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Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Brackie
((Yuko Sakaki continued from The Worst Game in History))

Yuko ran.

And ran

And ran until her legs almost buckled under her frail frame. She still couldn't comprehend the fact that she had to kill her classmates. Why did the government have to chose their school? Couldn't they have chosen a different school full of mean boys and bad girls and all those kinds of people?
Why would they chose my school? Did I do something to offend the government? How could they know? I only said that stuff to Pastor Min, and mother and father, and my nice doctor...did they tell the government what I said? NO YUKO! How could you even think that? They love you, don't even think they would betray you like that? Remember? The evil man said it was random! They had no reason to chose your school in particular!

Yuko wiped away a few tears from her cheeks, and finally stopped running. Looking up from the ground, she could see where she was.

She was standing in what looked like a farm of some sort. The trees were all neatly lined up in rows, filled to the branch with beautiful orange fruits. She examined one with her hands, and found it was a tangerine. Such beautiful fruits. She supposed they were from the farmers that use to live here before the mean people forced them away. The government...they destroyed so many many lives. If this school was here before, then...were all those children who lived here, were they forced off the island as well?

The words in the classroom suddenly hit Yuko like a rocket. Only one person on the island would get off it. Everyone else would be dead. The waterworks started to flow again, and Yuko collapsed to the ground, sobbing almost hysterically.

Me...My friends...we're all going to die...

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Slam
((Yutaka Seto continued from The Worst Game in History))

Yutaka Seto hadn’t stopped running since he left the school building. With death stood right behind him, he had gone out, taken one step, another, and then broke off into as fast a dash as his little legs could carry him. He hadn’t thought of waiting for anyone, nor had he thought of checking what weapon he’d been issued with. As he ran as fast as he could run, only one thought crossed Yutaka’s mind:

I’m gonna die!

To say it was terrifying would be a fucking understatement: this was a pants-pissing nightmare brought to life! Less than a few hours ago, he had been making jokes with Shinji and Shuuya and now –

Shit, Shinji! Shinji would know what to do! Shinji would’ve had a plan for this! With Shinji by his side, he knew that he’d get off the island in one piece! Mim always had a plan, on or off the court! If he found Mim, he would survive for sure!

So why the fuck hadn’t he thought of that back at the school!?

He had gone out before Shinji! He could’ve hid in some bushes and waited for him, or something! At least that way he’d have had a chance to meet him before someone went up to him and blew his brains out! Now? Now he’d never find him before he was lying dead in his own blood! “I’m such an idiot!”

Slowing to a hurried jog through the woods, Yutaka finally saw a clearing beyond the branches. His heart filled with a sense of excitement at the change of pace, as he dashed towards to end of the forest, at least until a wave of anxiety washed over him: ”Out in the open!? What am I, suicidal?! Idiot!”

His eyes growing wet once again as he was reminded of his own incompetence in this deadly game, Yutaka sank to his knees. He paused for a moment, paralysed by misery and despair, before finally forcing himself to crawl on his hands and knees towards one of the trees at the end of the woodland, peering out from behind.

Beyond the trees, lay more trees. Not the trees like in the woods though, these ones were all lined up neatly in rows. Too busy grieving to work out why this could be the case, Yutaka’s practically ripped out of his sockets as he saw another figure amongst the tangerine grove. ”Already?! I’m not ready to die!

He tried to make himself as small as possible behind the only thing stopping him from being spotted by whoever had reached the area before him, and being promptly killed. At least, that was the odds right? It wasn’t going to work out was it? Everyone would be so scared, just like he felt, they’d just want to survive.

It’s not like he could blame them; if he wasn’t such a little pussy, he’d be motivated to take action. But being a little pussy, it would be completely pointless to even try fighting for his life: he’d be down and out before the first round was even finished.

Wait the weapons! That guy at the school, he said they’d each have weapons, and he hadn’t checked his yet! Maybe he’d get something lucky, like a gun, or a grenade! Maybe he would have a chance!

But no, all that he found was some kind of crappy nail-thing. What was he supposed to do with this? He couldn’t take on someone like Kiriyama or Souma in a straight fight! He wouldn’t last five minutes! ”What do you expect, moron? It’s survival of the fittest!

Overcome with despair once again, Yutaka fell backwards onto his ass… and promptly broke what was likely the noisiest stick he’d ever heard right in half, probably announcing his position to the entire island. His face white, Yutaka peered out from behind the tree again, looking at the figure that was now amongst the trees. Had they heard him!? It was so quiet and empty; they had probably heard him loud and clear! He was fucked!

Clamping his hands over his mouth, Yutaka prayed to whichever fucked up god that would put him on the island that he could at least live for a few more minutes.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Brackie
If it weren't for the break between Yuko's sobs, she would have missed the sound in the background of the breaking stick. The moment she heard the foreign sound, her eyes lit up like a fireworks display. They were wild. There was someone here! The fragile girl scrambled around quickly for her bag, and held it across her chest like a protective sheild. She wished she had something to defe-
Wait! There's a weapon in my bag!

Yuko fumbled with the zipper, but ripped the bag open rapidly, and scrounged around inside for her weapon. She found food, water, a map, compass, and her finger ran across something metallic and hard. Looking inside the bag, she found her hand grasped around a large knife.

They-they didn't give me a gun?

Still having to remind herself that the weapons were random, she pulled the knife out of her bag and gestured it quickly around her, in a menacing position. She didn't know where the sound came from, she missed that tiny detail, so she pulled her bag together, took her bag over her shoulder, and stood up to her full figure. If someone was going to attack her, it wasn't going to be a cowardly attack. It was going to be straight on, full frontal, never backing down and accepting her fate, just like her Messiah.

Shaking, she brought the knife to her front, and grasped it tightly with both hands. Clearing her throat, she spoke in a loud voice to whoever was out there, possibly planning her demise.
"Who's there?!" Yuko said, with a the slightest of shakes in her voice.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Slam
Keeping the ice pick clutched tightly to his chest, Yutaka's heart raced as he tightened his eyes shut in fear and panic. ”Please God, if you're really up there, I can't have done anything that bad! Please don't kill me here!” he wept inside, praying to be saved from the inevitable death at the hands of whoever was at the tangerine trees. For a brief moment, everything actually seemed okay. Then:

"Who's there?!" the voice emanented through the hard tree, coming from the direction of whoever had heard him. Shit! What could he do now?! It sounded like a girl, but, hell he still didn't have much of a chance! All he had was this crappy tooth pick; she was probably armed to the teeth!

Yutaka panicked, imagining the girl creeping up closer and closer on him, ready to jump out from behind the woods and fire her gun, spraying his brains over the wood behind him as his cold, lifeless body slumped down dead. His mind racing with fear, his brow wet with terror, Yutaka did the only thing he could think to do:

“Woof!” he barked, making the first noise that came to mind. “Woof woof!”

That's it?! Pretend to be a fucking dog!? That's the best you could come up with!?

Whether or not Yuko fell for Yutaka's terribly poor ploy, only time would tell.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Brackie
“Woof! Woof woof!”
What on earth? Are there dogs here?
Yuko shook her head. No. It couldn't be a dog. It sounded nothing like a dog, cause they were rough sounding, and mean. This voice sounded almost like a child, or something...but everyone else

Taking a breath, Yuko slowly started to walk quietly towards the source of the sound, being careful with the knife. Could someone crazy be behind the tree?

Yuko started to silently breathe in all her energy to her body. She was ready to fight for her life. If it was a bad boy or a mean girl, and they attacked her, she would...she would...she would...she would have to defend herself. If it was someone else she would say "Hi!" or something. She wasn't going to die by someone she couldn't see. She would know who they were, and if they killed her, she would scream their name to the heaven, and everyone would know who killed her.

Trying to glance around the tree, Yuko saw the pants of a school uniform pants. It was definitely someone from her school. With that in mind, she sprung from her position to the other side of the tree, ready to fight off her attacker with her knife-

-only to find a small, panicking Yutaka Seto on the ground.

Yuko blinked. She couldn't believe someone like Yutaka could hurt her. She smiled almost hysterically, dropped the knife to the ground, and was arms around Yutaka before the knife made its first 'clang' on the dirt.

"YUTAKA! Oh god, I thought you were one of the mean boys!"

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
by Slam
Yutaka could hear it: the approaching footsteps from behind the tree. Step, step, step, step, step, creeping closer one at a time and bringing forth a painful death with them. They sounded so close now, Yutaka could practically hear the gun getting loaded, ready to blow his brains out at a moment's notice. Just a few seconds left in life; it was an okay run, he guessed. At least, until the end.

And just like that, the figure had sprung out from behind the tree, a malicious grin on their face, a savage glint in their eyes, a bloodthirsty weapon in their hands. As Yutaka braced himself and snapped his eyes shut, preparing for the inevitable, he waited for the bullets to pierce through his skull. And waited. And waited...

Hesistantly, he winked open one eye to see what was taking them so long, and was immediately shown Yuko Sakaki, holding a large knife in her hands. ”Yuko!? Yuko's playing, of all people?! But, she always seemed so timid! She, she's playing! She's gonna kill me!”

He was so overcome by panic, he didn't even notice that the knife had already left her hands. Instead, all he could feel was her wrapping his arms around him, screaming something in his ears. Oh god, she was strangling him! ”N-no way! NO way am I going out like this already!”

Overcome by survival instinct and adrenaline, Yutaka pushed away at Yuko as hard as he could with what little strength he could, screaming back at the top of his lungs.

“Get away from me Yuko!”

He wasn't going to die, not yet.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Brackie
If she had announced her intentions a bit earlier, Yuko probably would have had a friend at that point in the game. But rather, she had tried to have contact with Yutako Seto, who she had no idea how scared he was. He didn't know she had dropped the knife, and as soon as Yutaka pushed the girl back-

“Get away from me Yuko!”

-Yuko did not take it well.

Shocked at the unexpected pushback, Yuko fell onto the ground, backside first then back following. She could see the stars in the sky, and was wondering in that fleet second why Yutaka was doing that? Didn't he like her? Why would he think she would kill him? She never even did anything wrong! Why did he think that?

Pulling herself up from the ground, she tried to stand up again, but could only manage a stumble forward. With tears in her eyes, she tried to catch Yutaka's eyes, with her arms out.

"Yutaka, what's wrong? Did I do something?"

Stumbling forward again, she found her hand landing on the knife. Her eyes lit up when she realized what this might look like, so she moved forward again, past the knife.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you, Yutaka! See?" Yuko screamed, before realising the knife was out of both his and her sight. This would not end well.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Slam
Yuko fell backwards on to the ground with a soft thud, lying still on her back. For a moment, Yutaka thought the absolute worse: did he kill her? But, you can't kill people just by pushing them over, can you?! He didn't mean to kill her! Those fears were unfounded however, as he watched her body slowly stagger upwards, like a zombie, until it fell forwards again, seeming to lurch out at him, the starlight glinting off the tears in their eyes.

"Yutaka, what's wrong? Did I do something?" she cried at him, her arms outstretched. To anyone else, Yuko would have looked like a terrified young girl, begging for forgiveness. However, all Yutaka could see were hands reaching for his throat in a desperate blood-lust, ready to crush his windpipe without a moment's thought.

As if to confirm his fears, he saw Yuko's hand once again land, or rather grab as he believed, for her knife. She, she was arming herself! Armed to kill him even easier! She was trying to kill him, there was no doubt about it! Even with her pleading, Yuko's attempts to prove her harmless intentions fell on deaf ears.

Out of fear, desperation, panic, and every emotion that would soon surround him on the island, Yutaka swiped downwards at Yuko with the ice pick clasped tightly in his hands, his face turned crimson by the situation engulfing him.

In any other, Yutaka Seto and Yuko Sakaki would never be attacking each other; they were just children, who had wanted to go on the school trip. It wasn't fair what was happening to them, nor was it fair there was no chance of salvation. But this wasn't fair, not even in the slightest:

This was the Program.

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Brackie
Yuko couldn't believe, in her hysterical state, what on earth was happening to them. She had just wanted to not be alone in her moment of need, and all she had gotten back was hostilty and...fear. Fear her. Why would anyone fear Yuko Sakaki?

Yuko could only watch as Yutaka raised his icepick at her, and slashed downwards at the small girl. She screamed an almighty scream, and raised her arms in a vane effort to defend herself. She felt the cold metal pick catch on her forearm, and promptly tear through the skin. She didn't know that a small blade like that could be so powerful, but in the heat of the moment, when a small animal is terrified, is when it is the most dangerous. Yutaka was that animal, and Yuko was more danger than she had ever been.

Yuko didn't feel the pain at first, only registration of the fact that something had cut her. Then she felt the blood. It came out of the cut skin on her arm, coating her forearm like a strange pagan make-up, and then the pain hit. It was unbearable, every nerve in her arm was on fire. She screamed louder, much louder, and clutched at the cut in an attempt to stop the blood, to stop the pain.

The tears flowed, no longer tears of sadness, but of pain and agony. Was she going to die by Yutaka's hand?


Using her only good arm now, her right, she scraped the ground for the knife. Finding the handle, she raised it in a more threatening position, aimed right at the dangerous boy's heart.

Through the tears, and the pain, she screamed out in anger.


Standing on both her feet now, she started slowly, ever so slowly, walk towards the boy. Still in a loud voice, she continued.

"You're a bad boy, Yutaka. You hurt girls."

She could no longer see the boy terrified under the Tangerine Tree. All she could see now was a demon. A tiny, trecherous demon who fed off pain and misery. She had no recognition of the boy that was Yutaka Seto. All she saw was a creature from hell.

And that creature would suffer like it made everyone on this island suffer.

"Bad demon boys go back to hell. Bad demon boys go back to hell."

Raising her voice, she smiled in an almost insane manner.


Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Slam
Yutaka looked down at Yuko. First, it didn't seem like anything had happened: She was just crouched against the floor, screaming. Then the blood came. Blood, more and more. There was, so much of it?

Oh fuck.

What'd he done?! Yuko was totally innocent, and he'd attacked her! He'd taken her blood, and he'd attacked her without warning!

“Oh shit, Yuko! I'm sorry!” he cried, the reality of the situation hitting him hard: he had just attacked the totally innocent, pure Yuko! She was always such a nice girl, even if she was just the quiet one! Sure, they had only talked on a few occasions, but he had just attacked her unprovoked! What was wrong with him?!

No matter how guilty he was feeling, it wouldn't do anything to change his situation; Yuko still grabbed her knife in front of his horrified face, even as he prayed his attack was worthless; he could be so pathetic when he came to everything else, he could be pathetic when it came to hurting people too, couldn't he?!

His panicking thoughts were interrupted by an ear-piercing scream:


Snapping out of his state of delirium, he saw her staring at him: her eyes were empty and hollow, yet burning with hatred at the same time. As he stood there in shock, she told him once again what he'd done, confirming without a doubt that he was unforgivable. No, it was an accident! He didn't mean to hurt her! He was sorry!

Stepping back in fear, Yutaka eyed the knife pointing at his chest: what, what was she doing?! She, Yuko, she wasn't going to try to attack him was she?! “Yuko please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!”

His cries for forgiveness were overshadowed, however, by Yuko's screams. Demon boy!? He wasn't a demon boy! He was sorry, he didn't mean to! Please, Yuko! Please stop! Snap out of it!

As Yutaka caught the sight of Yuko's grin, he realised that she was gone now: there was nothing he could do. If he didn't get out of there, then...

But his thoughts were cut off as he once again fell on his ass. In his attempts to step back from Yuko, his foot had caught on a root of the same tree he'd been trying to hide behind a few seconds ago, in a hopeless attempt to stay out of sight of Yuko. Now trapped between the floor and the tip of the knife, Yutaka's hopeless attempts to scramble backwards would only serve to delay the inevitable.


Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Brackie
((GM'ing approved and all that jazz))

The demon tried to scramble away from her, but Yuko smiled even wider. He had tripped over a root in the ground, as though the earth wanted her to smite him. Of course, he would die anyway, whether he tripped or not. It's not like he could escape her, there was only a few square kilometers of land that could possibly separate them. Even if he did tell someone, who would they believe? The demonic little creature that stabbed her, or the girl who was attacked by...this thing trying to escape her wrath?

Soon enough, there was only a few centimeters between Yutaka and Yuko's face. Her smile was cold, full of malice and a glimmer of...insanity. It was not like Yuko could know she was about to attack a small, defenseless boy. That was why she didn't even hesitate when she lifted her knife, and plunged it down into the boy's arm, in the exact same manner as he did to her not long ago. He needed to bleed, he needed to hurt. But no, she didn't stop there. Another stab was in order, this time with more force in it. The knife sailed through the air and met with his stomach. And Yuko repeated that action over

and over

and over

and over

and over

and over again. Yuko needed to make sure that not even the devil would take him back, full of so many holes that he would not even hold a pint of water. It was what God would have wanted...
...wasn't it?

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Slam
Dying….really hurt.

After the first few stabs, the rest of the knife’s plunges into his stomach felt as if the only thing he ever knew was being stabbed: in and out; in and out. The sickening rhythm was demolishing his insides, as he helplessly lay underneath the crazed Yuko. The gash in his arm, which seemed to have been dealt so long ago, barely hurt at all: it was like a pinprick compared to the holes being forced into his stomach. The only thing he knew, and felt like he had ever known, was that moment: his death. And it really hurt.

“Damn it Yutaka.” he thought to himself weakly, the only noise coming out his mouth being small gasps for air: the screams had since long stopped. Here he was: the end of the road. The tearing of his guts by the relentless blade of Yuko was engulfing his entire world, as the colours began to swim from his vision. The pain was unbearable.

”Had to attack her, stupid.” he grieved, his eyes rolling back up into his head. He just couldn’t have kept frosty like Mim would have: he had to lose it and stab at her. As his blood continued pouring out of his body, fleeing the doomed corpse, he thought back to his friends. He hadn’t even gotten to see any of them, and now he was lying in the blood-soaked grasp, the ice pick that had started it all held feebly in his hand.

In the end, being alone in death didn’t really matter. All that mattered now, as the voice in his mind grew weaker and weaker, is that he had screwed up. If he had any strength left, he would have cried.

His life was over. He wouldn’t escape, or win through some miracle: he was just dead. He was dead at the hands of his equally innocent classmate, because the two had pushed each other just a bit too much. It wasn’t their fault; they didn’t mean any harm; they were just two souls, lost to the Program.

And now, Yuko was the only soul amongst the tangerine trees.

Ninth Grade/Class B – Boy #12: YUTAKA SETO: ELIMINATED

Re: Little Bird

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:04 pm
by Brackie
She wouldn't stop it. Over and over Yuko continued to stab the demon in it's stomach, until so much of its evil blood had left the body that the very ground beneath her was coated in a shade of red. After a while though, once she was sure it was dead, she stopped. It wasn't going to get her anymore, so she tried not to pay any mind to it. She was sure her classmates would forgive her for killing this thing. was a demon! It wasn't included in any commandments, since it probably had already been killed before! She was POSITIVE her classmates would forgive her! It may have gone after them, too!

As she looked over the demon's now heavily disembowled body, she remembered that her arm was still very cut by the demon's weapon. She looked at her left arm, found that it was still bleeding a lot, but not as heavily as it was when it was freshly cut by the icepick. Make no mistake, her arm was as red as the demon's skin, and if she didn't find something to stitch up her skin soon, she was a goner.

Yuko stood up straight, and looked over herself, the gash in her arm still throbbing painfully. When she had stabbed the little demon, it had made large splashes of blood cover her uniform, so she now looked like she was the one who had been stabbed repeatedly. She would be insulting God if she continued to wear the demon's blood on her, and suddenly, an idea popped into her head.

Holding out the uniform, she used the tainted knife to cut out a large section of the midriff behind and in front of her, just enough to bandage her arm. She used the tainted cloth to wrap around her gash, trying to close the wound. Useless, she knew, but it would stop the bleeding just a tiny bit.

Yuko opened her bag, and dropped the knife in it. It landed harmlessly among the food and other assorted items. She noticed that among those items was the map they had all been assigned. Knowing her chances of Survival would become much greater if she knew her way around she pulled the map out. According to the map, she was...somewhere among the Tangerine Tree's. Next to that was the Tourist Association, and below that, only 500 metres, was the...Clinic! She could get something there! Food! Medicine! People could probably be there as well!

With a new mission in mind, Yuko pulled out her compass, and found East. With that, she started off towards the Tourist Association.

Before she walked out, however, something made her turn back towards the site of her attacker. At the site of it's body, she could have....she could have sworn it was wearing a school uniform...but it couldn't have been. She must be seeing things...

On that note, she walked away from the rows of trees.

((Yuko Sakaki continued elsewhere))