Background & Setting - The RPing stuff

Read up on background and details of this particular mini here: this is an essential read if you plan to take part in it.
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Background & Setting - The RPing stuff


Post by Namira »

Virtua-SOTF takes place in a world where the game is just that - a video game. Using state of the art virtual reality technology, it is 100% immersive, and that's where all of its appeal comes from. Whilst playing the game, participants believe that they ARE their characters, trapped in this deadly, terrible situation.

By its very nature, Virtua-SOTF can vary drasitically, depending on the pre-existing personalities and characters created by the system prior to the commencement of each 'round' of the game. In addition to this, the basic scenario sometimes varies, although it ultimately still comes down to the traditional Battle Royale situation.

What you need to know/take note of for RPing purposes:

* The information about the characters will vary depending on the initial scenario. Schools and ages will be released closer to the start of the game.

* Much of the detail will vary from version to version, so pay close attention to that when it is unveiled.

* Characters are assumed to have no knowledge of the program - the default scenario is of an abduction by a terrorist organisation, a la the main SOTF.

* This universe closely adheres to our own, there are no significant differences further than the level of technology.

* To clear this up, you RP the characters, NOT the players. The guys playing the video game have no bearing on the RPing whatsoever.

* If there is anything you are unsure about or think needs to be added, please drop me a line and I will try to include it in the list.
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