Put Down the Pen, Take Up the Sword

Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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Put Down the Pen, Take Up the Sword


Post by Aura »

((Yumi Nunes continued from Hush, Hush))

Yumi could no longer see or hear the commotion happening at the stream. She counted herself lucky that she didn't become another victim of the crazy kicking girl. Hopefully the other girl on the scene managed to subdue her in order to keep her from killing again. Even if she did, it still wasn't wise to hang around the scene of a murder. Someone could happen upon the scene and jump to conclusions, and they would probably attack, just like everyone Yumi had met so far had done.

She happened upon a large wooded area and figured that it would be a safe place to rest. If anyone found her, she could probably lose them in the trees. She sat down and tried to clear her head of all the madness that was taking place around her. All the hatred, fighting, and killing was clouding her mind, and she was at a higher stress level than usual as a result.

I just wish this whole Program would end so I could go home.
((Brian Meyerhold Callison continued from 2 B A Patriot))

Brian made his way across the valley, with Damien following closely behind. The duo found a large area absolutely filled with trees. Brian has careful not to make too much noise as he made his way through the trees in order to avoid drawing attention to himself and keep any potential targets unaware of his presence. He led the way for a few minutes before stopping cold, putting his arm up to signal for Damien to stop as well.

He had caught sight of a girl sitting alone amongst the pine trees. He couldn't tell exactly what she was, but to him she looked like a cross between a Mexican and some sort of Asian. He sneered as he examined her from afar.

Such an impure creature should never be allowed within the boundaries of our country.

The girl looked quite frail, and he doubted that she had any real means of defending herself. Even if she did know all those crazy Asian fighing moves, his meat hook hurts more than a punch to the chest. Plus, he had Damien, and there wasn't anyone else nearby, so there would be no fools trying to break up any fights that may occur.

"Damien." He whispered to his partner-in-crime. "I believe we've found our first target."
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Post by Fiori »

((Damien Stone continued from 2 B A Patriot))

Damien didn't like the look of this. Back when he'd first woken up, he had taken the opportunity to get a good look at their surroundings from the mountain road. From there he could see the town, a large lake, what looked like a ruin of some description way in the distance and the woodland area that they were now traveling through.

Admittedly, Damien was never fond of the woods, particularly in a dangerous situation such as this. Experience from playing paintball had taught him that behind every tree lurked a potential enemy, waiting for the right moment to strike. And given their lack of firearms, it would only take one asshole with a gun to completely wipe them both out, and the last thing Damien wanted was to die without having the chance to fight back.

Of course, traveling through the woods also had it's advantages. Whilst it meant that it would be more difficult to spot an enemy who was stalking them, it would also make it much easier for them to set up their own ambushes. Hell, if they were careful they could easily catch some lone gunman off-guard and acquire their sidearm, which would make surviving this situation all the easier. The fact that they were working together rather than against each other would definitely help, especially seeing as most of his classmates probably wouldn't expect two players to work together, given how ultimately only one of them was destined to survive this.

In any case, from the looks of things Brian had just spotted their first victi... Target. Their first target.

He looked at the girl Brian was referring to, making sure to keep his head down so that she wouldn't spot him. She looked vaguely familiar, although Damien wasn't 100% sure what her name was. Yoomee or something? Wasn't she half-Asian-half-hispanic as well? Damien was sure he must have bumped into her a couple of times, maybe even taunted her once or twice. Wasn't she also...

STOP! Stop it right there! She's your enemy god damnit, stop thinking of her as a person! You do that and you'll never survive this.

"So..." he whispered back. "What's our plan of action? Want to circle round, get her with a pincer movement? Something like that?"
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Post by Aura »

"So... What's our plan of action? Want to circle round, get her with a pincer movement? Something like that?"

Brian grinned. "No... nothing like that..." He whispered back to Damien. Just follow me until i say 'stop', then stand still until i give any further orders. On the off chance that she attacks, I give you full permission to take evasive action." Brian wasn't going to let Damien rush in like a berserker and ruin their shot at an easy kill. He had to make sure that this was carefully planned in order to minimize any risk of failure. "Now follow me, and make sure you do not make a sound."

Brian took out his meat hook and held it at the ready as he skulked through the trees. He would put her down quick with one stab to the neck. Nice and clean, just like a military sharpshooter. He took a quick look back to check if Damien was still following him. It made Brian quite uncomfortable to know that the biggest margin of error in his plan was someone he had little to no control over. Even if Damien followed his instructions, the big oaf could still trip over something or step on a brance, ruining the whole plan. Brian tried to force that thought out of his head. There could be no failure in his mind if he wanted to succeed.

Brian continued to close the distence between him and the girl. He was mere feet away from ridding the world of another filthy foreigner. So close to meeting his goal. Nothing could go wrong...

Brian stepped on a pine cone.

Yumi looked up when she heard the crunching sound and saw two boys looming over her. She recognized them as the class president and a football player, but she was more concerned about the fact that the shorter-haired one was brandishing a meat hook at her. She screamed, as any sane person sould do.

Brian, upon realizing that the girl was aware of his presence, shouted "STOP!", hoping that Damien hadn't forgotten their code word.

Yumi, not too keen on following Brian's command, jumped up and tried to run away, but Brian caught one of her sleeves. Brian raised his meat hook and swung it downward at the sleeve, but Yumi managed to worm her arm out of the sleeve before it could be impaled. She pulled her other arm out of the jacket, which was not firmly in Brian's grasp, and tried once again to escape. Brian reacted by throwing the jacket to the ground and chasing after her.

Yumi ran a few steps and felt as though she was in the clear. She tried to run into the trees in order to lose her pursuers, but was caught from behind by a surprise tackle from Brian. Brian got hmself into a mount position and spit at her. "Fucking vermin, why can't you just lay down and die?" His normally calm voice was full of hatred and frustration. He was angry that his perfect plan had been destroyed by a mere pine cone, and now he was going to take it out on the girl under him. He swung his meat hook downwards into Yumi's shoulder, the point digging deep into the flesh. She screamed once again, piercing the silence of the valley.

My arm... Oh God, I can't feel my arm!

Brian roughly pulled out the hook, causing even more damage than it already had done going in. The sheer pain caused Yumi to cry silently, her tears moistening the dirt under her. Brian realized that Damien was still out there, possibly about to rush in and jeopardize everything. He took a moment to calm himself before turning around and calling back to Damien in a less angry, but still stressed voice.

"Stay where you are, Damien! I'll be there in just a moment!"
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Post by Fiori »

So, instead of opting for them to both approach the girl from opposite angles to make sure she has nowhere to run, Brian wanted him to hang around near the back whilst he went ahead and put her down all by himself?

Sure, why not. If Brian thought he could take this girl out all on his own, why should he object to it? It's not like there was some competition going on for who could amass the largest body count, and Damien was in no hurry to get his hands bloody anyway. Besides, this way if something went horribly wrong and the girl either got away or killed Brian in the process, the bastard would have nobody but himself to blame.

"Now follow me, and make sure you do not make a sound."

"Roger that..." he whispered back, making sure to keep his distance as Brian scurried off ahead of him.

Why do I have a bad feeling that you're gonna screw this up...

Sure enough, barely seconds later Brian stepped on a pinecone.

You stupid motherfucker!

And just like that, the chase was one. Within moments, both Brian and the girl had disappeared into the undergrowth, the only thing stopping Damien from following them being that Brian had ordered him to not pursue them. Naturally, given the fact that Brian had been the one who had alerted the girl to their prescience, Damien was no exactly pleased with how things were playing out.

Dumbass son-of-a-bitch! If we'd done things my way, she wouldn't have had anywhere to run. You keep this shit up and maybe we'll have to readdress who's really in charge here...

Whilst he was unable to see them from where he was standing, from the sound of things Brian had managed to catch up with her, what with all the shrieks of anguish and everything. Just listening to that girl scream her head off made Damien feel both uneasy and more than a little disturbed, partially because he was concerned that it would attract some unwarranted attention but mostly somehow, killing a defenceless American girl in the middle of the woods wasn't exactly the most heroic thing in the world. And as much as Damien accepted the fact that this was all necessary and couldn't be helped, at the same time he couldn't help but feel angry that this couldn't have been done more swiftly.

Christ, if I'd been the one to go after her, she'd already be dead by now.

"Stay where you are, Damien! I'll be there in just a moment!" Brian called back just as Damien was beginning to consider running up to see what the hell was going on.

"Just hurry up and finish her off already!" he yelled back, checking his surroundings to make sure that nobody had shown up to see what all the noise was about. A part of Damien couldn't help but wonder why it was taking so long for Brian to kill one girl, considering the fact that from the sound of things he'd managed to slow her down.

Then again, at the same time a part of Damien didn't want to know what his supposed ally had in mind...
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Post by Aura »

"Just hurry up and finish her off already!"

Damien sounded like he was beginning to get quite impatient. Brian had to finish his work quickly. He prepared to take another swing of his meat hook, this time aimed at the back of the girl's neck, but he was caught by surprise by a sudden elbow to the thigh. Yumi hadn't quite given up on life yet, and was mow thrashing around under Brian, repeatedly slamming her one good arm into him and kicking her legs like crazy in a desperate attempt to escape.

I don't want to die! Please let me go, I don't want to die!

Brian could feel the girl breaking free from his mount position. In order to avoid another chase through the woods, he punched the girl in the back of the head. The shock of the blow stunned her, and Brian slammed his fist against the back of the girl's skull one more time to dissuade any further attempts to fight him off. He was thouroughly agitated now. There was no way that he should have this much trouble dispatching a mere foreigner.

He got up and examined the exhausted, injured girl. She was breathing heavily, and was still bleeding from her shoulder thanks to Brian's meat hook. His thigh ached slightly from the blows delivered by Yumi's elbow, but he would walk it off, just like a real American would. He lifted Yumi up by her hair, which made her cringe, but the rest of her body followed, limp arm and all. Once she was standing, Brian would deliver that stab to the throat that he should have given her before she decided to run. Damned pine cone ruined everything.

Brian lifted Yumi back to standing position. He wanted to see the defeat in her face, the hopelessness in her eyes before he ended her life. He was full of anticipation for that moment. His hand gripped the meat hook tighter. Any seconde now, he would see...


Brian doubled over. Yumi had gathered what was left of her strength and punched him in the stomach. She did it as a last-ditch attempt to bring down the murderous blonde before he could finish her off. She tried to run, but her legs had been injured when Brian tackled her. The best she could do was limp. She limped as fast as she could to get away from the maniac attacking her.

When Brian recovered from the punch, he was not happy. That made two times that the little mongrel whore had escaped him, and he was not going to allow her a third escape. He ran at her and grabbed her by the arm. In one fast motion, he swung her against the nearest tree, holding the arm behind her back. He pressed he against the tree, slowly wrenching her arm beyond it's limits. Yumi was screaming bloody murder at first, but her voice began to die down as she began to tire out. Her adrenaline was spent. She couldn't fight anymore. She could only try to brace herself as Brian pinned her against the tree.

Once Yumi's arm refused to be wrenched any further, he whispered into her ear, his voice far angrier than it ever had been at school.

"You worthless bitch. If you had just let me kill you, then none of this would have happened. You just had to fight, and look how much good that did you. Now your death will be slow and painful rather than quick and easy."

Upon finishing his speech, Brian pulled Yumi away from the tree and went in the direction he had last seen Damien. Brian had decided that, since Yumi had irritated him so much, she shouldn't even have the honor of being killed by him. Rather, he would give her to Damien. Surely his fellow patriot would appreciate such a kind offering. He hastily recomposed himself and raised his voice to call out to his companion.

"I'm coming, Damien!"

Brian roughly pulled Yumi along with him as he marched toward Damien. Yumi, in constant pain at this point, could do nothing but follow along as tears silently fell down her face. She knew that, barring a miracle, she was going to die.

When Brian caught sight of Damien, he cheerily marched over, dragging Yumi along. Once they were in front of Damien, Brian tried to force Yumi to her knees, but her legs refused to budge. Trying his hardest not to show his frustration, Brian kicked Yumi in the back of her knee. She felt a pop and a crack, and collapsed to her knees with little more than a gasp and a whimper. Brian smiled at Damien and happily addressed him.

"She's all yours, Damien. Consider it your first step on the road to patriotism."

Brian acted as though he were a game show host presenting Damien with a new car. Yumi looked up at the long-haired boy who was now the master of her fate. Fear was still present in her eyes and pain in her dirt-smudged, tear-streaked face as she made one last shaky, desperate plea.

"...Please help me..."
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Post by Fiori »

"I'm coming, Damien!"

"Well, it's about friggin' time. What the hell took you so..." Damien began, only to stop mid-sentence the moment he noticed that Brian was dragging the girl behind him.

The fuck?

Now this just wasn't right. At first, Damien assumed that he was just bringing her corpse along, which was pretty freaking creepy all by itself. But then he realised that the girl was alive and in agony, crying her heart out as Brian dragged her along the ground, which whilst not quite as disturbing as the previous assumption was still pretty darn fucked up. Damien just wanted to kill her and get it over and done with. What the hell was Brian thinking? Did he want to take her prisoner or something? Did he...

No, no way he would want to do that. Who the fuck thinks about that kind of thing here of all places? If that's what Brian wanted, then he may as well kill the sick bastard right here and now.

"She's all yours, Damien. Consider it your first step on the road to patriotism."

Damien looked his so-called ally in the eyes, occasionally glancing at the sobbing girl that lay at his feet. Whilst thankfully Brian wasn't suggesting that they do what Damian thought he was going to suggest, the fact still remained that Brian was acting like a goddamn freak right now. What kind of person smiles about this kind of thing? This wasn't some kind of game, where you win points for every ex-schoolmate you kill. Only psychopaths find amusement in this kind of thing, and god dammnit Damien really hoped that he hadn't found himself allied with one.

Then again, maybe Brian just couldn't stomach the thought of killing someone himself, and the reason he's smiling is because he was relieved that he had someone who was more willing to hold the burden? True, Damien was more than willing to do what was necessary, and deep down he refused to believe that a guy like Brian actually enjoyed this shit. Then again, maybe Damien was just kidding himself?

In any case, the fact remained that he still had to put this girl out of her misery. He looked down at the foreigner who lay at his feet, tears still pouring from her eyes as she pleaded with him to let her go. God damnit, this wasn't what Damien wanted at all. Killing someone was one thing, but killing someone who was unarmed, crying and posed virtually no threat to you whatsoever? That was something completely different altogether. Hell, even when he tried to justify to himself that she would do the same thing if she was in his positon, somehow he didn't get the impression that she would. Half-breed or not, she was still born and raised in America damnit.

For fuck's sake Damien, get over it! Just finish her off already!

He shook the thoughts of doubt from his mind, positioning the point of his pitchfork over her neck and gently placing a foot on top of it so that it would be easier to impale her. Hopefully this would finish her off relatively quickly, seeing as the last thing he wanted was to make her suffer more than she already had. He took another glance at Brian, who still seemed happy as ever at the sight of one his classmates about to get murdered, before returning his gaze to the girl.

Whilst he didn't show the slightest hint of remorse, deep down Damien couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for the girl who's life he was about to end, regardless of the colour of her skin or the countries her family hailed from.

Sorry this had to go this way, but only one of us is getting out of here alive...

On that note, he closed his eyes and stamped down on the pitchfork as hard as he could, keeping it pinned down for as look as it took to finish this.
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Post by Aura »

Yumi continued to look up at the boy with the pitchfork. There was still a chance, however small, that he would take pity on her. Her knees had failed to hold her upright, and she lay on the ground, staring upwards and awaiting her fate. Every second seemed longer as she felt the sting of her wounds and the dizziness from blood loss. She needed medical attention, and if she didn't get it soon, things would be over for her even if the two boys didn't kill her directly.

She saw the long-haired boy raise his pitchfork and point it downward at her. He had made his choice. Yumi wanted to move, to do anything she could to get out of the way, but her body refused to respond. The exhaustion had won, and she could do nothing to prevent the inevitable.

As the pitchfork came down, time seemed to slow down for Yumi. A number of images flashed through her mind.

Mom. Dad. Grandma Nina. Grandpa Alberto.

The four people who meant more to Yumi than anything were on her mind. She missed them so much. If it hadn't been for the Program, she would probably be at home, enjoying one of her grandmother's meals while her grandfather told funny stories about things that happened to him growing up. See remembered a meal like that happening last Sunday. She tried to keep thinking about that image, pushing everything about the Program out of her mind. She wanted her last thought to be a nice one.

The pitchfork stabbed directly into her throat. Yumi was shocked back into the present situation. She could taste blood, and it was quickly becoming harder to breathe. All of her muscles tensed up, as if making a futile attempt to stave off death. She made a few small convulsions, but little else. As her life faded, her body stopped responding. Within moments, the light behind her eyes was gone, and Yumi Nunes was dead.

Ever since she could remember, she had suffered one way or another, be it from bullying, poverty, or the Program. The only upside now was that she wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
Brian watched as Damien executed the helpless girl. While he couldn't help but be bothered by how much trouble he had been through in the process, he couldn't help but feel satisfied that he had helped to eliminate an unworthy parasite from his beloved country's soil. He was one step closer to getting home, and by association, one step closer to the White House. Even better, there was one less un-American with a shot at making it out, thanks to him and Damien.

Brian wiped some sweat from his forehead and looked at Damien. He was proud of his companion for carrying out his duty as a good patriot. If they stuck together, there's no telling how much scum they could purge from the valley. Brian was very glad that he had come across Damien after leaving the cabin, rather than one of those bleeding heart sympathizer-types. Someone like that deserved no better than the minorities.

Brian walked over to the dead girl's bag and opened it up. The rations were almost completely untouched, and the flashlight, map, and first aid kit still looked to be in pristine condition. With a little more digging, Brian found a knife and a manual. The front of the manual identified it as a ballistics knife, which made Brian quite excited. He had heard of these weapons before when reading about the military, and he would jump at the chance to try one out.

He took the knife and the manual and walked over to Damien. Since Damien had been the one to deliver the killing blow, Brian felt that it was only fair to offer the deceased's weapon to her killer. He held out the knife and asked Damien about it, completely ignoring the fact that they were standing over a dead body.

"I found this in the foreigner's bag. It looks quite formidable. Do you want it, or would you rather I took it?"

F07- Yumi Nunes: Deceased
33 students remaining
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Post by Fiori »

Yumi did not die as quickly as Damien had hoped.

If anything, her last moments looked particularly agonising, so much so that Damien instantly regretted not finishing her off in a more instantaneous fashion. The way she tried gasping for air, only to let out a nauseating gargling noise from all the blood that was spewing from her mouth. The way she convulsed and spasmed, only to suddenly stop as the life drained from her face. The look in her eyes the moment she finally passed away, a haunting empty look that was sure to stick with the young patriot for the rest of his life.

Damien wasn't sure what sickened him more. The fact that she had died in such a horrific manner, or the fact that he had been the one who had inflicted this fate on her.

As Brian walked over to the girl's bag, Damien just stood there over her body, still gazing deep into her eyes as he withdrew his pitchfork. This was the first time he had ever seen a dead body up close before, and little to say it was not like he imagined it would be. It wasn't like in the movies, where dead people look as though they're just asleep or something. This girl looked anything but asleep. She looked empty, unreal even, almost like a wax dummy. It was difficult to believe that the pile of flesh and bones that lay before him once used to be a living breathing human being. Just minutes ago this empty husk still had life in it.

And he had been the on who had ended it.

Fuck. This is just... Fuck.

Funnily enough, Damien wasn't exactly ecstatic about his first kill, although he wasn't particularly upset either. After all, this is exactly what he had intended, right? This would just be the first of many if he was to leave this valley alive. Of course, that didn't mean he liked it, not in the slightest. Maybe if she had attacked him first, or was posing a dangerous threat, then maybe he'd feel some comfort of ridding her. But as it stood, she had done literally nothing to provoke either him or Brian. She was the real victim here...

Damnit Damien, get the fuck over it! You keep thinking of your classmates as people then you're gonna end up dead. They're the enemy now! It's kill or be killed out here, and if you keep reacting like this every time you kill someone you're gonna be the one who ends up dead. So man the fuck up already!

As he wiped the end of his pitchfork on the girl's clothes, Brian returned with a knife he had found in her bag, offering it to Damien. Seeing as his confidence in Brian's abilities had taken a severe blow thanks to the whole pinecone fiasco, Damien accepted the offer within a heartbeat.

"Thanks, let me have a look.." he said, taking the knife off Brian and examining it.

"Hmm, a ballistic knife. I've heard about these, but never seen one up close before. Not bad."

He shoved the knife into his jean pocket and turned to his companion. "We'd still have to be pretty close for it to be effective though, but at least next time we might not have to chase them down if one of us screws up..."
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Post by Aura »

Damien took the knife from Brian and looked at it with much interest. It seemed that he was just as excited as Brian was to have found such a unique weapon. Damien stuck it into his pocket, which disappointed Brian a little, since he had really wanted to use it for himself. However, he was glad as long as it was in the hands of someone who would use it for a righteous cause.

"We'd still have to be pretty close for it to be effective though, but at least next time we might not have to chase them down if one of us screws up..."

Brian chuckled. "Yes, I suppose it would." He knew what Damien was referring to. That accursed pine cone that would have allowed their target to escape if it weren't for his quick reflexes. He knew that Damien would want to hear from him on the matter, so he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Damien, I know what you're thinking, and I would just like to say that I'm sorry for stepping on a pine cone and nearly jeopardizing our mission. I swear that I will not make such a grave misstep again. I only hope that you can forgive me for that little incident."

Brian felt as though some lighthearted banter would ease the situation a bit. He chuckled some more and poked Damien lightly in the ribs with his elbow. "Besides, we were pretty lucky to run into one of the weak ones, wouldn't you say? Someone a little more formidable might have actually posed a threat."
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Post by Fiori »

Yeah yeah, keep talking...

As much as Damien wanted to believe his ally's sentiment, the fact remained that actions speak louder than words, and so far all Brian had achieved was make what should have been an easy kill unnecessarily complicated. So until Brian was able to prove himself to be a competent ally, Damien wasn't feeling particularly forgiving any time soon.

That said, despite the light poke in the ribs that only served to irritate Damien even further, he couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at what Brian said next.

"Besides, we were pretty lucky to run into one of the weak ones, wouldn't you say? Someone a little more formidable might have actually posed a threat."

"When you put it that way, I suppose you're right... Had she been anyone else, you'd probably be dead by now." Damien replied with a grin on his face, giving Brian a pat on the back that was just a little too hard.

He took a momentary glance at the girl's body, reminding him once again of what he had done just minutes ago. Damien wasn't sure which was more surreal, the thought that not too long ago that empty shell was a living breathing human being, or the fact that he had been the one who had ended her life. It wasn't so much the fact that he had killed someone's that bothered him so much. Ever since he first wanted to be a soldier, he had accepted the fact that somewhere along the line he would have to kill for his country. What did bother him however was the fact that not only had he killed an otherwise innocent girl who was only seventeen years old, but that she had been a fellow classmate and an American rather than some godless enemy from a far off country.

Then again, was this really any different to killing for his country? After all, it wasn't as though he had wanted to kill her or anything. This is what the General wanted, right? To fight in order to prove your worth as an American... No, to prove your worth as a human being! Yes, that's right. This wasn't his fault at all. He wasn't some crazed murderer, or some sick-minded psychopath. He was simply a patriot following his government's orders, one who was determined to make it out of this valley alive, no matter what the cost.

He scanned the surrounding area, keeping a keen eye out for any unwanted guests. Whilst from the looks of things they seemed to be alone out there, Damien was convinced that someone out there must have heard all the racket that was going on. Someone who may very well have weapons that pose a genuine threat to their safety.

"I think we should move. All that racket probably caught the attention of half the valley, and I'd rather not be the one who gets ambushed next time."
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"When you put it that way, I suppose you're right... Had she been anyone else, you'd probably be dead by now."

Damien punctuated that sentence by giving Brian quite a hard pat on the beck. It was becoming quite clear that he would not be letting Brian's little pine cone mishap go for quite a while, at least until Brian was able to prove himself. All the young politician had to do was show that he was a worthy ally and leader. That shouldn't be too difficult a task for someone with his skillset. He just had to start playing a little smarter and a little more effeciently. He was sure that that would clear Damien's head of any doubt.

"I think we should move. All that racket probably caught the attention of half the valley, and I'd rather not be the one who gets ambushed next time."

"A good idea indeed, Damien." Brian responded. As much as he hated to admit it, their recent actions were most definitely going to attract attention to their current location, and he did not want to be caught standing over a dead body. Even for him, that would be a tough situation to talk his way out of. "We should make haste immediately. Success never came to a man who wasted time."

Brian picked up the dead girls's bag as he left the scene. The extra rations and first aid supplies would give them a leg up on the competition when it came to surviving. The young politician left the forest of pines to continue his mission.

((Brian Meyerhold Callison continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Fiori »

"We should make haste immediately. Success never came to a man who wasted time."

"Lead the way..." replied Damien, taking one last glance at the surrounding countryside before following his supposed leader.

Whilst he was still a little leery about Brian because of how enthusiastic he had been about killing the girl, for now Damien was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was his first kill after all, so he was probably feeling a bit hysterical about the whole thing. Probably just his way of coping with really messed up shit like murdering your own classmates. Damien was sure that over time, he'd quickly get over it and start acting like a rational human being.

And if he didn't, and it turned out that Brian really was a sadistic psychopath, then... Well, Damien was willing to play it by year. Worst case scenario, he could probably take Brian down without too much trouble.

Here's hoping it doesn't have to come to that...

((Damien Stone continued in Said the Spider to the Fly))
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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