If Only I Could Go for a Swim ...

(Re)start of G14, open

A beautiful shore. An over turned canoe sits upon the white, sparkling sands. If the SOTF ACT wasn't going on, this shore might just be considered beautiful. But, because it's on this particular island, the shore's white sands seem to beg to be painted with red.
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If Only I Could Go for a Swim ...


Post by decoy73 »

((Female Student #14: Charlie Norris - Restart))

Seriously, no one should ever in their life be able to truthfully claim that they know what sand tastes like. Charlie had become one of the unfortunate few who could state that yes, she did know what sand tasted like.

As she sat up and looked spat out the last of the sand, she wondered what kind of sick joke was being played on her. They could have woken her up and told her that the bus had stopped, rather than just dump her out in the middle of the park. She turned and looked at her bag, which had never been this ugly shade of brown, nor had it ever had "FEMALE STUDENT #14: CHARLENE NORRIS" stitched onto it, given that anybody who knew her at all called her "Charlie." Why couldn't I have gotten a different name? Like Stephanie, or something like that?

Charlie huffed and zipped open the bag to find stuff that was definitely not hers. Bread, a first aid kit, bottled water, a laminated map, a dry-erase marker, some paper, a few heavy blocks, and what seemed to be ...

Who the hell would give me a gun? Seriously, did Kiel ...

And then a memory hit her. Kiel Zigelstien, taking a bullet to the head. That fat douchebag telling everybody they would have to kill each other. The pieces slowly clicked into place, with Charlie's breathing becoming more and more rushed as her hand touched the metal on her neck and the situation hit her in full: She was going to have to kill everybody else. But how could she? It wasn't like everybody else was thinking the same thoughts.

She looked at the leaflet of paper that was in her new bag. Operation and Maintenance Manual: Military Armament Corporation was printed on the front page. Handwritten in the middle, above the logo were the words "MAC 10, 9mm". She thumbed through the pamphlet, trying to learn what she could. Apparently, she had a machine gun, and while she didn't know the specific shit, she was able to eventually get the gun loaded (those five blocks they gave her turned out to be the magazines), and ready to fire should she need to. She looked over the gun in her hand as she turned around, seeing her actual red backpack, which she slung onto her shoulders before slinging her duffel bag onto her left shoulder like a messenger bag.

Well, it's not like I'm going to be a rape target or anything.
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Post by Aura »

(Keira MacDonald continued from My Name Is Not G08)

After leaving the mansion, Keira had wandered across the island for a while. She had no idea how much time had passed, but the sun hadn't moved too far, so she hadn't wasted a whole day walking. It had only been a couple hours at the most. As she walked, the ugly duffel bag the terrorists had provided her with swayed back and forth. Adding to the load was her black backpack, adorned with a white skull and crossbones graphic. At this rate, she would have to find a place to rest soon, or she might collapse of exaustion.

Her eyes lit up when she saw a beach open up before her. Finally, she could have a place to sit down without worrying about poison ivy or pissed-off spiders or whatever was hiding in the undergrowth. She could just sit down and have a drink of water. Yes, that sounded nice. As she pondered about stopping to rest, she saw someone out of the corner of her eye.

It was Charlene Norris, but most everybody just called her Charlie. Pretty popular around school, and it wasn't hard to see why. She was beautiful and atheletic, a real good combination. Hell, if Keira swung that way, she'd probably go after her herself. Charlie didn't seem like the kind of person to go around killing people, so she might be a safe person to be around. Keira came out of the bushes to approach her,

"Hey, Charlie."

As Keira drew closer, she noticed an object in Charlie's hands. A gun. Looked like a real bad mother of a gun, too. As much as Keira didn't want to admit it, it sort of freaked her out.

"Nice, er, gun you got there."
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Post by decoy73 »

"Hey, Charlie. Nice, er, gun you got there."

Charlie looked at the source of the voice. Keira something. Kinda cute, but goth? Not her style. She was an okay person, though. Of course, the first thing that Keira mentioned was the gun in Charlie's hand. Well, at least she's not talking about my boobs. Charlie chuckled a little bit.

"Thanks. I don't even know if this is even legal to buy. Kinda scared of it myself. What did they give you?" Charlie, for once, looked over Keira carefully. From what she could get, Keira didn't seem like she herself would be dangerous, even if armed with something dangerous. Of course, Charlie didn't think herself dangerous, and if she wanted to, she could have filled Keira with lead at that moment (which she had absolutely no desire to do).
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Post by Aura »

Charlie didn't seem to want to fight, and that was a good thing, especially considering the fact that she had a scary-looking gun while Keira's weapon was still in her bag. So far, things were going pretty well.

"Thanks. I don't even know if this is even legal to buy. Kinda scared of it myself. What did they give you."

"Well, they weren't quite as nice to me as they were to you, I'll tell you that much." Keira unzipped her duffel bag and pulled out her bowie knife. "Yeah. It's pretty sharp, but not much good against a gun." She let out a half-hearted laugh. "You don't gotta worry about me, though. I'm not playing."

Keira put her knife away and grabbed a bottle of water. Hopefully, knowing that she wouldn't attack would put Charlie at ease. Keira really didn't feel like gettting gunned down at the moment. The skinny goth sat down in the sand beside the gun-toting bombshell and took a sip of water. The cool liquid felt so refreshing after hiking across the island. After a moment, she screwed the cap back on the water bottle and placed it back in her bag.

"Well, this pretty much sucks, doesn't it?"
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Post by decoy73 »

Keira was able to be a somewhat good sport about it, showing the large knife she had received, then took some water after putting it back.

"Well, this pretty much sucks, doesn't it?" Charlie just smirked as she put her gun into her bag and looked to the water for a second.

"And what a shame. If this were actually the trip and not some warped version of 'The Challenge,' this would be a good place to take a dip, get a tan, and show myself off." Charlie thought of the new swimsuit she had taken with her to start out the summer.

"Hell, we could just try to forget about it for a while, maybe pretend that this is the trip ... except with a machine gun and a knife." Charlie looked at Keira. "Sound good?" Maybe I'll stay sane through this.
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Post by Aura »

Charlie referred to their situation as a warped version of "The Challenge." Keira couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. She wasn't a big watcher of MTV, but she was pretty sure that The Challenge never had a gimmick that involved killing other contestants. In fact, she was pretty sure that trying to kill someone was grounds for getting kicked off. Good analogy, though.

"Hell, we could just try to forget about it for a while, maybe pretend that this is the trip ... except with a machine gun and a knife. Sound good?"

Pretend that this is the trip? Well, I've never been on an island vacation...

"Yeah, I guess so."

Keira looked towards the horizon, seeing the sunlight reflect off of the water. She hadn't really taken the time to appreciate her surroundings yet. She looked back and saw the lush jungle. She felt the warm sand on the beach. She had to admit that, despite the situation, the island itself was actually pretty nice.

"Y'know, this island really is beautiful. In almost any other situation, I'd be happy to be here."
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Post by decoy73 »

"Yeah, I guess so." Keira looked at the admittedly scenic view of the ocean, as well as the jungle behind them. "Y'know, this island really is beautiful. In almost any other situation, I'd be happy to be here." Charlie smiled at that.

"Well, then. Team Delusion it is." She took off her backpack and looked inside. Most of her stuff was there. Clothes, shades, swimsuit, towel ... Check. "Just give me a bit." Charlie then walked off into the jungle. It was the best place where she was going to be able to cover herself.

A few minutes later, Charlie came back to the spot where she had been. Her original set of clothes were now stashed in her backpack. Now Charlie had on a strapless blue tankini, flip-flops on her feet, and a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses being worn as a headband.

"So, how do I look?" Charlie turned herself a full three-sixty for Keira's benefit. She then laid the towel out on the sand in one flourish and sat down on it, reaching into her issued bag and taking out her gun before lying down and placing her sunglasses on her nose.

"This sun is nice. Just gorgeous." Charlie smiled as the sun's warm rays hit her body, providing that comfortable warmth she loved at this time of year.

If I die here, I may as well look good doing it.
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Post by Aura »

"Well, then. Team Delusion it is."

Yeah, we got a team name. All we need now is uniforms and we'll be set to go.

Keira continued to stare at the scene in front of her while Charlie left to go change. As she looked at all the beauty of nature around her, she began to ponder her predicament further. More specifically, what would happen if she found anyone else.

Well, judging by Charlie's big-ass gun, there's probably a few really powerful weapons on this island. And chances are, not everyone that got one will be as friendly as she is. If we do find someone that wants to kill us, and they have a weapon to back it up, are we just going to lay down and die, or will we fight back, even at the risk of killing the other person and becoming what we were trying to avoid?

Keira's thoughts reminded her exactly what the island was. Sure, it was beautiful, but it would be a blood-soaked mess within days. Fortunately, her pondering was brought to an end with Charlie's return, the blonde girl now wearing a strapless tankini and flip-flops.

"So, how do I look?"

"Let me put it this way. If I were a guy, my jaw would be on the ground."

Keira couldn't believe the situation she was in. She was in an island-wide death match armed only with a knife, and her only companion was a bikini-clad girl with a machine gun. This was some weird anime BS going on right here. As Charlie lay back to soak up the sun, Keira decided to take the opporitunity to get some drawing done. She pulled her sketchbook out of her bag along with a pencil, and began to sketch.
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Post by Slayer* »

(Start, David Jackson, etc.)

David still wasn't sure what he thought. His mind refused to process what had just happened, bar confirming he had indeed just dumped a chainsaw in the jungle a few minutes ago. It wasn't supposed to be like this, Kiel wasn't supposed to be dead. They were supposed to be putting their feet back, letting themselves have some fun at the end of the year. How could it all have gone so wrong?

He'd been kicking himself a little, earlier. How hadn't he noticed anything wrong? Nikki had sat right next to him, and he'd been so caught up in enjoying the ride - and the magnificently low-cut top she'd decided to wear on the bus - everything else had just faded from his mind. He couldn't even remember anything about the trip before the terrorists arrived, it had been a blur of conversation and her lips against his and dozing lightly in the California heat.

Piecing events together had been pointless. His usual confidence was gone, his heart turned to ice. It was shock, plain and simple. How did one get their head around the idea everyone on their bus - probably including themselves - was going to die? His brother would've sat down and thought up a plan, but David was never a planner. He just did.

That was easier said than done when you were effectively unarmed. Seriously, what could you do with a damn chainsaw? As it was, he'd been wandering around for God only knew how long, almost wanting someone to attack him just to stop the waiting. It was the inactivity, the never knowing if there was someone with a gun around the next corner, that really got to him. If he could just see someone, maybe it'd give him a chance to settle down and figure out what the hell to do.

Naturally, his luck as it was, his thoughts and the heat beating down on him and the sand shifting under his feet distracted him, and he didn't notice the two women on the shore until he'd almost walked right into them. They didn't seem to have spotted him, but he started and took several steps back, evaluating. They were better-armed, a submachine gun and a large knife, but they didn't seem to want to fight.

Good, he knew them, moreso the blonde in the tankini (Who the hell sunbathes in a situation like this?). After all, before Nikki, there'd been Charlene. It hadn't been quite as serious a relationship as his current one, but the months he'd spent with her had been really fun, especially at night. Even if he no longer missed having the cheerleader/tennis star in his bed, he liked to think they still got on well enough, bar an interesting conversation where he'd had to convince Charlie he hadn't just switched her out for a girl with bigger tits.

The things you remember when your life's on the line. As long as she doesn't shoot at me...

"Oh, hey Charlie. And Kiera, right? Sorry about that."

He reminded himself not to stare.
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Post by decoy73 »

Keira complemented Charlie's new look, and then sat down and took out a book as Charlie just let her thoughts drift to what would really make this a good trip to the beach.

"Oh, hey Charlie. And Kiera, right? Sorry about that."

Charlie's thoughts were interrupted by a male voice to her left. She turned her head and propped herself into a sitting position before raising her sunglasses to the familiar boy a few feet away.

"Hello, David." Charlie smiled. It was David Jackson, her former boyfriend. It had been a fun few months having him with her, but like most things in high school, it ended. That type of shit happened. What Charlie didn't like was his next girlfriend, the uptight Nicole Husher. Ugh. That girl was all this and that about "sexual harassment," which was probably Nicole-speak for "getting hit on." Plus there was the fact that Charlie had initially thought that David was simply going after somebody with a better rack. Either way, David wasn't that bad, and he was pretty hot.

"Wanna join us?" For a moment, the thought crossed Charlie's mind that she would sound a little crazy, especially since she was, during a death game, completely ignoring the situation and sunbathing in a tankini while holding a machine gun in her right hand, but at that moment, she didn't really care.
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Post by Aura »

Okay, I got the rough sketch done, now I just have to smooth out these lines and add some color, and we'll be-

Oh, hey Charlie. And Keira, right? Sorry about that."

Keira looked up from her sketch to see the newcomer, David Jackson. Keira knew David beccause he was the pitcher for the school's baseball team. She was also aware of the fact that he used to date Charlie, and that he ended up leaving her for Nicole Husher. Guess he just had a thing for girls with huge racks.

Thankfully, Charlie didn't try to shoot him on sight, so at least there was no tension. In fact, Charlie even asked David to join them. This seemed odd to Keira, but then again, you need all the allies you can get when you're on an island swarming with potential killers, even if those allies happen to be ex-boyfriends. Deciding that her drawing could wait until later, she addressed the athlete.

"Let me guess, they gave you a baseball."

Keira chuckled at her little joke. If they actually did give him a baseball, though, then it would cross right over to being hilarious.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Inactivity avoidance squad ... assemble! Also, sorry for the short post.))

"Let me guess, they gave you a baseball." Charlie had to chuckle at that. Star pitcher receiving a baseball as a weapon. That was just funny.

"Please tell me you didn't. You'd be deadlier with a ball than any gun ever made." She looked down for a second before looking back up at David. "Seriously, though. I know it kinda looks weird, but if you want, you can join us in ignoring the game for while. It couldn't hurt any."
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Post by Aura »

((Inactivity avoidance post))

Keira watched David as she waited for him to answer her. Charlie was playing along, too, telling him that he was deadlier with a baseball than he was with a gun. Keira almost started laughing again, but she was able to hold it in. Charlie invited David to join them in ignoring the game, which Keira didn't have any objections to.

"Well? Come on, we don't bite."
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Post by Slayer* »

(Sorry about that, stuff got in the way.)

David had a hard time not staring. Here was his ex-girlfriend just chilling out in a skimpy tankini with a machine gun, completely ignoring the fact they were supposed to be fighting to the death. Ignoring the game sounded okay, for a little while, but was Charlie out of her mind?

...Scratch that, more out of her mind than usual? Maybe she had a point, but it sounded like just asking for trouble. Even if his eyes lingered a little on areas they weren't supposed to linger on any more, and her outfit reminded him of nice afternoons sipping drinks and making out at the poolside.

Afternoons he was supposed to be spending with Nikki, before these assholes turned up. That spoiled his good mood right then and there, but... would it really hurt to take his mind off things for a few minutes?

"I got a chainsaw, actually," he said with a grimace. "I ditched it a little while ago... this sounds like just asking for trouble, but I guess getting off my feet for a minute won't kill me."

With that, he settled down comfortably next to Charlie, letting out a sigh. His feet really were hurting from all that wandering around. "So, you ladies see anyone else yet?"

Preferably a certain heavily-endowed redhead, but even if none of them had seen Nikki, knowing who was around and maybe who'd already gone nuts would be useful.
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Post by decoy73 »

David frowned, admitting that he had been given a chainsaw, which he had thrown away. It seemed like a dumb thing to do.

Isn't a chainsaw a pretty sweet weapon for a zombie apocalypse?

With that thought, Charlie looked at David. It was kinda funny and cute, really. Less so given that they were going to be picked off one by one, but still ... he was staring at her. She smiled, not at that fact, but at David sitting down beside her. A little like it was before.

"So, you ladies see anyone else yet?"

Charlie lay back down and stretched out her back. "Sorry. I woke up here, and then I met Keira." She readjusted her shades so they were on her face again. "That's all I know."
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