Out of the Wilderness, Into the Wild

A rapidly flowing river spans much of the area, dividing it into two halves. Fording points are few and far between, with only a handful of locations being shallow enough to cross safely. Venture into the river at your peril - the current in the deep waters is more than strong enough to drown the unwary...
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Out of the Wilderness, Into the Wild


Post by CondorTalon »

F07 - Vivian Cathwell: START

It was the sound of the rushing water that woke Vivian from her unconsciousness.

Groggily, she opened her eyes. Weird, she didn't remember setting up camp here. As she looked around she saw that none of her camping equipment was close by. That was even weirder. As she slowly got up, her eyes focusing enough to accurately view the landscape, she realized that she didn't recognize this place at all.

How did I get here?

She felt something around her neck, and reached up to feel it. The smooth leather under her fingers was alien to her. She didn't have any necklace like that...

And then it all slowly came back to her. The train ride that came to a screeching halt. The voice over the PA, the gas...

No... she pleaded, no no no no please god no.

She didn't want to be here. This wasn't right. She quickly turned on her feet. I've got to get out of here...

She remembered what the voice said. That there was no way out of this. She slumped to the floor.

I'm going to die... I'm going to die... I'm going to die...
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Post by Jadedflames* »

F11 - Samantha Atterman: START

Samantha came to, clutching her head in pain. Opening her eyes, she became aware that she was facing an altogether too bright sun, while lying on an altogether too hot patch of sand.

She coughed, shrugging her shoulders, and looked around. Sand. Lots and lots of it. And a river, rushing by, to her left. There was something around her neck. Something that should't be there. Her hands moved to the collar, and felt around the edge. Not too tight, but still a hefty strap of leather on hot day. She tugged slightly a the edge, and the collar cinched ominously. Dropping her hand, she took a deep breath, feeling it loosen back to its original size.

A choke chain. How original.

She coughed again, and the cough turned into a slight giggle. This must be a dream. How strange. What must have been on the food tray to produce this nightmare? She rose to her feet awkwardly, and took a step forward, but tripped over a bag, already almost covered by a pile of sand. She fell on her face, knocking her chin. Pain. Not a dream.


She opened the bag, examining the contents. Food, good. First aid kit, well stocked. Water, Excellent. This would be a short game without that.

A tent.

A tent? What good would a tent be? If the... "sherriff" was to be believed, there was a town nearby. How was a tent supposed to be any good if someone was trying to kill her? This was just one sick joke on top of another. What kind of mind would devise something like this?

Her hands moved back to the collar, fingering it cautiously. It was too heavy for a dog collar. Must be something else in it.

File it for later, Sam.

It was beginning to get quite hot. Not a killer, yet, but she had no dubt that it would be. Nature might be the biggest enemy.

Best drink from the river, save the canteens.

True. How logical. Why was she not panicking yet? People were out to kill her. So many people out to kill her...

Oh.... god...

Oh, good. There was the panic.

Stuff it Sam. Get some water.

Right, going, autopilot, panic after health is seen to. Panic can wait.

She re-packed her bag, and stood carefully, smoothing her skirt out. She walked slowly over to the river, and bent down to the water, preparing to drink. This was when she heard the voice on the other side. She looked up, squinting into the sun, shading her eyes with her hand. Who was that? Pink hair.

I know that hair... the outdoorsy girl. V.... something. Viv... Vivian. That was it. Vivian. Plays piano. Pretty good. Nice girl.

What was she doing? Was she crying? Oh god, was she hurt? Had someone already got to her?

Samantha could not help herself. She called out to the girl. "Hello! Viv! Vivian! Are you all right? Are you hurt?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Hello! Viv! Vivian! Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Vivian's jerked up as she looked around for the voice. She saw another girl, off a ways, yelling to her. Wasn't that... um... Sam? Samantha? That was it. She slowly stood up. As it was right now, Samantha didn't look very dangerous, but it was better to be cautious.

"Hi, Sam," she replied, looking around for her pack, "I'm fine, just fine. Let me just... um... grab my stuff, and I'll be right with you."

She slowly took the daypack resting a few feet away, putting it between her and Sam, so she could keep an eye on her.

Just in case.

Sifting through the pack, she found standard rations, a first aid kit, and other various things. Her hand found the handle to something, and she slowly pulled it out of her pack. It was an axe, a tomahawk, in fact, if she was getting her facts right. She looked up at Samantha. How would she react to the weapon that was just revealed? Did she have a gun?

She hoped not. Keeping the tomahawk out, she quickly packed up her things again, shouldered her pack, and looked at Samantha.

"I hope you don't mind me keeping this out," she said, holding the tomahawk in her hand, "I just don't think I'll feel safe otherwise."
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Samantha glanced at the tomahawk warily. It made sense, she guessed, but it was still a bad sign. She looked at the river, gauging its depth. Should be safe to cross, but currents could be deceptive. Might be best to look for a bridge. Or just leave...

"No, not at all. I understand. I just some camping gear. Not much good, is it? Not that anyone would take this guy seriously. The collars tighten, by the way, don't mess with yours."

As she was saying this, she took a tent pole from the kit, twirling it idly, but fully prepared to hurl the pointed metal as a javelin.

She pulled out her map. "Any idea where we are?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Samantha took out a map, and asked Vivian if she knew where they were. Oh, right, we have maps, don't we? Taking out her own, she looked at it.

"No," she replied, "not particularly... There's a river here, so we must be somewhere near there on the map..."

She put the map away, looking at the river between them. Vivian decided that they should move out somewhere, hopefully somewhere not as open. There was a problem though, right at her feet. The river was flowing fast, and although Vivian had some experience with crossing rivers from hiking, that was always with small rivers, and usually with some sort of lifeline...

"Hey," she called out, "You wouldn't happen to have... some sort of rope with you... would you?"
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Samantha looked at Vivian, then at the pole in her hand.

What am I doing? There's no way I could do anything to her.

She shoved the pole into the sand.

Right. Rope.

Samantha pulled the rest of the tent out, looking for some manner of cord that might have been included. She finally found a good length of tie line. It was thin, nylon, but should hold the weight of either of the girls, should it come to that.

She called over. "Yes, I think this should do. How do we want to do this?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Vivian saw Sam pull a length of rope for her bag, made of... nylon? Or something. She said she had camping gear, so that would make sense. Sam then asked her what was going to happen.

"Okay, so... uh, throw one end over my way, if you could. Like, tie the end to a rock or something and toss it. Then, uh... Tie the other end to something solid, grounded."

As she said this, she took her pack off, and surveyed the immediate area. She found a shallow spot, a few feet upstream. That would probably be the ideal crossing point. Better yet, there were a few trees around that area that could make a good anchor. She walked over to one. Turning to Samantha, she called out.

"Whenever you're ready."
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Post by Jadedflames* »

"All right."

Samantha wound a length of cord around a short tree, tying the knot as tight as she could make it. Looking around on the ground, she found a sizable rock in the riverbed. Winding the other end of the rope around the rock, she gave it a couple of test shakes, before turning to Vivian.

"All right, stand back!"

She spun the rock once around her, before loosing it towards the girl on the other side, it arced into the air, barely reaching the other side before plopping down to the ground.

Giving a tug on the tree to make sure it was secure, she sat herself down on the bank.

"All set!"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Taking the rope from the bank, she threaded it through the straps on the daypack. Then, she wrapped it around the tree and made a tight knot, making sure that the rope was taut enough to support the bag without it sagging too much. Then she took the tomahawk in her bag and stuffed it in her bag, just for the time being. She walked to the bank, and took off her boots, her socks, as well as her glasses, stuffing them in the bag as well, being careful to keep her glasses intact. Then she rolled up her jeans. Okay. Here we go.

"I'm coming over now."

She took a few steps into the river, holding the rope with her hands as she waded and pushing the bag along the line. She felt the water slowly cover her lower legs as she waded deeper into the river.



The water was almost at her knees now.




She was past the halfway point. The water should get shallower now.



She was about three-quarters of the way across the river when she stepped into a particularly deep hole between some rocks. Oh shit-

She fell forward, holding her left hand out. It grasped a loose rock in the riverbed, which broke away and was swept downstream. Vivian was now at the mercy of the current, her right hand firmly grasping her only lifeline.

"Sam! Sam, he-help me! Sam! P-Please!"

She managed to reach her left hand out and grab hold of the rope, but she didn't know how long she could hold it.

No... please, not like this... I don't want to...

She held on with all of her strength. If she let go, it was all over.
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Samantha watched as Vivian started across the river.

A quarter of the way... She's in deep now

Half of the way... It's up to her waist!

Three quarters of the way... Getting shallower. She's an outdoorsy type, she'll be fine.

And then she fell. Samantha barely had time to register the fall, before Vivian was clinging to the rope with one hand, barely stopping herself from being pulled down stream.

"Sam! Help me! Sam! Please!"

Samantha took in a sharp breath. How was this happening? This should have been fine. There was no way that this would fail. Something so simple.

Go help her, stupid!

Right. She brushed her hair out of her face, and dropped her pack. She grabbed the rope with her right hand, inching into the water. She moved on, seconds feeling like hours, praying that Vivian could hold on for the next one, the next, the next.

Samantha held out her left hand, reaching for the girl.

"Grab On!"

Vivian reached out, grasped at the hand, but slipped, dangling again by just one hand. Samantha took another step out, now straining against the full force of the current. She held out her hand again, lunging towards the girl.

"Come on! You can do this, Vivian!"

Vivian swung her weight back towards the rope, catching Samantha just above the wrist. Bracing their combined weight against the rope, Samantha started to inch back to the bank.

Closer... Closer... Closer...

The water only reached their thighs, their ankles, the tops of their feet...

And then they were on dry land.

Samantha collapsed onto the bank, sand clinging to the hem of her skirt, shoes muddied, and shirt wet. She looked over at Vivian, making sure the girl was still with her. Samantha gave her a smile.

"Let's not do that again. What do you say?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Just as a note, I approved the GMing of Vivian during Jaded's last post.))

She saw Samantha wade in towards her, holding onto the rope. She got closer... closer... Please... come on...

Samantha reached her hand out, telling her to grab on. Vivian freed her left hand to try to grab for Samantha's, but it slipped, flailing in the air. Crap!

She came closer and reached out again. Vivian's right arm was screaming, but she held fast. Planting her left foot against the riverbed, She managed to push herself towards Samantha and grab her arm. As they began inching back toward dry land, Vivian made sure to keep the bag close to her.

Eventually, they managed to make it to the riverbank, and Vivian slumped to the ground, hacking and coughing.

"Let's not do that again. What do you say?"

Vivian turned her head towards her companion.

"Yeah... alright. That- *cough* that seems like a plan."

Vivian rolled until she was lying on her back, after her coughing fit had ceased. She shielded her eyes against the sun.

"Hey," she said, "uh... thanks."
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Samantha smiled, looking at the sky.

"Yeah, don't mention it. You'd have done the same for me."

Arcing her arms above her head, she stretched, before standing up.

"Hey, Vivian. I know we aren't the best of friends, or anything, but I am glad we met up. I was wondering... we have already helped each other... do you think anyone would really go along with this sheriff guy's plan? It just seems so ridiculous. I can't think of anyone in our class actually trying to kill."

She put her toes back in the water, splashing idly.

"I just can't believe it, you know?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

As Vivian lay on the grass, what Sam had just said was disturbing her.

"You'd have done the same for me."


Would she have? If Sam was the one in danger, would Vivian come to save her? She wasn't a good friend, so in this 'game', would she...

No. That was ridiculous. Of course she would save her. She wasn't going to this game. She would have done the same.

Sam asked her if anyone would actually play the game.

"No way. We all... We all know each other. Right? There's no way someone's going to start playing, because who would they go for? 'That guy nobody knows' doesn't exist here."

She stood up.

"I can't believe it either."

Walking over to her pack, still hanging on the line, she fished out her tomahawk, her boots, her socks and her glasses. She put her socks, boots, and glasses on, placed the tomahawk on the ground in front of her, and walked to the tree. Carefully, she untied the knot, making sure to keep the rope firm so that it didn't snap back. Afterwards, she took her bag of the line, shouldered it, and picked up the tomahawk.

"What do you say we get going? I really don't feel like staying here any longer."

She turned, looking towards a mass of greenery in the distance. She started walking.

((Vivian Cathwell continued in Horror Business.))
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Sam gathered up her things, packing everything neatly in the pack.

On second though, let's keep the pole out...

As nice as Vivian seemed, her attachment to that axe was still a bit concerning. Sam remained a bit on edge, swinging her bag onto her pack, looking regretfully at the tie line, still wrapped around the tree on the wrong side of the bank.

Ah well... Life goes on.

Those words had almost an ominous connotation, and she immediately regretted thinking it. Looking at Vivian, walking away, she ran to catch up. Finding respite somewhere would be good. Finding a store in town would be excellent, but she was not going to count those chickens yet. Best make do with what she had.

"Yeah. Best get moving..."

(Samantha Atterman continued in Horror Business)
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