Junk Dreams

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours), Open

The salvage yard is located in the industrial park next to the boat shed and is filled with the detritus of maritime life. While a handful of small ruined rowboats are kept here, it is also home to partially-submerged shipping containers, old refrigerators and bed frames, and even a number of totaled cars and trucks, forming a treacherous mountain of junk. Kept around partially for lack of a better place to dispose of such objects and partially as an opportunity to scavenge materials for slapdash repairs, the salvage yard is more accessible than its phenomenally dangerous architecture might lead one to expect. Thanks in part to its varied topography and in part its distance from the rest of town, the salvage yard was a popular spot for children and teens alike. The children using it to play games such as hide and seek while the teens used it as a party spot. This has led to some accidents over the years and at least one death when a drunk teen fell into the ocean, but the only result of this incident was the addition of a chain link fence; the gate to this was quickly sabotaged and has remained unlocked since.
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Junk Dreams


Post by Primrosette »

((Laurie Moran continued from Someone tell me how I got here from the city to this frontier))

Laurie was out of breath by the time she made it to yard. She honestly had no idea how long she had been running for. She remembered hearing a gunshot as Scotty had helped her run off to safety and she wondered if he would catch up with her like he promised. Or if Mick had....

You know that Mick had killed him, Laurie. Your friend is gone now.

She couldn't even deny her own thoughts because she thought that it was the truth. Scotty was dead because of her. She had to wait to hear what happened at a later date. Or she could go back.

No, she couldn't do that. What if Mick was still there? Looking for his next target?

Laurie let out a small whimper as she leaned against the front of a battered grey car and she sat down slowly. She needed to rest for a few minutes before she could move on. She was feeling thirsty after all that running for her life.

She placed the flower pot beside her and she unzipped her bag, getting out a bottle of water. She should be happy that she was alone. But it was a bit worrying as she had nothing to defend herself with.

Maybe she could find something useful in the yard. She should make sure to search the area before she left to wherever she planned to go next.
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Post by Polybius »

((Zeke Brant continued from Mind the Music and the Step))

Zeke sat on the hood of a faded red convertible. He looked over his map while chewing on a piece of bread, his gun placed to the side. Zeke had stopped by the Salvage Yard to take a break and reorient himself, but, shockingly, staring at his map for ten minutes hadn't helped him figure out where to go if he wanted to find his friends.

Zeke sighed and the map back into his bag. He supposed that he should start heading towards the central town area. That part of the arena would have the highest concentration of people. There would be a better chance to find some of his friends or someone else who had seen them. There would also be a better chance of finding people who would try to kill him. So what? Zeke was prepared to fight.

He picked up the revolver and looked over the array of metallic debris before him. Honestly, Zeke kind of liked this Salvage Yard. There was a lot of cool old junk here, and Zeke could imagine hanging out with the guys in a place like this, trying out stupid tricks among the trash heaps. Some of the inhabitants of Cabeza del Dragón must have agreed, because Zeke spied some discarded liquor bottles and beer cans scattered around the area. Zeke was particularly enamored at a scene some thirty feet from him, where a motorboat stood atop a steep hill of garbage, an assortment of bottles strewn across its bow.

He had the sudden urge to try out some target practice. His killing of Bridie had been the only time he had used the Peacemaker, and while he had done well then, he had a feeling that most of his targets wouldn't just stand there as he walked up and shot them. Zeke aimed at the largest bottle and cocked the revolver. It occurred to him that there could be others sneaking around the scrapyard who would hear him. Zeke considered it for a moment, and then he pulled the trigger. If anyone was stupid enough to come and try to kill him, he'd make them regret it.

Zeke heard the gunshot and a metallic clank, but all of the bottles were still standing. He cocked and fired again. Same result. The third time, however, Zeke hit his mark. He heard glass shatter and the remains of the bottle fell over the edge of the boat and tumbled down the side of the hill. Zeke lowered the revolver and admired his work.
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Post by Primrosette »

When Laurie heard the gunshots and the sound of glass shattering, she almost screamed like she did with Mick earlier. But this time she bit down on her tongue to stop herself from screaming and she dropped her bottle that had not been opened yet onto the ground.

She watched as the bottle was rolling out into the open and she let out a scared whimpering sound. She then covered her mouth with her hands to keep quiet. Whomever was shooting was possibly going to shoot her if they found her. She didn't want to die. But she didn't want to fight them either.

She didn't move from where she was sitting. Her breathing was getting a little faster. She didn't want to have a panic attack right now. She just wanted to find someone who wouldn't hurt her.

Like Rodney.
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Post by Polybius »

Zeke saw movement out of the corner of his eye. A water bottle had rolled into his sight from behind a pile of debris. He thought it was strange. The gears in his head started turning. That water bottle- it looked just like the ones in his bag. There was someone there.

Zeke slung his bag over his shoulder and crept around the pile. He saw a pale girl sitting in front of a car, next to a flower pot. Zeke recognized her as a face he'd seen around the hallways back at National Summit, but he couldn't come up with a name. She looked like she was scared out of her mind. She also looked unarmed. Zeke gave the girl a reassuring smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry if a scared you. I was just trying to figure out how to use this." Zeke gestured towards the revolver in his left hand. He kept it lowered. He didn't want to frighten her too much, but he wanted her to be aware of it.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Zeke. What's your name?"
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Laurie was afraid as she heard someone approaching her and she looked up, feeling frightened. She recognised the boy from school and she was sure that she had seen him hanging out with Mick. She didn't know his name. She also noticed that he was armed. She didn't want to focus on his weapon too much and she lowered her hands from her mouth.

She felt like she was about to cry again. But him saying that he was trying to practice with his gun and telling her his name made her calm down a little. She was just relieved that Zeke was not threatening her with his weapon.

"I....I'm Laurie." She said to him, feeling a bit unsure about Zeke's friendliness. "I'm sorry for getting scared.... I just...."

Should she tell him about Mick? No, not now. What if he thought that she was lying?
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Post by Polybius »

"There's no need to apologize!" Zeke chuckled. "It's natural to get scared when you here gunshots. Especially in a place like this."

So her name was Laurie. She looked pitiful, cowering and defenseless. Zeke guessed that the flower pot next to her was her weapon. Though he supposed she could have just found it lying around. Either way, Laurie didn't appear to be armed. Zeke was being gifted a lot of easy targets, it seemed. Though he wasn't quite sure yet what he was going to do with her. There was one thing, though... it could be a long shot, but he had to ask.

"Laurie. You'll have to excuse me for jumping into this right away, but I have to ask you something. I'm searching for my friends: Mick Sexsmith, Jason Rosser, and Reese Lalonde. Have you seen or heard anything about them? Anything at all would be helpful. Please."
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie tensed up as Zeke mentioned Mick's name and she was now feeling more nervous of being near the guy. He wanted to know if she had seen his friends and she wanted to tell him everything that had happened with Mick. But she couldn't. She didn't have the courage to tell Zeke what had unfolded at the dump. She wasn't the type to try to cause trouble, she would always try to avoid it at every possibility. She didn't have to tell Zeke the whole truth. She could tell him a part of it without causing suspicion on Mick.

"I saw Mick...." And he pointed a shotgun at me, she wanted to add but she wasn't sure what Zeke would do if she told him that part. "....at the dump. I....I don't know if he is still there as I left to find my friends."

She did actually want to find her friends. Mary and Rodney. She didn't know Rodney that well but she did think of him as a friend. She was positive that she had lost a friend to Mick. So she couldn't ask about Scotty. She felt saddened by the thought.

"Have you seen Mary Wieczorek or Rodney Vasicek at all?" She asked Zeke, biting her lip slightly.
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Post by Polybius »

This girl had seen Mick? Zeke could hardly believe it.

"Sorry, you're the first person I've run into." Zeke didn't care about Mary or Rodney or whoever. What were the chances that he'd get such a great lead on one of his friends so early? A great big smile broke out upon Zeke's face, a genuine one this time.

"So he was at the dump... did you talk to him at all? What was he doing? How was he, well, handling things?"

Truth be told, Zeke didn't know how Mick would react when the Program started. He had taken everything so well on Announcement Day, but could he stay that cool in the actual fight? They'd known each other for over he decade, but the guy still surprised him sometimes. Zeke at least hoped that he was keeping his wits about him.
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie was a bit disappointed that Zeke had not seen Mary or Rodney. She was hoping that the both of them were safe. She didn't know if she could handle losing more of her friends. Zeke seemed like he wanted to know more about Mick. And why wouldn't he? Mick was his friend.

Laurie slowly moved herself to slowly get up and she glanced at Zeke's smiling face. It almost broke her heart to see how genuinely happy he was. She had to tell him the truth. She had to.

She picked up her bag and she slung it over her shoulders, keeping an eye on Zeke. She had to say something to him soon. And then she would leave. She leaned down to pick up the flowerpot and she held it in her hand tightly.

"....He was going to shoot me...." She said in an unsteady tone of voice. "Are you going to stop him...? I-I think he kill my friend who saved me...."

She felt like she wasn't safe with Zeke anymore.

"....I-I should go...."
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Post by Polybius »

Zeke laughed. He laughed out of joy, and out of relief. He laughed at the absurdity of his earlier worries. Zeke had underestimated his best friend. From the sound of it, Mick was getting off to a fantastic start.

"Stop him? Why would I do that?"

Zeke had gotten all he wanted out of Laurie, and she clearly felt the same way about him. He still hadn't decided whether he would kill her or not. There would be no reward to killing her. She wasn't a threat, and killing two people right off the bat could make him a big target. He could talk his way out of one kill on the announcement, but two? He wouldn't be able to use his charm anymore. Then again, having a lot of kills early on would make others fear him, which could help him in a different way. And it would help in the long run to eliminate the pool of contestants whenever he could. It was a tough choice.

Zeke stared at the girl cowering before him with a flowerpot in her hand. Then, he made his decision. He leveled the revolver at her head.

"I agree, Laurie, you should leave. Thank you for your help. I'm really grateful for it, so I'll give you a head start."

He could use some practice hitting moving targets
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie could only think of one word about Zeke. Coward.... Not over the fact that he was pointing his gun at her. No, she knew that Zeke was going to do that eventually. She thought he was a coward because he wasn't going to stop his friend. What if they made it to the end? Was Zeke that willing to die for Mick? What about himself? Didn't he want to go back home? Zeke was making Laurie feel somewhat sorry for him. Yes, he was threatening to shoot her, but.... but....


Laurie took a step forward towards him. She had no idea why she was doing this. Maybe she wanted to help him out. Even if the thought of Zeke gunning people down was making her feel sick to her stomach. Maybe she could try to reason with him. Or maybe not.

"I-I'm not going to leave you!" She raised her voice to sound more confident. "I-I want to come with you.... Please!"

What are you saying, Laurie? He's going to think that you are crazy for wanting to go with him!

Laurie took another step forward. The gun was about inches from her. But all she did was look at Zeke's face. Her expression was neutral. She didn't want to give away how scared she was on the inside.

"....I want to help you...."
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Post by Polybius »


She was supposed to run when he threatened to shoot her. She was a coward with a flowerpot, why would she do anything else? She certainly wasn't supposed to walk right up to the barrel of his gun and ask to come with him. She was going to leave before he pointed the gun at her, but now she wanted to help him? Was she insane?

Zeke took a step back. A look of shock briefly flashed across his face before he was able to catch himself. He couldn't let himself get psyched out by this. He was still the one with the gun. He just had to think? Was she trying to play him? Lure him into a false sense of security and then kill him? Use him to get revenge against Mick? That all sounded ridiculous, but the idea that she genuinely wanted to help him was even more ridiculous.

"Help me? What do you mean? Help me with what?"
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Post by Primrosette »

This is definitely a bizarre idea, Laurie. Trying to ally yourself with the guy with the gun pointing at your face is so strange.

Laurie noticed that he was caught off-guard a little by what she say. Honestly, she would have been confused by her words as well. But she couldn't stop now. She had to convince him that she could be useful to him.

"I can help you by making others trust me and then if you want to shoot them.... Then you can do that...." Laurie said and she moved closer to him again. She couldn't let him leave. Why was she doing this? "....I can look for something to use as a weapon here. I'm sure that I can find something...."

She glanced around for a moment and then she looked back at Zeke. She wanted to know what he was thinking.

"W-What I'm trying to say is.... is...."

Laurie bit her lower lip lightly and she held out her free hand towards him, feeling awkward.

"....I want to be your ally, Zeke."
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Post by Polybius »

The initial shock had started to wear off, and Zeke was beginning to think clearly again. She wanted to team up and help him kill people. It was all making sense now. Laurie wanted to survive as much as anyone, but she lacked the means or the ability to play by herself, so instead she decided to latch on someone more capable and ride him to the end. Yes, yes, that was it. It wasn't a bad idea for someone like her. She had managed to make a pretty good argument as to how she'd be useful to him, too. Zeke wondered if maybe he should accept her offer. It had him intrigued, certainly.

Though it was still possible that Laurie had some sort of hidden goal. She could turn on him the second she got a decent weapon. But... as she was now, Laurie was still a small, nervous, unarmed girl. If Zeke was going to let himself get scared by her, of all people, he might as well just put a bullet through his head right then and there. No, he was better than that, and if she tried anything he would just kill her. He had nothing to worry about.

"Alright Laurie, you've convinced me. I'll accept your offer." Zeke lowered the revolver and grasped Laurie's hand with his, shaking vigorously. He grinned as wide as he could.

"You're braver than I thought you were. I just hope you realize that you're getting yourself involved in some nasty business, and there's no going back from here. I've already killed once, y'know."
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Post by Primrosette »

You actually did it, Laurie. You actually managed to convince him.

Zeke's handshake felt very strong to her and Laurie knew that she couldn't betray him at any point in time. She would rather have him as her ally than her enemy. Zeke also called her brave. Normally she could have disagreed with him. But he was right. She had managed not to back down from him and his revolver. Maybe it was both a brave and a stupid move she had made. But had it been worth it? Well, he wasn't killing her now and she would prefer it that way.

Speaking of killing, Zeke mentioned that he had killed someone before. Laurie felt her hand grip more tightly onto his for a few seconds. She wondered why he didn't tell her beforehand? Well, at least he was willingly to be open with her now. She had to deal with the fact that he had started to kill people. She was really starting to go down a dark path with him now. She had made her choice. She was changing already.

"I-I see.... I should have guessed that you have already started to take people out of the picture...." She nodded towards him, her hand was shaky in his a little. "I know that I'm going down a path that I can't take back, Zeke. But I am willing to take that risk. So I should find something better to defend myself with, right?"

She noticed that they have been holding hands for longer that she thought they would. Actually Zeke was the first boy that she had actually held hands with. It made her feel funny on the inside for a moment. Just a moment....

"Um.... Zeke? C-Can you let go of my hand, please?"
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