This forest looks weird

A dense forest of mysterious black trees, spreading from the west of the island all the way to base of the mountain. Only birds and insects live there- nothing dangerous.
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This forest looks weird


Post by Fenrir »

Have you ever woken up after a night out with friends with a throbbing head and no idea where the hell you are and no idea how you got there? Yeah, me neither. That's pretty much how Simon felt right now; dazed, confused and with a piercing headache. The first thing he realised was that he was lying down somewhere, and that whatever he was laying on was solid and slightly uneven. He opened his eyes and immediately regretted it as the light hit them and a stab of pain went through his skull. Ok, so he was definitely outside, the sun baring down on him and the tops of trees being visible on the edges of his vision. For a moment he was dazzled by the sight, the sun pouring through the gaps in the unusual coloured black leaves creating an unique sight; what kind of trees have black leaves anyway? None he'd ever heard of. He sat up slowly and then brought a leg under himself to stand up. Looking around he could finally see where in was; in the middle of nowhere.

If this is someones idea of a prank I'm going to be seriously pissed off.

Strange black barked trees, the likes of which he had never seen, surrounded him in all direction for as far as he could see. He was all alone as well, as far as he could tell, with no one to be seen in any direction and practically no sound to be heard. No scratch that, no sound whatsoever. No birds, no animals. Not even a breeze to create noise. It kind of creeped him out. The whole place had an almost unnatural feel to it, the lack of live and the trees appearance only building on that. How much of this was just his imagination going wild though he couldn't tell, all he knew was that he didn't like this place.

Thinking about what to do next he brought his hand up to run it through his hair, stopping suddenly when he saw that the palm was glowing a bright orange and the back and the start of his wrist had taken on a burnt appearance like that of charcoal. He stared at it perplexed for a second before he caught sight of the pinpricks in his arm and something sparked in his memory. Everything that had happened ever since waking up in that cell, and then again in the classroom came flooding back to him.

“We have developed a serum which contains the key to evolution itself"

That classroom, the other captives, the boy that was shot, the slideshow. It all came back to him in one go and it did nothing to lessen the pain in his head. If nothing else it explained how he got here, he was captured and brought here against his will. And his hands? The product of this 'serum' the man mentioned.

"Each of you has been given a gift. That gift differs from person to person, similar to a... raffle, I suppose, but you all entered the same one"

Yeah well, apparent he'd lost tha raffle. He could feel the heat coming off of his hands in waves, could see it distort the air around the palms. Apparently his power was to have really really warm hands. The X-men should be coming to recruit him any minute now. At least that proved it probably wasn't a dream, if it was a dream he'd have a much cooler superpower. And the bitch of it was he couldn't even pinch himself to check if he really was dreaming, because if he did and it was real he'd just end up burning himself.

Pretty clever dream. I can't believe I'm being outsmarted by my subconscious here.

He lowered his hands and began looking around again. It should be around somewh- there it was, the daypack that would contain his rations for the next few days sat on the ground a few feet behind him. He walked over to it, going through the contents that were mentioned back in the classroom in his head. Food, water, first aid kit, map, compass, knife...

"The simple fact of the matter is this: after three days, only one of you will be left standing"

And a gun. Weapons that would be used to kill the other captives during the next three days on this island, assuming he made it that far. The thought was a harsh one. Could that really be true? Could they really be serious about making them kill each other? Of course they were; they were serious about kidnapping them, about experimenting on them, about killing that one kid because he didn't shut up. It was all real, every part of it, his hands were the proof. The sooner he accepted that the sooner he could start doing something about it. He knelt down next to the pack and carefully went about opening it, gingerly taking hold of the zip with the tips of his fingers and moving it quickly to minimise the time he had touched it, lest it be warped by the heat. He flipped open the top with the back of his hand and began sorting through the contents, again making sure to touch everything with the back of his hands only. The food and water weren't needed right now and the map and compass were useless thanks to his power. Grabbing the gun or the bullets would be a very bad idea in case the gunpowder ignited, so he grabbed the knife instead, hastily placing it between the belt and his jeans at his side. He noticed something else in the pack as well, a small piece of paper with what he assumed was his power written on it. 'Scorching Palms'. Right, thanks, figured that one out already.

He closed it again carefully and closed the zip before slidding his arm through the strap and throwing it onto his shoulder. He stood up slowly so as not to dislodge it and began walking forward, whichever way that was. He reflected on just how difficult it was to do that simple process and how hard it would be to do absolutely anything using his hands from now on. If this serum really was the way forward for humanity then he guessed he was just an evolutionary dead end.

His headache had more or less cleared by know and that made it a lot easier to think things through. His first order of business, he thought, should be to find his bearings somehow. Either by finding someplace high to get a view of things, or find somebody who could read a map without setting it aflame. That was an interesting point actually. Should he team up with anyone? It wasn't like he knew any of them or knew they could be trusted and it wasn't like they were just going to trust him either. They would most likely feel just as scared, confused and threatened as he did right now; every few seconds he couldn't help but take a look around himself as if he had been spooked by some noise. The sense of discomfort he had felt earlier in the forest only being amplified once he realised that there were people out there who might want to kill him. The fact that they had a gun and he couldn't use his did nothing to disuade this fear. The whole place had a feeling of foreboding about it. He'd like to think that most people would be abhorred by the idea of taking part in this sick experiment, but as much as he hated to admit it that was unlikely. For all he knew anyone he came into contact with could be playing the game, and he should approach everyone as if they were a potential threat. even if it was only because they were scared or felt threatened and might lash out. That being said, what was his stance on the game, would he play, would he kill? That wasn't something he was willing to answer just yet.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Danetrix* »

Fredrick gasped as he woke up. He was lying on the cold forest floor. He was slightly damp from lying on the dirt. His head was throbbing something chronic.
“Ow. Ow, OW!” Fredrick moaned, his hands reaching up to his head. “God-dammit ow. What the hell…”

The memories of the past few hours were foggy, but they were all coming back to him in pieces. The room, being tied down in the chair. The man in the mask, speaking to him. To them, actually, Fredrick remembered at least a few dozen kids in the same room as him. He remembered one kid getting angry, the one sitting right in front of him. Fredrick remembered staring right at him as the guy started being vocal. He remembered a man coming up, and then….
“God, that was real.” Fredrick’s thoughts screamed, feeling dizzy, “Someone was killed right there, right before my eyes. These guys aren’t fucking around. This is real. Christ, this is actually happening! No, NO! It can’t be real! ”

Fredrick staggered on the ground a bit. His wheelchair was several feet away. He started heading towards it, dragging himself by his hands to his chair. A duffle bag lay on top of his seat, but he wasn’t paying attention to it now. All he could think of was the kid. It had happened so fast. He shuddered, retching. Fredrick tried to keep it down for a moment, but it was no use. He shook once more, his eyes went wide and he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the forest floor.
The images kept flashing in his head, over and over as he lay there, feeling the disgusting, acidic burn in his throat. Fredrick stopped for a moment, his stomach having nothing left to give.

“Okay…. that feels….a little bit better.” Fredrick though, gasping as he made his way around the newly made wet patch of carrots and corn, “Okay…Jeezus…. Get to the bag….. Get to the chair. Figure out what is going on….”

Fredrick reached his chair. Using what leverage he could, he pulled himself up onto the seat, lifting up his bag onto his lap as he sat in position. He lay back for a second, trying to calm himself down. He fumbled with the zipper on his bag absentmindedly as he processed everything that had gone on. Then man in the Suit. The other students. Some experiment they were all in. Something about being given gifts? And the grim forecast of it all. Kill or be killed, only one leaves alive. Think of everyone as your enemies.

Putting that last thought away for now, Fredrick breathed deeply and opened his duffle bag. He grinned as he saw the water bottle, grabbing it and taking a quick drink and swirling a bit in his mouth, spitting it to one side to get the taste out of his mouth. He put his water bottle back in his bag, about half full. In doing so, his hand brushed against something metal and cold.

Fredrick lifted it out of his pack, frowning to see that it was a knife, a large one.
“What the hell am I meant to do with this?” Fredrick thought sarcastically, turning it over in his hand, “This is meant for my self-defence? Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be able to stop someone running at me with this quite easily, right? Stupid scientists.” He threw the knife back into his bag, and pulled out the other weapon he found in his bag; a gun.

“Jeezus..” Fredrick thought, feeling it in his hand. It was cold and heavy, he was surprised how heavy it was. Fredrick had never held a gun, but got the idea from looking at it. It glistened in the sunlight, the colours making the black look sleek. There was no doubt in his mind; this could kill a person.
“This I can use to defend myself…but…Christ, will I have to?” Fredrick thought, pointing the gun outward from himself. He imagined a person coming to kill him, and what he would do. He shuddered at the mental image. “Surely everyone else say the person that was killed, right? You don’t just step away from that and do the same. Dammit, I have to be prepared.”

Gritting his teeth, Fredrick braced himself. Picturing someone coming at him, he pointed at a tree and fired. Click. Huh. Nothing happened.
Frowning at this, Fredrick looked at the gun. Don’t they have some kind for safety mechanic, so one can’t accidentally fire? For a few minutes, he poked at the gun till he figured it out. Trying again, Fredrick fired, but was not prepared for the recoil. Not seeing where the bullet went, he fired the force pushed him back into his seat. The chair wasn’t meant for that kind of force; it rolled back and hit a root in the forest, tipping the chair over with Fredrick rolling out, his bag falling on top of him.

“Gah..” Fredrick muttered, “that was not pleasant.” The contents of his bag has spilled out, to which he quickly picked up and stuffed back into his bag. The last two, a piece of paper and what looked like a map, sparked his interest.

Fredrick raised himself up and looked at the piece of paper. “Rubber Flesh” was all that was written upon it. Reading the word, he remembered what the Man in the Suit had said: everyone being given a gift, they were the next steps in Evolution.

“Rubber Flesh?” Fredrick wondered aloud, venting to no one, “so what, I’m a giant eraser for pencils? What a joke.” He rubbed his fingers against each other. To his surprise, his flesh felt a little different to normal. Not that he could put his finger on it, but something was actually different. Great, he was now even more of a freak then he already was. Fredrick’s rage was building. He was already tired, hurt from his falls, his stomach has decided to leave his body and he already had the mental image of someone dying in front of him. This was officially the worse day in the history of anyone that had ever lived, and Fredrick knew who to blame. The damn scientists, wherever the hell they were.

“Hey, science guys, you want to give me a gift?” Fredrick shouted, his memories of past troubles coming up unbidden, “Then give me some god-damn legs, you selfish bastards.” Fuming, he looked at the other piece of paper, a map of where he guessed they all were, an island. He looked over it and saw a radio tower.
“I guess that’s the plan.” Fredrick thought, getting back onto his wheelchair and heading through the forest. “Get to that radio station. Find help. Find a way to get off this place. Find those scientists, and make them take this “gift” back and get me back home. No one is stopping me. No one.”

He pushed himself along, twigs and leaves snapping under his wheels.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danetrix. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Danoevan* »

((Subject C20, Judy Vibert start~))

It wasn't long ago when Judy woke up to this horrible reality. Everything was real. Dreafully, terribly real. The kidnapping. The loud boy's head exploding. The man in leather... everything. And "Evolution". This was all real. Jolting out of sleep as if it were all a nightmare - which she wished it were - Judy was increasingly aware of the danger she had been thrust into. Her mind went a mile a minute, trying to remember everything that had happened.

"Okay," she started, twisting her legs into the lotus position - yoga could only help at a time like this, "first, how am I here? That's a pretty easy one. I just got back from work, got changed to go out with Lydia, took the shortcut and bam! Next question."

Her breathing had slowed down considerably. Good. This was good. Okay. She switched to the pigeon pose. "Next question: Who? Another easy one; obviously, it was Dr. Leather, PhD in terrorism." Camel. She looked up at the small specks of azure sky past the trees of the forest. It would have been beautiful, had it not been for her current situation. "What: What am I doing here? Something about being a guinea pig. That "evolution" garbage. Ha! Everyone knows evolution is a process that takes more than thousands of years to happen! To develop a serum for it would be ludicrous!"

She sat back down on the ground, legs outstretched. There were a few butterflies around, hovering over some flowers. Which brought her to her next question; "Where? Judging by these plants..." she examined the small pink flowers, scaring the butterflies away, "... I'm off... the coast of Brazil? No, no, I don't know anything about Brazil. Well, I'm not in Albuquerque anymore, that's for sure." Biting the tip of her finger, she strained to think just where she might be. "Ah, forget it. That's not important anyway."

The final question, the question that Judy wanted to know the answer to the most, was "Why?" Why was she chosen? Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't she go see her family and friends anymore? Why. Why. Why. Why. WHY?! It was unfair! Her breathing began to speed up again. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to sob uncontrollably. After crying for a good few minutes, she lay on her back and looked up at the sky. Small birds. She couldn't quite make them out because her glasses were still in her purse, and...

"My purse! Where's my purse!" She exclaimed. Scanning around the area as best as she could, she found nothing but the daypack that Dr. Leather had left for her and the other eighteen (or nineteen? Maybe more?) teens in the room with her. "They took my purse! That's so unfair! How could they invade my privacy like that?! It's completely un-" While rummaging through her daypack, she remembered that she had actually left it at home, before she was kidnapped. "Oh well. I can still be mad at them." She pulled out the gun and the knife. Scary, but definitely necessary in the harsh environment. After all, everyone'd probably be out to kill her. She was, after all, the weakest looking one there.

Bread, tins of peaches - both very good for food. First aid supplies, a necessity. She scanned through the map, determining her approximate location - given the density of the forest, it wasn't incredibly accurate. Finally she pulled out the slip of paper. "Enhanced Digestion." She read, "Of course. I never was very lucky when it came to raffles."

Suddenly, Judy heard angry shouting. Clearly, given what was said, from the boy in the wheelchair she saw in the room. Was he okay? Even if he was supposedly her enemy, he would be more or less harmless... Right?

With all but the gun and map back in her daypack, she called out blindly to the boy. "Hey! Are you alright?"
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Post by Fenrir »

As Simon continued to walk through the trees, the sun bearing down on his back and the ground hard on his feet, one thought keep coming back to the forefront of his mind. Does this forest ever fucking end? He stopped walking for a second and heafted the pack higher on his shoulder as he felt it begin to slip again. He'd been walking in pretty much the same direction through the forest for about fifteen, mabe twenty, minutes now and had yet to see anything other than trees. How much of this island did this forest cover anyway?

Not all of it at least, he could tell that by the sight of the mountain to his left. The radio tower that poked up above the trees from its peak had been acting as his compass ever since he had spotted it, keeping it on his left to ensure he stayed straight. He wondered what purpose that tower served back when this island was still populated. Did a small island like this have it's own radio station? Give the residents something to listen to? Or did it serve as a lifeline to the mainland, something to allow them to make contact? More relevantly what was it used for now? He remembered the man in the briefing say that they had tracking devices in their bodies, ones that would monitor their vital signs and explode if they tried anything. Was the tower a part of that? No, they wouldn't put something that important on the island were it was vulnerable. The mainland looked close enough on the map they showed them that it could all be monitored from there. Still, if the tower was once used to send signals who was to say it couldn't be used again now. Even if all they managed was to turn it on and send out a blank signal rather than a message, someone would pick it up and hopefully be curious enough to investigate.

Simon was suddenly shocked out of his thoughts as a gunshot echoed through the trees. He snapped out of it and quickly realised that he had stopped walking while thinking and berated himself for allowing himself to get distracted. He ducked down next to a tree and began looking around but saw no one. The shot sounded distant, and probably wasn't aimed at him. There was no return fire or screaming either. Maybe just a test shot? see if the guns were real? Staying low Simon began walking in the direction of the shot, starting to pick up voices as he got closer. One sounded male and angry, though as he got close enough it sounded like the anger was directed at the people who put them here more than anything else. Still, best not to draw that attention to himself. Then there was a second voice, female this time and seemingly calling out to the first boy.

Simon crept closer to the voices, moving between the trees as quickly as he could to avoid being seen. He stopped next to a particularly thick tree that hid his form well enough and peeked out from behind it. There in the forest sat a young boy, around his age, in a wheelchair with his back facing him. Pausing there for a moment Simon considered his options; he didn't want to just walk out and introduce himself, not yet anyway. He didn't know how the boy would react. There was also the girl to consider, she could arrive at any moment and complicate things.

After a moments pause Simon let out a sigh and sat down with his back against the tree. He was being overly cautious. True this person could be a killer, but he could just as easily be an ally in a situation where he really needed one. He needed to start being able to trust people if he was going to survive here. Hell he probably wouldn't even be able to feed himself without help thanks to these damn hands, let alone survive. It was either find help or die. Besides, if things did go bad it's not like he was completely defenceless. If nothing else these hands could come in quite handy in a fight.

Simon stood up from the tree and, after taking a deep breath, walked around the tree and approached the boy. He tried not to walk up directly behind him in case he spooked the guy, instead walking around and coming in from the side. As he got closer he realised that he probably should have thought over what he was going to say before doing this. What did you say to someone in this situation anyway?

"Hey. Don't worry I'm not looking for a fight. I'm Simon"
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Danetrix* »

Fredrick put his palm to his face nearly immediately as a voice came from somewhere in the forest, asking whether he was alright.

"Gah," Fredrick thought, slapping himself mentally as well, "So much for being quiet and not drawing undue attention."

Fredrick thought about what he could realistically do, if push came to shove. He knew that the gun had recoil at least and was prepared a little for it, but it wasn't like he could move and shoot very fast at all. That voice sounded female as well, and it didn't sound threatening. Fredrick breathed out a little and calmed himself. A friend here would be nice, actually. Maybe someone with a similar goal as his; finding and taking the people who did this to him down.
"But, are there such things as friends here?" Fredrick wondered, opening his bag, "According to their rules, only one survives. Some of the guys in here, what if they aren't thinking of escape? What if the only way they can see if following these sick people's idea of "testing"?

Thinking of the word testing made Fredrick think and the 'gifts' they had all been given. He had "Rubber Flesh" and as far as he could tell, it was absolutely useless.
"Surely not everyone has the same thing." Fredrick though, his eyes widening as he thought of twisted possibilities, "Dammit, what if someone had something like 'become a giant' or 'explode someone's head at 100 yards?' Jeezus, there's not much I could do about that. Regardless, everyone has a fricken gun, and here I am just in the middle of the path, with trees all around. "

"Who are you?" Fredrick called to the voice, drawing his gun out of his bag and flicking off the safety, "Show yourself!"

Fredrick was looking to the direction of the voice as he wheeled to try to get some trees between him and the voice when he heard a rustle of twigs and branches. He spun around to see a kid similar to his own age, a skinny brown haired boy with green eyes. Fredrick's heart leaped in his chest for a second, thinking he was cornered, but was relieved when the boy, called Simon, said he wasn't looking for a fight.

What should I say? Fredrick wondered, looking Simon over. The boy wasn't carrying a weapon of any type. So, either this guy was pretty relaxed, or his 'gift' was so powerful he ddin't need one. Fredrick gulped at that thought. Until I know what this 'Simon's deal is, I'd rather he keep a little bit of distance. Fredrick surmised, facing his gun towards the intruder.

"I'm not looking for a fight either, Simon. At least, not with you." Fredrick said slowly, keeping his gun at the ready and picking his words carefully, "However, today has been a really really bad day and even saying it like that is the understatement of the century. But, enough about that for now. Two things: Firstly, I'm Fredrick, pleased to meet you. More importantly, secondly, in a very short time there is going to be a third person here. A woman from the sounds of it. For all I know she sounded friendly but she very well could not. So, in the seconds we have left, answer me this; can I trust you?"

Fredrick spun around a little, as to be directly facing the direction he thought the voice had come from. He kept his eye on Simon however, waiting for his answer.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danetrix. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fenrir »

Simon recoiled slighted as the boy in the wheelchair pointed the gun at him, wondering for a second if maybe he had made a mistake is approaching him like this. Maybe he should have waited a while after all. But then again, waiting wouldn't have made him any less jumpy. After listening to him speak though he realised that he was just being cautious and that was something he could relate to, so he took a step back to assuade his fears a little.

As he stood there Simon continued to listen as the boy who introduced himself as Fredrick spoke and asked him quite a complicated question. Could he be trusted. Simon thought about this for a second. In the long run... if he was honest with himself, no he probably couldn't be trusted. At the end of the day this was a fight for their lives and anyone here would have to look out for themselves first, himself included. In the short term however, there was still a chance that they could make it out of this without having to kill anybody and he needed Fredrick's help if he was going to make it at all. Basically he had no reason to turn on anyone just yet so he wouldn't.

Of course he couldn't really say that. 'I can't be trusted but I at least won't kill you yet' would probably earn him a bullet between the eyes and rightly so. Still, he couldn't just lie. Anyone would say 'yes you can trust me' in these situations because that's the answer that doesn't get you shot. In the end he decided to say something in between, something truthful but in a way that wouldn't get him killed. He looked up to face Fredrick again and saw that he had now turned away from him, facing the direction of the voice, but still kept an eye on him.

This guys pretty together. Keeping his gun pointed at the most pressing threat but not forgetting to keep an eye on me as well. Just because I said I wouldn't hurt him doesn't mean I won't

"Fredrick, I can honestly say that if it comes down to just the two of us at the end of this I will turn on you in a second to save myself, and I'm sure you'd do the same. At the moment though I think we need each others help to survive and because of that you can trust me with your life"
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Danetrix* »

"Fredrick, I can honestly say that if it comes down to just the two of us at the end of this I will turn on you in a second to save myself, and I'm sure you'd do the same. At the moment though I think we need each others help to survive and because of that you can trust me with your life."

"That...was rather honest of him." Fredrick thought to himself, nodding towards Simon and acknowledging this answer, "He wants to live, but hasn't seen there might be another way."

"Then I will hope it does not get to just the two of us, Simon, for both our sakes." Fredrick said softly, keeping his voice low for the possible threat incoming. "Listen. If you play by their rules, those perverted scientist bastards who get their jollies from playing God, you've already lost. We've already lost. You saw that kid, right? The one whom had his skull turned into bolognese?"

Fredrick paused for a second, fighting the feeling to bring his stomach's contents up again at the mention of what happened in that room. It still was making him feel queasy.

"They don't give a damn about us." Fredrick said solemnly, "Do they really expect us to believe that, after all but one of us are left, that person will be able to walk free? It is more likely they'd just finish that person off and wipe their hands, to avoid anyone getting word out about what they're doing now that they have their O SO precious lab results. Screw all of that! I'm not buying it."

Fredrick looked back to face Simon directly, determined to get through to him. Fredrick lifted his free hand to his body, sticking a thumb out at himself.

"As for my ass, I'm getting off this rock." Fredrick said confidently, smiling to Simon, "and nothing is going to stand in my way. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to head to the radiotower to see what can be done from there and try to find anyone who wants to get out as well. Which means, you can either come along on this goal and try to make our way off this hellish island and this god-forsaken situation."

"Or, you can try their way." Fredrick shrugged, leaving what that meant in the air, "Up to you."
On that, Fredrick turned back to the forest, going back to keeping an eye out for danger.
There, I've said my case. Fedrick thought to himself, hoping his words sunk in, Simon can take it or leave it from there.

How far away could've the woman been anyway? Fredrick wondered, turnig his thoughts back to the woman, She must be close. His grip tightened on his gun nervously as he scanned the underbrush for any sign of another living soul.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danetrix. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Danoevan* »

After wandering about blindly for a few minutes, Judy finally stumbled upon the two boys. Just in time, it seemed, as the boy in the wheelchair had just finished talking and was turning around towards her. Gun in hand, she slowly approached Frederick. "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

Giving the boys a quick look-over, she determined that the plain, unarmed boy and the wheelchair-bound attractive one were probably harmless, unless of course the plain one got too close- given his charcoal hands and the distorted air, it was safe to see she couldn't really shake his hand. Judy, however - being armed and able-bodied - saw herself as the most threatening person in the immediate area. And, according to the laws of the animal kingdom, if she wasn't food - and obviously she wasn't - then she was a possible threat. "Oh, um..." she stammered, looking at the gun in her hand, "I'll just put this down. Slowly. I'm not going to hurt either of you." With that, she crouched to the ground, placed her gun on the ground and snapped back up. "There. All better!"

Idiot. They have guns too. And they aren't mountain lions, they're humans. Humans who are supposed to be your enemies.

"Ah, um... um..." she struggled to make conversation, "I'm Judy! Well, actually I'm Judith, but everyone calls me Judy, which is fine by me since it makes me sound younger. Judith is such an old lady name, huh? I'm from Albuquerque. You guys probably aren't, given how pale you are, unless you like, never come outside, huh?"

Shut up, before they blow your brains out!

"A-anyway. W-what do you guys make of the situation? I'm a little freaked out about this." That was an understatement. She was terrified since she woke up and even more so now that she found more people.

Looking down at the ground, she breathed slowly and deeply in an attempt to calm herself.
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Post by Fenrir »

Simon waited anxiously for Fredrick’s reply, wondering if maybe he had been wrong to think that a truthful answer was best in this situation. He relaxed visibly when Fredrick apparently accepted this answer and began talking about his plans for the game. During this Simon, for his part, just stood there and absorbed what the other guy was saying.

At the mention of the guy who had been killed during the briefing Simon thought back. He himself had been seated near the back and so had not seen much, but the loud bang and the red spray he saw made it clear what had happened. “Yeah I remember that guy. I don’t think I can forget him, ever”

“Listen; don’t get the wrong idea about me. I’m really not a violent person but I’m willing to play if I have to; if someone attacks me, I will kill to defend myself if I have to. But that doesn’t mean that I’m just going to give in and go along with this ‘experiment’. This mass murder disguised as scientific endeavour.

“If you’re looking to escape then I’m in. I’ll help you as much as I am able. But I want you to realise that it most likely won’t be that easy. Not everyone here is going to be so willing. They might be too afraid, or they might not think it’s possible. Hell, some of them might like the idea of killing people with their new found abilities. I want to get out of this with as little bloodshed as possible but sooner or later we might have to take part in their experiment. Just be ready for it”

Just as Simon had finished his little speech, a short looking girl with blonde, pigtailed hair stepped out of the trees towards them, addressing Fredrick. He assumed this was the girl that had called out earlier, the one that they were waiting for. He looked over her more carefully and immediately spotted the gun in her hands; she relinquished it soon after however, before it became a concern for him. The girl then introduced herself, rambling slightly as to give away her nervousness. He turned to face Fredrick, realising that he wasn’t going to answer her straight away and so decided to step forward himself.

“Well Judy, my name’s Simon, and this guy’s called Fredrick. I can’t speak for him but I can say that I’m from Chicago, not Albuquerque. I guess we don’t get as much sun there as you do.

“I think we’re all a little freaked out as well. How could you not be? Still, nothing too bad has happened to any of us yet, no more so than anyone else here anyway. We still have a chance to get out of this, no matter how small”

He turned to face Fredrick once more after his piece, leaning down slightly as to be able to speak to him without worrying about Judy overhearing. “Well, what do you think? She looks pretty scared and harmless to me, but then it could be an act. I’ll leave it up to you”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

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O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
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Post by Danetrix* »

Fredrick listened to Simon, sizing him up and his words.
Self-preservation is at the forefront of this guy's mind" Fredrick noted. "Heck, it's there for all of us. Of course I'd defend myself if being threatened, but actual killing...."

Fredrick never got the chance to think of anything else as the voice he had heard earlier finally showed herself. Fredrick tensed up as she approached seeing the gun in her hand, but breathed a sigh of relief as she immediately put her gun down.

Fredrick looked her over as she introduced herself as Judy, from Albuquerque. As she had immediately lowered herself as a threat, Fredrick took a moment to try to size her up as a person, not an enemy. "Nice face, check. Freckles and glasses, check. Nice body. Not really as chesty as I would like. Book Cute, I'd say," Fredrick thought, using a frame of reference some of the basketball team to describe some of the girls back home, "but is she smart? She sounds like she has a nieve personality too. Can you be smart and naieve? Can you look Book Cute and not be smart? How does that even work?"

Fredrick was snapped out of his thinking when he heard Simon say and his reply back to Judy. Simon's voice was strong and to the point, bringing Fredrick down to earth.
Idiot. Think about her as an enemy, not some chick you see in the bleachers during a game Fredrick thought, mentally facepalming himself. You're thinking with the wrong brain. Simon's right, things won't be so easy. But...we will get out. I have to belive that.

Simon then leant down to Fredrick, asking what he thought about Judy.
"She seems as stuck as the rest of us." Fredrick nodded grimly to Simon, "A little scared and confused, and definately not wanting conflict. But, I can't see her playing a trick here. Else, why would you put the gun down when I have this one in my hand, on top of the fact we outnumber her? Far easier to simply have just let us pass by; we couldn't see her.
"Then again," Fredrick muttered, thinking about the powers, "She could be hiding an ace up her sleeve."

"Hey, Judy," Fredrick called, keeping his gun in his hands for now, "What I "make of the situation" is that we're all royally screwed up, like lab rats dancing to these bastard scientists Pied Piper. Simon and I both want out of this, so we're gonig to look for a way back home and out of this experiment. There may be fighting, but that's only if people get in the way or are threats. I and Simon here; we aren't killers. We're headed to the radio tower that's on the island, somehow get help or something. Your help would be appreciated, if you would like to join us. But, if you don't like that idea, I would ask you to leave."

"I see strenght in numbers here:" Fredrick said quickly in a low voice to Simon, "and am happy to have her along if she agrees with our goal of getting out of here and only acting in self-defense. I see anyone willing to try to difuse tension as she did a person who won't shoot us in the back later."

"Whatever, you decide, Judy, we're all wasting time here." Fredrick shrugged, turning towards the forest path, "The longer we sit here the longer we risk someone not so friendly shooting all of us, or throwing fireballs or whatever else this hellhole has to offer. Let's head out and hopefully not run into anyone else."

On that Fredrick started moving, heading towards the tower, as best he could tell of the direction to go.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danetrix. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Danoevan* »

Right then. Looking for a way off would be a great way of doing things. Nobody would get hurt, and she wouldn't have to hurt anybody. That's a win for everyone. That being said, the best hunters of the animal kingdom traveled in groups, like wolves and piranhas. It'd be much safer to tag along with Fredrick and Simon, even if they didn't seem to trust her just yet.

"R-right. I'm coming with you. I don't want to hurt anybody, and I really want to get home." Both those statements were pretty obvious, but it's still nice to remind the boys that she was harmless. "Still though, I'm picking up my gun before I do anything else. I'm not going to be a sitting duck for the others." Bending down to the ground, she gripped her gun tightly, intent on keeping it close by. After all, Fredrick and Simon really weren't in any position to do any sort of defending.

Keeping close to Fredrick, Judy followed the boy to the radio tower.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danoevan. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fenrir »

Simon decided to wait for a little while after Fredrick moved away, waiting to see how Judy would react to the ultimatum. He listened to her reply with a mixed response, both worried about having to trust another stranger and relieved that there was one less person wandering around where he didn’t know what they were doing. He allowed her to pick up her gun and catch up to walk alongside Fredrick before following.

“It’s fine if you want to carry your gun, we won’t stop you. Just so long as you don’t point it at either of us everything will be fine”

After this the group seemed to lapse into silence as they walked, Judy and Fredrick next to each other and Simon a few feet away to avoid accidentally burning either of them.

“So, Judy. In the interest of knowing what we, as a group, are capable of. What power did you get?”

As he waited for a response Simon looked ahead to where they were going, seeing the tower and now visible mountaintop above the trees which acting as their waypoint. This sparked a question in his mind; how were they going to get to the top. True it wasn’t a very big mountain, but even a small mountain is generally hard to climb. Especially when probably none of you know how to climb, you lack any form of climbing apparatus and one of you is in a wheelchair.

“This may be a stupid question but… have you given any thought to how to get to the tower?”

Looking closer at the sides of the mountain he began to pay attention to the pylons which poked periodically from its slopes. They didn’t looked like electrical pylons, though he assumes that the station did receive power, either that or had its own generator. He began thinking about what else they might be, as well as how the inhabitants of the island used to reach its peak.

“Can one of you check your maps and see if there is any mention of a cable car station? I’d do it myself but then we’d just have one less map than before”

(OOC: I'm sure that one of you considered this already, but since you both seem to be heading straight to the tower I thought I'd bring it up)
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

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[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Danetrix* »

(OOC: Yeah, I had thought to be passing through the Cable Car area to the Radio Tower as a natural progression. But, I don't mind stating it.)

Fredrick smiled to himself as he heard Judy's reply. Two may be a company, but three was a crowd and a crowd was one of the best things to be in around here. A team. A team that would all hopefully get out of this place.

Hearing Simon's question, Fredrick responded by removing the map back out from his bag. He had seen something akin to what Simon desribed on the map, but now was as good as a time as any to double-check on it.

"Mmm, there it is, Simon." Fredrick noted, pointing to the map for him to see, "At the base of the mountain. Your guess about a Cable Car area looks good. It looks like that is our entrance."

Fredrick folded the map back up and put it away, putting his gun in his hand. It felt cold to the touch. "I really, really hope I don't ever have to use this." he muttered. "I hope our path to the tower is clear."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danetrix. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Danoevan* »

"Right. So it's to the cable car station, and then to the radio tower. Got it."

All things considered, Judy was making quite a bit of progress. She had already found two teammates, a location in mind, and her breathing was under control again. Things were starting to look up. Except she still had the god-awful power of...

"...Enhanced digestion. That's the so-called "power" I got stuck with," she said, blushing a little. "A-anyway, let's get going. I'll lead."

Stupid Simon.

((Judy Vibert continued elsewhere))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Danoevan. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fenrir »

He could tell that the girl was embarrassed by her power so he tried his best not the let the amusement he felt show on his face. A small smirk still crept across though.

“How enhanced exactly? That’s pretty useful ability when you think about it, not in a fight but, day to day stuff. Not many people give much thought to that when they start to fantasise about getting superpowers”

He raised his hands up to look at them again. They still gave off an unnatural reddish-orange glow and he could still feel the heat inside them.

“Take mine for example; awesome in a fight, but pretty much useless in all other areas.

“Actually thinking about it, any allergies you had might not affect you any more, you’ll never run out of food because you could just eat grass or something, you can never be poisoned and you never have to worry about indigestion again”

Simon paused for a second as he considered all the points he’d just made again.

“Damn you might actually have the best power out of the three of us. How sad is that?”

(Simon Matthews Continued in: Darkness)
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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