
Following directly through from the armoury, the warehouse is dark, expansive and forboding. Replete with stacks of boxes and spare parts, surplus beds and furniture. It would be easy indeed to get lost inside. Don't stumble in the darkness.

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Post by Shawnee* »

(( F04 Siobhan McCarthy continued from Driven to Drink - GMing permitted ))

All Siobhan could think about was whether or not John had decided to follow them. She wasn’t particularly fit and was quickly drained of energy, opting to disappear into the shady gap between the warehouse and the compound wall. John seemed to be either crazy or stupid, her head was still spinning from the fact that he had the audacity to be so mean at the same time as shooting at her. There was a reason prisoners got a last meal before they were sent to the chair, it was just wrong to give someone a nasty send off.

Eventually, weighed down by both the bags and Nikki, Siobhan collapsed against the warehouse wall. Both of the olive-green duffel bags fell to the ground, the contents of the medical kits inside rattled noisily. Siobhan slowly sank down to the floor and without stability, Nikki soon followed. After propping her friend against the wall, Siobhan took the last can of beer and tucked it into her bag whilst Nikki’s eyes were shut.

It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Nikki, but her drunken alter ego was a wildcard. Her first goal was to get Nikki out of her drunken stupor as soon as possible, and until then, she’d have to baby-sit her and keep the beer away. Siobhan wasn’t sure how alcohol worked but she didn’t want to chance the idea of Nikki adding another few valuable hours to her hangover by drinking from the last can. Besides, she had heard once about alcohol being used for cleaning up wounds. No words on beer though.

Not only was Siobhan in a bad kill or be killed situation, but she knew she was pretty much useless on her own and had only escaped the previous encounter with John through either sheer luck or John’s disinterest with her. She was the sort of girl who without a group, would break down and crumble. On the plus side, she had found her friend Nikki, but like every cloud having a silver lining, this was subverted by Nikki’s current state.

Nikki wasn’t the sort of girl to have been invited to parties, let alone have been offered alcohol before. Her issued weapon was a six pack of beer and she had seen nothing better to do than to guzzle down four cans of the stuff. Not only did she now require assistance moving but she also seemed to be slipping in and out of sleep. Siobhan knew all to well that the next few hours would be spent nursing the girl like a baby, making sure she doesn’t choke on her own vomit and keeping her safe. She knew very well that she couldn’t do this in some back alley, and with that, climbed back to her feet.

The sunlight poured through small windows high up on the walls, illuminating specks of dust that feel from the dark ceiling. There were numerous twists and turns in a maze made up of crates, boxed and equipment. There was an old musty smell in the air, and something of a lingering bloody smell. Siobhan didn’t want to take Nikki too deep into the warehouse in fear of finding the source of it. One wrong turn could bring her face to face with a killer and she’d be too slow, scared and weighed down to make a decent attempt at an escape.

Which led to why she had chosen a large warehouse of all places to try and nurse Nikki in. She had nowhere better to go without risking the idea of being gunned down in broad daylight. All she could do was cross her fingers and hope that the hiding place she had settled for would be enough to keep the two hidden. Siobhan helped Nikki onto the mattress and shrugged off her green cheer jacket, folding it into a makeshift pillow for Nikki’s head.

After rummaging around in Nikki’s bag Siobhan found an emergency blanket, and quietly draped it over Nikki’s sleeping form. All that was left now was a bucket or a bowl for Nikki to puke in. Siobhan didn’t like the idea of Nikki blowing chunks all over herself, or worse, on the jacket. Siobhan turned and wandered deeper into the warehouse, making sure not to stray too far from her friend.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Nikki Campbell continued from Driven to Drink))

As far as climactic escapes went, Nikki's and Siobhan's flight from the Firing Range left something to be desired. As far as not getting shot in the back went, though, Nikki was all ready to hang out a sign declaring the mission a success. Of course, that was a pretty good consolation and all, but she still felt like utter garbage. Drinking away the pain had, like, been one of her better ideas as far as avoiding responsibility and stuff went. After all, Siobhan was totally babying her and helping her and stuff. The only issue was, she'd had a little bit more to drink than was strictly necessary to come to terms with things. Actually, by the time she'd started feeling the effects, she'd been through her fourth beer. Ah well. Live and learn, right? Well, only, Nikki wasn't gonna be living so much longer, and what she'd learned was totally useless since she only had one can of beer left. Had had, actually; it had disappeared somewhere along the line, and Nikki had made only the most halfhearted attempt to ascertain its fate.

And now, they were inside some sort of giant building. Like, some kind of warehouse or something. Nikki couldn't actually remember how they'd gotten there. She was propped up on something passably soft, with something else keeping her head nice and cozy. She even had a blanket. It was all shiny and silver and plastic, but hey, when it came to accommodations in a brutal death match, there was certainly far worse. Nikki had a little den built up here, a little haven where she could just pull her head under the blanket, like a turtle, and just hang out hidden until the world forgot she existed. She could go to sleep and not wake up for a hundred years, come to in a world remade.

Picture this:

An old warehouse, abandoned decades ago, lies disused. Inside, soft light filters through the windows, motes of dust catching and refracting the illumination. All is still, even the pests having abandoned this place as useless. There are still boxes, of course, a labyrinthine tangle of confusion and disorder, old products, now antiques and collectors items, imprisoned within wooden tombs.

In a corner, lost and forgotten, there sits a small huddled lump, wrapped in a space blanket. It moves slowly, oh so very slowly, respiring maybe once an hour. The shiny silver has faded to a dull grey under the layers of dust, and cobwebs cover it, connecting to nearby crates and walls, turning it into a nexus, a neutral ground of sorts for warring spiders of varying clans. It has remained unchanged for the longest of times.

And now, all that comes to an end. The lump shifts, shudders. Spiders scramble for safety. Dust sloughs off, revealing once more the shiny silver carapace, catching the light, bringing glorious radiance to the dilapidated surroundings. The full majesty of this relic of the past is revealed, and then it shakes, shuffles, and cracks open, expelling a humanoid figure. A young woman, lost, alone, confused, but so very alive. She stumbles, staggers, but, as she regains her feet, she walks steadily outside.

The sky is the color of delusional hope.

And Nikki heaved a very un-ladylike raspy wheeze, and shifted, pulling her blanket tighter. There was this horrible taste crawling up the back of her throat, kinda like regurgitated Sauerkraut. It wasn't very pleasant. She'd kept it down, though. She hadn't hurled, and she was pretty dang proud of that. She'd discovered her very own secret talent. She could keep down liquor, no matter how nasty. Yeah, whoo. She'd be, like, some kind of superhero. Well, maybe not now that she was doomed to die, but if she'd been going to college, man, she'd have ruled. Assuming she'd ever dragged herself out of bed. Well, actually, she wasn't really looking very likely to get admitted into college anyways, so...

And somewhere in there, Nikki's mind finally shut down, and she drifted off into peaceful sleep. At least she didn't snore.
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Post by Rocky* »

((Joanne Seguin continued from M05: START))

Sometimes things seemed to have a way of working themselves out. Other times you just get plain lost. After leaving the scene of her robbery, Joanne had made an attempt to get to a specific building marked on the map, hoping for a nice room to lock herself in and maybe catch some shut eye. Instead she kept taking wrong turns and found herself back at the warehouse she has left earlier. After the third time she got angry. By the fourth, she was too tired to care.

Joanne was acutely aware of the fact that her medication had finally worn off. She kept moving, trying to keep her blood pumping and preventing herself from falling asleep. As long as she was mobile, she would be okay. Stopping meant sleeping meant death. Unless she could find someone to protect her while sleeping. She had already eaten her bread and one of the little meals they had been given, but they didn't do much. Turned out she was wrong in her assumption that food would keep her awake.

By the fifth time Joanne came back to the warehouse, she noticed a pair of girls entering the building. A smile of relief crossed her face. She would recognize that jacket anywhere. Despite her fatigue, Joanne managed to break out into a jog, her bag bouncing off her hip as she entered the building. It was still as dark as ever, although this time there was a bit of light leaking through from somewhere, reflecting off of a silvery material near one of the walls. The blonde haired girl ignored that, more concerned about the shape that was moving away from it.

"Siobahn!" Joanne yelled, hoping to catch the attention of her friend. She tried not to make any sudden movements in case the girl was startled and had a gun or something, especially since Joanne was still carrying a rather large axe in her hand. Joanne's face beamed with relief, even as her vision began to blur from her fatigue. She blinked her eyes a few times to dispel that. Now was not the time for sleeping.
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Post by Shawnee* »


What. The. Actual. Heck? Siobhan couldn't decide what question to ask herself first. Why someone who wasn't Nikki was calling her name? Why her hiding place had been so easily discovered? Why the arena seemed so small that she couldn't find five easy minutes that didn't involve a random encounter? She couldn't come up with any answers, so simply turned around squinting through the dim light as she held the dusty galvanized mop bucket tightly in her hands.

A tired girl standing in the distance, as if hesitant to dip her toe into the swimming pool in case it was too cold. An axe was clutched to her chest, standing out against the black backdrop of her oversized shirt. Even holding the standard horror movie weapon she didn't seem violent, her face was too familiar, and even in its tired pout Siobhan could place imaginary smiles and dimples. There were red highlights clipped into her hair, matching the tanktop she wore beneath her shirt.

"Joanne?" Siobhan murmured, a puzzled look forming on her face.

Joanne Seguin? Sporty Joanne? Narky Pepsi Joanne? Moving images of the sporty girl running around the track or hanging with boys in letterman jackets played in Siobhan's mind. But Joanne wasn't as stuck up as some of the other athletic types, at least half of them were nice. Joanne had always been okay to be around, Siobhan might have even called her a friend, she knew for sure that Joanne had been on the list of people she wanted to be around after waking up.

"Joanne!" Siobhan cried, a smile forming on her face. She dropped the mop bucket to the ground with a large clatter as she looked over to Nikki and back to Joanne. It was if her self given quest was already completing itself, erasing much of the possible danger guaranteed should she had ventured out into the compound. "Is it really you?!?"

Siobhan rushed forwards, weaving inbetween crates and equipment in an almost comical fashion, not giving any thoughts to how funny it would look to see a girl of her size moving at such a speed. She finally skidded to a halt as she made her way up to Joanne.

"I was going to look for you and the others after I woke up and then I found Nikki and now she's all drunk and sick and I'm trying to help her only John Ferrari shot at us and tried to kill us and he's all crazy and now we're in the warehouse and do you want a beer?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Nikki was totally getting into her beauty sleep, in that being completely unconscious and dead to the world beat the heck out of being lucid enough to realize she was gonna be actually dead before too long. Sadly, her rest was not to be long-lived, because someone decided it was an absolutely brilliant idea to turn up and start shouting for Siobhan. Like, hey, there are folks trying to sleep and stuff. Oh, and killers. Can't forget the killers. Would it be so awful to maybe just shout a little softer?

So Nikki opened her eyes and took a nice look around, only all she could see was blackness because she had her blanket up over her face. It was plasticy and weird-feeling but it was also keeping her hidden from the world, so for the moment it was her absolute favorite possession. The newcomer sounded like a girl too. That was good. They, like, probably wouldn't be as likely to start shooting, right? And besides, weren't the bad girls usually those awful seductresses? The sort of tricks they pulled only worked on boys and girls who liked girls, and Nikki fell into neither of those categories, so she was probably safe. Unless, of course, an evil seductress decided to twist some guy around her finger and then have him kill Nikki. That'd suck. She'd have to be really unintimidating and stuff.

The name-shouting sounded cheerful enough, so Nikki peeked her head out from her little shelter. There was some other girl. If her eyes were focusing, maybe she'd have recognized the figure, but right now the distance was just too much. She could make out Siobhan's words, though. Could very clearly hear her relief. Could very clearly distinguish her offer. So that's what'd happened to the other beer. Nuts. And now, Siobhan was just gonna give it up? Better to, like, save it for barter or something. Or for later. Wasn't beer supposed to have a zillion calories? They'd probably need it later on, just to keep going. Not like Nikki didn't have a little extra paunch to live off of, but she didn't exactly relish the idea of going hungry.

Of course, right now, eating sounded pretty darn miserable too. The thought of anything related to her stomach was enough to make her a little woozy. She tried to scoot into a more upright position. Failed. Tried again, pushing off the ground and propping herself against the wall. This time, she met with greater success. Next step was to interject herself into the conversation. This was a delicate matter, since she was about to call Siobhan out on something. It wouldn't do to upset her one and only friend in the area, the girl who had, in fact, saved her life.

With great grace and dignity, Nikki shouted, "Hey, 's mine."

Yeah, alright, that could probably have gone a bit better. A lot better. Whatever. It wasn't such a big deal. She didn't need more beer anyways. Screw beer. Screw being drunk. If all adult stuff was like this, this sort of horrible half-sick disappointment and regret, well, maybe it wasn't such an awful thing that Nikki'd never get older than sixteen. Hey, if you said it like that, it didn't even sound that bad.

Yup. Never growing older. That was the new code for dying.
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Post by Rocky* »

Joanne had to stop herself from tackling Siobahn as she came sliding to a halt in front of her. She was thankful that she could find one of her friends. At least if she was going to die, might as well die happy. Or something. She had no idea what her brain was trying to say right now. She mostly just wanted to sleep. But she couldn't do that! Not yet at least. Sleep would come later. For now, she had to see what was up with her friend.

The blonde girl listened to the other ramble off what had happened, ending with asking Joanne if she wanted a beer. As tempting as it was, getting drunk wouldn't help her out in the slightest at that moment. Staying awake was her top priority. Her eyes weren't agreeing with her though. The lids began to feel heavy, drooping before she snapped the back open.

"You umm... wouldn't happen to have anything sugary?" Joanne asked Siobahn, knowing what the answer would be but hoping that she was wrong. She didn't need to be falling asleep now.
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Post by Shawnee* »

((Sorry for the late reply, christmas stuff and everything, also sorry for my crappier than usual writing, I'm kinda not in the mood right now but I'd hate to drag the thread out even more ^ ^))

"Sugary?" Siobhan asked, sucking her lower lip in. Her outstretched arms slowly lowered themselves until she nervously picked at the hem of her skirt. Oh...That's all...Weird. Siobhan bit down on her lip, trying to give off the image that she was deep in thought, when all she truly felt was deflated.

Joanne seemed happy in her own way, but it seemed different, as silly as that sounded. Joanne had that narky-pepsi disorder that made her sleepy all the time and for that reason she was usually running around and things. Siobhan had done her own fair share of running, if she could call it that, since she had woken up, and she was a textbook fatty. Joanne on the other hand, had probably been zipping all over the map, but now she looked all beaten down and groggy.

Siobhan would probably mentally kick herself later for forgetting Joanne had a medication, and that they weren't just Reeses Pieces. Should I just go with it? She turned her head to face Nikki, curled up beneath the shiny blanket like a slab of meat in tinfoil and raised an eyebrow. Then it hit her, Joanne was all sleepy and she was demanding snacks. Didn't stoners get the munchies? Getting drugs as a weapon wouldn't be too far fetched, especially since Nikki was given booze and she was just a minor.

Oh my christ...She's baked. A little bag of pot didn't seem so farfetched at all, sure it wasn't a lethal weapon but neither was beer, plus guns were sort of illegal and that Ferrera kid gotten one. I have to take care of a drunk AND a stoner? Siobhan could feel her chance at surviving any significant length of time dropping like her aunt Maeve at the St. Patrick's Day parade.

Joanne was a friend, but she also looked kinda stoned. People who were intoxicated or high didn't act like they usually did, Nikki had nearly gotten herself shot and everything plus Siobhan had seen the ad about your brain on drugs with the egg and the frying pan. Joanne may have been about to pass out at any given moment but Siobhan didn't want to anger her or anything, she was pretty sure she'd lose a fight even to a stoned girl with a sleeping problem.

"Um...I think I saw these brownie things in the bags when I was getting Nikki her blanket. Do...Do you want one?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Well, seemed like they were just gonna ignore Nikki's claim to the beer. Probably the right call, or something. Not like she really needed it. Yeah. Nothing lost. Nothing of value. Yeah, and now they were talking and stuff. The other girl wanted sweets. Why did she want that? Was this gonna be, like, one of those crazy last meal things? If I have to die, let me at least do so having consumed, like, fifty thousand calories of cotton candy first? There were probably worse things to do with the short remainder of their lives. Like chugging most of a six pack. That'd do it.

So, yeah, Siobhan was talking about brownies. Woo, brownies. At least they had something with actual flavor to gnaw on as they died. Maybe that'd be a way to survive. Gather up all the good food and then trade it for guns and stuff. Nah, it'd never work. People with guns could just shoot them for food, and Nikki couldn't work a gun anyways. They were still screwed. Good to know. Meant she wouldn't waste much energy fighting the inevitable. The room was kinda fuzzy, kinda blurry, and it sure wasn't making her feel any better. Maybe it would be good to worm her way over to Siobhan and that other girl, find out if they needed help or something. Or maybe search the crates. Yeah, that'd be good, find something useful inside. Maybe they were full of grenades and machine guns, or a helicopter or a tank.

It was simple. She just had to, like, stand up and stuff. Stand up, regain fine motor control, and crack open one of those old boxes. Dig through and pull out something awesome. It'd be the perfect form of redemption. All those fanfic writers would be in awe of her, would go, "Oh that Nikki, she's so clever, who else would have found that bazooka conveniently left unprotected in that ancient crate?"

So she tried to get up. Failed a couple times, but that was to be expected. Nothing worth doing came easy. Of course, she almost changed her mind, almost decided to just leave things be. Lying in a corner was so simple. She didn't really even have to focus on anything except breathing. Automatic function took care of the rest. It was nice. It was safe. But dangit all, she owed Siobhan something. Something small. Like, at least a tiny bit of effort towards being useful. So maybe a giant sword was unlikely. They could still at least get a wrench or something out of this mess, right? Something better than... whatever Siobhan had. Some sort of stick thing. Yeah, batter than that.

So Nikki finally managed to make it, managed to stand and totter a few steps towards the nearest stack of crates. Unfortunately, she didn't really have the leg control going to stop moving, instead sort of flopping towards the crates and crashing into them. It turned out they weren't full of sabers or guns or whatever. They were full of washers and nuts and screws and bolts and nails, and as they toppled to the floor, spilling everywhere and unleashing a giant crash, Nikki hardly had time to be thankful that the momentum pushed them away from her, that, instead of falling into the rusty mess, she merely wiped out on the untoppled bottom crate, smashing her stomach and winding herself but not getting cut and mangled and stabbed.

No, what Nikki was focused on was the awful stinging burning bruised nasty pain in her stomach, the shortness of breath and the feeling like she was just gonna barf her heart and brains out all at once and just die right there. With the echoes of the crash still ringing throughout the warehouse, Nikki began to sob.
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Post by Rocky* »

Joanne tried to no look disappointed when Siobahn told her the type of food they had. I was no different from what she had, and that stuff hadn't been much help. Even after eating nearly everything she had taken from that boy, she was still feeling drowsy. Well, there's not much that can be done.

"No," Joanne said, giving her head a small shake. "I'll be fine. Just gotta keep moving is all."

Joanne was quickly snapped to attention by a loud crash nearby. The blonde girl's first reaction was to grip her axe in both hands, her eyes now alert as adrenaline kicked in. She didn't know who made the noise, but her first reaction was to make sure Siobahn was behind her. For all the good that would do. She recalled her friend saying something about another girl, whose name escaped her. Maybe it was just her? Or maybe someone attacked her.

Joanne didn't want to move. It just didn't seem like the best idea at that moment. So instead Joanne called out "Who's there?" while gripping the axe tighter.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Sorry for skipping, but inactivity's sneaking up))

Uh oh. This was, well, this could actually get kinda ugly and stuff. Nikki was all crying and useless and hurting and icky and someone was shouting and it wasn't Siobhan and now they were gonna come and skin her for making noise or something. Or, hey, worse than that, maybe since she made so much noise they'd just, like, force-march her into every place they went from now on so that she'd draw out all the dangerous people and take some shots. Then they'd be all sad and stuff, like, "Poor Nikki, we hardly knew her, but hey, that's okay, means we don't have to cry as long so let's go gun our way out of here."

And then they'd skip off into the sunset and Nikki would just be a footnote in this whole nasty ordeal.

She made this horrible squawk sound and rolled away from the crate she was stuck on. Luckily, she didn't land in any nails and tacks. Less luckily, she still hit the concrete kinda hard, so she just kept on sobbing. Hey, it'd worked so far. Why change a winning strategy?
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Sorry to split, but Nikki's got a date with some very unpleasant stuff))

It hurt. Everything hurt. Man, even life hurt, seemed like. It was too much, and the other girl would come and kill her, and Siobhan was distracted or gone or dead, and it was all just too much, it all just sucked, it all... she didn't even know anymore. She needed air. Space. Somewhere to go barf her guts out.

She needed to see the sky.

So she took off. Suddenly, she actually had speed and stuff, actually had some muscle control. Adrenaline or something. Not really important. Also, she wasn't bringing her bag, but that didn't really matter, right? She didn't have any weapon, and she'd be right back. Yeah. Right back.

Nothing to worry about.

Picture this:

A maze, a labyrinth, a twisting and a turning, dark and terrible and fantastic. Sounds and panting and footsteps. How many? And running stumbling staggering, and trying to hold the puke back, just for a bit, and then a bang, an impact on something rusty and ancient, the gates of Hell itself.

Desperation, tugging and panting and hoping nothing's in pursuit, nothing's following, and then it cracks open and—lo!— it is not Hell but Paradise stretched out to forever, in the form of light and scraggly grass and some buildings and stuff.

She turns, looks back into the dark. Calms a bit. She should go back. But... no. She's been a burden. A hassle. A problem. Better to sneak off a while, sober up. Yeah, that's the ticket. Yeah. Easy. Quick. Just a jaunt through zoo, then back into the cage.

One more glance.

The sky is the color of goodbye.

((Nikki Campbell continued in Picture This))
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Post by Rocky* »

No answer. Whoever had made whatever noise that shocked Joanne back into momentary alertness had apparently left, judging by the receding footsteps. The girl found her shoulders relaxing as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Walking to where the source of the noise came from, Joanne found herself looking at various bits of metal and an overturned crate. Whoever did it was long gone.

With the adrenaline wearing off, Joanne found herself yawning. Not good. She felt even more tired than she was before. Before she even knew what she was doing, the blonde haired girl found herself moving in the direction of the old mattress that more or less dominated her view. She was only vaguely aware of Siobahn at her side before she flopped down onto the mattress.

As Joanne slowly began to slip into unconsciousness, she remembered that Siobahn said she was with someone else. Who was it again... oh right, Nikki. Wonder where she ran off to. Joanne opened her eyes for a moment, finding Siobahn in her vision.

"I... I'm really tired...." Joanne said slowly. She felt her eyes getting heavy again, but forced herself to keep them open a bit longer. "Just... lemme sleep for a bit... and we can go look for Ni-nikki..." The last thing Joanne saw before finally falling asleep was Siobahn reluctantly sitting on the edge of the mattress, waiting for her friend to wake up.
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Maddie Harris continued from Sanctuary)

She wasn't a hundred percent sure that she was going to be welcome anywhere, part of her knew this because she was convinced that her murder was written all over her face, as though the deed had left hand prints on her body in bright red paint. This, of course, was completely silly, how could that possibly be? The girl she had left in the armory did not seem to see the murder, then again...maybe she had just not been around long enough. She wasn't sure where she was going, she didn't have a plan and part of her wished that she had stayed with the people she was with before she...

Well, before she had killed Damon.

She missed Duncan. Was that strange? It had to be weird that she missed a strange boy that she barely knew, a boy that had basically witnessed her murder another boy in front of her, but that was the way of it. It..wasn't like she liked him or anything. It was just that he had made her feel safe. He had made her feel that maybe things were going to be okay after all.

And now she had messed it up, and now she no longer felt safe.

Where was she now? She had just walked purposefully away from the empty armory, away from the girl she had so badly wanted to dispatch, and she didn't know where she was going. It looked like a warehouse. That seemed okay...

"Hello?" It was as though she was speaking fluent horror movie. "Is anyone there?"
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Post by Mini_Help »

((Lame post, but just moving things along))

This wasn't good at all. Siobhan shifted awkwardly on the mattress, looking down at Joanne. She wanted to go and chase after Nikki, find out where she'd got to, but at the same time, well, she couldn't just up and leave Joanne sleeping here. What if somebody ran across the possibly-stoned girl whilst she was in dreamland? But every moment Siobhan stayed here, the further away Nikki got. A dilemma for sure. She wanted to go after her friend, but just abandoning Joanne was nothing but cold.

Then, somebody called out, and Siobhan all of a sudden had something else to worry about. Someone had found this spot in the warehouse... what the heck was she supposed to do? She hesitated. It was a girl's voice, and to call out in a dark warehouse had to mean something, right? You wouldn't do that unless you were somehow trustworthy.

"Uh, hey! Hey it's Siobhan!"

Probably better to keep back Joanne's presence for now.
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Post by Rocky* »

She didn't know how long she was out for, but it probably couldn't have been for more than ten minutes before Joanne was roused awake by the sound of voices. Keeping her eyes shut, partly to keep up the pretense that she was still asleep, and also because of she didn't want to see what she would see upon waking up, she listened to see what was happening.

From what she could tell, someone had called out to see if anyone was there, and Siobahn had answered. Who was this new person? Their voice was obviously female, one that she recognized but couldn't quite place in her semi-conscious state. She couldn't even tell if the person was dangerous or not, although she assumed that if they wanted to kill them, they'd already be dead. There was nothing more to do except wait she supposed, cracking one eye open to see Siobahn standing near her.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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