
lol I'm not even in this thread anymore I have no power here

The Aloha Daycare Center is made up of two parts. A small building painted to look like a bright tropical beach scene and a larger play area made up of multiple rope bridges, ball pits, platforms up to higher areas and slides. Inside the building is an area more suited for younger children so that they can play without the risk of the bigger play area because of this the floor is matted and there are many beanbags and soft foam blocks lying around for the kids to play with. The idea behind the center is that it’s where parents can drop off their kids before heading for a walk down the boardwalk or visiting the Palms Spa and Salon.
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Post by Flare* »

Offense taken.

Of course, there was the even more troubling fact that she was now closer to wanting to put a bullet through him. It looked like he was going to have to play it her way... for now, at least. The first part of that was easy enough.

"Colin. Nice to meet you."

And then things got even more complicated.

Some other guy showed up out of nowhere, pointing a gun right at Jewel. It was like a Mexican stand-off, only he was the moron who had brought his fists to the gun fight. And the other guy wasn't from his school, because of course he wasn't. But, at the moment, he didn't care. Someone was there to help him not get shot, and that was all he really wanted.

"Weird. I was thinking the same thing," he replied upon learning his threatener's name. Jewel. That did seem like exactly the kind of special snowflake name that made a kid a mass murderer.

"Oh yeah, thanks for helping out. What's your name?" he asked, a bit more at ease now that the pressure was on Jewel as well. His chances were seeming brighter.

His arms were getting tired, though.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Jewel was odd one out in a triangle once again. Because she had already been pointing the gun at the boy—whose name was now Colin—she still had a bargaining chip. The newcomer she glimpsed out of the corner of her eye who went to her school was Yagmur. All Jewel knew about him was he was the guy with the freaky fucked up hand and he was pointing a gun at her. Her attention had not been spread wide enough; she had been so focused on the front door that she had not considered other points of entry.

They decided to insult her name, which was something that stung a little but was also superficial and stupid and besides she could always get her revenge later, once she was out of this rough spot. The tingling had become prickles, sparks shooting through her body as her breathing improbably slowed down.

"I think," she said, "we'll have to compromise here. Yagmur, what are you looking for?"

She tried to sound confident but could not say whether she succeeded. Yagmur's gun was newer than hers, nicer apparently. She could upgrade later, if the opportunity arose. He expected her to be cowed, but that didn't work with how she saw things. She was not the least powerful person in the room. Depending on what Yagmur understood, she really might be in the best position.

"I should point out that I can still shoot Colin," she added. "I can probably turn around and make sure you don't walk away either. Ever heard of the Tueller Drill?

"But none of us want that to happen."
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Post by General Goose »

Well, that was the names sorted. The other guy was Colin, Colin knew he was called Yagmur. Would probably mangle it first time he tried saying it, but baby steps.

Yagmur was not intimidated by her attempt to reassert her authority. He didn't blink when she threatened to kill Colin. He would prefer to avoid it, but he wasn't one for crying over people he didn't know. He'd try to save the guy's life, with diplomacy if possible, but he wasn't going to mentally collapse at just the mere thought of this guy dying sooner than he would otherwise. Maybe if it actually happened, it'd be another matter, but for now, resolving this matter semi-peacefully was one of pride.

"I am familiar with the Tueller Drill," Yagmur said. Well, stumbled upon it a few weeks ago during a late-night Wiki walk. "But if I remember correctly, doesn't it refer to holstered firearms?" Putting on a patronising tone, he shuffled his feet, and refocused his gun straight on Jewel's head. "This gun doesn't look holstered to me. I'm not an expert, maybe you can correct me."

He hoped he was right about the Tuellar Drill.

"So, what compromise you got in mind?" Yagmur continued. "Because unless you've got Godly reflexes and an incredible sprint, you're not in the strongest position here."
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Post by Flare* »

The new guy - Yagmur, apparently - was busy trying to negotiate a way out of the situation. The way Colin saw it, there were two options: Either the guy was really just nice enough to bust in and try and save him, or he had some sort of ulterior motive. He'd look into that later, though. Assuming he wasn't dead.

Unfortunately, he wasn't really in a position to be part of the talks. No weapon, no voice - that looked like it was how things were going to work around here. He made a mental note of that.

Feeling his arms ache, Colin locked his fingers behind his head and tried to relax. He still couldn't put his arms down - the situation was even more tense than it had been before. He felt like his limbs would start falling off before he even got the chance to to be shot.

"I guess it comes down to what you want, really. I... might have some stuff to give you, if you'd be interested."

Colin bit his lip. He would hate to give away his supplies this early, considering how precious they might be... but it was a better alternative to dying, that was for sure.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"It also refers to trained police officers," Jewel did not say in response to Yagmur's clarification. It might have been impolitic. Besides, it would be a gamble on whether anything she said even meant a thing to him unless he also followed the sorts of TV debates she did.

She knew a lot about the ways people messed up with guns on the show and also she knew about just how often people had lucky flukes at point blank range and at improbable ranges. She did not know what Colin was talking about when he cut in, to whom he was offering supplies. He was a distraction, now, a prop more than an actor on the stage, the crux of the dispute between Yagmur and herself. Either Yagmur would immediately open fire on her or he would easily let her leave were Colin not present. Which, that was the question.

"You want to walk away," Jewel said. "Colin wants to walk away. I want to walk away."

Yagmur had  lost his chance to win any special concessions in the bargaining since he had not told her what he wanted when she asked, turning the question around instead. Fine with Jewel. Colin's presence was irritating her and really things would be a lot simpler if she shot him and then kept talking to Yagmur without a third party there spouting inanities and providing nothing of use. Unfortunately, at this juncture an attempt to streamline the situation would likely not be well received.

"So we all walk away," she continued. "I walk—slowly, of course—out the door. I keep my gun on Colin but I don't kill him and you don't try your luck against me. If we see each other again, we agree not to ambush each other."

Her heart thumped harder and louder and she liked this idea, liked the thought of them giving warning next time they met, doing something a little different.

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Post by General Goose »

Yagmur didn't reply for a few seconds.

He hadn't even paid attention to Colin. He was, to put it impolitely, not the most important person in the room right now. He was neither particularly dangerous or important, and could be safely ignored. Yagmur was only paying the bare minimum amount of attention to him, enough to notice if he pulled out a gun or did anything interesting. He just meekly said some pathetic words, and Yagmur didn't notice them. Both Jewel and Yagmur seemed to agree on how Colin was just a superfluous third wheel here.

"Fine," he said, in response to Jewel, backing up his words by steadying his aim, keeping it focused right at Jewel's torso. He'd decided that a headshot would be too risky, and would probably miss. "Fine. Walk away, Jewel. We all keep our stuff, we all respect each other, and we don't try and infringe on each other's person or property until the end game." Jewel would not keep her promise to not ambush them at the end game, at the very least, so Yagmur had to make it clear he knew the stakes.

Addressing Colin, while still keeping his eyes and gun on Jewel, he spoke brusquely. "Colin, you can leave too, or you can stay with me, we work out a temporary alliance. Your choice, I can't say I particularly care."
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Post by Flare* »

Jewel seemed to mostly ignore Colin's offer. That annoyed him a little bit, but hey, he didn't have to give up his supplies.

The negotiation appeared to be that all of them would simply walk away, same as they came in. That was pretty much the best Colin would get out of this situation.

Until the other guy offered to take Colin along with him.

Colin's heart skipped a beat for what was probably around the fourth time within that minute. He finally had someone who was willing to stick with him, possibly plan this crazy game out with him. Someone with a gun, no less.

Turns out being held at gunpoint CAN have some advantages.

"I think I'll play it safe and stay with you. You know, if that matters to anyone," he replied, making sure to shoot an annoyed glance Jewel's way.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Slowly and carefully and with her gun held tight, Jewel backed off. It was time to walk away. Yagmur had misconstrued Jewel's offer; she had really meant only that, so as to avoid a repeat of their current situation, she expected all involved to extend the courtesy of shouting a warning before opening fire in the future. She would take a leg up beyond that. For the moment, a ceasefire until Endgame was interesting and useful.

But they tested her resolve. They brushed her off and ignored her. Jewel had her belongings, and she had the first boy's, and she did not need the girl's. She could walk straight out. Only her own desires held her back.

The pounding was almost deafening, but she could clearly hear what Colin and Yagmur were saying to each other. They were making plans, and she was not part of them. They trusted her enough to act as though she was already gone.

She wanted to teach them the error of their ways by killing Colin. A quick shot from the door, duck out it and away, maybe wait right out of sight and get the drop on Yagmur should he follow. But the time wasn't right and her aim was untested and really she didn't have enough agency here to guarantee she'd get what she wanted.

So she left, just like she'd said she would.

But she didn't like it.

((Jewel Evans continued in Deliver Us))
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Post by General Goose »

Jewel left.

But he didn't trust that two-faced, greedy, psycho, grade-A bitch.

So, a half-minute after Jewel had moved out of vision, he held up his hand to motion for Colin to stay back. He made sure his gun was ready, double-checked the safety was off (thankfully it already was, or Jewel's weird police tactics that hopefully she only knew the names of would have been a lot more dangerous), and advanced slowly towards the door. He made sure to keep his footsteps as silent and steady as possible, so she wouldn't hear him coming. It was hard. He was a large man, and not a graceful or agile one at that, but he made sure not to step on any squeaky toy blocks or whatever sprinkled on the floor.

When he reached the door, he paused. He tried to listen, could hear nothing but his breathing and some wind, plus some more disturbing noise in the background, thankfully too distant to be dangerous. Okay. It was unlikely someone new would be walking past, and there was a chance Jewel hadn't tried to make the jump on them. But it was a small chance, and he didn't like the odds.

Ultimately, he decided not to risk sticking his body out, and instead fired two shots in quick succession, both aimed at the opposite sides of the door. No scream. No jump. No body hitting the ground. It was now quite likely that Jewel wasn't out there, so he decided to risk sticking his head and his gun out. His ears were ringing, and his right hand was aching something fierce from the recoil, but he would have plenty of time to deal with that.

With a sigh of frustration, he noticed one of the bullets hadn't fully penetrated the wall. Might have been a lethal failing if Jewel had still been there. But she wasn't.

Fiddling with his ears to try and fix the ringing, he motioned for Colin to follow him.

((Yagmur Tekindor continued Take That Money, Watch It Burn.))
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Post by Flare* »

Jewel was out of the room, but things stayed silent.

Colin wanted to let out a deep breath, to thank this guy for getting him out of it, to possibly rant about stuff for a couple of minutes, to do a lot of stuff, really. But Yagmur was still tense, so Colin was still tense. And he kept quiet.

He almost let out a yell of surprise as Yagmur let a couple of shots loose, but he kept himself contained... though he did lean over the big guy's shoulder to see if he had hit anything. Didn't look like it.

Probably just paranoid. Hell, I'd be too.

Afterwards, Yagmur just motioned for Colin to follow him out of the daycare. There was a little flutter of relief just at that thought. He had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Well, he hadn't really done that as much as Yagmur had, but he was ignoring that for now.

Outwardly, Colin just shrugged and casually trailed his new partner out of the building. The thought crossed his mind that Yagmur might be a bit worked up... but then again, what did he know? He didn't have the fucking gun.

((Colin Pigeon continued elsewhere.))
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