, so it wouldn't be cool to completely blow him off.

"Nothing much." Adonis looked back in the direction he had just come from and gestured with his head, since he didn't want to uncross his arms and expose his fresh wound. "So you been to Axel's? You know the place up the street?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Don't think I have," Richard said. "It good? What kind of stuff they make?"

Alba was playing this cool. Okay, cool. They were cool. Richard was cool. Alba was cool. No need to get weird. They were just a couple guys who met up in this weird-ass place and now they were gonna do that thing guys did when they met up randomly and didn't have shit to say to each other but also didn't quite have enough common ground to really feel comfortable sitting there in silence. Alba was still hiding his arm and Richard wasn't at all keen on poking at that. Let Alba be tough. Richard got being tough. Nobody wanted to show weakness. He made real sure not to look at Alba's arm much. Instead, he looked around down the road.

Man, where was the damn bus? Richard was just a little bit anxious around Alba, that was all, and the easiest way out of this situation was for the bus to turn up and give him an excuse to politely make like a banana and split. And yet, the buses here were intermittent at this time of night even when they were on time, which they usually weren't.
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Post by Aura »

"Burgers." Adonis nodded, looking around a bit. "Burgers and fries. Pretty good, too. I just came from there."

Yeah, that was good. Everyone stays chill, no one gets pissed. Well, any more pissed, anyway. He felt a small spot of wetness under his hand that was covering his scrape. Damn, must have been worse than he thought if he could feel blood. Best to break things off quick so he could get home and deal with things a little more thoroughly.

"So yeah, we good?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Yeah," Richard said. "We're good. Everything's good."

Yep. Good. He wouldn't worry about Alba, or the burgers or whatever. He'd just sit here, stewing in the awkwardness. Waiting for the bus.

He looked off down the street, squinting, trying to imagine he could hear its clunky rumble. There was a lightness heading their way. He was pretty sure he wasn't imagining it. Was it the bus, though, or just some truck?
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Post by Cake »

"Bella? Bella give me a kiss?"

However, Bella declined, opting instead to hop onto the back seat of the jeep during the red traffic light. The jeep's backseat was lined with things you'd expect from it's driver: Skateboard, Go-Pro Camera, baseball glove, football, and a small, fluffy, sandy-beige-brown Pomeranian.



[[Pregame Start: Kyran Dean - Commence]]

He had been driving past Tilles Court on his way home from helping his mother, Dr. Angela Dean, clean and restock her local veterinary clinic. Wasn't so bad, he had only slipped on a puddle and landed painfully once, but other than that, he was fine. He didn't break anything, this time.

It wasn't a chore either. Kyran legitimately liked helping out over there, even though he was only limited to the cleaning and restocking part, with the occasional observing of procedures and surgeries. Soon enough though, it would be his chance, he'd just have to finish senior year first and he was already set. He'd applied for college early, with the university's Vet Tech Program in mind. His mom was still at the clinic, doing paper work, but he'd have to go bed soon, because of baseball practice tomorrow.

Green light. Then red light right away as he approached the next stop. Lame.

Another bus stop was nearby. Another occupied, just like the many he'd seen before. He sorta felt bad for these people, because they'd be waiting for the next bus for a while. He knew, because he'd seen the city bus break down a while back at the shopping center, where his mom's clinic was located.

He had a thought and it was one he usually wouldn't, but he felt like being a good citizen today. Maybe he'd offer a ride to someone at the next bus stop. If he knew them from school of course. Otherwise it would just be weird, you know, stranger danger.

As Kyran crept up into a complete stop at the red sign, he noticed the occupants, under his headlights. There were two guys there, about his age, it was dark and he couldn't tell who they were at first, but he was pretty sure he'd seen them at school before. After a few seconds, Kyran clearly recognized who these two were and changed his mind.

Bella peeked out of the back side window, looking at and delivering several, high pitched, "Yips" and "Arf Arfs!" to the offending individuals as Kyran drove off. He was careful to remain unnoticed, despite his smiling, Pomeranian friend.

Hate those guys.

[[Kyran Dean, continued elsewhere....]]
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Post by Aura »

"Yeah..." Adonis agreed. "It's good." With this riveting conversation, it was increasingly clear that he had not been planning on speaking to anyone during his little excursion. His head wandered a bit and he nodded at nothing in particular, adding a little extra touch of awkwardness to the situation.

His attention was drawn by the sound of some yappy dog barking, leading his eyes to search the street for the source, only for the sound to fade away as soon as it came. Weird. He shrugged it off and got back to the situation at hand. Or cutting off the situation at hand, as it was. He needed to get to his car before someone scratched it or some bird crapped on it or something.

"Alright, see you later." With that abrupt sign-off, Adonis left Richard behind. He continued his walk down the street, still stubbornly refusing to uncross his arms until he reached his car at the other end of the street. This choice of action, while undeniably odd, had the side effect of making him look surlier than ever, quite an achievement considering the subject.

His car was untouched, thank god, but he still had the issue of the small smear of blood that had accumulated on his hand thanks to the fact that he kept it pressed against his scrape for so long. With no napkins or towels available, he begrudgingly wiped it off on the inside of his shirt before heading home.

Man, couldn't anything ever go smoothly?

((Adonis Alba continued elsewhere...)
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Later." Richard nodded Alba off, ignoring the noise of the dumb-ass with the dog, and turned his attention back to waiting for the bus in peace.

It was a long, long wait.

((Richard Ormsby continued in SC2))
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