Program V2: The First Announcement

Announcements for the second version of The Program are stored here.
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Program V2: The First Announcement


Post by Namira »

Day One (September 18, 2025): 20:00 PM
Weather: It's a chill night. Minimal cloud cover doesn't make for a pleasant atmosphere in the outdoors. The wind isn't heavy, but the occasional gust cuts like a knife.

Perhaps half a mile or so outside the valley was the military's camp, a forest of pitched tents and temporarily erected canvas, a number of parked vehicles, some of them filled with equipment. A chopper stood on a makeshift landing pad, fuelled up and ready to take to the air at a moment's notice.

David Adams sat in a trailer, boots propped up on a panel, probably touching things that he shouldn't have been. The wall opposite him was covered with screen after screen, a live feed of a selection of the valley's cameras. It had been a lot easier to keep track of what was going on in the compound, but that had been... too contained, too boxed in, too orderly. It made it difficult for people to relate to the environment, drew the mind away from the "Jeez, that could be where I live" type of mindset. For the valley... they needed a hell of a lot more cameras, and the pine stands for one had been an utter nightmare to even attempt to keep track of. But... they'd managed, more or less, and the new technology should make things easier.

"Sir, the announcement is due."

Adams looked around to see Charrell hovering in the doorway, then slowly nodded.

"All right... here's your baby at work. I just hit these buttons to make them a danger zone, right?"

The heavy-set engineer nodded. "Yes sir, I've labelled each of them to indicate which area they correspond to."

"Thanks. It's appreciated," Adams yawned and sat up straight, taking hold of his head in both hands and then cricking his neck with a disconcertingly loud crack. "Let's get this show on the road."


Across the valley, strategically placed systems came crackling to life, to the accompaniment of an off-key humming of 'Born in the USA'.

"Hi boys and girls of every age! Have I got news for you! Death, drama, high action, comedy! ...Okay to be honest I'm pretty much only gonna tell you about the death. What? I don't have time to sit here and give you a play by play, all right?

Step right up Dylan Walker as the first person to score themselves a kill in this version. Pro tip guys; just cause they've got different colour skin doesn't mean they can't kill you. Dylan did for Brigid Paxton, and... pro tip number two; just cause you have a bad weapon, doesn't mean you can't pick up a rock and wreck someone's skull with it.

Next down was Caleb Smartt, who got caught in a crossfire and shot clean in the head. Nice shot, uh... holy shit her name is actually-"

There was a moment of quiet, as the shuffling of papers was heard, and a muted call of 'Hey!', followed by a quiet but audible - as if spoken away from the microphone 'Her name is America - how freaking funny is that?'

"Ahem. Sorry. Technical issue. Caleb was shot by America Fox, again proving pro tip #1, and then directly leading to pro tip #3; even if you're not engaging with someone, they can engage themselves with you.

Finally, Emily Barnes got shoved so hard by Robin Pounds she ah... had a bit of an accident. Now I've heard of getting up on the wrong side of the bed, Robin, but... that was just plain rude.

Anyhow, that's all for now... apart from a very special moment from our sponsors. ...Nah just kidding, here are some places that'll make you explode if you don't leave pronto. The Scorched Ruin, and The Crag Cabin.

Happy hunting, kiddos. Remember that it's not the destination that matters, but how you get there."


Okay guys, the rolled characters for this go round are as follows:

#1 Dylan Walker (Violent Medic) - Marley Jenkins (Violent Medic, Swap Card used)
#2 Gwen Phonesavanh (Psychedelic)
#3 Tori Gavlik (leAloha) - Erin Underwood (Inky, Hero Card used)

As normal you have three days to submit any cards and a further seven days to have the death completed.

You also have three days to vacate any dangerzones or risk death via collar detonation. Best bet is to not leave it to other people to help you clear out.

Have a good one!
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