This Too Will Pass

The occasional house in the town isn't boarded up or completely wrecked, and can be accessed. Although there isn't likely to be much of use inside, they're much more likely to provide a decent place to rest - if mouldering mattresses and rotting furniture are your thing.
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This Too Will Pass


Post by Acidic* »

((Leo Raclaw continued from Hey There, Delilah))

It was unavoidable ending up back here, wasn't it? He could've tried to go around and ignore it, but the heat was making him want to take the fastest route out of the sun. He saw the bridge collapse, but he was too far away to hear or see if anyone was on it. There probably was, but Leo made himself ignore that and the body near by.

He looked straight ahead as he walked, hoping that this bridge wouldn't fall as well. If he was paying attention he would've seen the body was his friend's, and the blood and gore around the hole in the bridge belonged to him. Instead he walked around it as if it weren't there.

Clutching the sword he made his way to the ghost town's homes. As he got closer to the burned memorial he could feel the spirits of his former group crowding in. Closer he came to the house's corpse meant the closer they got to him. He stopped 20 feet shy because it was too warm to breath, as if the smoke had reanimated just to take him down with the rest.

Tears from his eyes, and pain in his leg shaking it to a throb Leo made his arms push away until his back was against another house. Left without an idea of what he should do Leo folded his arms over his knees, and buried his face in them to sob.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Katie Tanaka continued from Duck, You Sucker!))

She didn't want to come back.

But that's where her travels took her.

As she limped and found herself near the town, she felt hesitant. But like a magnet, she found herself coming closer.

It meant having to deal with the now destroyed saloon, and having to deal with Ramona, Warren, and Ken all over again. She didn't want to deal with that. And yet, here she was.

Her leg was hurting really badly now. Her doctors told her to rest it as much as possible to allow the nerves to rest and heal, and with all the oh-so-wonderful excitement... yeah. It wasn't doing so well. She had twisted it a bit when Jacqueline had pulled her down, and needless to say, each step felt like she was being stabbed in the leg repeatedly with a sword. Her face was contorted in a wince of pain.

As she stepped towards what appeared to once had been a bunch of houses, Katie felt herself get dizzy, and suddenly she fell face first. The gun she had taken off Benny landed a foot away from her. She stayed on the ground, her face buried in the dirt.

She was too tired to cry again. Nor did she want to get back up, either. Her fists slowly clenched and unclenched as a shudder passed over her.

What was she going to do now?

She got her revenge. But it didn't make her feel happy. Benny was gone. So was Jacqueline, most likely. She didn't know what to do.

A small whimper came from her lips as lifted her head. She could see the stars from where she was. Katie wished she could enjoy them.

Katie kind of wanted to rest right there, and maybe, perhaps, never get back up. She didn't see how there could be such as thing as hope after this.

Her eyes slowly lowered, and she noticed that there were a few houses in front of her. Oh god, she could very much kill for an actual bed right now. But what if everyone else was thinking the same thing?

That's when she noticed the ruins of a building. At first, in her tired mind, she thought it was the saloon, but as her eyes readjusted she realized it wasn't the case. It was a different one.

And then she noticed the figure curled up some ways nearby it. She squinted and lifted herself up a bit more, looking at it. Then she brought herself slowly to her hands and knees, reaching to place her hand on the gun.

But she recognized it. Or rather, him.

HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Acidic* »

Frozen mid-sob, Leo's mind raced with fear. He completely forgotten the game in the face of the misery, and it had probably gotten him killed because he was crying like a baby. Forcing himself to move, Leo shook his head to dry his tear off on to his sleeve. He was pretty sure he recognized the voice as the Katie chick. Katie asian-name-he-couldn't-think-of-nor-pronounce.

Making his legs work, Leo emerged from himself and looked at his classmate.

"Katie." He replied, turning the hilt of the saber in his hand. Knowing he was fucked if this girl wanted him dead, but he was pretty sure she didn't. Otherwise, why not shoot him while he was, distracted?

Remembering anything he could about the girl, but the only thing that came up was her resent injury. Apparently she was hiking and decided to take a vertical shortcut to the bottom. So he could out run her, or would have if his own leg didn't get its own fancy something degree burn. He was going to have to check that if he survived this.

Ignoring the fact he'd been crying, Leo tried to think of something to say. What's up would be too casual and make him look crazy, but How're you doing would probably set off a sarcastic and/or emotional response that could get out of control.

Ultimately, Leo kept silent. She had called out his name, so she must of had something she wanted to say. Probably about killing Holly and Delilah, but he could explain that as that they deserved it. As he was fairly certain they did.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Leo was one of Benny's friends, wasn't he?

But he was also a murderer.

But he also killed Delilah and Holly.

Delilah killed Richard, Patrick, and Amanda. Holly killed Pepper, Martin, and Roy.


On one hand, he could have been playing. A bandit. Oh, she was still using that term? On the other... he could have... well, been doing the exact same thing as her. She didn't know. Katie, despite feeling tired and depressed, kept her guard up. Her hand started to grip the gun on the ground.

She had the gun, and she still had the sharpened stone. Problem was, she didn't know how many bullets were in the gun, and she knew that knives, especially in the form of stones simply sharpened over a few hours, meant nothing if they had a gun and knew how to use it.

As she stared at him with tired brown eyes, she analysed him as best as she could from there. She could see that he didn't look so good. Like he'd been crying? Perhaps. She could see an object in his hands, and as she squinted further she realized it was some kind of weapon.

What if he was playing? She'd get him, right? Even though that's what got Benny killed... she still didn't want him to get away if he was killing indiscriminately. On the other... he killed players. Bandits. Whatever.

She opened and closed her mouth, like a fish out of water. Katie tried to get out a sentence.

"Are you....?"

She couldn't finish. It was a dumb question. If he was killing out of self defense or revenge, he'd say no. If he was planning on hurting everyone, then... he'd say no anyways.

Yup, dumb. No way around it.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Post by Acidic* »

"Am I what? Santa Claus?" The silence had drilled into his patience, and seeing a fucking tumbleweed blow behind Katie had cracked it. He hated westerns, and this was too fucking close to being in one for his liking. Still, Leo needed to keep himself in check lest Katie freak out and blow a hole through his head.

Using his free hand to rub his eyes, and made himself try and think of something kind to say. Everything came up as stupid, but there had to be something that didn't make him sound as he was born during a failed abortion procedure.

Giving up, Leo looked from Katie to the gun and asked,

"So, are you planning to shoot me?" He could've been more tactful, but it was something he thought needed to be brought up. From the gun he looked back at Katie. He didn't want to die, least of all like this.

But such was life.

Leo realized how much he tempted fate by asking Katie like that, but staring at each other in silence could only move south. As far as Leo was concerned, Katie hadn't killed anyone, and he didn't want to see her get hurt, nor end up her first victim.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Well, he didn't look like Santa Claus. He looked like a bitter, depressed classmate, certainly. But not a big jolly fat guy who gave presents to all the boys and girls. If there was someone like that, then the best gift would be stopping the killers and taking everyone who deserved it out.

Katie frowned. Okay, this was getting awkward fast. What was she supposed to do, really?

Then he asked the question of whether or not she was going to shoot him.

And she had no idea how to reply to that.

Seriously, how does someone reply to that? Katie then bit her lip for a brief second, thinking. Come on, there had to be a good response, correct?

So what should she say?

She took a deep breath, feeling her fingers clench the gun tighter.

"Only if you'd hurt me first.... or my friends... but..."

Her eyes continued to examine him, and then she sighed.

She was developing a low patience for this whole killing thing. And worse was, even though she knew that it got her in trouble before, she kind of wanted to continue tracking down the killers. Even if she was more... hesitant about it.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Acidic* »

That was probably the most reasonable answer she could've given, and Leo hadn't been expecting it. This place must have really screwed with his head.

Chuckles escaped his mouth like bullets from a gun. She probably doesn't have any friends left for him to hurt if he even wanted to, and the laughter died when he thought of Benny, Bruce, and the group inside the house.

She was scared, as she should be. As anyone should be.

"I'm not looking to hurt you, or anyone who doesn't deserve it." He looked to the gun again. He ignored Holly's gun and the feelings that flashed in his chest before, and he wasn't gonna make that mistake again.

His eyes only left the gun to risk a glance the ruined house. He hated seeing it, but he couldn't ignore it.

Leo couldn't ignore them, his friends still trapped in there.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Was he sure?

Katie's eyes looked him up and down further. He was chuckling like a maniac. It was kind of like the bitter kind. Katie couldn't help but give a slight nervous chuckle back.

She probably didn't even have that many friends left. Mike was dead, so was Amelia; the former killed by Brian, the latter apparently committed suicide. Vienna had died at the start. Benny, Ramona, Ken, and Warren she had watched die. Jacqueline was as good as gone. Sy and Oz had killed each other. Multiple people, like Bruce for example, apparently went out of bounds and something happened to them. And let's not even get started on the people she had seen at the trading post or whatever.

Everyone was either dead or if they just so happened to be still alive, they were killing or planning to kill. Either way. Katie wasn't sure how many of her friends... were still her friends.

Hatred had overcome her a long time ago, along with sorrow and grief. And she wasn't sure if she had friends anymore. Did she?

She had a family, right? Mom and Dad and Rina and the cat, Yuki. Mom and Dad were probably worried sick about her, and they were probably wondering where she went. Rina was probably sobbing and asking where her big sister was. And she knew that as pathetic as it sounded, Yuki was going to yowl and call out and miss her. Cats were like that.

God, she missed so many people already.

But now? Leo... was he genuine?

She had always thought Leo was kind of a cool name. It reminds her of lions. Lions were big cats, of course. But did that mean he was trustworthy? No. But she felt slightly relieved. Slightly.

"Are... are you sure?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Acidic* »

Was he sure?

The question seemed nonsensical, and Leo found himself slightly offended she asked in the first place.

"Of course." The words came out cooly, and more even than he expected them to. At this point he thought he should leave, but decided to keep his feet planted in case this could go further.

She sounded interested in his cause.

Plus, she had a gun, and seemed to be alone. Maybe they could form some kind of alliance, but he wasn't sure how excited the idea of someone else to keep track of made him.

Still, a gun was a hell of a lot more useful than a sword he had no idea to use.

"Why?" He probably should of asked earlier, but better late than never.
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Post by KamiKaze »


"What do you-" she started, but she stopped herself.

Well, why? She needed to ask, right? But he wouldn't say anything if he really was playing. So maybe she could try another angle? Either way.

"Because... because.. I don't know if... you know... everyone's all..."

Katie took a deep breath. That's what you did if you didn't know what to say. They always told her to breath. Her and everyone else. That's how you were supposed to talk, right?

She pulled herself completely off the ground, slightly wincing again. The gun was now completely in her hand, and with her other she slightly rubbed her eyes.

Well, better get closer. It... seemed alright? He wasn't planning on attacking. If he was, he would have done so by now.

Katie limped towards him, and sat herself down closer to him. Not too close; she didn't want to startle him too much. But just enough to get a better look, and to have a proper conversation face to face. Just to the side of him, not in his face.

Her suspicions were confirmed correct; he didn't look so good.

Oh, maybe she should...?

"Uh, is it alright if I sit here?"

She hoped that he wouldn't react by stabbing her or something. She could run. No, wait, she couldn't. He could still be dangerous.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Post by Acidic* »

His question seemed to catch her off guard, or he was being an idiot without realizing it. Leo watched as she struggled to answer, but when she couldn't Leo didn't know what to think. These past few days were enough to make things less clear than they used to be.

Then they should've been if it weren't for this game.

Leo tensed a little when she started walking towards him, and asked if it was okay to sit after she had already done so. Apparently Leo's opinion meant fuck all here, but he gave a nod of near indifference anyway.

It was strangely intimate being a few feet from someone here as opposed to before. When it was normal being this close to someone while walking to class, a quick conversation, etc...

Or Leo had been off on his own for too long, because he didn't want to let the conversation fall too far into silence. After tossing questions in his head he finally said,

"So, how bad have your past few days been?" He looked at her when he said it, and placed the sword between them, but near his hip. He wasn't used to being in a hostel environment, even after all this. So he hoped to make it a gesture of cautious trust on his part.
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Post by KamiKaze »

He visibly tensed up as she approached him, but he calmed down. After a few beats, he asked a question.


Well, of course they had been bad! Everyone was dying or "playing"! She really didn't see the good side that much. Just how many people were even still around? As in, not dead or batshit? She visibly scowled, and clenched her fist. She didn't know how to tell him.

Suddenly, her expression changed, and she forced a smile. The expression was clearly forced, but she didn't care.

"Oh, bad?"

Okay, what could she say to that? Seriously? "Oh yeah, I got in an explosion and then flew into a vengeful rage because people died, which got Benny in a shootout with Simon and killed, among other things?" Really? No. That wasn't the best way to phrase it. She was 99% sure he was friends with Benny, for starters.

Katie's hands continued to clench and unclench as she thought for a second.

"I guess... I kind of liked the idea of going out like this at first? Cowboys, you know? But then..."

She felt so tired. It took her a pause to figure out what to say next. But she felt the distinct feeling of tears welling up in her eyes again. Maybe she wasn't too tired to cry after all.

Her eyes removed from the boy nearby her, she skimmed the buildings, and saw the burnt out remains of the saloon in the near distance. Slowly raising her arm to point at it, she said the only thing that came to mind.

"That's where... that's where I first woke up. And that's where Simon... he first attacked us."

Deep breath. Come on. Don't get choked up.

"Me and Benny and Warren and Ramona and Ken and Sy... he just shot in... I was never so angry in my life when he..."

She slowly looked downwards. He probably understood what she meant by now.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Acidic* »

Nodding while he tried to remember the first announcement. He'd threw most of the information out, but he remembered some of the names in the first announcement. He didn't know any of them, but he still had sympathy for the situation that Katie went through.

After a few moments of silence Leo decided to start talking.

"I woke up outside the Sheriff's Office, and met Roy, Amanda, and Martin there." He pointed in the direction he thought it was in. "They locked Roy in a cell, and we had to hunt for the keys. We got him out, and everyone decided to unite everyone to keep this game from going this far."

He moved his finger to the Doctor's Office.

"After a while we found Holly." It was actually weird to think about how foolishly brave he'd been at the beginning, and just walking out to see who was there. It was only hindsights that told him he should have knows Holly was dangerous, but it had a good case.

"Then we came here." He said as he motioned his chin toward the burned down house.
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Post by KamiKaze »

The silence briefly hung heavy in the air.

Then Leo began to speak.

He revealed that he had woken up at a sheriff's office, to see Amanda, Roy, and Martin there. Roy was stuck in a cell. After they had gotten him out, they decided to find everyone to prevent it from going too far. Then they found Holly.

And then there they were. At the burnt out building that wasn't the saloon. Katie began to piece together what else happened. Delilah showed up, she presumed. Then that's when... Martin and Amanda and Holly and Roy and Pepper got killed? That was safe to presume. The house had been burnt down, after all.

"And that's when she showed up... didn't she?"

She wasn't sure if she could say her name. But he probably understood anyways. Katie wasn't sure how Pepper got into the equation, but you know.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Acidic* »

A smal nod later, and Leo verbally confirmed that was when Delilah showed up.

"Yeah, she showed up with Pepper." He grimaced before adding. "In fact, I was the one who invited her inside. Since it was before the announcements played." Leo wondered if this sense of hindsights was always going to stay with him. Always whispering, You should have known! with a voice that would singe the hair around his ears.

"Anyways," He had gone off point, and he wondered if he sounded like he was trying to one up Katie. Leo didn't want pity in any form, nor to discredit anyone's plight in this event. Before he could speak he found a few questions he had for Katie.

"You said you were with Benny." Still wondering how to form what he had wanted to ask he finally said.

"How long were you guys together?"
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