When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

DC - Inky's Turn, Outfoxd's Turn

Sandbox threads from TV1.
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Post by Fiori »

"More interesting, eh? I certainly hope so."

Amber couldn't help but take note of Eloise's subtle eyebrow raising, curious as to what she was implying. Naturally, she had her own little personal interpretation for what it meant, but the little shred of common sense which resided within her head told the frisky young woman that it would be unwise to assume that was the case.

That being said, a part of her was always curious as to whether or not Eloise's supposed bisexuality was genuine. After all, despite all of Amber's hopes, she'd never seen any REAL evidence for that being the case. Sure, she tended to take Amber's playful flirting better then some of her other friends did, but she never showed any signs of returning the favour. In all honesty, it was only because of this slight doubt that Amber hadn't attempted at making any genuine advancements. No point in ruining a good friendship via making false assumptions, right?

Then again.....

"Yeah, he's outside with Odile. Odile's here, by the way."

Ah, now THIS was good news.

Amber's eyes widened as she heard Odile's name being mentioned, almost completely forgetting what she had asked Eloise mere moments ago. A bright smile formed on her lips as she reached down into her handbag.

"Odile's here?!? Omigod, why didn't you say so earlier!" she said, taking out a small tube of reddish-pink lipstick and applying it immediately afterwords. After all, she had to make sure she looked good in front of one of her favourite friends. Especially when said friend was a girl whom Amber had a particular liking towards... This. is. PERFECT! All we need now is for Sterling and Danisha to show up and we'll finally have a party on our hands! SWEET!

After she'd applied her make-up and returned the lipstick to her handbag, the energetic young woman finally turned her attention back to Eloise.

"So, how do I look? I've been dying to try this cherry flavoured lipstick for weeks now..."

Of course, she didn't mention the fact that said lipstick actually belonged to her sister Hayley, and that she'd decided to borrow it for tonight. Not that Eloise really needed to know that.

"...Care to test it out?" she joked. Well, half-joked anyway. She didn't honestly expect Eloise to take her offer seriously, although if she actually DID take it, then who was she to complain? Still, that didn't stop her from smiling mischievously and giving her friend a playful wink nevertheless...
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

"Sooooo I might be taking that now, I can't be too sober here, huh?" came a girl's voice, ever-so-slightly clearer than the other voices that made up the warehouse. Skye snapped out of his daze to see Anna standing in front of him.

Shit... I've been blacking out so much tonight. It can't be the drinks; I've only had one. Dammit, maybe I'm just distracted or something, he thought, taking a moment to take in Anna's intrusion to his fading consciousness.

He went over her words quickly to himself and determined that she was asking for a beer. He handed her one of the two beers that he had grabbed, saying something along the lines of "Here you go." Damn, I can't even keep track of what I'm saying... I'd hate to see what'd be going through my head if I was drunk off my ass.

He stood on his toes for a second to look around and see where Amber was. He saw her talking with some girl whom he couldn't really recognize from where he stood. He'd probably know who it was upon getting a little closer. He gave Anna a thumbs-up, said "good luck with the video thing," and started walking in Amber's direction.

He hummed in order to keep his mind busy so that he wouldn't phase out again. He didn't know the song that was blaring out from Sam's speakers, so he just hummed "Here Comes the Sun."

"Maybe I'm just getting tired," he said aloud, trying to assess why he kept drifting away from reality. He checked his watch, still pushing through the nameless people who were blocking his way.

Here comes the sun and I say 'It's alright...'
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Post by Acidic* »

((Sterling Odair continued from Doorways))

Sterling walked into the were house filled with music and people. He saw one group that Amber was in with Skye, Anna, and Eloise. Amber was on of his fuck buddies, but he had to keep it on the down low for Amber who didn't want people to know about their relationship. Skye he had seen at other parties, and had a bit of an alcohol problem last year. Anna he know little about, and that was from around school and via Amber. There was a rumor that her friend Anthony had a thing for her, but he never made a move. Eloise he also knew about via Amber.

As he walked over to group he noticed another clique near the food table Made of Jaszmine Johnson, Anthony Rollins, Devonte Washington, and Marcus Walker. Marcus and Devonte he played basketball with. While they were both fun to be around Sterling found that Devonte didn't take to criticism well, but it was easily worked with when Sterling stopped giving him pointers. Sterling didn't know Anthony or Jaszmine that well.

When he got to Amber's group Sterling smiled and greeted them with,

"Hey guys. What's up?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony watched, amused at Devonte's tirade, and was about to comment on the whole "yeasty" debacle before Marcus beat him to it. It was ok. At least someone asked the question.

"You do what you need to, D. You my brother and everything, but let's face it...." Anthony took another swig of his pop. "Goldman'd kick your ass. Dude's built like a brick shithouse."

And then Jaszmin was giving Anthony the full story, and much like he suspected it was simple, all having to do with Goldman, again. He thought back to the conversation he had with her back at the mall awhile ago. He kept his mouth shut. He knew how much she wanted to just bury it already.

"Alright then Devonte, but if you gotta go don't go walking again. Just because you black don't mean you have a ticket to run around the D and not get shot or picked up." He reached out and pinched Devonte's cheek. "You just too pretty."

Anthony grinned.
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Post by BetaKnight* »

“Man, did I stutter?” Devonte glared at Marcus. “You heard me. They yeasty. “ He gestured at the party going on around him. “They some pale, funky-ass, self-inflated little blobs of dough. Look at them. Seriously. Look. At. Them.”

He cast a disparaging glance around the building. “They here, bopping along, sippin’ they pops. They think this the shit. The highlight of the night for them will be to end up making drunk assholes of themselves and Anna and Anferny recording it for everyone to see. Instant celebrity.” He snorted as he watched yet another person crowd the girl.

Turning to Anthony, he flashed the other boy a wry grin. “Nah, really? Thank you for clearin’ that shit up. I was unaware he could stomp a nigga. That’s why I kept running my mouth and invited that asswhoopin’.”

Crushing his pop can, he threw it towards the trash can and sank it like it was a basketball. If he had been paying attention, he would have noticed Anthony’s movement before he got ahold of his cheeks. Instead, he had to stand still for the pinching.

“That mean you willing to give me and Marcus a ride home? ‘Cause, seriously, as folks get more drunk, more shit bound to pop off. And you know my grandmamma. If I get caught up in something, she’ll smack the black offa me.” Devonte glanced over that the herd gathered around Anna. “You’d have to leave your girl all unprotected and Amber got that predatory glint in her eyes.”
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Jaszmine glared at Marcus, trying to burn a hole into his face. "Last time I checked, y'all were kissing the ground I walk on, so one of you best be fetching me a drink. And make it a strong one, bitch!" She waved Marcus away, rolling her eyes and turning to the rest of the group.

"Shit, Devonte's pretty? Since when did they change what pretty means? I need to keep myself up to date. Shit!" She laughed, rolling her eyes. "Nah, Devonte's fucking gorgeous, we all know he Miss America- ain't none of those skinny white bitches can compare to him."

Jaszmine pulled a mock queenly wave out, curtsying and blowing kisses.

"And shit, if Devonte's getting a ride, I am too. You ain't gonna leave me here to fend for myself against these means streets, right? I mean, what am I supposed to do- throw out well timed insults until I scare the robbers away? Fuck that shit, you taking me with you. Besides, I can't walk in these shoes."

Jaszmine turned to the white-girl-group, looking them up and down. "Shit, is Lyons gonna rape someone again? We need to report that damn girl. And you really gonna let another girl take your Snowflake Anthony? I mean, unless you're into that shit, in which case, I don't think I wanna ride home with your ass anymore."

She laughed at her own joke, shaking her head. She turned back to Marcus, clapping in front of his face. "And hey! Slave! Where the fuck is my drink! Don't make me whip your ass."
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

"Hell yeah Devonte is pretty. Why you think I'm busting my ass to keep his out of trouble? Don't need my boy being someone's bitch inside, y'know?"

Marcus gave Devonte a bit of a nudge before he stalked off to get miss Jaszmine her drink. What he wouldn't tell her is that the moment he picked up the can, he gave it more than a few good shakes. All in good fun, of course. Of course. Totally wasn't because of the clapping. And it totally wasn't revenge. Totally. But Marcus did as he was told, and got Jaszmine her drink. He was just a bit too excited tonight to be a complete pushover. It was a party, he was with his friends, and he was having a pretty good time.

Of course, he knew what her reaction would be. He knew exactly what she would do. That's why he gave Devonte a look. And then a small motion of the head, pointing to the door. Cause Marcus just knew Devonte would damn near laugh his ass right off, and Jaszmine would have none of that.

Marcus could fit two on his motorcycle... maybe.

"Man, I keep watching the clock like I got Devonte's grand mama waitin' for me to come back instead of my own."

Again, a glance at his watch. He knew they were planning on leaving, it was just a matter of when. Like, when was Jaszmine going to open that can?

"I think I'll dip out here in a bit, help Laney with her homework and watch some more of the shit I got at the mall. Devonte, you want in?"

Devonte was an ass at times but he was good enough around Laney and Grant. And Marcus' grand mama. Cause every good ghetto boy knew not to cross the grandmother.

Escape plan? Escape plan.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony was about to make the offer to drive people again after everyone had chimed in, but then Marcus had offered to run Devonte home, and so Jaszmin was the only one up for the ride. Devonte was close-by, but Jazmin lived way the fuck on the other side of town. He loved her and everything, but gas was five bucks a gallon and the Ranger wasn't a fucking Honda. Best if he could get both Anna and Jaszmin together, because he was damned if he was going to making that trip twice.

"Jaszy, I got you, but if I'm rolling you home then we gotta hold out until Anna's done. Gonna take a hot fucking minute on your ride."

Anthony polished off his drink, looked over at Anna talking to Amber. "Amber wants in on that, she can damn well try. Anna'll turn it into a theatrical performance. With trailers and a critic screening." He smirked, gave a small laugh.

"So can you hold out for a little while?" he said to Jaszmin. "By the way, one of these days I'm gonna be calling in all this gas money y'all owe me."
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Post by Chib* »

(Gawd I've missed a lot whilst not paying attention. Here goes nothing, time to get back into Mini and keep it that way.)

"Odile's here?!? Omigod, why didn't you say so earlier!"

Why didn't I say so earlier? Because we only just started speaking, maybe? Okay not only just. But the two had barely exchanged greetings before Eloise had mentioned Odile's presence, and she was hardly the type to just come out with it as the very first thing she said to Amber. Not that she made any of that logic vocal, Amber was one of the few people that Eloise actually wanted to keep as a friend, and offending her with sarcastic remarks probably wasn't the best way to go about it. Instead, she just shrugged, not giving any real answer.

In the mean time, Amber seemed to be doing something to her face. Applying lipstick? Odd time to do it, would've made more sense to put make-up on before leaving home, wouldn't it? The sense of it didn't really matter, though, Eloise could think of a couple of reasons for leaving it until the last minute, not great ones, but still valid enough.

"So, how do I look? I've been dying to try this cherry flavoured lipstick for weeks now..."

Yeah, that would make sense, making it a sort of special kind of thing. And having it fresh on minutes before the rather obviously intended use did have a certain appeal, come to think of it.

"...Care to test it out?"

Not that kind of appeal, though. Was Amber attractive? Yes. Did Eloise appreciate that? Yes. Did she personally find Amber attractive? No. However...

"I thought you'd never ask."

Eloise had appearances to keep up. Namely, the appearance of an ever-so-slightly-slutty-without-being-a-slut, cool bisexual/pansexual/whateversexual hipster sort of person. And maintaining a façade like that sometimes meant making sacrifices, like kissing other girls in public. No sooner had Amber given her the suggestive wink, had Eloise leaned forwards (to make up for the considerable difference in height) and pressed her lips to Amber's. It was originally intended to be the merest peck, but... damnit, that cherry did taste nice, and Amber was far from a bad kisser, such that even Eloise could close her eyes and enjoy this.
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Post by BetaKnight* »

Devonte was feeling petulant enough to consider making a scene when Marcus brushed past him. Decided to get even with the other boy upon his return, he careful watched his friend out of the corner of his eye. As Marcus gave the pop can a few good shakes, it dawned on him what Marcus was doing.

It took every ounce of his willpower not to burst in to a huge grin. If Jaszmine noticed that Marcus had shook the can all to hell, she’d whoop his ass and it would be funny. If she didn’t, then there’d be a fountain of pop all over anyone too close to the can. Which meant that for once, Anferny and Jaszmine were gonna be the ones looking a fool instead of him and Marcus. No matter how this turned out, it was gonna be funny.

As he returned, Marcus flashed him a look and nodded his head a bit. The larger boy then offered him a ride home, which, in reality, was more of a fast escape from the scene of the crime. Oh, my man Marcus, Devonte thought as he bit his lip in an effort to keep it together. Knew my dawg would not abandon a nigga to the wrath of the princess.

He tried his best to play it cool as he responded to Marcus’ offer. “Yeah, man. Let’s the hell outta here, the sooner the better. All we need is to get caught up in it if something happens. Besides, if Anna and Jaszmine have to battle it out for space in the Ranger, I wanna be as far away from that shit as possible.”

“Man, I don’t know why you sweating us about that. You know we good for it,” he off-handedly assured Anthony. The urge to turn tail and run before Jaszmine opened that can of pop was strong, but it warred with the hilarity of seeing what would happen when it was opened. Man, she gonna whoop our asses, he thought with glee.
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Jaszmine took her soda from Marcus, grinning triumphantly. "Why thank you, boy, it's about time you did something good for yourself." She was about to crack it open when Anthony mentioned Anna. Jaszmine looked up, quirking an eyebrow at the boy. "I don't mind riding with Snowflake so long as you don't mind me asking her why you two ain't fucking yet." Jaszmine liked Anna, but she also liked making Anthony as uncomfortable as possible because, hey, it was amusing.

Devonte and Marcus seemed to be up to something, but they pretty much always were and Jaszy didn't want to keep track of what shit they were getting into now. Once again she started to open her drink, only to get her eye caught by something else.

"Oh hey, look. Looks like the white bitches is gonna be making out for attention again. Damn girls can't keep their tits in their bras, can they? Hos." Jaszmine laughed again. "I can't tell if they really lesbians or if it's just for attention anymore. White girls can't ever make their motivations clear. Damn."

Finally, Jaszmine cracked open her soda, rolling her eyes. Foam fizzed over the top, spilling on her hands and spraying on her clothes. "What the fuck?!" She turned at glared at Marcus. "You goddamned shithead! You the fuck you think you is nigga! These are my fucking clothes you bitch!"

She whipped the can at Marcus' head, gritting her teeth together. "I don't know why I even fucking bother hanging out with niggas like you. Y'all are less than me, that's for damn sure. Shit!"

She glared at Devonte. "I save your damn ass from Bobby Goldman, and you spray soda in my face? Well you ain't ever getting help again, damn bitches."

She crossed her arms, closing her eyes. Jaszy was pissed, and pissed-off Jaszmine was a force to be reckoned with.
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

There comes a time in every man's life that experts refer to as the "Holy Shit, Drop the Beer" moment. According to Webster's Dictionary, it typically involves a male between the ages of 17 and 35 dropping a beer as an instinctive reaction to some bizarre or frustrating happenstance. A beer is not always present, but it commonly is.

This time came for Skye the moment he witnessed some (admittedly hot) girl that he talked to occasionally kissing the girl he had been chasing for the entirety of that night.

There was a crash as the bottle crashed against the floor, unleashing its contents on the unsuspecting public. People, seemingly in slow-motion, started to spread out a little, making faces that said Dude, shit! Pick that shit up before someone steps on it!

Everything aside from the scene that was currently taking place seemed to fade into oblivion. People disappeared in a puff of smoke, the music somehow started to drown itself out, and Skye stood there motionless. His face shared the paleness and blankness of the common zombie.

Then, after a brief moment, the party entered back into reality. "Shit," Skye said aloud in a breath-taken monotone. He looked down and saw the broken pieces of bottle. Like most anyone else would do in his situation, he turned around dazedly so that he could retrieve another drink.

No matter with whom it was that she was making out, Skye still owed Amber a drink.

Here comes the sun, and I said 'It's alright...'
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Post by Fiori »

In all honesty, Amber did NOT see this coming.

She'd assumed at first that Eloise would have replied to her offer with a snarky, sarcastic remark of some description, which would have been perfectly fine in itself considering the fact that it was exactly the kind of reaction Amber was hoping for. Something along the lines of "Yeah, let me get back to you on that..." or even a surprised "Uh, what?" was what Amber was expecting.

"I thought you'd never ask.", on the other hand, followed by an especially juicy kiss was a reaction that caught her completely out of the blue.

Oh my god oh my god, is this really happening?!? Am I REALLY getting a genuine kiss from Eloise Winterburn?!?


The second Amber got over the initial shock of what was happening to her, which took approximately two or three seconds, she closed her widened eyes and enjoyed the waves of pleasure coursing through her body to the fullest extent. The sweet feeling of Eloise's succulent lips against hers was something that she'd been dying to experience for GOD knows how long, and if anything had proven to be even more enjoyable then Amber had ever hoped it would be.

Of course, she couldn't just let things end there and then. Not when she was just beginning to enjoy the taste of her friend's desirable lips. So to stop Eloise from pulling back anytime soon, the frisky young girl placed her delicate hands around the back of Eloise's head and back and pulled her in just a LITTLE bit closer.

The outside world seemed to be fade away as Amber lost herself to the passionate lip lock she had unintentionally found herself in. She had almost completely forgotten WHY she had applied her cherry lipstick in the first place, or that she was still technically in the middle of a party surrounded by a plethora of faceless party guests. None of that seemed to matter anymore as she continued to passionately kiss Eloise, her right hand ruffling her friend's blond hair as her left clutched onto her back, refusing to let go no matter what. The only time that Amber ever pulled back was so that she could take a quick breath before pushing her lips against Eloise's once more with twice as much fervour.

If Amber had been paying attention, she would have realised that Eloise was trying to urgently tell her something. However, in a moment of impulse, Amber tilted her head to the left and opened up her lips, her tongue rushing out and invading the inside of Eloise's mouth before she could say a single word of protest. For a brief second, she wondered if she was taking this a LITTLE too far, but promptly ignored her common sense once her moist tongue made contact with Eloise's whilst exploring her mouth. She wasn't sure how long exactly she stood there for, with her tongue dancing with Eloise's inside the other girl's mouth, but over time she slowly began to realise that she happened to be the one doing all the work here. And when she opened her eyes to look into Eloise's, she noticed that her friend's attention seemed to be on something to the right of them.

It wasn't until she slowly turned her head to find Sterling Odair standing right beside them with a wide-eyed look on his face that she finally pulled back completely, her freshly applied lipstick looking more then a little dishevelled as she began to pant after experiencing such an enthusiastic make-out session.

"St-St-St-STERLING! Oh my god, I didn't see you there!" she laughed, her initial embarrassment almost instantly turning to hilarity as she found herself laughing uncontrollably at the entire situation. God, everyone must be watching us right now! HAH!

"M-Me and Eloise were just testing out this new cherry flavoured lipstick I brought and, well, I guess you could say we kinda got carried away!" she said before resuming her fit of laughter, her hand resting on Eloise's shoulder to keep herself from falling over.

That... Was SOOO fucking worth it! And best of all, I'm not even drunk yet!
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Post by Acidic* »

Holy shit. This is awesome! Sterling thought as he watched Amber and Eloise make out. Even with Amber's insistence that she was completely straight she was the one enthusiastic about the situation. Around the party a few kids had been taking pictures with their phones, and Sterling reached in his pocket to get his. Then he heard the sound of glass shattering as Skye dropped a bottle of beer at the site of Amber and Eloise making out. The mess of alcohol and glass stopped a good foot from him, with some stray drops landing on his pants.

As he left Sterling got his phone to camera mode, held it up to get the two of them in frame, and a soft click later he had Eloise Winterburn and Amber Lyons sucking face on the screen of his phone (which would later become his new background). As he went to put the phone away when there was small commotion. He looked over to see Jaszmine Johnson had soda sprayed on her from a can, and the group of boys around her laughing.

With all the beer on the ground I think the dead homies are gonna be plastered. He turned back to Eloise trying to break the kiss, and looking at Sterling. Realizing he was still holding the phone up, Oh shit she saw! he thought in a slight panic as he hurriedly put it in his pocket as Amber looked at him. She broke the kiss and started to laugh. Saying that hey were trying out her cherry flavored lipstick. Personally, he liked her sour apple flavored lipstick.

Amber talked to him with her hand on Eloise's shoulder. Still elated from the kiss. Sterling just grinned like an idiot and nodded his head,

"I don't think anyone minded."
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Post by Brackie »

((I think I've been skipped a few times in here >.>))

Anna remained in Skye's shadow for most of the time. It was, like, rather unintentional, they just happened to be going the same way, and wham, she saw everything he saw.

That of course meant her jeans were now soaked in beer and glasses of shards.

But do you think Anna was concerned about that? Not really. For once, she broke her own little promise (okay, maybe not once, cough cough) and whipped out her camera as she saw her friend and another girl start sucking face.

Okay, okay, maybe Anna really wasn't that into spreading gossip. She was usually on the receiving end of some rather nasty little tidbits or rumours, and that tended to hurt her. It didn't hurt her physically, it didn't hurt Anthony, and it didn't hurt their show, and that was all that mattered though. So what was it really that made her whip out her camera and slide her finger to the •REC button.

Cause let's face it, no matter how much of a flirt Amber was, little goldmines like this only came around once in a while.

But there had to be another reason she was so interested in this, her little senses were picking up more than they let on. She looked to the side, and then noticed that there was a large soaking stain on her jeans. Beer. Mixed with tiny sparkles of glass. Didn't that used to be Skye's drink?

Anna looked up at the cause end of this fashion disaster, and saw him turn away awkwardly.


She shifted her view, blurring the world through that little screen she had, and followed him.

"Skye! Hey Skye!"

She tried grabbing for his shoulder, but missed through the crowd. She opted for running through the people aside of him and cutting him off. That one worked.

"So, uh....Skye, hey, uh, I see you owe me some new jeans, right?" No wait, wrong way to start a conversation. "No, wait, uh, lemme start that again. Do you...like Amber?"

Anna blinked, before realising she was still holding her camera in front of her like a Buddha monk holding a dove. She shook her head a bit, closed the screen, and held it down to her side.

"Whoops, sorry about that. Okay, spill."

There was just some things about life and parties and relationships that Anna did not get. Situations like this was one of those little things.
[+] Yesterday
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PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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