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Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:17 am
by Courtography
(Rebecca Clark continued from How Not to Meet)

Rebecca had run from the scene of her attempted murder. Technically she didn't know, but come on, the girl had fallen down and the arrow wasn't on the outside of the building.

She was breathing hard when she ran into the house with boarded up windows. It was hot and she had shot at someone, with an arrow. More to do with the killing. What would she do now? She was different now, she couldn't pretend that no one was going to die, not that she had before. Brian had shot that one guy, Eoin. There had to be more like them. The bad ones. You aren't fuckin' bad, if you were then you would have killed those girls at the creek...keep tellin' yourself that.

Fine she was bad, but no one had to know right? Okay someone may have spotted her from that window, but no one else had to know. She could still be with her friends if she had the chance. She had just eliminated someone who had to die in the end. She had to die at some point, why not now? She had been all innocent, probably didn't feel a thing till the end...

Right, make it feel better. All that would make that better would be some booze. Yeah just numb yourself up, that'll do it. She took a seat on a rather smelly bed. Okay, this was something to figure out later.

Right, screw the others. Right. Okay, it was hot out, she was getting fuckin' thirsty. She drank some from one of the water bottles. Great. Okay, now was not a good time to go back out. Maybe she would rest here for awhile. She wasn't tired yet, but...

Okay new plan. She would rest during the hot part of the day and then go out during the evening through the morning. Of course she wasn't tired now so she would just rest in this house for a few hours. Then when it was evening she'd head out again. Sure it would be a bit long until the hot part of the next day, but she would make it. It'd all be fine.

Now time to be alone with me, myself, and I.


Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:17 am
by Jadedflames*
((Simon Mattheson Continued from Taste Your Beating Heart))

Simon had walked through the town slowly, taking the back ways so as not to cross paths with anyone he was not prepared to meet. He had the winchester balanced across his shoulders, his bags slung across his back, and his hair tied back with a strip of cloth salvaged from the strap of one of the canteens. The blood on his clothes had now firmly dried into a rust colored rime, flaking off as he moved.

He moved to the houses, planning to leave some of his things in a safe place, carrying less around and having a place to go when the night fell.

The first house he tried was locked tight. He shook the door, but it would not budge.

You could just shoot it.

No. Don't want to make noise. Don't want to bring people. I want to come to them.

He moved along to the next one, but the windows in it had long since been broken out, leaving the interior open to the harsh elements. There was nothing inside to speak of, save for small drifts of the ubiquitous grit.

Ubiquitious grit? Save us your thesaurus, bro.

Shut up.

He moved along the rows, trying to find the right one. Finally, he came upon one with boarded up windows that looked like it might still be cpabale of shelter. He grabbed the handle, and was pleased to find it opened smoothly, into a small anteroom. This opened up into the cabin proper. He dropped his bags with a thump, and brought the rifle off of his shoulders, holding it loosely as he entered the home.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:17 am
by Courtography
Rebecca did not like staying alone with nothing to do, to say the least. Yes, she had made sure her bow had an arrow on its string, and she had some water, and ate a little bit of some really hard bread. It would suck if it got any more stale, she might as well break her teeth off that way.

Right, but stale food wasn't the main concern. Surely there were others like her who had killed someone, right? She had to look out for them, or not so much, no one had found the house she was in so far. And she was waiting for the sun to start going down to leave so it wasn't as hot. A smart plan...but she was bored, and all she could really do is wonder about her friends. How was Amelia? Ramona? Had Brian shot anyone else? That would be a good thing, him whittling down the competition.

Competition, that wasn't how she needed to think of it. It was life or death. All it was. The smell of the bed wasn't noticeable anymore. Great, that meant she'd been there awhile and it still wasn't long enough!

A little while later she heard a thump outside. What the fuck? A moment later the door flew open and a boy with a gun was in front of her. Shit! She leaped up from the bed with the bow in her hands, not sure whether he'd shoot her. Why did everyone seem to have guns except her?

"Don't. Move."

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Jadedflames*
Simon froze. His eyes focused on the arrow, taking in the razor sharp point, moving slowly up the arrow to the arm, and then to the face. The girl did not look like a killer, bust who was he to judge?

The meer fact that she is threatening you is proof enough.

Yeah, man. That's all I did.

Shut up.

Simon blinked, and relaxed his shoulders slightly. He held one finger up. Pointed the barrel of his winchester down, and leaned the gun against the nearby wall.

What are you doing? Shoot her.

Not as simple as that. Cameo would be waiting tonight. Couldn't risk missing her.

He raised his hands slightly, fingers spread. Nothing up my sleeves...

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Courtography
The guy put his hands up, not going to shoot her? Huh, it was kind of weird he wasn't saying anything, and wait is that blood on his clothes? His clothes looked kind of reddish, like rust, but clothes didn't rust, obviously. Okay, now the smart thing would be to shoot him, but she should have just done that in the first place, and honestly she wasn't feeling too up to it at this point. Plus there was no guarantee she'd actually kill him before he picked up his rifle and blow her away.

So it was a standoff, but one where the guy had put his rifle leaning against the wall, and geez he had said nothing. "What's with the blood?" At least that's what she thought it was, and may as well make it clear she wasn't fucking around. The possible blood made her want to mess around way less. This guy could be, no, was dangerous.

But was he more dangerous than her?

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Jadedflames*
Simon tensed the muscles in his right arm, ready to whip for the now acessable stock of the rifle.

I see what you did there. Sneaky.

Shut up. Busy.

He did not move yet, but was already going through the motions in his head. Grab, Safety off, and drop to the ground as she inevitably shot. Two seconds.

You aren't an action hero, Simon. Be realistic.

Four seconds.

Would she pull the arrow back? Would she fire?

"What's with the blood?"

Oh hey, that's me!

Shut up.

He shrugged, slightly.

That's right, Simon. Tell her everything later when she has a bullet in her brain. She's clearly not one we should let live, is she?

No. No she was a threat. And threats should be dealt with. And this one would be, just as soon as there was an opening.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Courtography
A shrug? Okay now the silence was really getting to her. She couldn't remember ever talking to him before, just seeing him in the halls, didn't he move to Alderbrook sometime? Right, newer guy she hadn't talked to. Her finger twitched on the string, drawing the arrow back a little more.

"I asked you a question." Yeah, keep the tough tone, that'll totally keep him from going for that gun, obviously.

Okay, maybe she should really shoot him now, yes?

Or just leave, do you really want more blood on your hands?

It's the plan.

Right, your oh so fantastic plan to kill everyone except your friends, what'll you fuckin' do when they're the only ones left!?

Her fingers pulled the arrow a bit further.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Jadedflames*
Not good. She was spooked. Something had made her just a little bit more crazed than would be expected.

Oh, it's a shame you can't defuse the situation with your splendid oratory.

Shut up.

See? That's exactly what I mean.

Why was she so nervous? Had she killed as well? Was that why she was in this tiny house in town? Without anyone else? It was definitely a possibility.

So what are you going to do, Simon?

Deal with it.

He narrowed his eyes, took a breath, and went for it. His right hand shot out for the exposed stock of the winchester, knees already going slack as he grabbed it, expecting the shot. As he hit the ground, he hissed in pain as his elbow slammed into the floorboards.

Bringing the rifle to bear, he flicked off the safety, lying on the ground with the hard barrel pointed at the girl.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Courtography
No answer? No words? What was with this kid? Did he have no instinct for self preservation? That's when he jumped and the arrow left her bow in his direction, but sinking into a floorboard in front of him. She grabbed back for an arrow, trying to get it to the string, but it wouldn't stick.

Why won't it go?!

Her fingers were shaking, couldn't get it. There was the boy, rifle aimed at her. He would shoot her, wouldn't he? "Ju-just don't."

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Jadedflames*
Don't do it, bro. She doesn't have a chance.

She shot at me.

That's right. She did, you should end her.

I should.

She clearly could not kill, look at how bad that shot was. Wasn't even close.

Well, yes.

And you are the one threatening her now.


His hand stroked the trigger guard lightly, trying to make up his mind. The girl was fumbling with an arrow, seemingly unable to knock it on the bow.

You could just leave.

You could just KILL her.

You don't have to, though. She cannot defend herself. Is it right to kill someone that defenseless?

She SHOT at you!

Shut up. Shut up. Too loud.

He lowered the gun slightly, took the barrel out of line of the girl. It was no good. He could not justify hurting someone who clearly was not going to hurt him. the boy from before had been about to kill him. This girl had merely tried to scare him off. That was understandable.

He took his hand off of the trigger, and raised his eyebrows.


Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Courtography
Amazingly, Rebecca did not get fuckin' shot at that moment. Maybe later. Not the plan. The boy didn't have his finger on the trigger anymore, should she just take him out now? He was obviously dangerous, and was covered in red, not to mention the gun. No, that was dumb. By the time she had the arrow fitted he would probably shoot her.

He seemed to be waiting for her. "Umm, yeah I'll just fuckin' go, yeah?" Yeah, get the fuck out. Getting shot by some quiet creep will NOT help.

She started to walk across the room.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Jadedflames*
Simon shifted awkwardly. He pushed himself into a sitting position, and moved out of her way.

"Smooth move, man. She definitely doesn't think you are a psycho or anything."

Shut up.

He positioned himself in a place where he could see the door as she moved past him, and nodded.

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:18 am
by Courtography
Okay he had moved out of the way, she was safe. As long as he didn't shoot her in the back. Every step across the small home seemed to take forever, knowing that a creepy boy with a gun was there with her.

Eventually she reached the door.

Then she just fuckin' ran.

(Rebecca Clark continued in Let's Get Rocked)

Re: Mixed Emotions

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:19 am
by Jadedflames*
You let her go.



I don't know.

What if she hurts someone?


What if she hurts Cameo?

No. She would be safe, shouldn't she? She said she would meet him.

And do you really believe that?

Yes, of course.

It's a dangerous place.


People with guns.

Would she really want you to kill all of those people, though?

She would understand.

Would she?

Of course she would. What about that connection you have?

Think of the reaction of the girl you just met. Fear and hatred. Why? Because you are covered with MY blood.

Blood shed for her, Simon.

Yes. Blood shed so I can see her again.

And what if someone got in your way again?

I'll move them.

And if they don't want to be moved?

I'll kill them.

That's right.

Simon stood up, and gathered his things. Hefting the rifle again, he moved out of the house, and started his trek to the Train Station.

((Simon Mattheson continued in The Good, The Bad, and The Omigodwhatthefuck))